How I Am Surviving The Crazy Energy

Well, we’re back in full throes of the silly season, AKA Christmas.

For the Empaths of the world, this time of year can affect us in some weird and wonderful ways.

I don’t know about you, but each year I seem to have a different December experience. One year might be up, and another might be down, emotionally, physically and energetically. I may want to celebrate the festive season one year, and then the next I may want to avoid it and get away to the sunshine.

This year has been a bit of a one-off. In that it has been kind of hectic, but in a positive way, with lots of socialising and meeting up with friends.  (So much so, it has been difficult to find the time to write a post.) But I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far (I know, we still have a way to go yet 😉), and I feel my daily habits are what have kept me so uplifted and in balance.

I wanted to check in with you all because I know how challenging the month of December can be. Not only with all the fluctuating stress energy of the populace, but with lack of daylight, cold weather, and with all the illnesses being passed around.

Because there is so much more stress in the air, it can be difficult for an Empath to stay centred, and things can often become overwhelming. And I know only too well what that feels like.

Within this month, many Empaths feel like they are experiencing a daily emotional and physical hangover, especially in the Northern hemisphere.

Yet, even those Empaths in the sunnier climates may still struggle with December energies.

I remember, many years ago, spending Xmas in Australia, where it is their summer, and I still experienced the similar physical and emotional sensations as I did when in the UK.

So, in case you’re wondering, here are some of the physical and emotional sensations some Empaths experience during this hectic period.

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Becoming overly emotional
  • Stress
  • Nausea
  • Feeling flu-ish without actually getting flu

There are many more symptoms you could experience. And, yes, I understand all of the above can actually be related to other things or indeed illness. But for many Empaths, having strange physical and emotional symptoms can be a common December theme.

Why Does It Happen?

In my opinion, it is all the different types of stress energy that triggers different responses within us Empaths. Stress can cause many problems within the body.

Most adults in the world experience some type of hassle over Christmas, whether that’s financial, physical, or just having a never-ending to-do list. As you know only too well, stress energy is hard to avoid for those of us who pick up on the energy of others.

The Solution

For that reason, I am sharing with you what I do daily, in the hopes it might help you too…

The following work an absolute treat for keeping me balanced, grounded and happy. And has, so far, helped get me through the silly season.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a trick or two that might help you too.

Getting Morning Light

I wrote about the incredible benefits I experienced by daylighting, earlier in the year. It is something I still do every day. No matter the weather, I get outside first thing in the morning, when it’s light, for at least 20 minutes. If it’s raining, I sit under my umbrella. If the conditions are really bad, I open the patio door and see the daylight from there.

I know my neighbours must think I’m completely bonkers (still haven’t got around to telling them what I’m doing), sitting there outside in all weathers, but it has worked a treat for rebalancing, and continues to do so.

I also nip out for snacks of light throughout the day, just for a few minutes.

As a side note, studies have shown that getting vitamin D, especially when absorbed from morning light, raises oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is the feel-good hormone that is super-beneficial to have at this time of year.

Daily Earth Grounding

This is also something I do every morning when I go out to get my morning light.

I usually wear my flip flops to go outside. I flick them off, before placing my bare feet on the grass (yes, it is cold, but bearable).

I realise that the problem many of you have with external winter grounding is the extremely cold earth, especially when there’s a layering of snow or frost. This is where grounding gadgets come in, such as grounding mats or shoes, etc.

I have a grounding mat that I use when the weather is too cold or too wet. Again, I put my bare feet on it. But generally, you have to spend more time on a grounding mat, than you do on the natural earth, to get the full benefits.

You can easily buy grounding mats and products off the internet.

There is a website here in the UK that sells grounding stuff: Although I have not yet bought anything from them, they seem to come highly recommended. Grounding mats, Grounding Yoga and Fitness mat (

Protective Crystals

When I am out and about in peopled places, I usually wear my crystal bracelets (when I remember to put them on 😉).

Haematite used to be my go-to grounding stone, because it is both grounding and mirroring, and is protective when in busy or stressed places (basically everywhere over the festive period). But I now have another favourite, Black Tourmaline. Not only because it is protective and grounding, but because it is great for EMF protection.

EMF is quietly causing more problems in our world than you may realise. We can’t see it, but just like negative energy, many Empaths are taken down by EMF, and it is known to cause many health problems.

