Waking Up In A New Reality

I would just like to start by apologising for not posting very much lately. I feel like I’ve been super-busy (with very little to show for it), and finding myself with little time to write a post.

Anyway, whilst going through my files recently, to make some space on my laptop, I came across an article that I had written a few years ago, but never got around to posting. As I read through, it made me smile, thinking about how much of it relates to the journey of life.

So, I decided I would share it with you all today, and see whether you too can relate to it.


Did you ever watch the film, The Wizard of Oz?

Was it one of your favourite films as a child?

Or did you read the book, authored by L Frank Baum?

I loved the film. I remember viewing it at Christmastime every year. It was so magical and amazing to watch. I never got bored of it, even though I’d seen it so many times.

So, when I have been doing my meditations of late, The Wizard of Oz theme keeps coming in to my awareness, especially the Emerald City.

When I pondered the significance behind the visions, it came to me that the story itself very much embodies the journey of life.

In fact, there is so much symbolism in the story of Dorothy on her journey to find the Wizard, that I’m not sure if I ever realised it before (I often forget the findings I make, during meditations, unless I write them down). But now, I am fully understanding the hidden messages within the story of The Wizard of Oz (the version where Judy Garland plays Dorothy.), and why it has been popping into my meditations.

If you’ve never seen the film, I’ll explain a little more…

Dorothy gets stranded in a strange but magical place after being knocked unconscious during a tornado. She wakes up in a land that is bright and beautiful, filled with little people, called Munchkins, and witches, both good and bad. Upon waking, in this strange world, Dorothy is desperate to get back home to her family and friends in Kansas, where she feels safe and her life makes sense. She is told by a Good Witch, Glinda, that she must find the Wizard of Oz, for he is the only one who can help her get back home. So, Dorothy sets off on her journey, on a yellow brick road, looking for the Wizard. Along her path she meets a scarecrow, who thinks he doesn’t have a brain, a tinman, who thinks he doesn’t have a heart, and a lion, who doesn’t believe he has any courage. Together they head off to find the One who will give them all what they need.

When they finally get to the Wizard of Oz, they discover that he is a fraud. He has pretended to be an all-powerful being to gain respect from others and to be in charge. However, Glinda then reappeared, and explained to Dorothy that she had to go on the journey to the Emerald City, and face the dangers along the way, because she had to discover for herself that she had the power within to get herself home. If she had been taken directly to the city, or if she had discovered her own power straight away, she wouldn’t have made the friends she had, or had the experiences she’d endured.

How the Film Compares to Life

We are all on our own ‘yellow brick roads.’ AKA the journey of life.

It’s a journey where we have to confront many fears and find our courage (Lion), a journey where we have to wake up to the control and programming of governments and authority, and the mainstream media (Wizard of Oz), and free our brains by thinking for ourselves (Scarecrow), a journey where we work to have more compassion and empathy for others, and move out of the lower three chakras into our heart centre (Tinman), it is also a journey where we find our ‘inner-home’, and come back to ourselves, through overcoming our own challenges (Dorothy).

In the film there is a good witch and a bad witch. The bad witch seems to be the more prominent character, who is constantly appearing. She desperately wants the ruby slippers off Dorothy’s feet, because they are magic and hold much power.

And doesn’t that also compare to life?

We have all had the experience of a ‘dark witch’ wanting to take our power (joy), and use it for themselves. And when I mention the dark witch, I’m referring to the narcissists of the world.

We may be travelling down a beautiful road one minute, then the next, a dark witch (narcissist) and her flying monkeys (followers) come to test us, throw us off our path, push our buttons, and steal our shine.

These encounters are often painful, yet, in the thick of things, they generally serve a purpose that not only teach us valuable lessons, but ultimately raise our vibration and awareness. It’s in facing these trials, and learning from them, that we eventually come to find ourselves in a better space.

Just like Dorothy, we’ve got to keep going if we want to get to the place we want to be. A place that feels like home, where we are safe and at one with ourselves.

We make these realisations whilst travelling the turbulent path of life (yellow brick road). And, again, just like Dorothy, we can make the discovery that we had the power all along, we just need to uncover how to use it.

So, yes, in my opinion, the story of The Wizard of Oz is symbolic of life now as we are living it. We may not always realise the significance of something as it is happening to us, or how it is shaping our choices and the direction we are taking, but generally all will be revealed.

Ok, there you go.

Hopefully, this quick read will have given you some food for thought, and maybe let you see the much-loved story in a different light.

I trust everything is keeping fabulous in your world.

Until next time.




I often say that us Empaths are a very misunderstood bunch. So much so, we often get misconstrued or just plain attacked for discussing the way we experience the world. Which can certainly be frustrating.

As many of you know, I have been writing articles for Empaths for over ten years now. I started back in 2011. In fact, it was on 30th June 2011, that I published my first article, Being an Empath.

Over the years I have seen many derogatory comments and misinterpretations of our Empath traits. And, since starting to publish video posts on YouTube, I am seeing it all the more.

