How Unbalanced Chakras Weaken the Empath

As an Empath, you will no doubt have heard of the chakras; but you may not know of the importance they play in keeping you happy, healthy and protected from the energy of others.

The chakras are energy centres located along the central energy canal, near the spine, and are in direct correlation with the endocrine system.

Chakras and Their Corresponding Glands

Root or base chakra: adrenals

Sacral chakra: ovaries/testes

Solar plexus chakra: pancreas

Heart chakra: thymus

Throat chakra: thyroid/parathyroids

Third eye chakra: pineal

Crown chakra: pituarity

The word chakra means wheel or circle and can be translated into vortex or whirlpool. The chakras are vortices which controls the energy of the body.

Chakras can be classed as healthy or unhealthy, open, closed, blocked or imbalanced.

If any of the chakras remain permanently open, it can result in physical and energetic vulnerability, and a diminished aura.

A weakened, leaky aura is bad news on many levels for the Empath. It not only allows our energy to leak out but also allows too much energy in, from those we come into contact with.

So, if you are struggling with fatigue, overwhelm and dealing with too much emotional energy, you may have to consider that your chakras are unbalanced and your aura is leaky.

Click here to see if you have symptoms of leaky aura.

The health of the chakras are affected by personal trauma, anxiety and stress, and can be forced permanently open by the regular use of chemical drugs, medications, a poor diet, consuming drug-like foods, excessive alcohol intake and smoking.

Chakras, which are considered to be ‘energetic glands’, also represent a physical endocrine gland.

You may not be familiar with the term ‘the endocrine system’ but you will be familiar with some of the glands and the hormones they secrete:

The pineal gland secretes the hormones melatonin and serotonin, the thyroid secretes thyroxine, the adrenals secrete adrenaline, the pancreas: insulin and the testes/ovaries: oestrogen and testosterone.

The endocrine glands react to certain stimuli and secrete hormones so the body can carry out a set function. For example: in darkness the pineal gland secretes melatonin, which is known as the sleep hormone and tells the body it is time to sleep. In times of fear, the adrenals ramp up production of adrenaline which gives the strength to run away from a dangerous situation, and when starchy carbohydrates and sugars are consumed, the pancreas releases insulin so the body can remove sugar from the bloodstream.

Although these hormones have their own functions, they still work in unison. Meaning when one goes out of balance it has a knock-on effect on the others, which affects the endocrine glands and thus chakras.

When your chakras are in balance so should be the endocrine system and vice versa. However, modern lifestyles are working against the equilibrium of the endocrine glands which in turn creates blockages or imbalances within the chakras.

An Empath’s energy centres are already vulnerable from the excessive emotions they experience, both their own and others. The last thing they need is for them to be weakened by what they consume.

It was believed the first steps to balancing the chakras was to balance the energy body through spiritual practices, healing and meditative practices. But it is becoming more evident that changing the diet is as beneficial (if not more so).

We are what we eat! Food is our nourishment and medicine. If, as an Empath, you eat foods that don’t agree with you, you will suffer unnecessarily

Unbalanced chakras make all aspects of  life difficult. It makes the Empath ungrounded, unbalanced and unhappy. If imbalances are caused by the diet then only changing your diet will help alleviate the problems. But staying grounded, reducing negative influences and living authentically will also go a long way to keeping your chakras in check.

Click here to discover the foods that maybe causing problems with your moods and chakras. If you want to know more about how diet impacts Empath life and are ready to transform click here.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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15 thoughts on “How Unbalanced Chakras Weaken the Empath

  1. Hi! I’m an empath and struggle staying balanced; I find nature, water, meditation, art (I do pencil sketches), and lots of laughter (I teach preschoolers), and water all help – but I struggle with yoga (bad back issues due to an accident when I was young, and now my discs slip when I try any yoga or Pilates-type exercise), and my diet is a struggle at times (I have Ulcerative Colitis and when I get flare ups I’m very restricted in what I can eat). What else would you suggest to help me stay grounded, that aren’t yoga or diet related?

    • Hi Laura,

      Sounds like you already found some of the best ways to stay grounded. I’m not sure if you’ve already come across it, but here is a link to a page on some of the best ways for the Empath to stay grounded: The page also has links to other posts on the site that may be helpful.