If you don’t own any crystal jewellery, keeping a piece of Black Tourmaline or Haematite with you at all times is a good way to shield yourself from unwanted energy and EMF.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of crystals for an Empath, see here.

Salt Lamps

Salt is so healing and grounding for the body and mind. I am a big fan of using salt, both inside and outside the body. I even drink a couple of glasses of salt water daily.

But something I find incredibly beneficial to use, at this time of year, is Himalayan salt lamps. I have two of them in my bedroom, and use them as bedside lamps.

I turn the salt lamps on a couple of hours before bedtime. And not only do they change the ambience of the bedroom, instantly making the room more relaxing, but they infuse the air with negative ions, which are known to ease anxiety, stress and depression. I feel the salt lamps also help with sleep and overall wellbeing.

Shake it Off

Although it is a crazy time of year, exercise is still something I aim to do every day. I find it incredible, not only for keeping me grounded, but also just for feeling good and uplifted.

However, I also know how busy everyone is at this time of year, and the thought of doing exercise every day can itself cause stress. Something that we want to avoid. So, this is where shaking comes in.

Shaking the body is something I have found to help rid the body of sluggish feelings or those blah moods. The saying, ‘shake it off’ clearly has merit in more ways than one.

Here’s What to Do:

Start by giving each leg a good shake, shake your bottom and your torso, shake your arms and hands, blubber through your lips and wobble your cheeks, run your hands through your hair and give the scalp a good shake (I do not recommend shaking the head as tension is often held in the neck).

Shaking works even better if you can do it with some uplifting funky music playing in the background. The music we love can do incredible things for us Empaths when experiencing energy overload.

The shaking method also works great if you pick up on any anger energy, It clears it from your energy field.

My diet also plays a massive part in my overall wellbeing. But, as I realise Christmas is not the time for that subject, especially with all that delicious festive food around 😉😊😊, I shall save that subject for another time.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

Hope you have found something to help you get through the silly season.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an Incredible New Year.

Until next time.




Here are some more posts that might help with Xmas stress.

If you need to relax this post will help:  Incredible Relaxation Technique for the Empath

If you pick up on other people’s stress energy and emotions cast your eyes over this: Protection for the Empath

And if you spend time around overly negative people you need to read this: Reasons to Avoid Negative People




Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine





Determine Your Masculine and Feminine Energy Dominance

Some time ago, I discussed the idea that one of the reasons why we are now experiencing so much strife in the world is because the balance between masculine and feminine is seriously off.

Before I knew how masculine and feminine energy impacted the body, I would often question why when I got ailments or niggles in my body, it was often on my left-hand side.

Through my research and yoga teacher training, I came to understand that one of the main reasons was due to the fact I had an imbalance within my masculine and feminine energy. Predominantly my feminine energy. Continue reading


Did you even think it was possible to become addicted to negativity?

I mean, it sounds utterly bonkers, doesn’t it?

When we think of addictions, we often just think about the ones related to drugs or alcohol, perhaps even to gambling. But to negativity?

So, how does it work? Continue reading


One of the problems with being an Empath, is some of our traits can cause an issue for our health and wellbeing.

For example, if we have spent a day in a certain place, where perhaps there are a lot of people around, and we feel tired, down or anxious, we may automatically assume that we have been peopled.

But not every ailment of the mind and body has been caused by our Empath traits.

There’s a chance it could be caused by something entirely different. Something you may not have given much thought to. Continue reading

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading


The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer.

But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding.

Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life. Continue reading


In many of my posts, I write about techniques that Empaths can used to protect themselves from the rigours of Empath life (here, here, here and here).

What I probably haven’t mentioned, in many of these posts, is that several of these protection techniques also act as powerful forms of distraction that work in so many empowering ways.

Distracting the mind from pain, whether physical, spiritual or mental, is an incredible tool which we often forget about using to our advantage…


There are many occasions when we use techniques to distract the mind without necessarily realising.  When experiencing hunger pain, for example, if all you think about is food, you’ll remain hungry. If you engage your mind, with work or some tasks, your hunger quickly vanishes.

Another example can be seen in yoga: Whilst moving through the poses we might focus on ujjayi breath and holding bandhas (physical and energetic locks). By doing this, not only does it help direct prana, but the mind is focused and taken off the physical challenge of the pose. This also has the effect of taking the attention away from the stresses of everyday life. Which in turn contributes to a calm yet uplifted mindset after practise.

