Have you ever been in a certain person’s presence, and found yourself feeling really weird, or even negative, yet having no reason for it? As in, the other person has done nothing to offend or upset you?

Or have you ever found you’ve not been able to talk to a certain person and not really known why? You might find yourself stumbling over your words, or sentences don’t form in your mouth. And again, there’s no real reason. The other person seems perfectly lovely.

This could be all part of The Empath Shutdown.

Here are some more symptoms of how an Empath can act, around certain people, when in Shutdown:

Continue reading

5 Reasons Why an Empath Doesn’t Like You

I have written before about why people might take a dislike to an Empath, for no apparent reason, but I have never discussed why an Empath may take a disliking to others with no outward clues as to why.

Empaths tend to be considerate and understanding, and probably won’t like to admit that they don’t like certain people. But, just like with anyone else, resentments can form towards others.

Generally, if an Empath takes a dislike to you, it will be more because of the way you make them feel. They pick up things that you try and hide, and they will observe everything you don’t say in words. Your energy speaks louder than words.

Unfortunately, most people manage to invoke an emotional response within the Empath at some point, without saying or doing anything, and it is often the kindest of people who carry the most pain.

Occasionally feeling another’s emotions is nothing compared to what certain people can activate within an Empath, and this is what most often causes a dislike to happen. But that is not always the case…

So, here’s the top five reasons an Empath might dislike you:

1. You Have Narcissistic Traits

The definition of a narcissist is: a psychological condition characterised by self-preoccupation, high self-esteem, a distinct lack of empathy, excessive self-admiration and a tendency towards selfish or resentful behaviours.

There are several other traits that also fit the bill of narcissism such as: one-sidedness, a manipulative nature, unrealistic expectations of others, excess need for control, and a huge sympathy deficiency.

Empaths tend to have very low tolerance for narcissists, and their ways, especially if they ever had a bad run-in with one. So, even if you carry a few of the above traits, you may find an Empath will take an instant dislike to you.

2. Your Vibes don’t Match Your Words

When in the company of those whose words don’t match their vibration, the Empath’s brain tends to scramble. So much so, they may struggle to form a coherent sentence. This mind-numbing effect is caused by their ‘Empathic antenna’ sensing all is not what it seems. It is detecting this person is not showing a true reflection of who they are.

When an Empath comes across fake people, or those who are hiding their true personality, it is common for them to close down. A barrier comes up and there’s no getting past it. Anyone who is not giving truthful vibes will put an Empath on high alert. This impact can also ignite an instant dislike to form, and they may avoid being in your presence.

3. You Wallow in Negativity

An Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions of others, are worst affected than most by being around negative people.

Many Empaths come to realize that when they spend time around downbeat individuals, they feel cloudy, lethargic, and low. Too often, the Empath ends up wearing the energy of these people for days after exposure.

Also, those who tend to wallow in negativity can act as ‘energy vampires.’ Their gloomy manner drains an Empath’s vitality even after a short time spent in their presence. This drain can leave them overwhelmed with dark emotions and pessimism. For this reason, many Empaths find a dislike develops for those who are overly negative.

4. You Constantly Criticize Others

Most Empaths abhor being in the presence of people who are constantly critical of others. Those who appear to thrive on seeking out flaws and faults in people are ‘venomous’ to an Empath. It’s as though the criticizers are not happy unless they are finding failings in someone else’s life. Either in their appearance, status or achievements.

Being highly empathetic to another’s suffering, an Empath will always look out for the underdog.  Anyone who’s being bullied or treated unfairly draws their compassion. Likewise, anyone who is ‘stealing the light’ from others, in order to feed their own, will gain an Empaths disapproval.

5. You Act as a Trauma Trigger

When someone acts as a trauma trigger to an Empath, it does not mean they are bad people. It can simply mean they carry a lot of buried pain within.

A trauma trigger is a memory from the past that triggers a reaction, such as anxiety or fear, in the present. Because an Empath has a highly reactive amygdala, they are adversely impacted when around those who act as a trauma trigger.