      However, if you have an autoimmune disease, such as Ulcerative Colitis, staying in balance is so much more of a challenge, because what happens in the gut affects the whole body and the mind. The gut is known as the second brain and gastrointestinal turmoil plays havoc with the enteric nervous system, moods and emotions. In these cases, the best way to stay in balance is through the diet. Scientists and functional doctors have found the diet is the biggest contributor to intestinal permeability and weakness. Changing the diet is the best way to prevent flare-ups and finding balance.

      I know you mentioned that you already control your diet at times of flare up, but I have included a link to a site that may help you in preventing the flare ups from happening (and in turn helping you find balance):

      Hope this helps and best of luck to you.

    • Hi Mark,

      It is difficult to suggest what you could do to help balance your sacral chakra without knowing the cause of your imbalance. There can be numerous emotional reasons for it such as low self-esteem, feeling overly withdrawn from the world, dependency, and suffering with destructive emotions. I find the best way to balance any of our chakras is to find balance as a whole: mind, body and spirit. When one chakra goes out-of-balance it often has a knock on effect on the others. Excellent tools for healing the chakras are crystals, aromatherapy and colour therapy, chakra balancing meditations and cleaning up the diet. The following post, although not written specifically for chakra balancing, has some great ways you can re-align your chakra systems:

      Hope it helps.

  2. this is awesome! I’ve just ordered your book, I can’t wait to read it. I am struggling with a hormone imbalance right now and its having a very negative impact on my life. I believe you were a little angel send to help me today, thank you so much x

  3. My 16 year old daughter has a pituitary tumour that has raised her prolactin levels off the charts. She has never started her female cycle. I’m guessing this area is the “crown chakra”. Is there any type of therapy that would help her in addition to the cabergoline that she is taking’ to shrink the tumour and return the balance of hormones in her body?

    • Hi Janeen,

      Sorry to hear about your daughter.

      Any relaxation therapy would be beneficial (massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc), as stress plays a huge part in affecting the hormones, endocrine glands etc. Also review your daughter’s diet. Food can affect the endocrine glands more than we could ever imagine. There is a wealth of info on the subject on the web. A good place to start is or or or These websites are packed with great information on how to change the diet and how it can help cure illness.

      I hope this helps and may I wish your daughter a speedy recovery.

    • Hello Janeen, my name is Lise. I have had this same pituitary tumor for over 29 years now. I am happy your daughter is taking cabergoline it is a med. that works very well. Do you know about what the safe levels of prolactin are ? Your daughter is still very young her periods may not have begun yet is she is extremely physically active, sometimes this slows the beginning. Another thing is depending on the number of prolactin in her body if it is very high the female body thinks it is pregnant. Prolactin is the hormone that produces milk in mothers after their babies are born so the number rises to produce milk. If mothers choose not to breast feed prolactin is often given for a while so that the process of milk gets stopped in its tracks. The only danger in having a too high prolactin is that the pituitary gland is in a little shell called the cella (spelling) ? and if the number get high I’m talking crazy high the pituitary gland can break open this shell and eventually create pressure on the optic nerve. This can create seeing dots or blind spots in a person’s vision. No worries, all this can easily be repaired by a simple surgery. This surgery is done by going in through the nasal cavity, through the sinuses and up to the thyroid gland and they laser or microscopically remove the tumor. I hope to God this is not news to you. I do not intend to frighten you. All this should have already been explained to you. All your daughter needs to have done is blood work to measure her amount of prolactin in her blood. How often will depend on how high her levels are. Plus she should have an MRI done . I have one done every year. Janeen I have never had any problems after being on the meds. the only yucky part for me was to have PMS for a longer amount of days before my period would begin every month. Then when my prolactin was lowered a little everything was as right as rain. All you need is a good Dr. in Endocrinology ( a hormone specialist). Wishing you both the best and to simply say your beautiful daughter will lead a very normal life. When you think of it their are so many worst things that a person can have happen to them. Talking from experience. After a while ya kind of forget about it and just take your pills as usual. May God bless you both ❤ Lise

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