There are many other examples I could discuss, but, instead, let’s get straight to the easy distraction techniques you can use in your everyday life to stay empowered and on top:

1. Stay in Your Passions:

Doing what you love is so empowering during these challenging times. Not only does engaging in your passions work as a powerful distraction, but doing things that lighten your soul, and bring a sense of peace and joy to your life, will lift you up like nothing else.

If you don’t feel like you have anything to fit that bill, it is the perfect time to start experimenting with hobbies and pastimes, or just get creative.

In a world of rules, routine and restrictions, people seldom get time to be creative. But spending time creatively is one of the easiest ways to revel in the feel-good-factor. When you feel good you also feel grounded and centred. When creating from your passions, or interests, it has an uplifting effect and keeps the mind away from dark thoughts and feelings. A must for all Empaths.

2. Listen to Uplifting Music and Sing!:

Listening to the songs that move you in all the right ways can instil such a sense of joy and euphoria. If you know the words, sing along. It is incredible how much you can be uplifted by the music you love. It envelops your body and mind in the most powerful vibrations and distracts the attention in all the right ways. Singing along can itself be meditative. (Researcher, Gunter Kreutz, also discovered singing increases cortisol and other chemicals involved in healing.)

Music can go both ways. My advice would be to avoid music that encourages melancholy or brings back difficult memories, even if you enjoy the song.


3. Use Your Pen and Paper

This may sound strange. How can pen and paper help distract the mind? Well, when you write things down, for example with what you want to do going forward in life, you connect with your right brain which helps keep you in creative mode. There is something about handwriting, as opposed to tapping words out on a computer, that helps activate our creative mind. When the creative mind is activated, as opposed to the logical left mind, you also receive more revelations in regards to what is currently happening in your life, or in our world, and can help you see the ‘bigger picture’.

In regards of to what to write about, either let your heart-mind guide you to what is right for you, or make notes on how you would like your future to be.

4. Get Near Trees:

This might sound like the hippiest statement ever, but spend as much time around trees as you can. Gaze upon them. Even go as far as hugging a tree. This not only has the effect of distracting the mind from the darkness in the world, but it takes you into a place of calm and healing. Let’s face it, we wouldn’t be alive if we didn’t have trees and greenery. There is so much wisdom and healing energy around trees (this post explains more), and that is exactly what many of us need right now to clear, rebalance and reset from the demands of Empath life.

5. Stop Doing Things That Bore You:

This isn’t so much a form of distraction. More a form of empowerment.  Feeling bored or unengaged by things that you used to enjoy, or were once an interest, is going to bring you down fast. If you are finding hobbies, lifestyles, or even people, you used to love, have stopped being pleasurable, maybe it’s time you stopped engaging in them, or at least have a break and see if you miss them. Perhaps try a new hobby instead.

6. Exercise:

Engaging in physical activity is a brilliant way to distract the mind from overwhelm or uncomfortable feelings. It’s also a fantastic way to keep the body and mind healthy. Depending on how you feel should depend on what is the best form of exercise to create balance within the body and mind.

If you are feeling lethargic and tired, some type of HIIT training (High intensity interval exercise) is super beneficial. It is also the best exercise for releasing human growth hormone.  HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps the mind in a more positive space. I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels (it is even beneficial to do if you suffer chronic fatigue). Just be sure to start slow, at your own level and don’t force your body into anything it’s not ready for.

If you are the opposite of being lethargic, and feel wired or hyper, then breath-and-bandha-focused yoga will help bring you back to a state of equilibrium, whilst also working as a distraction for the mind.

The reason I recommend breath-and-bandha-focused yoga is because, speaking from experience, it can be easy for the mind to wander and remain unfocused in yoga practice. When practising using the breath and bandhas simultaneously, however, it takes your yoga practice to another level. Here’s a couple of links to videos, of how to engage yogic breath and bandhas, on YouTube:

Breath and Bandhas

Yoga Breathing

Walking, whilst engaging your focus on your scenery/surroundings, is also fantastic for both high and low energy levels. Out near trees, even better!

The Biggest Obstacles

One of the biggest hurdles we face, when empowering the body and mind, is that when we are stressed or feel out of sorts, by the happenings in the world or indeed just Empath life, we often don’t feel like doing anything. We get so wrapped up in what we feel that we don’t think about anything else. But, when in a state of unease, this is the perfect time to use the power of distraction to engage the mind.

