Does Your Diet Impact Your Empath Traits?

As an Empath you really are what you eat!

A healthy body is essential for a healthy Empath mind.

Although it may seem tedious to be told the importance of improving your diet, it is an essential component to finding balance as an Empath or HSP.

The majority of people, Empaths included, only attempt to change their diet as a way to lose weight. However, what most don’t realise, is how food can impact certain Empath traits in the most undesirable of ways.

We can all be guilty of avoiding the idea that certain foods are destructive to our emotional and physical health, because the most problematic foods have a powerful emotional hold over us.

I am not just talking about fast foods and processed junk, I am referring to foods that act like drugs within the body and mind.

Consumption of drug-like foods, or foods that trigger the stress hormones, can make your life as an Empath so much more unbearable than it should ever be.

Drug-like food, along with processed food, and foods to which you are intolerant, not only weaken the body, but they also impact your hormones and endocrine glands. They can lower your mood and, in some cases, cause severe mental disorders. They also make you as an Empath overly-sensitive to everyday life.

It is widely believed that if there is no physical ill-effect shortly after eating a certain food it is safe to consume. This is not true. Adverse food reactions may not show up in the body, or mind, for up to forty-eight hours after consumption. And even then, the symptoms may seem minor.

If any type of food causes stress to your system, it can unnecessarily activate your stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. Which can lead to a host of health problems.

Click here for the Empath symptom checker

If as an Empath you find you suffer depression or become easily overwhelmed, you need to look at your diet. Whatever goes into the body, via the mouth, not only affects the body but it also affects your mind and emotions.

Wrong food choices heighten all negative emotional responses and cause unnecessary heartache. Here are just some of the reactions certain foods cause:

  • Paranoia
  • Increased emotional sensitivities
  • Depression and low moods
  • Mood swings
  • Overreacting to other people’s energy
  • Irrational fears and phobias
  • Excessive introversion
  • Disruption in hormones

Your intuition is always at work, behind the scenes, trying to get your attention about self-care. Sadly, too often, these promptings go unnoticed for the simple reason you are unaware of their importance.

Your intuition works in wonderful ways. When it wants to grab your attention about your diet, you may find yourself being drawn to certain websites, books or magazines, that contain information on nutritional health and wellbeing. For example: you may have had thoughts about eliminating refined sugar, and when you walk past a newsstand, you notice all the magazines with articles relating to sugar elimination, you may go into a bookshop and the books that, jump out at you, all relate to sugar-free lifestyles, or when surfing the internet, you come across posts on the hazards of consuming refined sugar.

Most Empaths already have an inkling of what they should or shouldn’t consume to stay healthy because their inner Knowing is constantly guiding them.

Those nagging feelings, that something is not a fit, is your intuition at work trying to get your attention. But as humans we also have a weakness for the forbidden fruit and we don’t always want to listen to our inner-guidance.

If you want to see real magic happen within your life change your diet!

Foods that don’t agree with you are the foods you become addicted to or cannot imagine living without… and yes, they have probably sprung to mind upon reading that sentence.

You may tell yourself the reason you do not progress in life is because your emotions hold you back, but many of your insecurities, fears and emotions are born from chemical reactions within the body caused by the wrong foods you eat.

Once you embark on the journey of self-healing, through changing your diet, you will be astounded at how your life shifts gears. Your happiness increases, your energy levels rise, your sense of purpose becomes defined, and much more. Yes, all from making some simple changes to your diet!

If you want to see life transformations then work at making changes to what you eat. I guarantee your mind will tell you otherwise, but the easiest way to experience this transformation is by overhauling your diet.

If you are interested in learning more about how diet impacts your Empath life and what foods are emotional triggers then you may want to read The Eating Plan for Empaths & HSPs


The Easy Permanent Path to Emotional Freedom, Weight-Loss, Health and Happiness!

Modern diets and lifestyles have taken too many Sensitive people down without them realizing. Most have no idea how food hinders their happiness or how making a couple of changes could transform their life.


The Eating Plan for Empaths & HSPs:

  • Exposes the true nature of drug-like food on your Sensitive traits
  • Reveals the easy-to-follow steps to overhaul your diet
  • Enables you to take back control of what you feel, think and absorb
  • Sets you up for a life of joy and emotional freedom
  • Shows you how to suppress and soothe Sensitivity stress
  • Promotes weight-loss and wellbeing

Click here to go to Amazon Store

The secret to any self-improvement lies in having knowledge and a willingness to change. Until you make changes to your diet, you will never understand how it affects you as a Sensitive Person.

If you want to see an amazing transformation in the way you look, feel and think you need to read this book!