How are you feeling right now?

Have you got any strange physical symptoms that are causing you discomfort?

Have you been experiencing niggling pains in the body that now seem to be amplified?

Have you been more frustrated than usual about the fact people don’t want to hear your truth?

Have you been more triggered by being around strangers?

Have you found your diet has been affecting you in weird ways?

Are you experiencing strange sleeping patterns?

Do you go from feeling euphoric one day to feeling flat and fatigued the next?

Are you in a state of anxiety?

If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you are not alone.

Physical and emotional issues have been coming up for everyone.

The Empaths and Sensitive people often find themselves on ‘overdload’ as they experience the constant churning of the emotions of the masses.

Why is There so Much Pain and Frustration?

I have discussed this subject in previous posts, but I believe we are currently experiencing such pain and frustration for several reasons.

In one case it is for us to accept and let go. Ready for the new.

By undergoing certain triggers our insecurities and buried hurts are being highlighted. In this, we are being shown what needs to be healed and released.

In another, we are being given reasons for ‘our pain’ during the transition of our world. And what I mean by this is, the world is shifting. Ending. Moving. Changing dimensional frequency. All of which is affecting our body and mind in the weirdest of ways.

We have never experienced before what we are collectively experiencing. This shift affects the way we sit in our bodies and it can keep our emotions on a perpetual rollercoaster. One day we may be drifting low and the next we are riding high.

As humans, we need to have/find reasons for feeling so incredibly weird! We have to have a purpose for our pain.

The Positive

The good news is there has been a silver lining to the madness all along. Not only have we been given a place to project our emotional discomforts, caused by a ‘shifting and changing world’, but the emotions and physical discomforts have themselves been revealing. They are revealing in that they show us who we are and what our experiences have been about.

If you are not sure what I mean, just ask yourself what has been the reoccurring theme throughout your life?

For many of us Empaths, we have been living a life as ‘the square peg trying to squeeze into a round hole’. We have been on a continuous journey, trying to understand all that we feel, as well as attempting to figure out the peculiarities of the human race 😊.

But now, it’s as though that chapter is coming to an end as we come to a place where we understand and accept things that we previously could not accept.

You may also have undergone a great revealing in regards to your wellbeing. Discovering, for example, that your emotional or physical health has been greatly impaired by unbalanced hormones, by vitamin deficiencies, or by EMF overload, and you now know the steps to take to find balance.

So, although these past years have been very trying, they have also been revelaing.

The Purpose

Everything that is currently happening has a purpose, even if we cannot yet see it. We just need to trust the process.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find that by raising my awareness into my heart, whilst in a space of gratitude, it really helps bring me back to not only a place of peace but also to my sense of trust.

We are all experiencing ups and downs, no matter how evolved or how aware we are, and we will eventually come through the other side. Keep the faith. ♥

With love,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



What is Happening to Us as Empaths?

Following on from my last post, discussing the strange flux of energy that is pushing in and out and the experiences that may come with it; today I want to discuss a reason why this could be happening…

What is Happening?

One day last week, I sat in the sunshine in my garden and meditated on my chakras. At the time I felt happy inside, but as I focused on my energy centres, I realised that between my solar plexus (seat of emotions) and my heart centre the feelings were totally opposite. In my solar plexus I felt a strange sense of dread and heaviness, yet when I focused attention on my heart centre it felt calm, uplifted, and full of love. I then realised that when my moods change, I am moving from one chakra to the next. (If you sit quietly, after reading this, and focus on the sensations between your 3rd and 4th chakras, you will understand what I am referring to.)

Moving from 3C to 4C

You have probably already read or heard that in these current times we are shifting as a species (some say moving from 3D to 5D), but before that happens, we will move from 3C to 4C. Or, in other words, we are relocating out of our 3rd chakra (3C) the solar plexus into our 4th chakra (4C) the heart chakra. Going from a place of pained emotions, shame, and self-doubt to a place of love, peace, bliss, harmony, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion, unity, forgiveness, and kindness. (Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it now, does it? More like the complete opposite.)

For the past hundreds of years, most of humanity has been occupying the space of the lower 3 chakras. But in more recent times we have become stuck in a mostly unbalanced solar plexus chakra, which has kept us in fearful survival mode.

The 3rd chakra (solar plexus) is where we feel the pains of others, where the stresses of life are held, and it is an area where much of our focus has been. But it is time to move out, up into our heart.

(If you want to learn more about how the chakras work, also known as energy centres, here is a post explaining more.)

Our heart is a place of love, appreciation and understanding. When we stay in the heart space the world feels good. The problem is we are constantly being dragged into the 3rd chakra, our seat of emotions.

Just look at the world we are living in today. What is it designed to do? Keep us in fear, angry, distracted, divided and away from our heart centre. Which ultimately keeps us away from our power.

There is a reason nothing about anything is making sense in the world. It is not meant to. Everything negative we are witnessing is being purposely stirred up to trap us within our seat of emotions. But at another level it is supposed to snap people out of their mental slumber and into their personal power.

Distract and Divide

As I’ve mentioned before, things will get worse before they get better. Here in the UK, we’re constantly having reasons to be kept fearful thrown our way from the media. Basically to keep people angry or fearful (stuck in 3C, the seat of emotions).

At a higher level, I do believe this is all happening for a purpose. Shifting realities is going to be painful. Not everyone is ready for it and probably not everyone will make the cut. But one thing I know is, as humans, we need to be given a reason for the discomforts of these transitioning times, for the physical and emotional pain we are experiencing. Even those of us who consider ourselves ‘awakened’ need somewhere to place the blame. We have been given a storyline that provides an explanation for our physical and mental ascension symptoms. Otherwise we go cuckoo.

End Times?

Remember the Mayan predicted 2012 as the year the world would end? Turns out 2020 is really 2012 that the Mayans were talking about. Here’s a quote lifted from the Express:

In a now-deleted Twitter post, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012.

“The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days.

“For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

As I’ve discussed before, those who studied Mayan prophesies believe their calendar was used to predict times of difficulties, in agriculture for example, and the calendar’s end date was not a prediction of the end of the world but the end of an age, a transition.

Transitioning Times

If there’s one thing that seems certain, the old world we knew no longer exists. We are in transitioning times, which are proving to be deeply uncomfortable.

Working to stay within our heart centre helps keep the ‘pain’ to a minimum. Unfortunately, it takes work to keep our awareness within the heart centre. We must consciously keep raising our focus and our energy.

Just know if you are going up and down with your moods, if you are experiencing unusual fatigue one day and feeling wired the next, waking at unusual times in the night or having heat flashes it is all part of these transitioning times. Just go with the flow and try not to fight it or allow it to drag you down.

Avoid Unnecessary Pain

If you find anything that either winds you up or drags you down, keeps you in fear or activates a stress response, it is best to AVOID.

Avoid anything that unnecessarily draws you into the lower chakras or anything that takes over your mind in a negative way. This mostly includes social media outlets, mainstream media, and people.

My guilty pleasure is YouTube. I have spent way too much time on there. One problem with it is I don’t have a choice of what I see on my feed. Yes, I can subscribe to certain channels, but there will be a lot of negative videos mixed in with the positive. YouTube is designed to keep our brain engaged, not only so we go back for more, but so we click on videos we would not normally watch. I have been making a conscious effort to disengage. Yes, it takes work. It is not easy but I am so much more productive when my mind is not engaged by it.

The Role of the Empath and Lightworker

Those of you who have been Sensitive to energy for most of your life will be understanding your role here more than ever.

I mentioned in a past post about how I believe the Sun is playing a major part in our evolution (anything the mainstream media vilifies is normally something they want us to avoid). If you get chance to meditate in the Sun (safely without burning yourself) it really helps open your awareness. Even 5 minutes is good. Holding your favourite crystals at the same time adds an extra protective and awareness-opening boost.

We are all in this together. It may seem like the world is heading towards eternal darkness but, I believe, we are simply in the pains of transitioning times. Stay in your heart space. We can do this!

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine



7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine 


Now, this may seem like a strange topic for a blog that discusses ways for Empaths to find balance. The reason the above question came about is because I happened upon a YouTube clip with the heading: Is Trump a Lightworker… For all the obvious reasons, it stopped me in my tracks. So, of course, I felt obliged to watch it…

Whilst watching the video, it got me thinking about a post I had started writing a few weeks ago but never got around to finishing, about NPCs, which I will come to shortly.

Normally, I would never cover such a topic, because if there’s one thing that creates absolute anger and division in the masses, it is talking about the current president of the United Sates. However, because there is a purpose to it, I thought I would take my chances and put myself in the firing line.

Anyone who follows my blog regularly may know I’m not a big fan of politics. It is not something that has ever interested me. I find the whole business frustratingly deceitful and I’ve always been of the mind that all politicians are as bad as each other, in that they lie to serve an agenda and make laws that keep people in servitude of a corrupt system. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t observe what is going on and I still have opinions.

When It First Happened

When the candidates for the last USA election were announced, my friends were discussing the subject. They asked me what I thought about Trump. At the time, I didn’t know he was running for president or who he was running against. I was shocked. He was a business man not a politician. But I remember thinking it sounded like a good idea. A super-successful business tycoon who ran a lucrative global empire seemed like a great option for a president.

I could not say I was surprised when Trump got in, change is always a good thing, but I was surprised by how much hatred it stirred up. After all, there is always a loser in an election. Why was this one so different?

Mass Hysteria

Whatever part of the world you live in, you cannot help but see the effect Trump has had on people. He has everyone divided. His presence is triggering some people, putting them into a meltdown, and for others he is the shining light of hope. There has got to be a reason. Right?

The Lightworker Part

Anyone who has walked a spiritual path or has an understanding of energy healing and such, will consider a lightworker as someone who works to raise the vibration of the world, to intentionally spread love and light and to help others. They want to make the world a better place for everyone and work hard to do it. They also help people to help themselves if even inadvertently.

However, there are also people who work as lightworkers but not necessarily in a nice way. In fact, these lightworkers can trigger us in the most unpleasant ways. They ‘press our buttons’ and seemingly make life difficult. These are who I would class as being the unlikely lightworkers or NPCs.

If you have never heard of the term before, here is an online description of an NPC:

Short for non-player character, an NPC or vendor is a character or monster who is controlled by the computer and not a real person. An NPC helps add life to a game by creating artificial players, each with their own abilities or personalities.

Although the term NPC originated within the gaming industry, it is frequently used to describe certain living people. NPCs are the people whose main purpose is to act as an antagonist; they play the ‘role’ of making one person’s ‘life-game’ more challenging. For others, however, these people cause no problems and have no triggering effects.

Dolores Cannon called NPCs the backdrop people. Those who trigger us in uncomfortable ways. We may not even know why we don’t like them; they just repel us or give us obstacles to overcome. They make us question ourselves, cause hurt and pain or just make life tough. But they also serve another purpose.

Ultimately, the role of an NPC, helps us become wiser, stronger, more understanding and more determined to succeed. Even if that determination was not to turn out like them.

I have been aware of NPCs for some time, but it is only recently that I am acknowledging the parts they play in our evolvement.

NPCs are here more for our growth rather than for their own. They help us evolve and achieve what it is we came here to do. They often bring out our ‘shadow side’, which we then have to face.

It is interesting that Trump acts as an NPC for some, and yet for others he is seen as a beacon of light. People all over the earth paint him as either the saint or the sinner. Millions of people will argue about all the evil acts he has orchestrated, and then there are millions who will argue about all the good he does, believing he is part of the solution to building a brighter new world.

So, whatever your opinion on Trump and whether he is a lightworker or not, his presence is certainly triggering people in profoundly mysterious ways. This clearly has a higher purpose which is certainly worth pondering on.

I urge you to watch the video for yourself. See what you think.

Until next time,


Please help support me and my work


©Diane Kathrine


When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars… No. I’ve not recently taken up astrology. You may remember the above line from the lyrics of Aquarius. A song that keeps coming into my mind lately, which I’ll come back to shortly.

I’ve not put a post out for a few weeks. With the way the emotional energy has been of late, I’ve not been too inclined to write a full post. I have started several, but then never got to finish. It is difficult for me to stay focused with all the strange energies afloat. Its also not helped that here in Manchester there’s been another local lockdown, which again shifted the energy dynamic.

For the Empaths of the world, and indeed anyone else, these current times have brought in some bizarre challenges. As a species, we have never collectively experienced anything like what we are currently experiencing. Yes, there have been wars and natural disasters, suffered by many, but none of them hitting the entire human race at the same time.

But another problem we are continuing to endure is that people’s emotions are still being manipulated on a massive scale. Fear and anger in particular. Even when it feels like some of the anxieties are calming, another story is put out in the media to stoke the furnace of fear back up. There really is no let up.

As you know, this kind of stress is not good for anyone. If there’s one thing that will compromise the immune system its stress. It is known to be a root cause of major diseases. You would think the governments and media would know this…? If they cared about the populace, as much as they imply, the messages should be about how to keep the immune system strong: exercise, eat well, go outdoors, get plenty of vitamin D, calm the mind and avoid stress!

That said, we can see that the fear mongering narratives the world are being fed, in regards to the virus, are now being doubted. People are starting to question what is happening. They are finally realising that nothing makes sense. There are contradictions upon contradictions. Many people are beginning to realise they have been massively deceived. This is triggering awakenings.

Waking Up

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know my opinion on the way this virus has been handled. I knew from the start that something strange was happening. (Read more here and here). Much of what I wrote about, what I could see happening as a result of lockdowns, has happened or is in the process of. But back in March, when I tried speaking out about it, to those I know, no one wanted to hear, or very few of them. They were so riddled with fear that their rational minds had switched off. Now that is changing. They are starting to ‘see the light.’

People have to figure things out for themselves, in regards to the truth of this world. It is part of the awakening process to break free from the systemic spoon-fed narratives of governments and media, and start thinking for ourselves. And this is what is happening more and more each day. Hearts are being cracked open.

That said, there are also many people who are not questioning anything. They believe everyone in the world is at risk from a deadly virus (even though it has already been downgraded). There is the resounding belief that a vaccine will be the saviour. And when this comes out, life will resume to normal. But the world has changed forever!

The Divide

You have probably noticed lately that there are some massive divisions happening between friends and family members (the world divisions have been discussed here). Those who do not see eye to eye are finding it harder to be in the same company. Not only in regards to what is currently happening with lockdowns, mask wearing, etc, but in regards to politics and other global affairs.

I’ve also seen this happening within the lightworker community. Which seems strange really. You would think those of us who have been tuned into the ‘invisible realms’ would have had similar opinions and ideas about getting the world back into alignment, but it is obvious this is not the case.

Last week, I happened across an interview with a world-famous medium on YouTube who himself said that if people are not sharing his same opinions, he would cut them out of his life (or words to that effect), that was after having earlier said that people should be more kind and tolerant of others. Let’s just say, if I was his friend, he would have long since dumped me.

Let the Sunshine In!

Anyway, getting on to a ‘lighter’ note. I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but here in the UK, we normally get a lot of cloud and rain during the summer. Yet, this year, the sun has been a regular visitor. Not consistently I might add, but there have been more sunny days through the year than I remember having in a long time. And if there is one thing that massively changes the vibrational energy, of a mostly cloudy summer, it is sunshine. It not only gets people outdoors and makes everyone feel better in themselves but there is something incredibly magical about it.

Which brings me back to the song: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In…

After the above lines, ‘when the moon is in the 7th house…’ and ‘let the sunshine in,’ kept playing over in my head, I decided to look up the rest of the words on a music clip. All I can say is it helped me understand why I had been repeatedly hearing the song. If you watch the video below, you will know what I mean.

The sun heals us in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. I believe the sun is also playing a massive part in ‘the shifting of worlds.’ It is raising the vibration and when we tune into its energy, it helps open our hearts and shifts our awareness. (I do love synchronicity. After sharing this blog post yesterday, I received this great article in my inbox, from Green Med Info, all about the incredible healing benefits of the Sun.)

If you want a quick pick me up, listen to this music video and let the sunshine in… Be sure to listen to the words in the background as well.

I really hope you are all keeping happy and healthy. Sending out much love.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

How to Stop Being Controlled by Shame and Judgement

We are in unique times, where past hurts and insecurities are coming up to the surface, currently on a daily basis, for us to clear. We are also in times where we can address the roots of these pains and either let them go or simply acknowledge the lessons they offered.

One such thing that causes incredible insecurity and suffering is the shame bought on by judgement. Fearing the judgements of others, as well as the judgements we place on ourselves, has kept us imprisoned more than we probably realise. Until we recognise this, we will continue to alter our behaviour patterns to fit in with others’ expectations, and not be true to ourselves.

The fear of judgement not only hinders authenticity, pushing us to alter opinions and beliefs to align with mainstream narratives, it also holds us back from following dreams and reaching potentials. Living as a ‘people pleaser’ or ‘the nice guy’ may seem like the best way to keep the peace, but if we are being untrue in these actions we are simply holding ourself back.

We are in times where being authentic is so important. Let’s face it, the old world has been pretty much built on lies. To live more authentically, we have to face the truth and this means recognizing how the fear of rejection, shame and a desire to ‘fit-in’ has altered our actions and ideas.

How This Works

The fear of judgment and rejection work hand-in-hand

When we don’t share the truth of who we are, for the fear of being judged or rejected, we end up burying parts of ourself. We cannot be true if we hide who we are.

For example, as Empaths, we might not want to share our ‘Empathic traits’ because it gives reason for others to judge and reject.

Those of us who are Sensitive, feel the judgements of others, even when unsaid or hidden behind fake positivity. If these judgments trigger buried feelings of shame, which causes old wounds to reopen, we will work even harder to avoid being judged. Which often means locking ourselves down to others and becoming impenetrable.

Caring about others’ opinions creates a prison for both the body and mind, and blocks authenticity.

Human Nature

As humans, judgements are systematically threaded in to our core. Even if it is just to assess whether a certain person is safe or trustworthy.

Assessing a situation or person, for safety reasons, is normal and can prevent unnecessary suffering. However, living in fear of being judged not only makes us afraid of speaking our truth, we might also hide our creative side for being shamed about not being good enough. Our gifts then stay hidden away and we don’t allow new ideas in.

We are Controlled by Pain and Shame

We all carry emotional pain that is locked up in shame. By its manipulation, good people are controlled by the ‘powers that be.’ They pigeon hole us. Telling us we need to follow the same agenda, have the same opinions and education. But, as I’ve said many times before, we are all different, with different outlooks and needs, even as Empaths. We are supposed to have freedom of speech and thought, yet, those who don’t agree with the mainstream narratives are often vilified or shamed in some way.

No one wants the agony that is triggered by humiliation. This is why so many live in the fear of judgement. And this is what holds many people back from taking chances in life and living in their truth.

I believe a big reason why Empaths ‘freeze’ around inauthenticity is because it’s a constant reminder that fakery and pretence does not promote growth, especially when it is used for manipulation. Lying and living inauthentically is cheating at life. It’s also following the ‘easy path.’

Looking from Another Perspective

Those who faced the biggest adversities in life, especially after facing judgements and discriminations, and came out on top, are the ones who have the most incredible life stories to share.

Yes, their journey may have been painful, it may have been overcoming one thing after another, but it also created exponential growth.

Being given an easy ride in life doesn’t give much in the way of lessons.

Another thing I have said many times over the years, is that the easy path never turns out to be easy. The person who has come from an underprivileged background and clambered their way to the top, overcoming adversity and disapproval, will have a far more interesting and rewarding life than the one born with a silver spoon and having everything handed to them on a plate.

Ironically, the ‘powers that be’ have also dictated to us what success is. People are judged on levels of achievement by perceived wealth, house size, car and wardrobe. But true success is not needing ‘stuff’ to know your worth.

Success should be measured by levels of contentment and hurdles faced and overcome.

We earn our rewards through putting the work in, and we gain understanding through life experience and challenges faced.

Humans don’t grow and gain understanding from having it easy. I’m not saying that emotional pain should be a goal to strive towards. But having emotional discomforts and hardship can give us motivation and momentum to push ourselves up, out and beyond.

However, if we continue to follow the herd, because it is easy and the best way to avoid shame and judgements, we are simply locking down our unique spark and following a road that leads to unfulfillment.

Surrender Judgements

If we want to live a life away from judgements, it helps to own self-acceptance. Know your worth. Accept that the past may have caused emotional pain for the reason it offered obstacles to overcome.

Know that it is ok to be different. Know that if you have suffered and struggled and strived to live authentically you are doing something right.

We may not know the shape of things to come or where our future will lead, but as I said in my last post, it is time to surrender our fears, beliefs and old ways of being. Let go of the fear of shame and instead focus on the light within.

It is time to create the new.

Happy Summer Solstice. Let’s see where the eclipse and astrological alignments take us next.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

What It Means to Surrender in Perspective of the Empath Awakening

Surrender can have different meanings to different people.

To some, surrender is seen as a passage into freedom, a way to stop the struggle and let go. To others, it is a weakness, a way of giving up.

Because surrender has been painted as a failing in society, it has never really been encouraged. It is thought by surrender we lose power. When in fact, it takes us into power.

Those who avoid surrender tend to be fighting with themselves or with others. If only in their ‘fight to be right.’

When there’s a fight, someone always gets hurt. And when there are casualties, no one is a winner.

To me, surrendering means to allow for change. Surrender fear, beliefs and old ways of being. This also means the beliefs we hold about the way we look, think and feel.

Surrender to Life

This isn’t about being a doormat for others to trample over. Nor is it about not standing for what is right. To surrender is to simply let go of the old ways of being or that which no longer serves, and the fear that kept us enslaved.

Humans are led by emotion and fear. For a long time, society has manipulated our emotions by giving us reasons to fight or reasons to be angry and afraid. Manufactured forms of distraction that kept us in servitude of a control system.

These distractions, and ways to keep people divided and in fear, are now getting louder because we are moving in to a new era where people are waking up.

The Precipice

As a species, we don’t like giving things up: habits, ways of being and beliefs. Even when these habits are known to be bad or wrong. We often have to go through a crisis before we will change or surrender. This is what we are now experiencing.

We have reached the precipice. Change is the only way off the mountain.

We are in times of great change. There are many layers to unpeel. One of such is surrendering the old thoughts and beliefs that kept us controlled.

When we do not have freedom of thought, we can’t tune into our higher mind. We then become little more than computers running software programmes. Freethinking should be a basic human right, yet it has been systematically removed by society.

I was talking to a friend the other week. We were discussing the current world crisis. My ideas in no way matched hers (as is often the case with my friends). After listening to my opinions and outlook, my friend told me she didn’t know how to think independently or question things. She needed to be fed information. In other words, she needed to be told what to think and believe.

This is the case with many people. Because ideas, opinions and thoughts are obtained from one place and not from observing various sources of data, the ability to question anything or formulate an original idea is stifled.

The fact my friend could see her opinions were influenced by mainstream, and weren’t really her own, shows she is in the process of ‘waking up.’

All our lives we have been fed information. How to dress. How to think. What to hate or love. Society has not encouraged us to think independently, only how to think as a majority.

There is a famous quote, by Henrick Ibsen: ‘The majority is always wrong, and the minority is rarely right.’

It reminds me of how little we really know. This world has been built on lies and illusions. Layer upon layer.

Until we can allow for independence of thought, by tuning into our higher-selves, we will continue to labour under false illusions.

When we regurgitate what we have seen on the news and in the papers, we might think ‘we are in the know.’ But it is little more than intentional programming. Hidden under the veil of an ‘educated opinion.’

Freethinking is Freedom

We have got more chance of getting to the truth by surrendering to the voice of our higher-self than we have from listening to mainstream narratives.

Inside we hold the answers to the universe, but we have not been shown how to gain access. We are taught to trust only the narrative of authority, and not the truth within.

The simple way to break free is to surrender the need to be part of the collective mind.

Have trust in the one. Trust in ourselves.

What it means to surrender is to let go of everything we thought we knew, let go of programmes and thoughts that have been implanted. Believe in our own power to create the world we want to live in.

Instead of fight for what we think is right. Surrender to what we feel is right. Lead with love and surrender the fear.


As a side note: if you are feeling particularly strong negative emotion around your solar plexus, know that it is very likely a pooling of the mass hysteria being stoked up, mixed in with your own apprehensions. A quick way to block it is to simply place your hand over the space you feel the emotions. This post also has ways to deal with the overwhelm of fear that many Empaths are currently experiencing.

Stay tuned for my next post which is about how judgement has controlled us.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine





Times are changing. Even the most unaware are aware of this. We are in times of both creation but also destruction. We are in times of grief and surrender.

The old world has gone. Never to return.

Transitions are difficult. We have been thrust upon a new path. For some, this will be a path of awakening, which will create great confusion, and for others it is a realization that the life we knew is gone for ever.

The old world celebrated and worshipped attractiveness and beauty, wealth and celebrity status, it was full of deceit and fakery, there was an abuse of power and it was heavily governed by masculine energy. The new world is moving away from all that (although it won’t leave without a fight).

I can only speculate as to where we are heading, but something I know for sure; we are in times of surrender and release. Before we move into the new, we release the old.

As the old ends, the new comes forth. But we are being kept so distracted. Distractions are all around us. At one level they are to keep people down and controlled, at another, they are there to rouse us to our true potential.

We have to go through the dark to find the light.

Those of us who awakened many years ago did so after a period of difficulties. Often several years of challenges. We are now in a time of moving from one world to another, whilst at the same time being in a quickening where awakenings are happening en masse.

For the Empaths, this can trigger all sorts of strange disturbing sensations. Mental and physical. You will be feeling the uncertainty of the populace as well as experiencing your own ‘shift.’ It will seem like something just doesn’t ‘feel’ right.

Grief or Anger?

These are times of shedding and release. It is letting go of what we thought we wanted, desired or dreamed of. Everything is up for assessment. And that part can be scary as well as inciting waves of grief.

We might associate grief with the passing of a loved one, but grief can also come from losing a life we once knew.

People sense that life will never be the same again. This realization incites grief which also manifests as hurt and anger.

Humans need to express this anger and will find ways to lash out.

As the old saying goes: ‘We are not really upset about what we think.’

There will be more angry outbursts to come. Which is bad but also good.

When we endure extreme difficulties, it is a pathway towards awakening to new possibilities. Awakenings are painful experiences. So is rebirth.

Time to Release

Now is the time for us all to release, unpack and decide what to let go of.

We may have no idea of how our new world is going to unfold, but we should not be waiting for someone else to create if for us, nor keep us tied to the old with painful distractions.

These are times of preparation.

The old ways of doing things no longer fit. It is time to let go. Yes, it is scary. It’s scary because there is no hiding. The times of change are upon us…

We may be in a period of great upheaval and uncertainty, but there are deep transformations happening inside each of us. We are detaching from that which is no longer a fit.

These transformations are personal and individual. It is a shedding and also a revealing.


The old world was very much about doing, forcing, pushing, and living inauthentically. This is the time to JUST BE. And what I mean by that is be your true authentic self. Live honestly. Be in a space of creation with whatever your gift is. Live as though you are creating the new world.

We are in transitional times but also trying times. For some, there will be more miserable uncomfortable periods ahead. It will get ‘darker and darker’ until people awaken to their sovereignty.

Instead of being dragged down into the dark murk, allow yourself to rise above to the surface and float within the calm waters of creation. Decide which world you want to live in and be in that energy!

As always, my advice is to stay away from mainstream media… ‘The air is so much cleaner’ outside its manipulated ramblings. Not giving your focus to the mainstream also means they cannot control and feed off your energy.

If ever there was a time to be amongst the trees and forests, now is it. Nature is so healing and very much at one with the term JUST BE. By tuning into the grounding energy of our beautiful trees, it keeps us in alignment with our higher self.

I will leave you with a poem that I feel is inline with what is to come…

One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had. You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life-giving qualities. You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self-sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.”

–Nikita Gill, You Have Become a Forest

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine



I hope you are all keeping well in whatever corner of the world you live.

As I write, the winds are blowing noisily outside and have been for the past day or so. I cannot help but be reminded of the saying ‘The winds of change have begun to blow.’

Here in the UK, we are in our umpteenth week of lockdown. I don’t know how you are all experiencing these crazy days of change, but for me, the further into this time of lockdown we travel, the more I feel the world has changed.

I have got this strange sense inside that I don’t think I’ve ever felt before. Kind of like a weird void. Is it a collective thing?

Now, I realise that as Empaths, we cannot help but pick up on how the collective feels. And yes, the emotional energy levels of late have been amped up beyond anything we’ve endured. But what I’m experiencing doesn’t really feel like the usual collective fear thing. It’s more like a ‘transitional vibe.’ I cannot even begin to explain what it is. It’s as though things are coming to a head.

Some years ago, I shared this post about moving into a new world. In it, I discuss the claims of the late Dolores Cannon about our world splitting into two. The video is below. I recommend watching it. But first go to 1 hour and 34 minutes on the clip where, within a 3-minute window, Dolores discusses what we are currently seeing happening now. Bear in mind she died in 2014.

I know, as humans, we are all supposed to be different. We all have different ideals and beliefs. But the way the world is currently living is like existing in two realities at the same time. Those who see the world one way and those who see it another.

It seems obvious that our governing bodies, those who have lied to us and kept us consuming fear, do not want our world to go into a higher vibration. They want to keep us down and distracted. In fear. And they are going to greater and greater lengths to keep us there.

As I have discussed before, fear energy is all-consuming. It is meant to keep us trapped within irrational thought. At one level this has been done in an attempt to keep our vibration low and our mind’s controlled, but at another, for those who are ready, it helps raise us up.

I believe, at the highest level, we are experiencing this lockdown as a way to help us adapt into the ‘new age or new world.’ We have been given time away from busy schedules or social lives to help us go within and see what changes need to be made.

The shift was always going to be uncomfortable. All the past years of difficulties were also part of our preparation for moving from one ‘world’ to another. This may be our opportunity to begin again, but it also comes with it’s own challenges…

The Precipice

Many of you will be experiencing a ‘precipice of pain,’ where things get worse before they get better. This will come in many guises: confusion, worry, fear, anger, you may even feel like you are going a bit mad, and the levels of anxiety are ‘off the charts.’

Anxiety changes the thought process. It can make you feel incredibly confused, alone and isolated.

When I was twenty, I went to work in Greece. During my first week there, I experienced the worst type of anxiety. I went from thinking I was going to die one minute to feeling like I was going mad the next. I was a stranger to myself. The anxiety created waves of dread and fear that impacted my rational mind in the weirdest ways. However, once I got used to my new life and living experience, the anxiety completely disappeared. I then went on to have the best summer of my life.

The point I am making, by sharing this past story, is that the precipice of change can be the loneliest and scariest place to be. But know, if you are experiencing any type of anxiety or fear it will pass.

We are at the darkest hour before the dawn. Suffering can only be expected. But do not suffer alone.

Suffering in silence will help no one. If you are currently struggling, if you feel alone or that your mental health is impaired there are some things you could be doing.

Talk to Someone

If you feel scared, anxious or isolated, talk to someone, a friend, family member or professional. Our world has never experienced ‘this’ before. Although you are certainly not alone in what you are undergoing, as an Empath you may be experiencing emotions more heightened than most. So, don’t suffer in silence.

If you don’t have anyone to talk to, try a therapist. They may not be in their offices, but many therapists are still working with online or over the phone appointments. Getting worries off your chest is incredibly freeing.

Another option is to simply speak what you are feeling out loud. The load will be lifted and I’m sure someone within the invisible realms will be listening. Doing this also helps take any fear energy out of your head.

Get Out of Your Head

In a recent post, I discussed how beneficial finding silence in a world of noise can be. However, for some, finding silence is not the answer. We are all different and, as I’ve said many times before, what works one day might not work the next. If you find yourself stuck inside your head and meditation doesn’t help, you could try the following:

  • Tapping: The Tapping technique is known to help with addictions, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety and for calming persistent thoughts. It is claimed that by tapping the acupressure points, with your fingertips, it activates your body’s innate healing power and helps calm an erratic mind. See this post for details.
  • Mind Tax: Do something that taxes your mind: crossword puzzles, Sudoku, learn poetry or a language, even for just ten minutes a day. Anything that keeps your mind positively stimulated and distracted will help in preventing your thoughts from going over to the dark side.
  • Activate human growth hormone (HGH): HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps the mind in a more positive space. High intensity interval exercise is one of the easiest ways to help the body release HGH. I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels. Just be sure to start slow, at your own level, and build up.

Where Are We Being Taken?

Now, I have to be honest and say I do not know what ‘a new world’ will look like for everyone. I don’t think anyone truly does. Perhaps it will be different for each of us. But I choose to believe that we are experiencing the birthing pains of going from the dark into the light. It is something we have to adapt to. Change is never easy.

The winds of change may thrash us around, but, they also blast the old away. And, like everything else that has blown our way, they will pass. Hopefully, when we re-emerge from our ‘shelters’, we get to decide the path we walk and the life we want to live.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine



Why are Emotional Reactions in Empaths on the Increase?

Being an Empath means having emotional reactions is part of everyday life. Whether that be having a reaction to someone else’s emotional energy, having a reaction to what someone said or did, or just being triggered by what is going on in the world at large. But when emotional reactions become excessive and controlling, to the point of ruling our happiness, thoughts and decisions, we need to take back control.

What is an Emotional Reaction?

Emotional reactions can be both good and bad. Feeling incredible joy and happiness are of course emotional reactions. But the type I am referring to, that seem to be on the increase, are the all-consuming darker emotions such as: anger, rage, hurt, etc. All of which can lead to an anxious state or depression.

Having emotional reactions is part of human nature. They are a huge feature on the journey of life. However, having near constant negative emotions, triggered by our own reactions, not only makes us unhappy, it can hold us back from reaching our true potential. We can become so wrapped up in all that we feel that life passes us by. We miss out on so much joy and we become a slave to our thoughts and emotions.

Something I have noticed in recent years is that as humans we are not handling life well. And I am not just talking about Empaths and HSPs. As a species, we seem to be in more emotional pain than ever before. We are offended and upset over things that might not have touched us at one time. People are struggling with mental health issues such as depression, panic attacks and anxiety to such a degree that it is ruining lives.

The Epidemic

A couple of weeks ago, whilst out and about, we bumped into a friend of my husband who has worked in the fire service for over twenty years and is coming up for retirement. He was telling us about how many ex-servicemen, whether that be the forces, police or fire brigade, are struggling with mental health issues and PTSD, especially after retirement. He also noted how twenty years ago this was not the way. Stress related illness was hardly heard of within the services. Now it is rife. I asked whether this was because people didn’t talk about their issues all those years ago. He disagreed. Apparently, after leaving the service most just got on with life and enjoyed retirement. Now they are dreading the time when they come to step down.

‘Over-feeling’ certainly seems to be a modern-day curse. That is not to say mental health issues are a recent thing, but it is obvious people aren’t coping well with life. Is this because times have got harder? I’m not so sure.

We don’t have to go too far into our history books to see how difficult our ancestors had it. Even looking at the history in my local area there were extremely difficult living conditions such as: dangerous working environments in coal mines and cotton mills for both adults and children, a scarcity of food, poor sanitation, extreme poverty, etc. Many women died in childbirth. Workers would die young because of work-related illness. Young men lost their lives in wars and witnessed atrocities that scarred them for life. Sufferings existed back then that most in the modern Western world will never know.

When we study our past, it makes modern day problems pale in comparison. With all the technological advancements and wealth we have today you would think we were living in a golden era compared to one-hundred years ago, but it has not bought happiness and balance with it.

What is Happening?

Trauma, in one shape or another, is something humans have faced for an eternity. Why is it now we are not handling it? Clearly, something has shifted.

There are obviously a number of explanations for the current unsettled mood epidemic. Hormonal imbalances caused by diet, plastics and environmental factors play a part, as do having too many choices, social media toxicity, not being in touch with our truth, not knowing what we are here for, feeling alone and losing faith. Also Earth changes.

I have discussed Earth changes over the years, moving from one epoch to another and how these changes impact humans (read here, here and here). I do believe that the ascension process is also a major reason behind what we are seeing today. Almost like a mass hysteria triggered by ‘the shift,’ as we adjust to the rules of a new reality. There are many others out there who write about Earth changes and the ascension process. I prefer to focus on offering the tools that help make transitions easier.

But whatever is causing this dark emotion epidemic, I think you would agree that people have suffered enough. It’s time to take back control.

We have to take part in making positive changes happen, by getting back in control of how we each experience life. The problem is, people are too busy trying to change others and their way of thinking, instead of working to change and accept themselves.

Change the Inside to Change the Outside

When we work on our inner-world our outer-world reflects this. It has a knock-on effect. Not only do we become better people, able to cope with life’s ups and downs, but those around us are also impacted in a positive way.

We have the power within to master ourselves and work to train ourselves out of excessive emotional reactions. Much of the information I put out on this blog are ways to do just that.

A couple of posts ago, I discussed some ways to prevent or handle anxiety and panic attacks (21 in fact) through numerous holistic techniques and lifestyle changes. All of which will also help with overcoming excessive emotional reactions and other Empath afflictions. (Read more here)


Distracting the mind from engaging in destructive thoughts helps stop it from going into overdrive. Now, when I say distraction, I do not mean suppression.

Distraction is taking away our mind from unnecessary repetitive thoughts. When we distract our mind and body from feeding emotions it helps prevent unnecessary emotional reactions. Suppression is burying something that needs to be addressed.

When we bury what needs to be faced or don’t deal with things we should, the stress lingers within the body and comes up as something else, often physical symptoms or anxiety.

We supress when we do not know how to handle the memory caused by a trauma or betrayal. We stuff the pain away and put it under lock and key. Hoping it will stay buried. But the body does not want the trauma stored within its cells and it will try to release it, often through emotional reactions.

This is where talking helps.


People often heal when they feel heard. Discussing your emotional pain with someone you trust can make a big impact on lightening the load. However, talking is not for everyone.

We might not want to talk about our trauma and pain because of the emotional memories that get stirred up. For some, talking about their past traumas can ignite anxiety or panic attacks.

If you are not ready to talk about what pains you, writing it down helps. Write down all your troubles and woes. Write what you want to say to another, tell them how they hurt you. Write down who you think you are or who you want to be. Write down what you feel needs to be released. Then burn the paper after. These words are not to be read again. It is a way of releasing them from within. Not something to fester on. Burning the words somehow helps to clear the emotions attached.

Taking back control of emotions is no easy feat. As Empaths we have to work daily on this, even when we feel ok. By taking preventative steps every day, it means we can stay in control of how we feel when the going gets tough.

For more ways to stay in control of emotional reactions see here and here.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



The Destructive Impact the Media has on an Empath


As an Empath, do you feel flat, depressed or outraged after reading newspapers? Do you find your emotions being triggered? Or does your mind become frazzled after spending time on social media or online news outlets?

If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Many Empaths find themselves affected by the streams of negativity filtered out by the media (so much so, many have to avoid them). You’ll probably agree, that in recent times it is getting worse!

These days, there seems to be a never-ending stream of anxiety-inducing stories pumped out by the world’s news outlets, that only serve in causing separation, insecurity, unhappiness or hate (in truth it’s probably always been that way but with online media there is no getting away from it.).

As an Empath, whether you pay attention to the propaganda stirred up by the media or not, you may still be affected by the emotional energy it produces. At times, the energy of which is overwhelming.

We all know the fear mongering, used by the media, is a tactic used to keep people controlled, distracted and divided. There is rarely any information shared that is uplifting, inspiring or ‘feel good’.

It’s as though people are being distracted from their own power… If you keep everyone preoccupied by political opinions, global disasters, wars, and the ‘fabulous lives of the rich and famous’, it keeps people in a low vibrating space.  These types of stories create anger and fear, or they indirectly tell the world that their lives are not good enough or that a life of celebrity is the only way to find happiness and purpose. All of which builds negative energy and conflict!


When conflicts arise, both in the media and out on the streets, a blanket of contagious, dark energy is produced. Which, when at it’s worse, is difficult to avoid, no matter how much you work on staying grounded and protected.

As I mentioned in my last post: negativity generates negativity. Negative emotions are contagious and are subliminally taken on even by those who aren’t Sensitive.

People get swept along by the irrational moods intentionally perpetuated by the media. They breed and feed.  It is a form of gaslighting.

And because the populace is continuously fed more reasons to become fearful, infuriated or dissatisfied, and very little to feel positive and cheerful about, low-level energy continues to escalate.

So, as an Empath, even if you pay little attention to the media or the propaganda it generates, the murky energy stirred up can still leave you feeling overwhelmed, lost or alone. It can seep into your energy field, even during sleep, and its effects may show up as periods of lethargy, low or erratic moods and a sense of disconnection.

As humans, we want to find an explanation for the low moods we experience; and as an Empath, it is easy to blame these dark energies on present life circumstances.

I have already written about this subject in recent months. But as it is a continuing theme, I feel it is right to discuss it again, because of the impact it has on an Empath.

Picking up on dark energy, coming from the masses, is nothing short of exhausting. It is difficult to hide from even with the best intentions.

When affected by ‘global negativity’ it prevents an Empath (and even those not of a Sensitive nature) from staying in their true power. And if distracted from one’s true power, we cannot find the peace, happiness and balance we are meant for.

Part of overcoming the low vibrational energy, constantly stirred up in the world, is to keep mind, body and spirit strong. Eat good food, exercise, meditate, stay grounded and keep clearing your energy field.

Also, if ever there was ever a time to keep your mind empowered now is it. A good way to do this, other than the aforementioned, is by focusing on all your strengths, staying positive and being grateful for the small things.

Look to find your hidden super powers and stay focused on them. Like attracts like.

What we focus our attention on grows. When we embrace our positive inner-power, that power will grow. We then project out this positive vibrant energy out into the world.

Coming Soon: Be sure to keep an eye out for my post on leaky aura syndrome and why it is impacting so many Empaths.

Until next time…


The following posts may also help:

Clear Your Energy Field: here, here and here

Stay Grounded: here, here and here

Empath Diet and Exercise: here, here and here



©Diane Kathrine

The Crossroads of Empath Change: Unplugging from Hysteria

Photo by Rafael Barros on Pexels.com

You would have to live deep underground to not have noticed the crazy happenings in society.

Almost everyone has been affected in some way or the other by the engulfing mass hysteria that has swept the world.

It is easy to believe most of the craziness is politically fuelled; yet it is my belief, the real reason goes deeper than that.

The world is not a happy place.

The masses are angry and afraid.

Dogmatism and cognitive dissonance is rife. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and individuality are being suppressed. And the energy of hate is skyrocketing.

People are being silenced. Most are now too scared to speak out about their true beliefs for the fear of being labelled as sexist, stupid, a conspiracy theorist, a racist, or not politically correct.

It certainly feels like all humans are being manipulated to turn on each other. This is not a recent thing. It has been building for a while and will likely continue for many years to come.

We live in a world going through the quickening of change.

These changes are causing trauma, chaos, emotional pain, depression and more.

Although trauma and upheaval may be considered as emotionally damaging, it can lead to growth and spiritual awareness… if we allow it.

Trauma is the first step we take across the tempestuous waters of awakening. Pain is a prelude to birth.

For some, the initial stages of awakening are seen in random behaviours. Two of these being: denial and blame. In the years to come, you will see this behaviour escalating everywhere. People pointing the finger of blame and convincing themselves their problems lie in the hands of another.

Most are so busy avoiding themselves, and instead lashing out at others, that they miss a unique opportunity for transformation.

Suffering is part of the ‘wake-up call’. People far and wide are hearing the sirens of the awakening, and call to change, but it is their choice how the transition goes.

We can choose to wake-up, evolve and grow, or we can choose to stay in denial.

Denial is the ‘seemingly’ comfortable ‘safe’ passage. At least for a while. But it really just prolongs discomfort.

We can’t ignore evolution forever. If we try, things eventually become so bad that we are forced to change.

All humans are presently being fed fuel to stoke up their raging emotions of anger, bitterness and hate. If we engage them, these types of emotions keep us trapped in mental conflict and away from finding peace and harmony.

Evil begets evil. Hate breeds hate. Anger feeds anger. Fear fuels fear. The more of this type of energy people put out into the world the more it grows.

We all have light and darkness within; both love and hate. Whichever we choose to give the most attention to will be the force that guides our feelings, thoughts and choices. Choose wisely. We are the creators of our own reality.

Strange Things Afoot

It is clear there are some seriously strange things happening in the world. (If you’ve read anything about the Mandela Effect you’ll know what I mean).

There is a lot of positive change happening and many truths are being revealed; but we are also being distracted to prevent us from discovering our own power.

Distraction is a powerful tool. When our mind is preoccupied with all the wrongs in the world, we don’t see what is right. And we don’t notice the powerful positive and uplifting energy that is all around us.

crossroads2We are at the crossroads of change. Being a crossroads means we have a choice of which direction to take. We can choose the path of denial and despair or the one of love and gratitude. That choice is often determined by where we place our focus.

You would think it’s a no brainer to choose the positive love energy. But the more people who focus and send out the hate/fear energy the more this builds and the harder it is not to become embroiled in.

For the Empaths, this low-level energy, that has swept the globe, is agonizing to experience. But it can also be perversely alluring; drawing us in without our realizing.

I too have been lured into engaging the distressing and emotionally provoking news, designed to distract, divide and enrage. And yes, I get wound up by it all. I keep having to remind myself to unplug and stay switched off from it. I know I am wasting my time and precious energy by allowing myself to be distracted.

Some might argue that we have a duty to stay informed, we should fight for our rights and silence is consent. And, as much as I may agree, most of what we are being fed is shameful propaganda, which does nothing but feed our darkest emotions and pains the soul.

When we focus on the incredible force of gratitude and love, it is a game changer. We then see more and more positive come into our life through the law of attraction.

By not giving our attention to anything which feeds negative emotions, we free ourselves

Choosing to stay unplugged is the best form of protection at this time. Especially if you are badly affected by all the hysterical energy.

Here are some excellent ways to stay unplugged and keep your energy vibrant:

  • Stay away from the media: Online news, social media and televised news reports can lure you into negative thinking, frustration and anger.
  • Avoid politics: Don’t get involved in dogmatic discussions and avoid those who seem to thrive when politically venting.
  • Steer clear of large groups of people or protests: Mass hysteria is contagious and drags everyone in, even those with the best intentions.
  • Pursue your passions: Do what you love and be creative as often as you can (your own form of distraction).
  • Express gratitude every day throughout the day: Be grateful for anything you can. A delicious meal, a good book or film, or just the traffic lights being on green. Keep pumping this positive energy out.
  • Keep control of the mind: Meditate or do moving meditations like yoga, Thai-chi or dance.
  • Get outdoors: Spend as much time in nature as possible and bask in natural sunlight.

Pain serves us in mysterious ways. We eventually come to a point when we understand why we endured all we have, and we recognize how our pain shaped and changed us for the better. But we don’t need to keep experiencing it over and over. We have a choice. Now is the time to start shaping your new reality by unplugging from the old.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

To learn how to empower yourself during these trying times, click on the link or the picture opposite.

What Has Happened To The World?

Although I dislike watching strong violence, I do have a penchant for zombie and end of the world catastrophe movies. One of my favourites being ‘World War Z’. It only recently dawned on me that these zombie films are almost like a metaphor for the world today.

In a typical zombie film, a virus attacks the human host, whilst keeping the body alive. The body is then under the control of a parasitical hive-minded predator. The zombie is unable to show empathy, think for itself or express any emotion, other than rage, all it seemingly does is attack those not akin to itself.

Hmmm, sound familiar?

We are surrounded by people acting like zombies. Too many people are going through the motions of life, whilst following the protocol of consume, reproduce, sleep and obey (If you’ve ever seen the film ‘They Live’ you’ll know where I’m coming from), but not really questioning anything or  thinking outside of the box.

It’s like there is a divide, a war between light and dark. There is evidence of this everywhere we look.

So yes, we are in the midst of challenging times, that are affecting everyone in different ways. Waking some people up and closing others down, turning them into zombies. The Empaths are obviously affected by all this in unpleasant ways.

What is Happening? Continue reading

Summer Solstice, The Strawberry Moon and Empath Power

This Monday 20th June 2016 befalls a rather special occurrence… The summer solstice.

summer solstice

The summer solstice has long-since been noted as a magical day with a time-honored history of celebrations. This year’s solstice comes with an extra bonus of being a full moon. The last time this occurred was 70 years ago.

There are not many who have ever experienced a celestial event of this magnitude. Having a full Strawberry Moon on the same day as a summer solstice is a truly rare event.

The full moon in June is known as the Full Strawberry Moon because it is the time of year to harvest ripening fruit, which also coincides with the strawberry season.

full moon

If you are sensitive to the energy of full moons and/or solstices, this one will surely pack a magical punch. It is a great time to set your intentions for the year ahead and wonderful period to spend in contemplation and meditation (and to spend as much time as you can in nature) to experience the full magnificence of this occasion.

Empath Power

Empath Power, the book, has now been released. I timed the release to coincide with this magical solstice weekend. It is available in both paperback and eBook versions. Here is a snippet of what it entails:

Empat PowerThere are some major changes happening on the planet affecting Empaths on many levels. These changes bring pain, emotional disruptions, repetitive, negative thought patterns and physical distress. 

With any energy shift Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, get clobbered from all directions. Not only do they endure the discomfort of a shifting period in their own way, but they also pick up on how the populace are experiencing these ups and downs. If you often feel overwhelmed and overloaded by all you have to process during these turbulent times Empath Power is for you. 

As an Empath you are one of life’s game changers! It is imperative you stay grounded, protected and healthy during these testing periods and this book is your guide to show you how! 

You can go to the Kindle store here to read the first section for free and see if this book is what you might need at this present time.

Have a superb Strawberry Solstice weekend!

Until next time…


Empaths Who Can ‘Change The Game’

Have you happened to notice recently that when you are in a really good place, maybe doing something that makes you feel happy and uplifted, you find yourself thrown off centre and being pulled down into a darker place?

You may receive a phone call, text or email off one of those people in your life who act as a trauma trigger, or a family member, who always manages to push your buttons, shows up.

Do you think this is by chance?

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing the mind, body or spirit, will have seen many, many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better. We are becoming heart centred. Yet, despite this, we can still be pulled down into a low vibrating space. Continue reading