If you want to use clever distractions to your advantage, my advice would be to engage in them the moment you feel your mind wandering into ‘darker territory’ or, even better, find something you can do daily that keeps you in a state of empowerment…

Hope this helps you on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


This morning, in my inbox, I received a post from someone who I have been subscribed to for many years: Aluna Joy.

I have dipped in and out of Aluna’s messages over the years, depending on the draw of the message. Today, as I cast my eyes over the headline, it grabbed my attention straight away. And, as I went on to read her post, I knew the draw was for a reason. It was one of those synchronistic moments. (The post actually arrived Tuesday morning, but I didn’t get around to posting this until today.)

Basically, the post addressed an issue I had woken up with on my mind, but more importantly, it confirmed what I had been thinking and feeling for a while.

As you know, in recent times, this world has been kept in a state of absolute fear, anger, uncertainty, etc. Which has not only triggered doubts as to where we’re heading as a species, but it has also kept many people imprisoned within a matrix of destructive repetitive thoughts.

As Empaths, we have not only had to live through the same challenges everyone else has, we have also picked up on the collective emotions that have been particularly heightened for the last twelve months. All of which has impacted us in some strange ways.

You may have also noticed that your Empath intuition hasn’t been working the same, or is perhaps not as dependable as it was. Which may have pushed you to look outside of yourself for information or for confirmation of what you are experiencing.

This is only natural. Looking for answers is hardwired into our being. But when we look outside of ourselves too much, it means we open ourselves up to information we would not normally be open to. We become exposed to the kind of misinformation that is designed to create sides and cloud our judgement.

Anyway, this morning the first thing on my mind was how vulnerable we have all been to misinformation and how it has impacted us. When I opened my emails, and saw Aluna Joy’s message, I felt it was going to relate to my morning musings. And it was…

Her message was basically saying that we are in fragile times, where we are being exposed to many contradicting messages. It has got to the stage where we don’t know who or what to believe.

These are all distractions, designed to stop us from moving forward and keep us trapped in the old world. Which ultimately kept us stuck. But we are now in the process of letting it all go…

So, instead of me writing about a subject that has already been so eloquently discussed in her writings, I am leaving links to Aluna Joy’s post.  I feel you will all benefit from reading the message (if you haven’t already.)  Keeping Centered whilst Navigating Fragile Times

I hope it helps.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



How are you feeling right now?

Have you got any strange physical symptoms that are causing you discomfort?

Have you been experiencing niggling pains in the body that now seem to be amplified?

Have you been more frustrated than usual about the fact people don’t want to hear your truth?

Have you been more triggered by being around strangers?

Have you found your diet has been affecting you in weird ways?

Are you experiencing strange sleeping patterns?

Do you go from feeling euphoric one day to feeling flat and fatigued the next?

Are you in a state of anxiety?

If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you are not alone.

Physical and emotional issues have been coming up for everyone.

The Empaths and Sensitive people often find themselves on ‘overdload’ as they experience the constant churning of the emotions of the masses.

Why is There so Much Pain and Frustration?

I have discussed this subject in previous posts, but I believe we are currently experiencing such pain and frustration for several reasons.

In one case it is for us to accept and let go. Ready for the new.

By undergoing certain triggers our insecurities and buried hurts are being highlighted. In this, we are being shown what needs to be healed and released.

In another, we are being given reasons for ‘our pain’ during the transition of our world. And what I mean by this is, the world is shifting. Ending. Moving. Changing dimensional frequency. All of which is affecting our body and mind in the weirdest of ways.

We have never experienced before what we are collectively experiencing. This shift affects the way we sit in our bodies and it can keep our emotions on a perpetual rollercoaster. One day we may be drifting low and the next we are riding high.

As humans, we need to have/find reasons for feeling so incredibly weird! We have to have a purpose for our pain.

The Positive

The good news is there has been a silver lining to the madness all along. Not only have we been given a place to project our emotional discomforts, caused by a ‘shifting and changing world’, but the emotions and physical discomforts have themselves been revealing. They are revealing in that they show us who we are and what our experiences have been about.

If you are not sure what I mean, just ask yourself what has been the reoccurring theme throughout your life?

For many of us Empaths, we have been living a life as ‘the square peg trying to squeeze into a round hole’. We have been on a continuous journey, trying to understand all that we feel, as well as attempting to figure out the peculiarities of the human race 😊.