So, in light of that, today I present you with some of the myths and misrepresentations of an Empath I have come across whilst posting articles online…

Everyone carries at least one trait that could fall under the umbrella term of being a narcissist. But it always baffles me why an Empath so often gets compared to one. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen comments saying how Empaths are really quiet, introvert or vulnerable narcissists. I wrote an article about the subject, several years ago. Read it here.  

The one question that always comes to my mind is why someone would compare an Empath, who generally puts the needs of others ahead of their own, who looks out for the underdog, and has a deep level of empathy, to a narcissist. But I always answer my own question, and that is because people attack what they don’t understand. Also, if someone has been rejected by an Empath, they will often do anything to discredit them.

This is very much a MYTH. Feeling the energy of other people’s emotions is what really makes an Empath an Empath.

They may not always realise that when around other people, and feel strange sensations, that they are picking up on their emotions, but eventually the Empath comes to figure it out.

This is another myth. An Empath does not automatically know what the emotions they feel in others signify. For example, certain pained or stressed emotions, such as anger or grief, can have a similar vibratory signature, and can be difficult to differentiate.

However, over the years, and the more they work on themselves, many Empaths become more attuned with what particular emotions stand for. This also makes them very good at reading people. But understanding what emotions represent in others is not always a given Empath trait.

This is a bit contradictory in that it can be both a myth and a fact that an Empath will attract a narcissist. It all depends on the Empath and the situation. On the one hand, an Empath, with their kind and considerate nature, can draw in a narcissist, but on the other, they can also repel them with their mirroring ways.

An Empath can, inadvertently, reflect back what they pick up in another, and many people, especially narcissists, do not like to see their own reflection.

However, it is a different story with a grandiose narcissist, as they do not tend to give off much in the way of emotional energy. Their own self-belief is so powerful that an Empath could be caught off guard and taken in by them.

Whatever the situation, once an Empath has been ‘burnt by a narcissist’, they will generally avoid them like the plague.

Sigh! Yet another response I have seen in comments, that people who claim to be Empaths are delusional. Although there are hundreds of thousands of Empaths around the world, they are still in the minority.  So, yes, I understand that if someone does not have the same experiences as an Empath or feel the emotions the way they do, then it is very difficult for them to believe that anyone else can.

The claim of an Empath, that they can feel things others can’t, may also seem to some like they are trying to make themselves ‘special’, and this also ties in with the claim that Empaths are in fact quiet narcissists.

Many Empaths get addicted to certain substances, including food, as all humans do. But it is not because they are weak.

Feeling the pains of the world so powerfully, an Empath often wants to numb what they experience, and they do this with whatever gives a dopamine hit (the feel-good hormone). Things such as sugar, alcohol, wheat and other high carb foods, as well as drugs, are just some of the vices that can increase dopamine, all of which can become very addictive.

However, it is usually the case, that once an Empath realises what damage many of these addictive substances cause to the body and mind, often making things worse in the long run, they use their strong will to overcome these addictions.

An Empath might get labelled as idle because they have the tendency to avoid doing anything that they do not like doing. But, in general, get an Empath doing things that they love, and they will show you just how un-lazy they are. So, yes, another myth.

If an Empath has taken on too much from their external world in the way of emotional energy, they may appear rude or even unsociable. This doesn’t mean they are. They simply need a time out. But when they feel low, overwhelmed or down, it can be hard for them to pretend otherwise.

This is something I have had comments on over the years because it is on the list of 30 Traits of an Empath. Antiques can be items of incredible beauty, but they can also be quite energy dense. Meaning, that within cherished historical trinkets the energy of the previous owner or owners are often imprinted, which can feel weighted and heavy to an Empath. And this is the reason why some Empaths avoid antiques, because of their contained energy, and not because they don’t like them.

This is one of the myths that is quite the opposite, an Empath can have excellent people skills. But when around anyone who is inauthentic, or if they carry a lot of emotional pain, they may struggle to be themselves. Contradictive energy can impact an Empath in some very weird ways, which might make them appear as if they are incapable of people interaction or have no social skills.

So, there you have it, 10 Empath Myths.

Although I am sure there are many more myths that could be listed, these are just some of the more common ones I have come across.

I hope you enjoyed the post, and that you are keeping happy and healthy in your own corner of the world.

Until next time.



This is copyrighted work. If shared, please credit the author.

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading


We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading


Have you ever wondered whether empathy is built-In? Does it come part and parcel of being an Empath? Or is it something that comes with the journey of life?

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day. He was explaining to me how he was teaching his daughter the impact of her actions, and how teasing or making fun of other children was not a kind thing to do. Which then led to the discussion as to whether telling your child is enough? Or do they have to experience unkindness from others for them to understand the impact of cruelty.

It got me thinking… If I hadn’t been on the receiving end of cruel words, as a child, would I have the same empathy and understanding as I do now? In that I always try to consider the effect of my words, and will avoid saying something that may hurt or offend another. Or, did my empathy come part and parcel of being an Empath?