The amygdala is a reacting part of the brain which activates when exposed to stimuli, such as fear or other strong emotions, and stimulates the stress hormones. (Read more here.)

Simply being in the presence of someone suffering emotionally is enough to ignite an amygdala reaction, in an Empath, whether the other person shows their emotions or not. This reaction can mean they overproduce adrenalin and cortisol. Both of which stimulate fearful or pained emotions.

In these cases, an Empath may not know why they don’t like you, they just know they don’t want to be in your company.


So, there you go. If as an Empath you are reading this as a way to understand why you don’t like certain people, then hopefully this will have given some insight. If, however, you have been spurned by an Empath, and don’t know why, hopefully it will have done the same for you.

It has to be an accepted truth that we all have people who don’t like us, for whatever reason, we are not meant for everyone. And that’s ok.

Until next time. 


©Diane Kathrine

What is Happening?

The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer. But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding. Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life.

The Changes

Each month that passes, we are seeing more of our rights and freedoms taken away. Most are either living in fear or are in a state of confusion as to where we are heading. Nothing makes sense anymore.

We are being given so much contradictory information. The mainstream media is pumping out one narrative. The alternative media is giving out another. But whatever side of the fence we sit, in our beliefs, no one seems to know for sure the destination of the collective.

The finish line is moving further and further away. And the fear mongering is like nothing we have ever experienced.

In my last post, I noted how important it is for Empaths to stay out of the stirred-up propaganda. However, those who are still ‘deeply asleep’ may benefit from experiencing the intense levels of fear or anger. For one reason, it helps trigger ‘an awakening’, and for another, they need to become aware of the truth of the world we live in.

Darkness Revealed

The ‘shadowy darkness,’ that has been controlling this world for many years, is being revealed for everyone to see. The lies and deceptions are on show. Their evil has risen to the surface and is now exposed. There is no hiding from it and no flushing it away.

But just because the truth of our reality is being revealed, on a massive scale, it doesn’t mean people will instantly wake up to it. In fact, some are clearly going deeper into denial. Which is only to be expected. Discovering that your whole reality has been built on lies is not easy to face or deal with.

Those who remain in ‘slumber’, however, are not the only ones struggling…

There are many ‘awake and aware’ people who wish they were still asleep to the truth of our world. Because, let’s face it, ‘knowing’ has not made this journey any easier. If anything, in recent times, it has caused more troubles, especially when no one wants to hear your truth, when your words fall on deaf ears, or if you are ridiculed for your ideas and opinions.

But those who are ‘asleep’, or unaware, will become the newly awakened, and they will, in time, need your guidance. They just don’t know it yet.

Confusing Times

During these confusing times, we are all looking for a little light to be shone on our path. We want to know what is really happening and where we are heading. There seems to be no one holding the answers. The positive predictions, from those who are gifted, are either not coming to fruition or are not offering the support needed. This, I also believe, is for a reason…

If you are a long-time awakened, you will find those you listened to, to find solace, might not be offering you the comfort they once did. You might feel more alone and isolated than ever, and are scratching around, looking for someone else to fill the void or to give you answers. If this is the case, it is unlikely you will find anyone.


Because you have evolved beyond that. You already have what you need within. You are just not trusting yourself and your own inner-guidance.

Looking to another for verification of your intuition is beneficial (I know many Empaths come here to my blog as a back-up to what they already feel inside.), but constantly looking outside yourself for answers will probably cause more confusion. It’s called having ‘too much information’. 😉

That said, our intuition may appear to be playing games with us. Telling us one thing one week and another the next. I’ve certainly been having this experience. Because everything is in flux, truths can shift. What I mean by this is, and as bonkers as it may sound, what is true one day might not be true the next. (The Mandela Effect is an example.)

The old world has gone forever; and that includes how we operate within our reality. We have to be adaptive to variations and fluctuations in our perceptions. Everything is changing and nothing is set in stone.

Trust the Process

We have to ride this one out. This really is a time for faith. Trust the process.

Many of the uncomfortable things that are occurring are not only part of a shifting world, they are a trigger for the un-awakened to wake up. A chance for them to see the truth. Even those of us who are awakened will have disturbing truths revealed. However, the longer we have been ‘on the path’, the less impact these shocks will have.

Take Control

Now is the time to take control of what we can. It’s a time to control not only where our attention goes, but also our reactions. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be dragged into unnecessary fear mongering, nor should we pin our hopes on someone or something to save us.

We need to remember our light and supremacy; really remember it. Feel the power within. Know that what we have been witnessing is an illusion of the highest order. Fear is what has controlled humans for many years. And recently, this fear and confusion has been amped up to record levels to keep us from living within our own supremacy.

Sitting within the energy of confusion and despair, just keeps us trapped. It blocks prosperity, abundance and any of the ‘good stuff’ from unfolding in our reality.

New Beginnings

The world outside might appear to be crazy, and going from bad to worse, but that doesn’t mean we have to join in with the madness. We are our own superpower.

This isn’t just about endings; it is about new beginnings. Where we are going, no one knows for sure. But trust in your own power. You are not alone. We are all in this together!

Hope this helps during these uncertain times.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars… No. I’ve not recently taken up astrology. You may remember the above line from the lyrics of Aquarius. A song that keeps coming into my mind lately, which I’ll come back to shortly.

I’ve not put a post out for a few weeks. With the way the emotional energy has been of late, I’ve not been too inclined to write a full post. I have started several, but then never got to finish. It is difficult for me to stay focused with all the strange energies afloat. Its also not helped that here in Manchester there’s been another local lockdown, which again shifted the energy dynamic.

For the Empaths of the world, and indeed anyone else, these current times have brought in some bizarre challenges. As a species, we have never collectively experienced anything like what we are currently experiencing. Yes, there have been wars and natural disasters, suffered by many, but none of them hitting the entire human race at the same time.

But another problem we are continuing to endure is that people’s emotions are still being manipulated on a massive scale. Fear and anger in particular. Even when it feels like some of the anxieties are calming, another story is put out in the media to stoke the furnace of fear back up. There really is no let up.

As you know, this kind of stress is not good for anyone. If there’s one thing that will compromise the immune system its stress. It is known to be a root cause of major diseases. You would think the governments and media would know this…? If they cared about the populace, as much as they imply, the messages should be about how to keep the immune system strong: exercise, eat well, go outdoors, get plenty of vitamin D, calm the mind and avoid stress!

That said, we can see that the fear mongering narratives the world are being fed, in regards to the virus, are now being doubted. People are starting to question what is happening. They are finally realising that nothing makes sense. There are contradictions upon contradictions. Many people are beginning to realise they have been massively deceived. This is triggering awakenings.

Waking Up

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know my opinion on the way this virus has been handled. I knew from the start that something strange was happening. (Read more here and here). Much of what I wrote about, what I could see happening as a result of lockdowns, has happened or is in the process of. But back in March, when I tried speaking out about it, to those I know, no one wanted to hear, or very few of them. They were so riddled with fear that their rational minds had switched off. Now that is changing. They are starting to ‘see the light.’

People have to figure things out for themselves, in regards to the truth of this world. It is part of the awakening process to break free from the systemic spoon-fed narratives of governments and media, and start thinking for ourselves. And this is what is happening more and more each day. Hearts are being cracked open.

That said, there are also many people who are not questioning anything. They believe everyone in the world is at risk from a deadly virus (even though it has already been downgraded). There is the resounding belief that a vaccine will be the saviour. And when this comes out, life will resume to normal. But the world has changed forever!

The Divide

You have probably noticed lately that there are some massive divisions happening between friends and family members (the world divisions have been discussed here). Those who do not see eye to eye are finding it harder to be in the same company. Not only in regards to what is currently happening with lockdowns, mask wearing, etc, but in regards to politics and other global affairs.

I’ve also seen this happening within the lightworker community. Which seems strange really. You would think those of us who have been tuned into the ‘invisible realms’ would have had similar opinions and ideas about getting the world back into alignment, but it is obvious this is not the case.

Last week, I happened across an interview with a world-famous medium on YouTube who himself said that if people are not sharing his same opinions, he would cut them out of his life (or words to that effect), that was after having earlier said that people should be more kind and tolerant of others. Let’s just say, if I was his friend, he would have long since dumped me.

Let the Sunshine In!

Anyway, getting on to a ‘lighter’ note. I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but here in the UK, we normally get a lot of cloud and rain during the summer. Yet, this year, the sun has been a regular visitor. Not consistently I might add, but there have been more sunny days through the year than I remember having in a long time. And if there is one thing that massively changes the vibrational energy, of a mostly cloudy summer, it is sunshine. It not only gets people outdoors and makes everyone feel better in themselves but there is something incredibly magical about it.

Which brings me back to the song: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In…

After the above lines, ‘when the moon is in the 7th house…’ and ‘let the sunshine in,’ kept playing over in my head, I decided to look up the rest of the words on a music clip. All I can say is it helped me understand why I had been repeatedly hearing the song. If you watch the video below, you will know what I mean.

The sun heals us in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. I believe the sun is also playing a massive part in ‘the shifting of worlds.’ It is raising the vibration and when we tune into its energy, it helps open our hearts and shifts our awareness. (I do love synchronicity. After sharing this blog post yesterday, I received this great article in my inbox, from Green Med Info, all about the incredible healing benefits of the Sun.)

If you want a quick pick me up, listen to this music video and let the sunshine in… Be sure to listen to the words in the background as well.

I really hope you are all keeping happy and healthy. Sending out much love.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine


Times are changing. Even the most unaware are aware of this. We are in times of both creation but also destruction. We are in times of grief and surrender.

The old world has gone. Never to return.

Transitions are difficult. We have been thrust upon a new path. For some, this will be a path of awakening, which will create great confusion, and for others it is a realization that the life we knew is gone for ever.

The old world celebrated and worshipped attractiveness and beauty, wealth and celebrity status, it was full of deceit and fakery, there was an abuse of power and it was heavily governed by masculine energy. The new world is moving away from all that (although it won’t leave without a fight).

I can only speculate as to where we are heading, but something I know for sure; we are in times of surrender and release. Before we move into the new, we release the old.

As the old ends, the new comes forth. But we are being kept so distracted. Distractions are all around us. At one level they are to keep people down and controlled, at another, they are there to rouse us to our true potential.

We have to go through the dark to find the light.

Those of us who awakened many years ago did so after a period of difficulties. Often several years of challenges. We are now in a time of moving from one world to another, whilst at the same time being in a quickening where awakenings are happening en masse.

For the Empaths, this can trigger all sorts of strange disturbing sensations. Mental and physical. You will be feeling the uncertainty of the populace as well as experiencing your own ‘shift.’ It will seem like something just doesn’t ‘feel’ right.

Grief or Anger?

These are times of shedding and release. It is letting go of what we thought we wanted, desired or dreamed of. Everything is up for assessment. And that part can be scary as well as inciting waves of grief.

We might associate grief with the passing of a loved one, but grief can also come from losing a life we once knew.

People sense that life will never be the same again. This realization incites grief which also manifests as hurt and anger.

Humans need to express this anger and will find ways to lash out.

As the old saying goes: ‘We are not really upset about what we think.’

There will be more angry outbursts to come. Which is bad but also good.

When we endure extreme difficulties, it is a pathway towards awakening to new possibilities. Awakenings are painful experiences. So is rebirth.

Time to Release

Now is the time for us all to release, unpack and decide what to let go of.

We may have no idea of how our new world is going to unfold, but we should not be waiting for someone else to create if for us, nor keep us tied to the old with painful distractions.

These are times of preparation.

The old ways of doing things no longer fit. It is time to let go. Yes, it is scary. It’s scary because there is no hiding. The times of change are upon us…

We may be in a period of great upheaval and uncertainty, but there are deep transformations happening inside each of us. We are detaching from that which is no longer a fit.

These transformations are personal and individual. It is a shedding and also a revealing.


The old world was very much about doing, forcing, pushing, and living inauthentically. This is the time to JUST BE. And what I mean by that is be your true authentic self. Live honestly. Be in a space of creation with whatever your gift is. Live as though you are creating the new world.

We are in transitional times but also trying times. For some, there will be more miserable uncomfortable periods ahead. It will get ‘darker and darker’ until people awaken to their sovereignty.

Instead of being dragged down into the dark murk, allow yourself to rise above to the surface and float within the calm waters of creation. Decide which world you want to live in and be in that energy!

As always, my advice is to stay away from mainstream media… ‘The air is so much cleaner’ outside its manipulated ramblings. Not giving your focus to the mainstream also means they cannot control and feed off your energy.

If ever there was a time to be amongst the trees and forests, now is it. Nature is so healing and very much at one with the term JUST BE. By tuning into the grounding energy of our beautiful trees, it keeps us in alignment with our higher self.

I will leave you with a poem that I feel is inline with what is to come…

One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had. You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life-giving qualities. You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self-sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.”

–Nikita Gill, You Have Become a Forest

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine


The Reason an Empath Has A Disadvantage With The Law Of Attraction

Today’s post is about an interesting comment I received on the last post I shared.

When I first read the following comment, my initial reaction was this was a negative response. It ruffled my feathers. I wasn’t sure what it was about. But I then realized there was a reference to the law of attraction in my last post. (Read my last post here).

Here is the comment:

Thinking negatively is absolutely essential if we are to change ourselves. Without negativity there is literally no driving force for change. Shame, depression, despair, sadness, anxiety, disillusionment, guilt, aloneness, self-doubt, self-dissatisfaction, feelings of inferiority etc. force self-aware individuals with a conscience to do better (‘the Theory of Positive Disintegration’, analogous to ‘the dark night of the soul’).

The ‘law of attraction’ – as it’s widely understood – is hogwash. Poor and sick people didn’t set out to be poor and sick people, and thinking happy-clappy thoughts won’t make their reality any nicer. Also, bad things happen to good people, and as well as that all sorts of low-life try to attack good people (where’s the ‘law of attraction’ in that?) There isn’t one genuinely spiritual person who hasn’t gone through an utterly miserable time from others.

Where the ‘law of attraction’ becomes even more pernicious is with new-age internet scammers who tell their victims that the ‘get rich quick’ schemes they bought into didn’t succeed because ‘they weren’t thinking positively enough’.

As I pondered my reply, I realized it would be a lengthy one. So, I decided it was a good opportunity to write a post about it instead, because a) I agree with the comment, and b) because I don’t agree with it and c) because I realize many Empaths may be of the same mind, (and d) because anything that ruffles my feathers is drawing my attention to something that needs addressing). Continue reading

Why Do Empaths Have Such a Strong Sense of Not Belonging?

Too many Empaths go through life feeling like they don’t belong. It’s as though they have been dumped in a reality that is not a fit for them… So why is that?

Even before we discover who we are, as Empaths, we can feel like a giant square peg trying to squeeze into a tiny hole.

We look around at those who glide through life, following the rules laid down by society, who appear contented with the way the system operates and who slot in with others effortlessly. Even if they are unhappy, they never seem to question anything, nor find fault with ‘the way things work’. We may wonder why is it so easy for them to ‘fit in’ but not for us?

There are several reasons for this ‘sense of not belonging’ the Empath has; one of which being the way we ‘feel’. Continue reading

What is the Real Connection Between an Empath and a Narcissist?

When I started writing for the Empath, back in 2011, there was very little material available on the subject, and this is what drove my compilation of  the ‘Traits of an Empath’. I wanted to help other Empaths understand who they were and discover why they felt all they did. I also wanted to share what had helped me.

It doesn’t seem so long ago that the word ‘Empath’ was a rarely mentioned term. But we can see how that’s changed in recent years. Thousands, if not millions, have discovered who they are as Empaths with all the information now available.

However, with this Empath uprising there also seems to have been an upsurge with the ‘dark side of sensitive’. This can be observed with the rise of the narcissist and those encompassing narcissistic traits.

What Makes a Narcissist?

Although the term narcissism originally stemmed from having extreme vanity, today it represents so much more:

The definition of a narcissist is: a psychological condition characterised by self-preoccupation, high self-esteem, a distinct lack of empathy, excessive self-admiration and a tendency towards selfish or resentful behaviours. But there are many more traits associated with this type of disposition such as: one-sidedness, a manipulative nature, unrealistic expectations of others, excess need for control, and a huge sympathy deficiency. In some cases, the traits of a narcissist match up with a psychopath.

The Empath Connection

Where you find an Empath, you often find a narcissist nearby… or at least those who display several narcissistic tendencies.

In fact, if an Empath takes a look into their past they normally see a pattern of people displaying the above traits throughout their lives.

There are some who would argue that an Empath and narcissist are two sides of the same coin. And although I certainly agree that both have heightened levels of sensitivity, they are expressed in opposite ways.

An Empath’s sensitive side may breed and feed their emotional pain, but it also contributes to their consideration, compassion, and abundance of empathy.

The narcissist’s sensitive side also contributes to their inner-pain, but in many cases, their wounds bred bitter, resentful and vengeful tendencies.

And when a narcissist is offended, it is often the result of a wounded ego as opposed to a pained soul — as in the Empath’s case. Continue reading

Why the Unusual Empath Reaction to Lies?


Empaths have a strong sense of integrity and they know a lie when they feel it. They also know they shouldn’t lie for personal gain or to manipulate others. Their goal in life may be to live in complete authenticity, but find it difficult to do in a world where dishonesty and corruption are more readily accepted than the truth.

We live in a time where silver-tongued fraudsters are rewarded, and those who speak their truth often get attacked. And because of this, many are afraid of showing who they are or what they believe in.

While the world is filled with deceit and disinformation, something will always feel off to an Empath. But it’s not just living under a corrupt establishment that creates a sense of unease, simply being in the presence of inauthenticity throws the Empath into disarray.

When in the company of those whose words don’t match their vibration, the Empath’s brain tends to scramble. So much so, they may struggle to form a coherent sentence. This mind-numbing effect is caused by the ‘Empathic antenna’ sensing all is not what it seems. It is detecting a person is not showing a true reflection of who they are.

In most cases, when someone creates a fake persona, it is a way to hide a side they believe will be rejected. Every human wants to feel special and loved. And if someone feels unworthy, they may create a ‘face’ they hope will be accepted.

But inauthenticity breeds and feeds. And an initial quest to ‘fit in’ can escalate, over time, into a darker manipulative personality.

When an Empath encounters inauthentic people they may, initially, assume it is their own insecurities creating the ‘freeze effect’. When it is really a brain scramble caused by the contradictory energy they pick up.

Brain scramble can cause: confusion, stumbling over words, nervousness, and anxiety. It can also cause a stall in the memory, where names, places and events get temporarily erased from the mind Continue reading

One Thing That Will Set you Free as an Empath!

Finding the truth of who you really are as an Empath is one of the hardest things you will face whilst on this path of awakening.

If you are struggling with the current shift happening in the world, or with being an Empath, I guarantee, one of the reasons is you are not facing your personal truth.

The person you see in the mirror is an accumulation of many fear-based emotions, untruths, rejections and painful events, built up from your personal history.

Ever heard the saying, ‘We’re not really upset about what we think we’re upset about?’ It means we’re not facing the true cause of our pain.


Finding your truth is not an overnight process. It can take years. At least it took me years and I’m still uncovering new stuff all the time.

It was part of my journey to go the long way round, perhaps, so I could share the information here.

So how did I make the discovery? That the truth really will set you free…? Through journaling.


When I was at my lowest ebb (part of my resistance to the a changing world and my Empath ways) I did not want to talk to anyone about what I was feeling inside. I believed it would make me appear weak and vulnerable. I felt frustrated that I was not in control of my emotions (When I discovered I was an Empath they made more sense) and, as I was not ready to talk to anyone about it, I had to find a way to offload. I did this by journaling.

I came across journaling, quite by chance during a quest to improve my writing skills. In her book, Writing down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg explained: to hone one’s writing ability one should write every day. The idea was just to put pen to paper and see what came out. This is exactly what I did… Continue reading