But now, it’s as though that chapter is coming to an end as we come to a place where we understand and accept things that we previously could not accept.

You may also have undergone a great revealing in regards to your wellbeing. Discovering, for example, that your emotional or physical health has been greatly impaired by unbalanced hormones, by vitamin deficiencies, or by EMF overload, and you now know the steps to take to find balance.

So, although these past years have been very trying, they have also been revelaing.

The Purpose

Everything that is currently happening has a purpose, even if we cannot yet see it. We just need to trust the process.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find that by raising my awareness into my heart, whilst in a space of gratitude, it really helps bring me back to not only a place of peace but also to my sense of trust.

We are all experiencing ups and downs, no matter how evolved or how aware we are, and we will eventually come through the other side. Keep the faith. ♥

With love,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine 

Could EMF and WIFI Be Disrupting Your Empath Life?

EMF and the Empath

I noted in my last quick post that I had been a couple of weeks without WIFI in December, and what a positive impact it had on me. It is quite incredible how dependent we have become on the internet for everything. So much so, it is difficult to imagine life without it. But have we really considered what effect all the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are having on our Empath sensitivities?

In this last post, I discussed how many Empath lives are disrupted by sensory overload. Another massive factor which also contributes to this overload are electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which include WIFI.

Electromagnetic Pollution

Over the years, the use of smart phones and laptops has skyrocketed. Even the ‘untechiest’ person will have a mobile phone. It certainly doesn’t help that the majority of our phones are also connected wirelessly to the internet which gives off considerable amounts of EMFs when data is streamed.

This increase in mobile phone use has also led to the need for more cell towers around our towns and cities, which means greater levels of EMF in our environment.

Wireless gadgets are not the only problem. There are many other devices within the home that allow these invisible frequencies to build up; such as televisions, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, etc.

EMF and the Empath

EMFs are so powerful they can be measured.

You and me, we both create electromagnetic fields. Virtually every single process which keeps us alive can be traced back to an electric field. A giant electric field holds all our atoms together. We wouldn’t be able to function without our electric fields. Every time we move a muscle, we create an electric field. We are electrical beings.

Think about walking into a room full of angry people where the atmosphere could be ‘cut with a knife.’ It wouldn’t be long before you were affected by the EMF of the room (whether you were an Empath or not), via the merging of electrical fields. No matter how happy you were prior to entering an angry room, the electrical energy of others can influence your own energy and thus your mood.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.Jack Frazer Master’s Physics Oxford University

The above quote explains why the energy of one person can impact the energy of another. Our electric fields like to ‘mingle.’ It also shows that frequencies emitted by WIFI can ‘mess around’ with our own.

One electric field affects the way another functions. So, if you experience strange symptoms, or if your Empath traits are making life difficult, it could be caused by EMF.

Maybe it is time to pay attention to how you feel after spending a lot of time on wireless networks.

As Empaths we easily recognise the impact of the energy of people but many of us are also affected by the electromagnetic frequencies emitted within our environment without realizing.

Hazards to Health

EMF disrupt energy frequencies within our body and within our energy field, they affect our chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of enduring too much EMFs are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Here’s a Sampling:

  • Dark moods, depression or emotional overwhelm
  • Difficulty concentrating and trouble giving attention to anything which requires focus
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and irritability
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness (even though exhausted)

How Do You Know If You’re Affected?

One of the best ways to find out if you are EMF sensitive is to have an electrical detox. Which I must admit can be a challenge because let’s face it, electrical gadgets are everywhere. Perhaps spend a few days away from all things electrical or just turn off the electricity in your home for a while and see how it affects you. Even just switching your phone setting to aeroplane mode, when not in use, will make a difference.

I personally found that when I was not using my phone and laptop for two weeks my brain became clearer, my thoughts more lucid and I felt more energised. Others report of feeling generally happier and healthier or having strange symptoms clear up.

The Solution

Sadly, continuous escapism of EMF and WIFI, in this modern world, is virtually impossible. Yet there is one simple thing we can do to help protect ourselves. Use crystals.

EMF Shielding

Certain crystals can act like bioelectrical shields against EMF. Not surprisingly, the crystals that work best for EMF protection are the stones we use for grounding.

Crystals to Use:

Ferromagnetic crystals (containing iron) are best for EMF protection. There are several of them, but my favourites are:

  • Hematite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Shungite

If you have been impacted by electromagnetic frequencies, you will likely notice the difference as soon as you use one of the above grounding stones.