Let’s face it, there aren’t many children who sail through life without getting bullied or teased for one thing or another.

I’m sure you all have memories of being picked on by someone, whether that be an older sibling, parent, teacher or other. I don’t think anyone really escapes. And whether sensitive or not, the effects of being on the receiving end of cruel words in childhood can be carried for a lifetime. Continue reading

15 Questions to Determine if You’re an Empath, Old Soul or Both

If you’re reading this, I expect you’ll already consider yourself to be an Empath?

Would you also say you’re an old soul? Or have you never really given it much thought?

It doesn’t really matter either way whether you’re an old soul or not, but one thing I know about the majority of ‘old soul Empaths’ is they are always on the lookout for kindred spirits or even just to have confirmations of what they naturally experience.

You would assume that all old souls are highly Empathic, which most are, but not all Empaths are old souls. People can be sensitive, as well as being sensitive to energy, without having deep, old soul wisdom.

I should also note that just because one Empath is an old soul does not make them more superior to another. This life is a journey of evolvement for everyone. And everyone has different jobs and lessons to learn…. But still, it’s nice to have confirmation of what you feel inside.

If you want to know if you’re an Empath, see this post first. If you already know you’re an Empath but want to know if you own old soul traits, here’s some questions and explanations that will help you make that determination: Continue reading


As you probably know, things are massively changing in the world. And, as Empaths, we are picking up on all the fear and uncertainty that is all around us, which is affecting many of us in some very random ways.

It is in these times that we have to remain vigilant of keeping ourselves in a good place, both mentally and physically.

But it doesn’t help that it is so much harder to find articles on the internet these days in regards to natural health and wellbeing. It seems like the majority of ‘alternative’ self-help articles are hidden from view or it takes a lot of scrolling through search engines to find what we need.

For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the most popular posts, from my blog, that have been shared on social media and the like over the last 12 months.

You may have already read some of the following articles, depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, some of them go back to 2011, but it’s always nice to have a refresher. Continue reading

5 Reasons Why an Empath Doesn’t Like You

I have written before about why people might take a dislike to an Empath, for no apparent reason, but I have never discussed why an Empath may take a disliking to others with no outward clues as to why.

Empaths tend to be considerate and understanding, and probably won’t like to admit that they don’t like certain people. But, just like with anyone else, resentments can form towards others.

Generally, if an Empath takes a dislike to you, it will be more because of the way you make them feel. They pick up things that you try and hide, and they will observe everything you don’t say in words. Your energy speaks louder than words.

Unfortunately, most people manage to invoke an emotional response within the Empath at some point, without saying or doing anything, and it is often the kindest of people who carry the most pain.

Occasionally feeling another’s emotions is nothing compared to what certain people can activate within an Empath, and this is what most often causes a dislike to happen. But that is not always the case…

So, here’s the top five reasons an Empath might dislike you:

1. You Have Narcissistic Traits

The definition of a narcissist is: a psychological condition characterised by self-preoccupation, high self-esteem, a distinct lack of empathy, excessive self-admiration and a tendency towards selfish or resentful behaviours.

There are several other traits that also fit the bill of narcissism such as: one-sidedness, a manipulative nature, unrealistic expectations of others, excess need for control, and a huge sympathy deficiency.

Empaths tend to have very low tolerance for narcissists, and their ways, especially if they ever had a bad run-in with one. So, even if you carry a few of the above traits, you may find an Empath will take an instant dislike to you.

2. Your Vibes don’t Match Your Words

When in the company of those whose words don’t match their vibration, the Empath’s brain tends to scramble. So much so, they may struggle to form a coherent sentence. This mind-numbing effect is caused by their ‘Empathic antenna’ sensing all is not what it seems. It is detecting this person is not showing a true reflection of who they are.

When an Empath comes across fake people, or those who are hiding their true personality, it is common for them to close down. A barrier comes up and there’s no getting past it. Anyone who is not giving truthful vibes will put an Empath on high alert. This impact can also ignite an instant dislike to form, and they may avoid being in your presence.

3. You Wallow in Negativity

An Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions of others, are worst affected than most by being around negative people.

Many Empaths come to realize that when they spend time around downbeat individuals, they feel cloudy, lethargic, and low. Too often, the Empath ends up wearing the energy of these people for days after exposure.

Also, those who tend to wallow in negativity can act as ‘energy vampires.’ Their gloomy manner drains an Empath’s vitality even after a short time spent in their presence. This drain can leave them overwhelmed with dark emotions and pessimism. For this reason, many Empaths find a dislike develops for those who are overly negative.

4. You Constantly Criticize Others

Most Empaths abhor being in the presence of people who are constantly critical of others. Those who appear to thrive on seeking out flaws and faults in people are ‘venomous’ to an Empath. It’s as though the criticizers are not happy unless they are finding failings in someone else’s life. Either in their appearance, status or achievements.

