Is This Normal in an Empath…?

As I’m sure your already more than aware, being an Empath certainly comes with its challenges. One such thing is suffering with heightened sensitivities, like allergies and intolerances.

For many, having sensitivities tends to go hand-in-hand with Empath life. However,  at a certain age you may find these sensitivities heighten and go into overdrive.

There are many reasons for this, but mostly it is down to a compromised immune system and shifting hormones. These changes are normally experienced from the mid-thirties onwards.

Sadly, with age, our bodies become less resilient to all kinds of stress, which means allergies and intolerances start having a greater impact.

The main difference between an allergy and an intolerance is that an allergy is triggered by the immune system, whereas an intolerance may or may not involve an immune system response. Intolerances can also trigger autoimmune reactions, where the immune system attacks the tissues of the body.

Allergic reactions show up straight away, whereas intolerances may not happen for anything up to a day or two after exposure This is the same for being ‘peopled’. The effects of being ‘peopled’ may be experienced straight away or not for 24 hours or more…

Many Empaths have intolerances that they know of, but you may have become intolerant to something or someone and not even be aware of it.

If you are in contact with something on a daily basis that you are allergic or intolerant to, you tend to have a continuous, albeit sometimes minor, reaction. For example: you may suffer with a constant stuffy nose, itchy eyes, muscle or joint discomfort, lethargy or headaches; but because the symptoms seem minor, you give little thought to them.

Most of us already know what we should or shouldn’t consume. We get that nagging feeling that something is not a fit. But when sensitivities heighten with age, we may start reacting to things we have come into daily contact with for most of our life (including certain people), and therefore not make the connection.

So, you may now be wondering what types of reactions you could experience. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  • If you drink alcohol, you may find yourself getting intoxicated ridiculously easily and feel so ill after consumption that you believe you’re going to die. Hangovers last for days or even a week. This shows your body is not able to process alcohol like it did, and it’s time to eliminate or drastically reduce your intake.
  • After eating meat, poultry or fish you feel more depressed than normal and your energy levels plummet. Some Empaths feel the energy of an animal when they consume its flesh, which can cause depression; but also the chemicals and hormones injected into meat can cause a reaction that gets worse with age.
  • Your morning coffee starts giving you the jitters, making you anxious and/or nauseous. Many Empaths find their tolerance for caffeine decreases with age.
  • The day after spending time with a certain person you feel fatigued and depressed.
  • When coming into contact with air fresheners, cleaning products, perfumes or garden chemicals, your nose starts streaming and you develop cold-like symptoms.
  • Consuming anything genetically modified triggers a host of uncomfortable symptoms for days after.
  • White sugar or wheat products makes your body lethargic and your mind race.
  • Watching TV or spending time on the internet  gives you brain fog and makes you feel restless or irritable.
  • You may find you put on weight, for no reason, which you cannot get rid of.

As Empath life already has enough challenges to deal with, you don’t want to endure any unnecessary suffering. So, if you find your sensitivities have heightened towards people, or anything else, it is a good idea to keep a lifestyle diary. Write down what you eat, chemicals you may have come into contact with in cleaning products or other, list the people you spend time with, whether you have reactions to hair dyes or beauty treatments, and make a note of time spent in front of a computer, TV or other media outlets,  (for women make a note of your monthly cycle).

By keeping notes it will eventually reveal a pattern, and help you make the connection between how you feel and what you’ve come into contact with. It also helps you determine what is triggering or heightening your sensitivities.

One of the best ways to determine an intolerance or allergy is a process of elimination: To withdraw from your life, for a time, the suspected trigger and then reintroduce it after three to four weeks. If you have become intolerant you normally have a big reaction when its reintroduced (this even works with people). If you have a negative physical or emotional reaction it is probably time to eliminate the trigger.

Here are some other posts you might find helpful for determining physical weaknesses that may have developed over the years: Here, Here and Here.

Discover how the traits of an Empath impact the way you live and how to make the most of them...

Discover how the traits of an Empath impact the way you live and how to make the most of them…

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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