Breathing Techniques to Empower the Empath Mind

When you don’t have control of your thoughts, your thoughts can shape your life into something you don’t want. In other words, your thoughts create your reality. 

Thoughts are so powerful that they can be the root cause of illness. And because Empaths are ‘big thinkers’ they tend to be at a higher risk of developing stress-related illnesses due to overthinking. 

Thoughts feed emotions and emotions feed thoughts. Negative thought patterns become a dangerous repetitive cycle. Due to the fact an Empath picks up the emotions from those around them, which they may claim as their own, their thoughts can be influenced by the energy of others. 

If negative emotions are stirred up by your overbearing thoughts, your emotions and thoughts are ruling your life  in a very unproductive way. But, never fear, there is a way to take back control:

Yogic Breathing…

For all the many benefits yoga has to offer the body, it was primarily designed to still the mind. Which makes sense, for it is only when the mind is calm and quiet that we truly find peace.

Ancient yogis knew that whilst the body or mind was in pain or discomfort, negative thoughts would remain dominant.

One of the quickest ways to still disruptive thoughts, and help calm the emotions that caused them, is through yogic breathing techniques.  

Not only are the different yogic breathing techniques energizing and uplifting, they are also calming, relaxing and rejuvenating.

For an Empath, yoga breathing (pranayama) also helps lessen the impact of negative energy picked up from others. Their practice also helps keep a strong aura. Having a strong aura will protect you against psychic attack and leaky aura syndrome.

In challenging times, yoga and the yogic breathing systems are a blessing and should be part of every Empath’s life.

Below is a list of easy breathing exercises, and links to their demonstrations on YouTube, that you can use to calm the body and mind. 

Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) is a technique that quietens the mind and blisses you out. It is brilliant to do before bedtime, especially if you have a wired monkey mind. It is also perfect for balancing masculine and feminine energies within the body.

For an instructional video click here. or to learn more about balancing masculine and feminine energy click here.

Kapalbhati (bellows breath) is a fantastic energizing breathing technique that also works and strengthens the core stomach muscles. It is best to do this in the morning (always on an empty stomach), or when one needs a quick energy boost. It is perfect for eliminating raging emotions that linger around the solar plexus area (seat of emotions). A few rounds of  kapalbhati, will leave you with a quiet, yet energised, mind. For an instructional video click here.

 Ujayi (victorious breath) is commonly used within yogic asana practise to create heat within the body. It keeps the mind focused and helps remove toxins. I find this technique great to use when in places such as supermarkets, where there are lots of different ‘people’ energies swirling round. Ujayi helps keep you centred and helps prevent emotional overwhelm . For instructional video click here

Dynamic Asana Practice: This is a flowing yoga practice that moves with the breath. Instead of holding poses static, for a certain length of time, you move in and out of the postures with the rhythm of your breath. Again, brilliant for quietening a busy Empath mind, but also great for alleviating tension, and building strength and flexibility within the body. (I have not attached a link to this as it’s best to learn under a qualified instructor).

To reap the greatest benefits of any yoga breathing techniques you should try to practise every day, if only for 5 minutes.

Any yogic breathing system should be approached gradually. When first attempted they may cause dizziness or sometimes anxiety. This, however, quickly passes, so don’t be put off.

Alternatively, if you want an incredibly easy relaxation technique click here to learn more.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

1 Leaky Aura Syndrome

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If you want to discover more about being an Empath click here.

Until next time…

©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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13 thoughts on “Breathing Techniques to Empower the Empath Mind

  1. This is exactly what I was searching for. I am so much a feeling person, very sensitive. Where I myself suffer from depression and low energy, people who come in my contact get motivated and heal. Since long now I am mostly getting unusual health issues mostly in my left body..nose bleed fron left nostril, stomach pain in left, excessive urination, tingling and vaginal sensations in left side..and medically there is no reasons for this. I dont know how to heal myself.

  2. Thank you for this, very helpful reminders and information. I have a wonderful imagination, but sometimes darkness sets in, and the stress comes flooding. Definitely affects me biologically. Learning to just see things as thoughts and not attaching to them + other techniques has been very helpful. But I find it most helpful when I cultivate and reconnect to my soul.. my heart space. The Source 🙂

    Thanks again!

  3. Thank you so much for this. I found this to help in more ways than one. I struggle and I feel, and I feel, and I feel. I’m tired of feeling some days. I am planning on trying all the advice you’ve given and I pray I can find some peace with my abilities.
    As I can heal others, I wish I could lay my hands on myself and heal. Maybe this is what will help.
    I am looking for a guide, so if you know of anyone who is willing to help a girl out. Please let me know


  5. I read your artcle and felt a resonance with the plight of an empath.. I recognized so many things in you words. Being sensitive to other’s moods for ex and not wanting to buy used stuff. Also being able to feel in ones own body what other’s feel. Talking to animals and feeling their illnesses. it can be a cruel world to an empathic person. I have learned to bless everything in the name of God. That’s how I get along.

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