Being highly empathetic to another’s suffering, an Empath will always look out for the underdog.  Anyone who’s being bullied or treated unfairly draws their compassion. Likewise, anyone who is ‘stealing the light’ from others, in order to feed their own, will gain an Empaths disapproval.

5. You Act as a Trauma Trigger

When someone acts as a trauma trigger to an Empath, it does not mean they are bad people. It can simply mean they carry a lot of buried pain within.

A trauma trigger is a memory from the past that triggers a reaction, such as anxiety or fear, in the present. Because an Empath has a highly reactive amygdala, they are adversely impacted when around those who act as a trauma trigger.

The amygdala is a reacting part of the brain which activates when exposed to stimuli, such as fear or other strong emotions, and stimulates the stress hormones. (Read more here.)

Simply being in the presence of someone suffering emotionally is enough to ignite an amygdala reaction, in an Empath, whether the other person shows their emotions or not. This reaction can mean they overproduce adrenalin and cortisol. Both of which stimulate fearful or pained emotions.

In these cases, an Empath may not know why they don’t like you, they just know they don’t want to be in your company.


So, there you go. If as an Empath you are reading this as a way to understand why you don’t like certain people, then hopefully this will have given some insight. If, however, you have been spurned by an Empath, and don’t know why, hopefully it will have done the same for you.

It has to be an accepted truth that we all have people who don’t like us, for whatever reason, we are not meant for everyone. And that’s ok.

Until next time. 


©Diane Kathrine

Why Are So Many Empaths Unable to Connect With Others?

If you are one of the many Empaths who feel unable to make real connections with people, or with life itself, know that you are not alone and that there is a reason for it.

We don’t always realize, but life is a series of linked events; each one leading to the next, like the spots on a dot-to-dot puzzle. Yet, most are unaware that the seemingly random occurrences of life and a feeling of ‘disconnect’ are in any way pivotal to the course of our destiny…

Because the mind is kept so busy trying to make sense of life’s conundrums,  we are often kept from connecting the dots on our unique and mysterious life puzzle. Our Empath sensitivities may also prevent us from seeing how amazing our lives are, or how this sense of ‘disconnectedness’ serves us.

The majority of us work hard trying to figure out life. We may wonder where our true purpose lies or we may constantly find ourselves looking at ways to better fit in with others. It may even feel like we are not on the ‘right path’.

Why do so many Empaths feel disconnected?


It may certainly seem that the Empath is destined to go through life feeling off-course, unfulfilled, overwhelmed, or unable to connect. There are many things that come with being an Empath that makes them push people away: getting hurt easily, feeling others’ emotional pain, and being a beacon for other people’s problems being but a few. This in itself can lead to feelings of being disconnected.

It is easy to forget that we came here for a reason: to experience life as an Empath, and the many challenges that go with it, because we get distracted by the obstacles we face.

Empath life is often strenuous, painful, overly emotional, sometimes lonely and often comes with a huge sense of disconnect from others. Which is ironic considering we feel the energy of people so powerfully. But, when we allow ourselves to see it, Empath life is also enlightening, invigorating, electrically charged and a true gift.

Empaths can boast of life experiences few can expect to have. We feel things others don’t and we have a strong sense of intuition that will take us to all the right places, if we believe in it and follow its guidance.


Sometimes, we purposely make life more difficult for ourselves, without realizing. And sometimes we allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity or we get stuck in victim mentality. We may also subconsciously choose to ignore what we need to do to keep us safe and sane on our journey. But the keys to our happiness and ‘reconnection’ are always there for us to find, when we are ready.

So, to get to the reason for not feeling connected to others: Being disconnected keeps us moving forward, looking for ways to better ourself or find the answers. If we were to feel extremely contented and comfortable in life, we would not look for ways to become empowered.

As an Empath, it is easy to see dark or challenging times as punishments, but when we come through the other side we always find an incredible gift inside the experience.

The experiences we have, really are unique, and every difficulty we have endured and overcome has catapulted us forward, shaping the course of our life.

When we connect the dots of our past, we  see a bigger picture emerge. Everything happens for a reason.  Even feeling disconnected shapes and changes us, pushing us towards evolvement.

Listen to your soul, tune into your intuition and don’t be afraid to make the changes you know that will reconnect you to your truth, purpose and happiness, and in turn others.

You may also find this post helpful: Why do Empaths have such a strong sense of not belonging?

Hope this helps on your journey… books for empath

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


How are you feeling right now?

Have you got any strange physical symptoms that are causing you discomfort?

Have you been experiencing niggling pains in the body that now seem to be amplified?

Have you been more frustrated than usual about the fact people don’t want to hear your truth?

Have you been more triggered by being around strangers?

Have you found your diet has been affecting you in weird ways?

Are you experiencing strange sleeping patterns?

Do you go from feeling euphoric one day to feeling flat and fatigued the next?

Are you in a state of anxiety?

If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you are not alone.

Physical and emotional issues have been coming up for everyone.

The Empaths and Sensitive people often find themselves on ‘overdload’ as they experience the constant churning of the emotions of the masses.