Other stones that can also be used are Pyrite and Magnetite (although I have never tried them myself, others have reported them to work).

How To Use Crystals for EMF Protection:

When using grounding crystals, such as Black Tourmaline, for EMF protection the goal is to create a shielding barrier between you and your wireless devices. The best ways to do this are:

  • Put them in your trouser/shirt pocket or wear them as jewellery such as necklace or bracelet.
  • Place them in between you and your devices. Perhaps on your work desk.

After Use

It is not always possible to keep a crystal on hand. In some cases, we need to use them after EMF exposure. They can be used with good results in the following ways:

  • Use your grounding crystal in meditations: Hold your crystal, or crystals, in your hands and keep your mind focused on their energy during your meditation.
  • Place a grounding crystal on the third eye (centre of forehead) for five to ten minutes: This helps with clearing any brain fog caused by EMF.
  • Use grounding crystals around your bath tub: (Not in water, as some crystals may rust). This not only helps clear EMFs; it also makes bath time a much fizzier and cleansing affair.

When using crystals for EMF protection there are two IMPORTANT THINGS to remember:

  • Powerfully magnetic crystals should not be used near your laptop or external hard drives because they could fry them.
  • Being semiconductors of energy, Clear Quartz (or other silicate crystals) should not be used near electronic devices, as they can amplify the EMFs

Extra EMF Protection

Although certain crystals work wonders for EMF shielding, we can also take further steps to protect ourselves. The simplest ways are to turn off your wireless routers at bedtime, don’t keep your mobile or other electrical devices on your body, keep your phones and laptops out of your bedroom, and switch off electrical appliances at the mains when not in use.

Also, as was mentioned in my last post, get out in Nature as much as possible. Nature heals us on so many levels and is the perfect protection from EMF. Read more here on the benefits of being in Nature for an Empath.

Remaining vigilant of what might weaken us as Empaths helps ensure we live our happiest and healthiest life. Knowledge is power. Hopefully, this post has shed some light as to how you might have been affected by EMF. We live in an ever-changing fast-paced world that seems to bring in more challenges by the day. Levels of electromagnetic pollution are bound to get worse, so taking some simple steps now to prevent overload can go a long way.

If you are interested in learning more about how crystals can help you as an Empath, I will be releasing a book on the subject in early spring.

Hope that you have all recovered from the festive period and here’s to a fantastic 2020!

Until next time… 350 DPI resized black cover 5 july for KDP 2


©Diane Kathrine


(Part of the above information has been lifted from my upcoming book – Crystals for Empaths – The Ultimate Guide

The below recording may also be of interest

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Sheltering from Loud Energy and Sensory Overload

To some loud energy may seem like a weird concept. But not to an Empath. An Empath will immediately know what is meant by loud energy and why we often need to find ways to shelter from it.

As Empaths, we become adept at differentiating levels of energy. We even become proficient at knowing what someone will feel like just by observing them from a distance. I often think we measure a person’s energy in a similar way that we measure sound. And just like sound can be interpreted as being loud, so can someone’s energy. (I’m sure you have experienced wanting to ‘shush’ someone even though they have not said a word.)

It is often the case that the livelier a person the louder their energy. However, someone can still have loud energy without necessarily being a loud person. There are several factors that seem to raise a person’s ‘vibrational volume’ and they are:

  • Being in quiet emotional pain (suffering in silence).
  • Grasping for attention or being super self-absorbed.
  • Being famous (although this energy can be quite enigmatic).
  • Containing anger or resentments.

Having loud energy is certainly no crime and we cannot build resentments towards someone just because of their ‘energetic decibels.’ But, just like persistent loud noises can impact our health and wellbeing, so can loud energy.

Sensory Overload

You may yourself have noticed that on some occasions you are not affected by the noisy energy of a person, but at other times it winds you up to the point of distraction. This often happens when there’s been a sensory overload. If all your senses have been on overload you won’t handle a person’s loud energy as well as you should.

We talk about being sensitive to other people’s energy, but that’s not all we can be sensitive to. Many Empaths have heightened senses. We hear sounds louder, see colours brighter and taste foods more intensely. We also suffer more with food sensitivities which also contributes to heightened senses.

It is often when all our senses are on overload that we cannot handle the loud energy of people. And is another reason why Empaths don’t do well spending a lot of time in places that are loud or filled with lots of people.

