Earthing: Easy Grounding for the Empath

Staying grounded is essential for keeping an Empath… well… grounded. I was reminded of the incredible benefits grounding has on keeping us balanced and happy, after enjoying a two-week break in the Caribbean.

At the start of the holiday, I thought the best part would be basking in the sunshine whilst binge-reading book after book, but there was more…

When I travel, I often let my daily exercise regime slide. But, on this holiday, I was determined to work-out every day. On our first morning, my husband and I turned up at the hotel’s gym for our pre-breakfast work-out. However, we found the gym to be small, stuffy and super-busy, with no floor-space to do stretches or yoga. We spent more time waiting for the machines than we did working-out. The cramped conditions, however, turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise.

The following morning, I suggested we work-out on the beach instead. Being a big fan of the treadmill and weights, my husband wasn’t keen on the idea, but decided to try it because of the busyness of the gym.

We did a mix of exercises whilst wearing training shoes, but when it came to yoga and stretches, it was time to go barefoot. As soon as I kicked off my shoes and grounded my toes into the sand, I felt an incredible calming yet powerful energy surge through me. In an instant, I remembered the familiar calm that comes with connecting to the Earth. The sensation was also aided by gazing out over the beautiful sea and seeing the palm trees swaying idly on the light salty breeze.

The Earth’s powerful healing energy, I now realize, is something I take for granted or forget about, especially whilst my feet are swathed in socks and sturdy shoes.

Grounding with the earth is also known as Earthing, and is a quick powerful way to harness the Earth’s power.

Earthing has gone from being a somewhat ‘woo-woo’ New Age trend to being a well-researched practice, with a number of proven health benefits.

From the perspective of being an Empath, I have found Earthing has the following positive benefits:

  • Decreases Empath fatigue
  • Reduces EMF (electrical magnetic frequencies caused by televisions, computers, mobile phones, etc.). EMF disrupts bioelectrical functions, often leaving the Empath wired or energetically open.
  • Helps clear unwanted energy picked up from others.
  • Calms the mind. Its grounding effect pulls us down from our heads and reduces repetitive thoughts.
  • Charges us with vibrant energy and positive feelings.
  • Contributes to building a more resilient energy field, which helps repel other people’s energy.
  • Helps balance the chakras.
  • Calms the emotions.

The Science Bit

Studies show the Earth’s negative charge can help stabilize internal bioelectrical functions, which helps prevent disease and offers pain relief.

We are electrical beings. Our bodies produce positive charges, which are harmful in excess. The Earth’s abundant free electrons produce a negative charge which works in being counteractive.

According to scientific theory, when Earthing, we absorb an abundance of negatively charged electrons which prove to have an immediate physiological impact. The electrons have the effect of being anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and beneficial to regulating to the body’s circadian rhythms.

An article published in ‘The Journal of Environmental and Public Health’ stated the many benefits of Earthing, their research showed the following were improved:

  • Sleep
  • PMS
  • Immune system activity and response
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic muscular and joint pain
  •  Asthma
  • Energy levels
  •  Stress
  •  Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis

Researchers believe the health benefits are derived from Earthing’s anti-inflammatory effect. By the premise that wherever there is illness there is also inflammation: reducing inflammation will reduce disease.

As long as we have a skin on earth connection, by walking, standing, sitting or lying on the ground (grass, earth or beach), it reconnects us with the Earth’s powerful energy. Easy to do in the summer, not so much in the cold and wet winter months.

If you find Earthing beneficial but cannot get outdoors during the winter, a grounding pad, which harnesses the benefits of Earth’s electrons, can be used.

If nothing else, Earthing will make you feel alive and refreshed and is great for staying ‘grounded’.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine



MBG The surprising benefits of going barefoot Why walking barefoot may be an essential element for good health


11 thoughts on “Earthing: Easy Grounding for the Empath

  1. Pingback: 15 Ways to Stay Grounded & Protected

  2. Thank you for the information. I am struggling at work because their is so much negative energy. I am attacked all the time from my co workers and now administration. I have done all I could to keep myself safe. Nothing is really helping, I leave work in so much pain and cofuessed. I trusted no one because I can feel their lies ,which is causing me to be nauseated
    I don’t know what else I can do. I do wear my crystals to help me. I pray for protection.
    Help pleases

  3. I have been experimenting with EMF products (resonator necklace/infinity house plugin). The necklace helped 60% & I’ll have a conclusion on house plugin end of Jan. Living at the beach would be an easier solution for me 🙂

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