Why is There so Much Pain and Frustration?

I have discussed this subject in previous posts, but I believe we are currently experiencing such pain and frustration for several reasons.

In one case it is for us to accept and let go. Ready for the new.

By undergoing certain triggers our insecurities and buried hurts are being highlighted. In this, we are being shown what needs to be healed and released.

In another, we are being given reasons for ‘our pain’ during the transition of our world. And what I mean by this is, the world is shifting. Ending. Moving. Changing dimensional frequency. All of which is affecting our body and mind in the weirdest of ways.

We have never experienced before what we are collectively experiencing. This shift affects the way we sit in our bodies and it can keep our emotions on a perpetual rollercoaster. One day we may be drifting low and the next we are riding high.

As humans, we need to have/find reasons for feeling so incredibly weird! We have to have a purpose for our pain.

The Positive

The good news is there has been a silver lining to the madness all along. Not only have we been given a place to project our emotional discomforts, caused by a ‘shifting and changing world’, but the emotions and physical discomforts have themselves been revealing. They are revealing in that they show us who we are and what our experiences have been about.

If you are not sure what I mean, just ask yourself what has been the reoccurring theme throughout your life?

For many of us Empaths, we have been living a life as ‘the square peg trying to squeeze into a round hole’. We have been on a continuous journey, trying to understand all that we feel, as well as attempting to figure out the peculiarities of the human race 😊.

But now, it’s as though that chapter is coming to an end as we come to a place where we understand and accept things that we previously could not accept.

You may also have undergone a great revealing in regards to your wellbeing. Discovering, for example, that your emotional or physical health has been greatly impaired by unbalanced hormones, by vitamin deficiencies, or by EMF overload, and you now know the steps to take to find balance.

So, although these past years have been very trying, they have also been revelaing.

The Purpose

Everything that is currently happening has a purpose, even if we cannot yet see it. We just need to trust the process.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find that by raising my awareness into my heart, whilst in a space of gratitude, it really helps bring me back to not only a place of peace but also to my sense of trust.

We are all experiencing ups and downs, no matter how evolved or how aware we are, and we will eventually come through the other side. Keep the faith. ♥

With love,


©Diane Kathrine

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7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine 


Now, this may seem like a strange topic for a blog that discusses ways for Empaths to find balance. The reason the above question came about is because I happened upon a YouTube clip with the heading: Is Trump a Lightworker… For all the obvious reasons, it stopped me in my tracks. So, of course, I felt obliged to watch it…

Whilst watching the video, it got me thinking about a post I had started writing a few weeks ago but never got around to finishing, about NPCs, which I will come to shortly.

Normally, I would never cover such a topic, because if there’s one thing that creates absolute anger and division in the masses, it is talking about the current president of the United Sates. However, because there is a purpose to it, I thought I would take my chances and put myself in the firing line.

Anyone who follows my blog regularly may know I’m not a big fan of politics. It is not something that has ever interested me. I find the whole business frustratingly deceitful and I’ve always been of the mind that all politicians are as bad as each other, in that they lie to serve an agenda and make laws that keep people in servitude of a corrupt system. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t observe what is going on and I still have opinions.

When It First Happened

When the candidates for the last USA election were announced, my friends were discussing the subject. They asked me what I thought about Trump. At the time, I didn’t know he was running for president or who he was running against. I was shocked. He was a business man not a politician. But I remember thinking it sounded like a good idea. A super-successful business tycoon who ran a lucrative global empire seemed like a great option for a president.

I could not say I was surprised when Trump got in, change is always a good thing, but I was surprised by how much hatred it stirred up. After all, there is always a loser in an election. Why was this one so different?

Mass Hysteria

Whatever part of the world you live in, you cannot help but see the effect Trump has had on people. He has everyone divided. His presence is triggering some people, putting them into a meltdown, and for others he is the shining light of hope. There has got to be a reason. Right?

The Lightworker Part

Anyone who has walked a spiritual path or has an understanding of energy healing and such, will consider a lightworker as someone who works to raise the vibration of the world, to intentionally spread love and light and to help others. They want to make the world a better place for everyone and work hard to do it. They also help people to help themselves if even inadvertently.

However, there are also people who work as lightworkers but not necessarily in a nice way. In fact, these lightworkers can trigger us in the most unpleasant ways. They ‘press our buttons’ and seemingly make life difficult. These are who I would class as being the unlikely lightworkers or NPCs.

If you have never heard of the term before, here is an online description of an NPC:

Short for non-player character, an NPC or vendor is a character or monster who is controlled by the computer and not a real person. An NPC helps add life to a game by creating artificial players, each with their own abilities or personalities.

Although the term NPC originated within the gaming industry, it is frequently used to describe certain living people. NPCs are the people whose main purpose is to act as an antagonist; they play the ‘role’ of making one person’s ‘life-game’ more challenging. For others, however, these people cause no problems and have no triggering effects.

Dolores Cannon called NPCs the backdrop people. Those who trigger us in uncomfortable ways. We may not even know why we don’t like them; they just repel us or give us obstacles to overcome. They make us question ourselves, cause hurt and pain or just make life tough. But they also serve another purpose.

Ultimately, the role of an NPC, helps us become wiser, stronger, more understanding and more determined to succeed. Even if that determination was not to turn out like them.

I have been aware of NPCs for some time, but it is only recently that I am acknowledging the parts they play in our evolvement.

NPCs are here more for our growth rather than for their own. They help us evolve and achieve what it is we came here to do. They often bring out our ‘shadow side’, which we then have to face.

It is interesting that Trump acts as an NPC for some, and yet for others he is seen as a beacon of light. People all over the earth paint him as either the saint or the sinner. Millions of people will argue about all the evil acts he has orchestrated, and then there are millions who will argue about all the good he does, believing he is part of the solution to building a brighter new world.

So, whatever your opinion on Trump and whether he is a lightworker or not, his presence is certainly triggering people in profoundly mysterious ways. This clearly has a higher purpose which is certainly worth pondering on.

I urge you to watch the video for yourself. See what you think.

Until next time,


Please help support me and my work


©Diane Kathrine

How an Empath Benefits from Being a Victim

Did you just read that title correctly? Can there ever really be any benefits gained from being a victim?

And the answer is yes.

If we allow bad experiences to shape us in the right way, then yes, there are many benefits to be had from being a victim.


Screenshot (277)Everyone has had an occasion when they were treated badly in life. No one escapes. Even those who are known abusers, might have started off life as the abused. And yes, some seem to have suffered far worse than others.

Some might be a victim of their own success, where the wealth and power that comes with their achievements ultimately destroys them, and then some can be a victim of their own beliefs…

Someone can become a victim when they put too much faith in another (like a guru or leader), and allow them to shape or control their life.

But we can grow from these experiences.


In my last post, I discussed how childhood experiences shaped my beliefs; how they made me attract certain life experiences and people. Everything happens for a reason. We just don’t tend to see it at the time. And this can also be the case when we have been victimised.

Being Empaths, and therefore sensitive, often means we were victims of heightened emotional senses and overwhelm. Most of us have been victims of others’ ignorance, but we have also been victims of our own expectations.


The benefits of being a victim are numerous. It most certainly teaches us a valuable lesson on how it feels to be mistreated, or we might even get a taste of ‘our own medicine.’

It is easy to look at others and point the finger. Noting all their shortcomings. But we don’t always see the error of our own ways. We might get so caught up in our own world that we don’t acknowledge the impact of our actions on others.

Now, when I say being a victim, I am referring to being a victim of other people’s bad behaviour or having bad life experiences. Those times when we were treated unfairly or betrayed. I am not talking about being an occupational victim.


Everyone has come across occupational victims. Those who seem to enjoy playing the role of the ‘injured party.’ Occupational victims seem to relish in telling stories of how they have been mistreated. It’s as though they focus on finding reasons to be unhappy. They like having people feel sorry for them and don’t stop complaining about their lot in life.

I often think that being an occupational victim is akin to creating some kind of self-actualizing soap opera, where one makes unhappiness a point of entertainment or life purpose. But, as I often say, we are each here on our own journeys of evolvement. And if someone finds purpose in remaining in victimhood, then that is their call.


Because being a victim allows us to experience what it feels like to be hurt, it can help us become more empathetic, more resilient and more empowered… That is if we allow ourselves to learn and grow from the experience.

Sometimes being a victim is exactly what we need for growth.

Difficult life experiences shape us. They take us on this strange path of evolvement. The real benefits kick-in, however, when we decide we no longer need to have those experiences in order to grow.

With this new age, it would seem that the times of feeling/being victimised is coming to an end for many (those of us who are ready to move on).

We are in times of great evolvement. A time to move away from the abusers and those who took advantage. That also includes those in authority and those who have abused their positions of influence.

People are finally waking up to the realization of their own power. We are now at the ‘helms of our own ships.’ We may have given our power away, but we are now discovering how to take it back.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


Are you a Narcissist Target?

One thing all Empaths will have endured at some point on their journey is a person who behaves in a narcissistic way. For some, however, it is part of their everyday life.

When I use the term narcissist target, in the headline, I am referring to anyone who has been on the receiving end of a narcissist’s attention. This can be via their initial charm through to their lies and manipulation.

But the question has to be, why do Empaths so often end up in the firing line?

One explanation is because of the ‘light’ an Empath carries inside. It’s a light that might be considered, by certain individuals, as a weakness or something that can be controlled. Yet that isn’t the only reason. Before we come to that, we will take a quick peek at the traits of a narcissist.

Traits of a Narcissist

Some of the better-known traits are: high self-esteem, a distinct lack of empathy, excessive self-admiration and a tendency towards selfish or resentful behaviours. But there’s more…

One-sidedness, a manipulative nature, unrealistic expectations of others, an excess need for control, and a huge sympathy deficiency can also fall under the same umbrella. It is these traits that often cause problems for the Empaths.

Why Empaths Attract Narcissists

Over the years, I have discussed the subject of why narcissists attract Empaths and vice versa in other posts and books (here, here, and here). It is my belief that although at opposite ends of the spectrum, both Empaths and narcissists are sensitive people and highly reactive.

Like attracts like. Sensitive attracts sensitive. Yet, one of the biggest reasons why Empaths are so often targeted and end up in the firing line of those with a narcissistic personality is because of their keen observational skills.

The Reflecting Empath

An Empath doesn’t just listen to a person’s dialogue, they observe tone and usage of words, they notice body movements, facial expressions, and they see things that others try to mask. This causes an issue for those who do not want to be ‘seen.’ Particularly when they are hiding something.

A narcissist never wants to be wrong, never wants to be seen as the ‘bad guy’ and wants others to think highly of them. But an Empath often acts like a mirror. Even if they don’t point out the narcissist’s concealed traits verbally, they will be reflected back. (This is discussed more in the Mirror of the Empath.) An Empath reflects truth. They will see it hidden behind any façade, no matter how tightly knitted.

If the finely polished veneer of a narcissist is threatened in any way, especially with exposure, they will attack. They often concoct outlandish stories to discredit an Empath, or anyone who reveals their truth, and blame them for the actions that they carried out themselves. They target those considered a threat.

Generally, a narcissist will not face the truth of who they are, if it makes them appear wrong or in any way a bad person. They convince themselves that it is everyone else who is at fault.

Being Repelled

Even if you have a strong repulsion towards narcissists, and avoid them like the plague, you can still be on the receiving end of their wrath, or end up as a target. Narcissists like to be praised and feel special. They want respect and if they are not shown it, they tend to lash out. If you have bruised a narcissist’s ego, by not giving them the respect they think is deserved, then expect to face a backlash.

The Good News

The good news is that narcissists can work as a catalyst on an Empath’s journey. Although it will not feel like it at the time, but anything that ignites insecurities, emotional injuries, victim mentality or personal challenges, can also push an Empath towards transformation. The darkness reveals the inner light. It encourages us to work on ourselves, which in turn takes us to a higher vantage point.

It is often the case that the more challenges an Empath faces the wiser they become and the greater their understanding of life.

I am certainly not suggesting that constant suffering is the perfect formula for enlightenment, but we come to a point when we understand why we have endured such difficulties. We can then see how they shaped us into becoming better people.

Avoiding Excessive Emotional Reactions

Life really is an obstacle course. It gives rise to many uncomfortable and painful experiences. However, if we have an emotional reaction to everything a narcissist, or anyone else, says or does then we put ourselves on a fast-tracked path to self-destruction.

We have to train ourself out of excessive emotional reactions, avoid wallowing in our own misery and not be tempted into revenge. Not that revenge is ever on an Empath’s radar, but it is very easy to think, ‘I’ll show them.’ Or to have the belief that if I say or do nothing, they are getting away with it. This will just lead to more lies and more attacks. We must not forget there is a greater force than ourselves at work that creates balance… Karma.


Having been observing the world for many years, I have seen the law of attraction and karma work over and over. People may seem to get away with treating others atrociously, then, suddenly, karma catches up.

Everything goes around. Karma keeps each of us responsible for our behaviour.

Dealing with the Problem

So, finally, the question is, what can we do about being a narcissist target? Well, one thing is for sure, we will not change the mind of a narcissist, or those who have an over-inflated ego, if it makes them to appear wrong. If they have decided it is us who is at fault, it is unlikely we will get them to admit otherwise. We can only change ourself and our reactions. Take back our power.

The best way to react is with no reaction and don’t be drawn into conflicts designed to pull you down or make you feel bad. Now, when I say react with no reaction, I am not saying lie down and let someone trample all over you. Simply walk away. Avoid feeding your fear or pain by getting upset at the lies they may spread.

When you continuously focus on something or someone your attention feeds the energy. Remember: where your focus goes your energy flows.

Life really is too short to waste your precious time on those who steal your joy and drain your energy.

When you walk away or show no interest in their lies, they move on. The more lives they touch, with manipulative ways, the sooner their truth is revealed.

By avoiding excessive emotional reactions, it also helps keep one’s vibration raised. Yes, I know, easier said than done. But by getting in control of the mind and working to stay grounded, it helps us better control our emotional reactions. (This is where mind-stilling though breathing techniques, meditation and yoga can come in handy.)

Stay in gratitude and it will keep you in a ‘higher space.’ Keep pushing forward! Stay in your light and don’t let anyone extinguish it!

Next time we delve a little deeper into the increase in Empath emotional reactions.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work











Photo by Vera Arsic on <a href=”https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-wearing-brown-leather-jackets-984950/&#8221; rel=”nofollow”>Pexels.com</a>

Why are Empaths Painted as The Villain?

Have you ever been accused of saying something you didn’t say, or blamed for something you didn’t do…?

For an Empath this is more common than you might think…

I am prone to having a roving mind. Having a good old ponder on life and its many ups and downs. During my musings, I often think about my Empath traits, traits that I have lived with for so long, and the impact they have. One thing is for sure, they certainly haven’t offered the easiest ride in life, especially when being the target for unfair attacks and blame.

I know many of you lovely Empaths out there will have experienced either being painted as the villain or being on the receiving end of a character assassination at some point on your journey, and this is what I want to address today.

I have discussed this subject in other posts over the years, but with all this crazy energy affecting the people of the world I thought it a good idea to address it again.

Any Empath who spends time around people often finds themselves under attack in weird ways and for nonsensical reasons. And it’s always good to have reminders as to why these attacks happen because, let’s face it, they don’t feel good.

It is human nature to want to be accepted by others. We are pack animals and don’t always want to be ostracized from the herd (unless we are done with people)..But being wrongly accused, or blamed for something we didn’t do, usually pushes us away from family or friends because it is difficult to deal with such betrayal.

It is common for an Empath to make the mistake of believing that those in our life think and feel the way we think and feel. Therefore, it is beyond our comprehension if someone attacks us or paints us as some ‘crooked creature’.

So why is it so many Empaths are disliked, perceived as the bad guy or are wrongly accused?

There are several reasons; one of the first being:

The Mirror Effect

Empaths can unintentionally reflect what they feel in another. Revealing their truths. Anything hidden, such as insecurities, suppressed shame, guilt or anger, builds the longer it is left buried. If someone conceals traits, such as the above, that they don’t like about themselves, they are reminded of them when in an Empath’s presence.

Why Does this Happen?

Due to the fact an Empath picks up on other people’s emotions, hidden behaviours and true personality traits, we often take them on, sometimes acting them out. Otherwise known as morphing. We basically become like a mirror. Reminding the other of what they are hiding from. This can cause an instant dislike from them to us.

If this has been your experience, that someone seems cold towards you for no reason, it could be that you are reflecting the truth they deny. Or there could be another reason…

You Have a Super-Speedy Vibration

An Empath is generally always working on themselves. Working to clear toxic emotions, dark thoughts or outdated behaviours. We want to make our world into a better brighter place, and we know by making changes to ourselves it will also benefit the outside world.

When we do the work and make any positive changes to our mind, body or spirit, we become cleaner and purer. This effectively speeds up our vibration. Which is a good thing; but it can make others uncomfortable.

Just like an Empath’s need not to be around people who spew negativity, there are some who cannot stand being around those who emit a sparkly clean energy.

Now, this is not to say an Empath is perfect or that they are some kind of ‘quiet saint’. We all have flaws and weaknesses we need to work through. The whole point of life is to evolve. But vibrating in a higher space can repel people, even those we love.

What Does This Look Like?

You may have noticed when in an emotionally low place some friends prefer you that way. It seems to make them comfortable that you are suffering (which is randomly odd). Yet when we make changes and get into a higher vibrating space, those same people don’t always like it. They may try to bring us back down, by attempting to extinguish our inner-light and happiness.

This isn’t always a cruelty thing. They sense us moving away from them and lash out in the hopes it will bring us back to their level.

People sense change, whether it is visually apparent or not, they feel when another has changed or stepped up their frequency. Not everyone is ready to raise their vibration. Some still have lessons to learn at their level and are not ready to move forwards. And because they are not ready, they may try to draw us back down. This is often done by snide remarks and unkind comments. But this is not the only thing that ignites a negative response from others…

An Empath’s Quiet Nature is often Deemed as Offensive

Yes, you did just read that line correctly. Another reason people form an instant dislike of some Empaths (especially the introverts) is because of a quiet nature. Here’s why:

To those of an insecure nature, an Empath’s sometimes quiet or distant ways may be taken as a snub or a form of disrespect. We may be considered as being remote or standoffish and this can be wrongly interpreted as superior or ‘judgy’ behaviour. In other words, some people assume we believe we are ‘above them’.

Normally, when an Empath acts in an aloof or distant way, it is because we are on overload, drained and in need of a ‘timeout’. When having taken on too much stimuli, we want to be invisible to others. A fatigue meltdown means an Empath can’t deal with someone offloading their troubles. We may switch off. Even polite conversation is too much. And this behaviour is often interpreted as a rejection.

Because most people don’t feel an inch of what an Empath does, it is difficult for them to understand our need to withdraw. Sadly, the more insecure someone is, the more they are offended. If we’re seen as blowing ‘hot and cold’, our behaviour may be considered as arrogance. If this causes insult, we may be rejected, or our character is attacked as a form of retaliation.

So, if someone develops an aversion towards you, for no good reason, if they attack you behind your back or paint you as the ‘bad guy’, remember it is not always because of something you have done, instead it is a flaw or insecurity in your attacker.

People will always be threatened by an Empath’s light. We need to know that that’s ok and keep focused on what inspires or uplifts us, instead of on those who are offended by our Empath ways.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


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