Sensory overload can trigger: fatigue, mood swings, people irritation, and more.

If we become irritated when around another person, we often blame it on their energy, but it might just be that it was ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back.’ In other words, all our other senses have become so heightened that we cannot take any more ‘input.’

The thing is when we are overloaded it causes unnecessary stress to the body and mind. We then get caught up in a vicious cycle of energy overload and our senses never get a rest.

Now, as nice as it would be to ask someone to contain their energy, this obviously isn’t an option. We need ways to filter and cleanse our senses so that we don’t get taken down by sensory overload.

I often talk about the importance of grounding for an Empath, which is not just great for ‘energy protection’ it also works as an easy way to rebalance or calm our senses.


Getting outdoors into the natural world is one of the top ways of grounding. Nature is so soothing to the body, mind and soul. Sadly, the green spaces in and around our cities are getting less and less. Houses, apartment blocks and business units are being built on every available piece of land. This has more impact on our general wellbeing than we probably realize. (Read more about Nature’s healing power here.)

My husband and I do a lot of travelling around the UK. Mostly down south on the M6. But we also go up to Scotland. When we drive towards London, we don’t pass much greenery and we often arrive at our destination lethargic and agitated. However, when driving up to Scotland the opposite is true. We often feel uplifted. If you have done any driving through the UK (or any other place where you go from city to greenery) you might have also experienced this yourself. The further North you travel, on the M6 in the UK, the greener it becomes. The landscape is beautiful and calming to gaze upon. It is soothing to the senses. And that is without even getting out of the car.

Although I know the volume of traffic plays a part in draining our energy when travelling (south-bound on the M6 is particularly busy), we have also sat in traffic heading towards Scotland and it by no means has the same effect.

So, yes, to protect from sensory overload, get out in Nature as much as possible. Keep plants and flowers in the house and garden. Even potted herbs dotted around the kitchen will help bring Nature indoors.

If you don’t get chance to get outdoors much, never fear, there are other fab ways to help soothe the senses and they are:

Meditative Breathing

Before and after going to busy places use meditative breathing exercises for a couple of minutes or longer. A good one to use is the 4/7/8 breathing technique. Inhale for 4 beats, hold for 7 beats, exhale for 8 beats. This practice is soothing to all senses and helps protect from loud energy.

Buzzing bee breath is another great technique to use. Simply close your eyes, plug in your ears with your fingers, inhale and, keeping the mouth closed, exhale whilst making the sound of a buzzing bee. (See more here.)


Carrying or wearing grounding crystals, such as Hematite or Black Tourmaline, are perfect for protection. These stones not only help protect you from loud energy, they are also soothing to the emotions and help keep you grounded. (More on crystals coming soon.)


A great way to soothe your senses and bring all-round calm is by using aromatherapy oils. Before going to peopled places, put some lavender on a hanky and breathe it in when ‘overloaded.’ Or use essential oils in the bath after an energy overload. (Here’s a post to get you started.)

It is also a good idea to avoid overly potent chemical smells (car fumes, air fresheners, cleaning products, soaps, perfumes and deodorants, etc.), which can also overload the senses.


The right type of music, or sounds, can work wonders for soothing your senses and protecting from loud energy. Take your ear phones and Ipod (do people still use these?) or other device and listen to soothing or uplifting music when in places where there is a lot of sensory stimuli.

Eye Cupping

Too much visual stimuli can be overloading. A simple way to soothe your sight sense is eye cupping. Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place your palms over your eyes. Open your eyes into the dark warmth of your palms for as longs as needed (only perform when safe to do so).

So, there you go. Hopefully you will have some new inspiration of what to try to prevent sensory overload and to protect from loud energy. (If you’re looking for more this post might help.)

In my next post I will be addressing a massive factor that is responsible for causing Empath overwhelm and sensory overload. Be sure to look out for it.

Hope you’re all keeping well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


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Are Empaths Destined to Suffer Loneliness?

Are Empaths prone to loneliness?

I recently read a blog post, by Mark Sisson, regarding loneliness and how it has become near epidemic levels.

The article discussed how loneliness is perceived as a weakness and is something we don’t openly talk about in society, which is certainly true.

Loneliness can also occur when people feel like they don’t fit into life, as so many Empaths do. Feeling ‘different’ often leads to a sense of isolation.

To admit to being lonely is often seen as too shameful. It’s as though anyone admitting to loneliness is admitting to failure in life.

People may also not want to admit to being lonely because of the worry of what others think. The fear that being lonely might show one to be unpopular, with a lack of friends, might hold some back from discussing it. Which is ridiculous when you think about it. Someone can have many friends and family members, yet still feel lonely.

They say that loneliness is worse for the health than smoking; which makes sense. Anything that detrimentally weakens the emotional health is damaging to the physical.

The fact that loneliness has become an epidemic, and is now so famous, should not come as a surprise. People are so self-absorbed these days. Because everyone is kept super-busy with work commitments, family life, social media or just trying to figure out existence, they don’t always have time for others.
Continue reading

Moving Into A New World or Something Else?

There is no denying that something strange is happening. Can you feel it too?

When sifting through some of my old posts, as I do from time to time, I came across one that caught my attention. 

The post is from 2015, so some of you may remember it, and it struck me as being quite apt for what we are seeing happening today.

So, I decided I would share it again.

Here it is:

Have you found that you seem to be getting triggered in negative ways recently?

You’re not alone.

Many Empaths are experiencing this.

You will especially notice these triggers if in the past years, you have significantly raised your vibration and have done lots of work on yourself in mind, body and spirit.

You may find that for most of the time you feel happy, then you come into contact with a certain person and it puts you into a negative place, or you may see a news segment that winds you up. Your thoughts change from being happy to low vibrational.

Thinking negatively is not a fault, humans are hardwired into having more negative thoughts than positive. It’s called negativity bias and stems back to our survival instincts from caveman days. We can brood for hours on dark menacing thoughts whilst positive ones may go unnoticed.

It only takes 17 seconds for a negative thought to take hold, which could then escalate into hours or days worth of dark thinking, which affects both our emotions and our physical health.

So, the question is, why are we getting triggered so much lately and why are we noticing all this negativity?

I don’t tend to write about the ‘dark energies’ of our planet, as it is not something I wish to focus on. But we all know there are both dark and light forces at work here. I choose to believe the dark is on its way out, but it does not seem to want to leave without a fight!

It certainly appears, those of us who have worked hard to change ourselves and raise our vibration are getting distracted and pushed out of alignment. There are many ways this is happening, either through: trauma triggers, psychic attack, career problems, political issues, global affairs, etc. It really depends where your interests and thus focus lies.

If you are disconnected from online media and other media outlets, that promote highly charged negative news, another way to get you is through people. You may find people popping up in your life who act as trauma triggers or you may notice more cruel behaviour in the world around you.

Gloom Feeds Gloom

We all know that our thoughts create our reality. Through the law of attraction, we draw back to us what we focus on. When we are triggered, it can swiftly take us out of a lovely happy place and into a dark or painful place. If we stay focused on negativity too long we then attract back more.

If you find this happening to you, distract yourself the moment you realize you are pondering anything negative, or when you feel your emotions being activated. This post may help.

Remember, we only have a 17 second window to stop ourselves from being drawn into negative situations. The more creative your mind, the quicker you will find yourself being ignited by negativity.

Earlier in the week, when I was pondering the reasons behind the dark energy triggers, and why we are being purposely drawn into emotional conflict, my mind went back to something I read many years ago by Dolores Cannon, about the separating world.

Through her work as a past-life hypnotherapist, Dolores discovered that our world would split in two, becoming high and low vibrational worlds. I don’t know if this is metaphorical or physical, but if you look around, it certainly appears to be happening.

It’s as though the human race has been split. People that see the world one way and people who see it another way. And there does not seem to be any way to debate or discuss certain situations. Some people’s minds seem so closed, that it is almost as though they are living in another reality.

There is so much anger and conflict, that for the Empaths of the world it can be unbearable to live in, if we focus on it. That’s why it is so important to stay disconnected from anything or anyone who drags us into emotional conflict.

Dolores did say the eventual outcome would be wonderful. So, fingers crossed on that one. The video below explains about Dolores’ work and her findings. It is easy to understand and follow.

Sadly, Dolores Cannon passed away in 2014, but if you are interested in her work, she has left an amazing legacy and a wealth of information in books and online videos.

If you have found yourself feeling more drawn into weird conflicts recently, I hope this post lets you know you are not alone.

So, there you go. Although it is an old post it still seems relevant. Maybe what we are seeing all around us is the world splitting, and people moving into different realities.

Until next time.



©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered