If you regularly read my blog posts, or indeed if you have read any of my books, you will probably already know that Empaths are at a greater risk from having unbalanced hormones.

I know this is a subject I tend to bang on about, but because I know how unbalanced hormones can make Empath life unnecessarily miserable, it will always be something I come back to. If I can share snippets of information that help prevent it from happening, then that is what I am going to do… 😊😉

So, because, as Empaths, we tend to endure heightened emotional reactions, on a regular basis, the body thinks we are under constant threat, which can then trigger repeated stress hormone spikes.

The thing is, when our body feels we are in danger, it will prioritise keeping us safe, and it will do this by releasing certain hormones that, for example, give us the energy to run away from dangerous situations.

However, in these cases, when the body pumps out more of certain hormones, such as adrenaline or cortisol, it will reduce the release of other hormones, such as progesterone. Continue reading


One of the problems with being an Empath, is some of our traits can cause an issue for our health and wellbeing.

For example, if we have spent a day in a certain place, where perhaps there are a lot of people around, and we feel tired, down or anxious, we may automatically assume that we have been peopled.

But not every ailment of the mind and body has been caused by our Empath traits.

There’s a chance it could be caused by something entirely different. Something you may not have given much thought to. Continue reading

21 Ways for Empaths to Find Safety and Prevent Anxiety

Going through life over-feeling emotions and the emotional energy of others can create the perception of being unsafe, especially when out in public or around certain people. Feeling unsafe can put the body into fight-or-flight mode, which is a response of the sympathetic nervous system.

When the body is in fight-or-flight it is in a constant state of stress, which is heavily damaging to the body and mind, and can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.

Having knowledge of what we can do if we start to suffer with anxiety or panic attacks, even when they have been triggered by other people’s energy, can ensure we don’t needlessly suffer.

The following are some simple steps that can help keep you to ‘feel safe’, which in turn will help with or prevent anxiety and panic attacks…

1. Keep away from people who make you feel unsafe:

If you don’t feel safe, or have trust issues with certain friends or family members, or if you don’t feel they have your best interest at heart, it can cause emotional trauma. It is wise to avoid those who create safety issues for you.

2. Check your diet:

Are you eating chemical-laden foods, or foods that are known to trigger autoimmune conditions? Anxiety can sometimes be a warning from your body, telling you to pay attention. If you suspect your diet is activating anxiety or panic attacks, keeping a food diary can help you pinpoint the triggers. Read more on this post.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

3. Supplement wisely:

Even with the healthiest of diets it is difficult to know we are getting, or absorbing, a full range of nutrients. We often eat anti-nutrient foods without realising (foods that block or hinder nutrient absorption), which means the good stuff we do take in doesn’t get chance to do its job. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be a big trigger for anxiety. A basic supplementation regime can help in regards to anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more info.

4. Take Valerian Root:

Valerian root is a natural herb used for treating anxiety and insomnia. Similar to melatonin, valerian root puts you in relaxed sleepy state. Valerian contains a neurotransmitter called GABA, that is known to have a powerfully calming effect on the mind.

5. Do therapeutic exercise:

Yoga and walking are probably two of the most therapeutic forms of exercise. There is a type of yoga to suit everyone, but it has to be practised regularly to see results. Walking is easy and super beneficial for the body and mind. Also, high intensity exercise, which helps release human growth hormone, can be beneficial for stopping anxiety.

6. Use crystals:

There are many different types of crystals that can help with anxiety. Rose Quartz in particular is a lovely stone to help with panic attacks. It is a love stone that helps calm the emotions. When choosing crystals for anxiety it is best to see them in person (instead of ordering online). If gazing on a certain stone makes you feel calm inside it is generally a good choice.

7. Salt therapy:

Taking salt baths, especially Epsom Salts, can be incredibly calming and soothing for the body and mind. Even better, if you live near an ocean taking a daily dip can work wonders for soothing anxiety. This post gives more details.

8. Check your water levels:

If you are dehydrated, even just a little, it can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more information.

9. Reduce wireless air time:

More research is coming to light showing how WIFI is a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks, especially when spending a lot of time wirelessly downloading on the internet (YouTube, etc.). Give yourself a few days away from WIFI and see what effect it has. Switch your phone to aeroplane mode when not in use and limit your time on the internet. This post explains more.

10. Keep your bedroom as a calm zone:

Quality sleep is important for preventing anxiety and panic attacks. Don’t keep electrical gadgets, especially WIFI gadgets, in the bedroom. Keep your bedroom well aired and clean. Use black out curtains to ensure a solid night’s sleep.

11. Use essential oils:

Essential oils are perfect for instilling calm. Lavender being one of the best allrounders, but other good ones are Basil, Chamomile or Geranium. You can normally feel the calming effects of these essential oils within ten minutes of application. Simply massage a few drops, mixed with a teaspoon of oil, into the soles of your feet. Or use them in your bath, add them to your body oils or put a few drops on your pillow before sleep time. Check this post out for more essential oils and their benefits.

12. Avoid caffeine:

Caffeine is one of the worst things for triggering panic attacks and anxiety. It is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and colas. Avoidance will go a long way to keeping anxiety and panic attacks at bay.

13. Avoid stimulants:

Alcohol and recreational drugs can be another big trigger of anxiety. Many people assume alcohol is a relaxant, but it is when the effects wear off that the problems start.

14. Avoid chemicals:

If you are Sensitive, it often means you will be sensitive to chemicals in products and scents, which can trigger many unusual physical reactions and stress within the body. Keep your products as natural as possible, including laundry detergent, household cleaning products and personal hygiene products.

15. Listen to soothing sounds:

There are some incredibly soothing sounds that can help reduce anxiety. Ocean sounds, angelic harmonies, thunderstorms, gentle chimes, etc. are incredibly calming to the body and mind. Try to avoid live music downloads (such as on YouTube) as the WIFI can trigger more anxiety. Perhaps buy a CD and listen through headphones.

16. Don’t eat late at night:

Eating late at night can be the trigger for sleep anxiety and panic attacks. Try to have your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to ensure it is digested. If you do need to eat close to bedtime, try to make sure it is low sugar/carb food.

17. Get out in Nature:

This is a perfect remedy for anxiety and panic disorder. Even listening to the birds singing is beneficial. Read more here on the benefits of nature for an Empath.

18. Massage and reflexology:

Massaging body treatments work wonders for helping with anxiety, especially reflexology, which works on the reflex points on your feet. Schedule in time for yourself and book in a weekly treatment to help soothe your body and mind.

19. Use meditation and breathing exercises:

Breathing and meditation practices help cultivate more positive thoughts, help balance the stress hormones and instil calm. However, some people find meditation too stressful to perform when experiencing panic attacks or anxiety. The stillness can become unnerving. In these cases, moving meditations, such as yoga with the breath, or deep breathing is massively beneficial.

The Whisky Breath is a quick breathing exercise which can offer instant relief. Simply inhale for a count of four and then exhale for a count of eight. Continue for as long as you need. This exercise switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to prevent or stop panic attacks.  The three-minute meditation performed daily, after doing the Whisky Breath breathing, will help keep the mind positive and anxiety at bay.

There’s more information on breathing exercises and yoga here and here.

20. Talk to a specialist:

If you know you have supressed past trauma such as a bereavement, emotional or physical abuse, or unresolved issues, it might help to talk to a trained therapist. Supressed trauma is often reignited in times of stress, which often triggers panic attacks.

21. Have your hormones checked:

This is a big one, especially for women. If you are going through any kind of hormonal transition, such as perimenopause or menopause, it can be a big trigger for anxiety, fearful emotions and panic attacks. Perimenopause often starts from the late thirties onwards and can create many unusual and uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms. (I will be writing more about this in the future).

So, there you go. Hopefully, you will have found something on the list that will help if you have been feeling unsafe, suffering with fear, anxiety or panic attacks.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Sheltering from Loud Energy and Sensory Overload

To some loud energy may seem like a weird concept. But not to an Empath. An Empath will immediately know what is meant by loud energy and why we often need to find ways to shelter from it.

As Empaths, we become adept at differentiating levels of energy. We even become proficient at knowing what someone will feel like just by observing them from a distance. I often think we measure a person’s energy in a similar way that we measure sound. And just like sound can be interpreted as being loud, so can someone’s energy. (I’m sure you have experienced wanting to ‘shush’ someone even though they have not said a word.)

It is often the case that the livelier a person the louder their energy. However, someone can still have loud energy without necessarily being a loud person. There are several factors that seem to raise a person’s ‘vibrational volume’ and they are:

  • Being in quiet emotional pain (suffering in silence).
  • Grasping for attention or being super self-absorbed.
  • Being famous (although this energy can be quite enigmatic).
  • Containing anger or resentments.

Having loud energy is certainly no crime and we cannot build resentments towards someone just because of their ‘energetic decibels.’ But, just like persistent loud noises can impact our health and wellbeing, so can loud energy.

Sensory Overload

You may yourself have noticed that on some occasions you are not affected by the noisy energy of a person, but at other times it winds you up to the point of distraction. This often happens when there’s been a sensory overload. If all your senses have been on overload you won’t handle a person’s loud energy as well as you should.

We talk about being sensitive to other people’s energy, but that’s not all we can be sensitive to. Many Empaths have heightened senses. We hear sounds louder, see colours brighter and taste foods more intensely. We also suffer more with food sensitivities which also contributes to heightened senses.

It is often when all our senses are on overload that we cannot handle the loud energy of people. And is another reason why Empaths don’t do well spending a lot of time in places that are loud or filled with lots of people.

Sensory overload can trigger: fatigue, mood swings, people irritation, and more.

If we become irritated when around another person, we often blame it on their energy, but it might just be that it was ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back.’ In other words, all our other senses have become so heightened that we cannot take any more ‘input.’

The thing is when we are overloaded it causes unnecessary stress to the body and mind. We then get caught up in a vicious cycle of energy overload and our senses never get a rest.

Now, as nice as it would be to ask someone to contain their energy, this obviously isn’t an option. We need ways to filter and cleanse our senses so that we don’t get taken down by sensory overload.

I often talk about the importance of grounding for an Empath, which is not just great for ‘energy protection’ it also works as an easy way to rebalance or calm our senses.


Getting outdoors into the natural world is one of the top ways of grounding. Nature is so soothing to the body, mind and soul. Sadly, the green spaces in and around our cities are getting less and less. Houses, apartment blocks and business units are being built on every available piece of land. This has more impact on our general wellbeing than we probably realize. (Read more about Nature’s healing power here.)

My husband and I do a lot of travelling around the UK. Mostly down south on the M6. But we also go up to Scotland. When we drive towards London, we don’t pass much greenery and we often arrive at our destination lethargic and agitated. However, when driving up to Scotland the opposite is true. We often feel uplifted. If you have done any driving through the UK (or any other place where you go from city to greenery) you might have also experienced this yourself. The further North you travel, on the M6 in the UK, the greener it becomes. The landscape is beautiful and calming to gaze upon. It is soothing to the senses. And that is without even getting out of the car.

Although I know the volume of traffic plays a part in draining our energy when travelling (south-bound on the M6 is particularly busy), we have also sat in traffic heading towards Scotland and it by no means has the same effect.

So, yes, to protect from sensory overload, get out in Nature as much as possible. Keep plants and flowers in the house and garden. Even potted herbs dotted around the kitchen will help bring Nature indoors.

If you don’t get chance to get outdoors much, never fear, there are other fab ways to help soothe the senses and they are:

Meditative Breathing

Before and after going to busy places use meditative breathing exercises for a couple of minutes or longer. A good one to use is the 4/7/8 breathing technique. Inhale for 4 beats, hold for 7 beats, exhale for 8 beats. This practice is soothing to all senses and helps protect from loud energy.

Buzzing bee breath is another great technique to use. Simply close your eyes, plug in your ears with your fingers, inhale and, keeping the mouth closed, exhale whilst making the sound of a buzzing bee. (See more here.)


Carrying or wearing grounding crystals, such as Hematite or Black Tourmaline, are perfect for protection. These stones not only help protect you from loud energy, they are also soothing to the emotions and help keep you grounded. (More on crystals coming soon.)


A great way to soothe your senses and bring all-round calm is by using aromatherapy oils. Before going to peopled places, put some lavender on a hanky and breathe it in when ‘overloaded.’ Or use essential oils in the bath after an energy overload. (Here’s a post to get you started.)

It is also a good idea to avoid overly potent chemical smells (car fumes, air fresheners, cleaning products, soaps, perfumes and deodorants, etc.), which can also overload the senses.


The right type of music, or sounds, can work wonders for soothing your senses and protecting from loud energy. Take your ear phones and Ipod (do people still use these?) or other device and listen to soothing or uplifting music when in places where there is a lot of sensory stimuli.

Eye Cupping

Too much visual stimuli can be overloading. A simple way to soothe your sight sense is eye cupping. Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place your palms over your eyes. Open your eyes into the dark warmth of your palms for as longs as needed (only perform when safe to do so).

So, there you go. Hopefully you will have some new inspiration of what to try to prevent sensory overload and to protect from loud energy. (If you’re looking for more this post might help.)

In my next post I will be addressing a massive factor that is responsible for causing Empath overwhelm and sensory overload. Be sure to look out for it.

Hope you’re all keeping well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


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How do You Know if You are an Empath or Simply Sensitive?

Do you ever wonder whether you are an Empath or not?

Over the years, I have often been asked the question: ‘How do I know for sure if I’m an Empath?’

My answer always tends to be the same: Generally, if you’re an Empath when you discover the term and the traits it encompasses, you just know whether it applies to you or not. It is like a light bulb moment. You finally have an explanation for all that you feel and have experienced throughout your life… But, there are always exceptions. Continue reading

Empaths! The Word is Spreading

This morning I was happy to find a newsletter from the renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff, in my inbox. The newsletter stated she had recently gone gluten and sugar free and she now recommends this way of eating to other Empaths.

I was excited by the fact the word is clearly spreading about the importance of addressing the diet to find complete balance, and health and happiness as an Empath.

I have written about the benefits of changing the diet for some years now, after seeing the changes in myself when I removed certain foods from my life. Not only in my health but in my Empath ways.

Certain foods can play havoc with Empath traits. But by making small changes to the diet it can transform our life in the most amazing way.

The more of us who discover the effect food has on our happiness and health, not just as an Empath but as a human, the more who can then spread the word.

I believe so much in the transformational benefits of diet changes, for those who are Sensitive, that I wrote a book about it called: ‘The Eating Plan for Empaths and HSPs – Change Your Diet Change Your Life!

The book is written for an Empath by an Empath. I explain how my traits had been impacted, by what I was eating, and the changes I made.

Here’s a snippet of what the book entails:

  • Why the wrong diet leaves the Empath life-weary, energetically open and overly receptive to the negative emotions of others.
  • What you don’t know about wheat. How it has been genetically altered and why this has affected our health and Empath traits.
  • The destructive effect wheat and sugar has on the Sensitive person’s brain and the reason they are both hidden in most processed foods.
  • Why Empaths and HSPs are hardwired into becoming addicted to drug-like foods and how this can be corrected.
  • How strong emotions, coupled with poor diet, damage the gut and trigger anything from anxiety and excessive introversion to lower back pain and stomach disorders, and the approaches to rectify the damage.
  • Ways to soothe the seat of emotions through nutrition.
  • An easy-to-follow eating plan that will get you off wheat and sugar for good, reshape your life and lead to a more blissful existence.

the-eating-plan-for-empaths-and-hsps-pic-monkeyAs well as a 4-week elimination plan, the book includes at least 90 mouth-watering, easy-to-follow recipes to make the food transition a comfortable and effortless one.

After much trial and error in the kitchen over the years (and mess), I have amassed a wide selection of gluten and sugar-free recipes and have included many of them in the book.

The path of the Empath is already challenging enough; we should not be  taken down by what we eat.

We all want to find balance and peace, but that will not happen without a change in our eating habits.

The wrong diet affects our spiritual awareness and prevents intuition from developing. It also heightens the impact of other people’s energy and emotions, and hinders one’s ability to find inner calm, happiness and health

Until we make necessary changes to the diet, we don’t get to see how foods, like wheat and sugar, have been unnecessarily bringing us down emotionally and affecting our health.

My life has transformed since changing my diet and I know yours can too.

If you are interested and ready to change your diet and change your life, whilst losing some weight in the process, this book is for you!

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine


Surviving Christmas: A Guide for Empaths


It is getting ever closer to that dreaded time of year… Christmas!

For some, Christmas is a much loved time. I wish I could make the same claim. For many reasons, the festive season is one my least favourite times of year.

When I was a younger (child to mid-twenties), I loved everything about Christmas. But as the years passed the month of December became harder for me to cope with.

Without fail, every year, at the end of November or beginning of December I would start to feel low and my energy dropped. I would feel as though I was coming down with a bug and would get tense or harassed. Then on or around December 28th I would strangely go back to feeling better.

In my mind I would always find a reason: being extra busy at work, having a busy social life, eating unhealthily, drinking too much alcohol, not having enough sunlight, not doing enough exercise, etc…

Over the years I tried many different approaches to make December more bearable: I made changes to my diet, exercised, stopped going out, stopped drinking alcohol, went on a sunshine breaks… But, no matter what I tried I still felt awful come December.

And then it suddenly dawned on me… what I was feeling wasn’t ‘my stuff’ at all, but everyone else’s.

Continue reading

Clear Negative Energy and Restore Empath Health with Organic Salt

It is said that the ‘father of medicine,’ Hippocrates, was among the first to discover the magical healing qualities of sea salt, after noticing how quickly seawater healed wounded fishermen’s hands.

Salt has been given much bad press over the years and probably for good reason. The refined table salt that most of the Western world has consumed, and which is in all processed foods, is nothing short of toxic to the body. It causes many health problems. But it’s a different story with organic rock or sea salt.

Not only is organic rock or sea salt a great medicinal healer, it is also deeply purifying energetically. It has the power to draw out and dissolve negative energies from the emotional and physical body. This is especially helpful if your day involves interacting with others, where too often, as an Empath, you absorb stressed or anxious energy.

Unrefined salt, from the sea or rock, is an amazing grounding and energy clearing tool that can be safely and effectively used daily, inside and outside the body.

And not just for clearing negative energy: Continue reading

The Essential Protective Stone for an Empath

haematite stonesMany Empaths find themselves drawn to crystals and tumble stones at some point on their journey.

They have this draw for many reasons: Maybe it’s for the crystal’s beauty, texture or colour.

But more often than not, the Empath’s intuition guides them towards certain crystals for the powerful healing vibrations they emit.

There are hundreds of types of crystals, all with countless healing properties. But the stone that, in my opinion, every Empath should keep with them, as part of their grounding and energy protecting arsenal, is Haematite.

Haematite is a very powerful stone that has many incredible qualities. It is known as the grounding stone of grounding stones and has powerful protective and mirroring properties.

Haematite has the ability to both balance your energy and raise your vibration: lifting you up energetically whilst keeping you grounded. And the one thing all Empaths need is to stay grounded! Continue reading

11 Essential Oils to Re-Balance the Empath

essential_oilsFor the Empath, having a variety of quick-fix-pick-me-ups is vital for their continuous health and happiness.

After spending time in public places and around draining people, or just when the stresses of life bring us down, the last thing we may want to do is sit in meditation or do energy clearing techniques to realign ourselves.

When affected by the energy of a hectic world, the idea of waving a healing wand to rebalance and recharge is a most appealing idea. And this is where essential oils come in.

Essential oils work like a magical elixir and have many incredible benefits, they are the perfect way for a busy Empath to stay in balance. The oils help still the mind, clear energy, aid restful sleep and return us to a state of equilibrium.

The value of essential oils has been known for more than 6000 years, not only for their amazing healing properties but for their ability to bring balance back to the body and mind, and promote emotional wellbeing.

Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules that are easily penetrated by the body.

When the essences are inhaled through the nose, the cells that line the nasal passages send a message to the limbic system in the brain, via the olfactory senses. These messages then act as instructions for the limbic system.

The limbic system is a part of the brain that controls the major functions of the body and has a huge impact on the emotions and emotional memory (it is also responsible for sparking nostalgia through certain scents). When the limbic system  receive the oil’s message it responds to the request and takes action, whether that be to heal the body, calm the mind or both.

Depending on the oil will depend on the instruction the body gets. For example: with lavender the message will be one of relaxation, if it’s jasmine oil the message will be to promote calm to the body.

The following essential oils are brilliant for the Empath, and have many therapeutic benefits. Not only do they help heal physical ailments but they also work to remove emotional energy held within the body, or within the aura, and act as incredible Empath elixirs.

You can use the oils listed below  in diffusers, room sprays, candles, body and facial oils, on a handkerchief, on your  pillow, and even in your bath. Continue reading

The Real Reason Empaths Have Heightened Emotions


Although emotions are part of human life and something everyone has to live with, Empaths and HSPs are known to have heightened emotions. This basically means they get upset easier, feel fear and nervousness more readily, and when they get down it can take them longer to get back up… But did you know there was a reason for this?

There is a certain part of the brain called the amygdala which plays a part in emotional overload.

Dr. Elaine Aron, a research psychologist, found the amygdala to be highly activated in Sensitive people.  The more Sensitive you are the more this gland seems to work.

The amygdala is a set of small almond-shaped clusters of nuclei, located deep within the brain’s temporal lobe, which plays a huge part in processing emotions. The more aggressive the emotion the more responsive the amygdala becomes, and is responsible for triggering the stress response hormones.

Dr. Aron found, through a series of trials and research, that when Sensitive people (Empaths and HSPs) were shown pictures of human suffering the amygdala became highly activated. Which in turn released hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream, which further enticed emotional responses.

The amygdala is not a thinking part of the brain. It is a reacting part which activates when exposed to stimuli such as stress, fear or other strong emotions. It causes an automatic response known as the fight-or-flight response.

The fight-or-flight response is the body’s way of protecting us from dangerous situations. The process elevates hormones to give the energy and strength to run away from danger or stay and fight.

Two of the  hormones released into the body, by amygdala activation, are adrenalin and cortisol. These hormones increase heart rate, respiration and glucose levels. All of which are essential for increased body activity. But, they can also ignite fearful emotions and anxiety.

When these hormones are constantly activated by the endocrine glands (courtesy of amygdala activation), and not used through body movement, etc. it can cause heightened emotional responses. This eventually puts other organs and hormones out of balance and leads to illnesses (such as heart disease, adrenal fatigue and diabetes), as well as problems within the energy body (leaky aura and blocked or excessively open chakras).


An Empath does not need to watch another endure pain to experience suffering. Simply being in the presence of someone suffering emotionally is enough to ignite a reaction, whether the other person shows their emotions or not. An Empath feels them and therefore reacts to them. This means the Empath often overproduces adrenalin and cortisol. Both of which stimulate fearful emotions and can lead to weight gain (another reason many Empaths have pot bellies).

In normal situations, when a stressful situation is removed stress levels return to normal, and the amygdala stops reacting. It is when the stress triggers do not decrease that problems arise. This is where issues can occur for the Empath.

Empaths don’t get away from stressful emotions easily. Not only do they have to deal with their own day-to-day stresses but that of others too…

The Empath may stop feeling other people’s emotions soon after leaving them. But this is not always the case. Some people’s emotional energy can cling to the Empath for days after (see this post to learn more). Which means the amygdala is constantly activated and large amounts of unnecessary hormones are dumped into the body.

What to do about it?

1. Avoid triggers:

The first step we can take in preventing unnecessary amygdala activation is to avoid known triggers. The people you know who stimulate a negative emotional response (see post here) lasting more than a day should be avoided.

The amygdala is a defence mechanism activated by emotional responses. It can also be triggered by emotional memories.

People who bring nothing to your life but emotional pain eventually become an Empath trauma trigger and should probably be avoided.

2. Control your mind and thoughts:

Keep the mind quiet to stop unnecessary amygdala activation from thoughts, read post here

3. Avoid stimulants:

Sensitives react to coffee and other stimulants more than most. It is best to know your caffeine intake limits and stay within them (take note at which point you get a physical response – too much caffeine can cause shakiness, pounding heart, flushing, faster breathing and an aching chest – and stay under the that amount). Also drug-like food has a huge impact on an Empath brain (read more about this subject here) and should be avoided.

4. Exercise daily:

Exercise has many redeeming benefits for the Empath. In the case of amygdala activation, it helps clear excess stress hormones from the bloodstream (which would otherwise cause damage).

5. Control glucose levels through diet:

Regularly experiencing stressful emotions, your own or off others’, results in extra glucose being dumped into the bloodstream (from amygdala hormone activation), the last thing an Empath needs is their diet to contribute to this problem. Avoiding sugar or sugar-forming foods can prevent this from happening.

If you are one who carries excess belly fat, your body is receiving too much glucose for its needs.  If you want to learn more about how the right diet can transform an Empath’s life you may want to read this post.

I hope this blog post helped you understand how your brain plays a vital part in your Empath wellbeing, and how the amygdala’s activation impacts your emotional health.

If you want to learn more about the ways Empaths are affected by the energy of others click on the attached links above.

Hope all is keeping really well in your Empath corner of the world…

Until next time


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©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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50 Ways for a Happy Empath Life!

We attract into our life who and what we are. To draw more magnificence to your Empath life it helps to develop a more magnificent outlook on life.

Here are 50 ways of being which, if adopted, will see many incredible positive changes happen in your life!

1. Let Go of Expectations of Others

Expectations can cause untold pain and frustration. Let them go and it will free you from disappointment.

2. Learn to Accept

You cannot and should not control everything in life. Acceptance is essential if you want to live a happy, healthy life.

3. Release Dependency on Others

When you depend on another to make you happy, or to give your life meaning, you miss out on discovering how incredible you are.

4. Control your Thoughts

Stress and unhappiness are born from chaotic Empath musings. Quieten your mind and calm your thoughts.

5. Judge Not

Judging makes you fearful of judgements. Choose not to judge, yourself or others, and you will find more emotional freedom.

6. Stop Procrastinating

Don’t put off today what you can do tomorrow. Why waste life thinking about what you could be doing?Just do it!

7. Be at Peace with Criticism

Trying to avoid criticism prevents you from doing what you are meant to do and becoming who you are meant to be as an Empath.

8. Change not Another nor let Another Change You

Don’t mould others into the people you want them to be and don’t change yourself to please another. Just be! Allow your Empath self to be true.

9. Don’t Take it Personally

If another treats you badly, it is a reflection on them. Not you!

10. Get Out in Nature

Spending time in nature is grounding and uplifting and will soothe your Empath soul.

11. Never Give Up

Good things don’t arrive overnight. People have little appreciation of that which comes easy. No matter what your age: Believe in yourself and continue striving towards your goals.

12. Leave the Crowd Behind

You are here to enjoy your exclusive life experience. Follow your calling not the crowd’s.

13. Collect Experiences not Treasures

When you leave your body you only take your knowledge and experiences. Make as many as you can.

14. Abandon the Fear of Failure

A failure is an experience that simply teaches you how not to do something. Whatever you choose to do as an Empath you will learn. Don’t let fear hold you back from trying.

15. Stay Protected

Keeping away from negative, draining energy will keep you empowered as an Empath.

16. Embrace Success

Expect success as an Empath and you will always have it!

17. Love What You Do and Do What You love

Follow your passions. When happy in your work success will follow.

18. Don’t Place Your Worth on Your Appearance

Youthful beauty fades but inner-beauty continues to grow. Let your inner-Empath-beauty shine!

19. Take Responsibility For Your Energy

You receive back what you give out. Project powerful, uplifting vibrations into the world and collect the rewards.

20. Create The Change You Want To See

Don’t wait. Create your Empath dream life. Be the change see the change.

21. Know Your Worth

No man is better than himself. Putting another on a pedestal instills the idea of unworthiness. Believe in your own brilliant Empath-self!

22. Listen to Others

Listening generously, to those who truly need to be heard, is healing. Heal others heal yourself.

23. Think Not of Revenge

You don’t need to ‘teach another a lesson’. Believe in karma. What goes around does indeed come around.

24. Remember You Have Freewill

It is your journey! Choose the Empath life you want to live.

25. Send Love into the World

Opening your heart to others is a show of strength. Love is empowering. Love will heal you and the world!

26. Let Go of Pain

You wouldn’t hold a fiery ember, so why allow painful emotions to burn within?

27. Don’t Allow Rules to Stifle Creativity

Creativity allows the Empath’s spirit to soar. If a rule no longer works make a new one.

28. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone Daily

If you want to evolve as an Empath, do something each day that makes you uncomfortable.

29. Stop Waiting for Another to Complete You

The only person who can make you whole is you.

30. Learn to Be on Your Own

Spending time alone turns the Empath’s journey into an extraordinary expedition.

31. Express Gratitude

Being grateful sends a powerful message to the universe that you are open to more reasons to be grateful.

32. Keep Your Self-Talk Positive

A positive inner-voice is the key to a happy, productive Empath life.

33. Eat What Nature Intended

For lasting health and happiness keep your diet clean. Listen to your intuitive dietary promptings and feed yourself nourishing food.

34. Nurture Body Mind and Spirit

Your body, mind and spirit are connected. Only when all three are balanced will you find harmony as an Empath.

35. Free Your Voice and Learn to Say No

Only do it because you want to. You will never please others by constantly giving into their expectations. They just expect more.

36. Remember Your Friends

One of the biggest regrets of those on their deathbed is losing touch with old friends. You cannot make new ‘old friends’. You rarely make friends like the ones who have been in your life for the long hall, don’t forget them.

37. Free Yourself from Childhood Issues

The child in you lived and got through those difficult times; don’t let the adult be punished by them.

38. Let Go of Resentment

Why let another’s actions blight your life? Resentment makes you bitter. Let it go.

39. Control Anger

Breathe though and release it. Anger only punishes the bearer.

40. Help Others to Help Themselves

Instead of doing it for them, show them how.

41. Lose The Need to be Right

Wanting to be right just makes others wrong. Value opinions.

42. Question Everything

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see. Trust your Empath gut. If it doesn’t feel right chances are it’s not.

43. Give Without Expect of Return

Doing nice things for others, without expecting anything back, is nourishment for the soul.

44. Stop Throwing Pity Parties

Like attracts like. Talking like a victim keeps you stuck in that mind-set.

45. Strive for Many Life Experiences

Keep your Empath life energised with new experiences every day.

46. Chase Your Dreams

Don’t die with your dreams unrealized. Step out there and create them.

47. Trust Your Intuition

Your Empath Knowing has more power than you may realise. Let it guide you.

48. Find Your Passions

How will you know what your true passions are if you don’t seek them out?

49. Select Acquaintances With Prudence

As an Empath, you become who you spend most time with. Choose wisely.

50. Choose Happiness

For a joyful  life make the decision to feel happy each and every day. And stay away from anything that hinders your joy!


If you’re curious why people behave strangely around you or act as though they don’t like you, you may want to read this post: The Mirror of an Empath.life changing

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time,


If you have found my work to be helpful please consider donating here

©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

Also posted on Awakening People

Discover Your Inner Empath Guidance

Modern life often brings daily challenges for an Empath. If it’s not dealing with their own ‘issues’, it’s picking up on the pained emotions of the people around them or the stressed collective energy of the masses. 

Sometimes it can look like there is no way to get away from the many challenges that life throws an Empath. Especially when it feels like when one hurdle is jumped, another one appears.

But one thing all Empaths generally have is a strong Inner Guidance (IG). It is a guidance they can depend on, if they tune into it, to guide them through the challenges of ‘Sensitive life.’ 

So, what is an Empath’s Inner Guidance (IG) and how do they tune into it?

Basically, your IG is heard through the quiet voice that whispers to you when you’re troubled. It is felt through strong gut-sensations  and your intuitive ideas.

When in tune with your Inner Guidance, Empath life becomes smoother sailing. But the downside to this guidance is, it is easily manipulated by external energy, from the emotions of others, or by internal chemical imbalances that are caused by stress, chakra or endocrine imbalances.

In particular, anything that lowers your vibration can impact your ability to tune into your Inner Empath Guidance. 

I mentioned in my last post that sensitivities are on the rise for many people (and not just the Empaths) in the form of allergies, intolerances, negative emotional responses and depression. These are clear signs that something is amiss within the body, mind and spirit.

Finding Balance Within

The problem is, many people, Empaths included, tend to focus on either the development of the spiritual or  the physical self, but not both at the same time. They may pray, meditate or chant for hours each day and spend every waking moment, wondering how they could serve others, but they do no exercise, they may smoke twenty cigarettes a day and eat nothing but processed food. Or they may go to the other extreme of exercising two to three hours a day and are fastidious about what they eat, but have no ethical or spiritual practice.

However, if you are to find complete balance and harmony, and tune into your Inner Guidance, you need to work towards having the mind, body and spirit in unison.

The body is the physical, which is also home to our spirit, or soul, our true eternal-self. The soul carries all our life experiences and knowledge and it is the only thing we get to take with us when we leave this body. Our mind is what makes us, well, us.

Generally, when we have found balance in the body and mind, through avoiding anything that lowers our vibration, and strive to live an honest life, we feel happy. When we ignore the voice of our higher-self and our strong gut sensations, in regards to health and wellbeing, however, our life becomes more turbulent and uncomfortable.

If you regularly read my posts, you may have noticed I am a massive advocate for taking self-responsibility. It is my belief that if we want to see change, within our life, we have to make the necessary changes.

We hold all the answers. We just need to tune into the voice of our higher self.


Tune Into Your Inner Guidance

Although we may each have teachers, who plant seeds of knowledge and offer us clues about which direction we should be going in life, it is up to each of us to do it for ourselves. We have to decide what is or isn’t right for us.

It is easy to become dependant on another’s teachings or words of wisdom. But everyone is an individual and each life journey should be a reflection of this. 

The real answers lie within. You hold the key to your own happiness and freedom. You only find your keys by following your own Inner Guidance.

The first step to hearing your guiding voice is through having a quiet mind, and learning to recognise and trust its voice.

There are well over ten years worth of posts, here on this blog, written for the Empath. So feel free to browse to find ways to better work with your Inner Guidance to become the Empowered Empath you deserve to be! These posts, here and here, are a good place to start.

Alternatively, if you want to find ways to help you tune into your Inner Guidance and live a more fulfilled life, you may want to go the fast-tracked route and read my book 7 Secrets of the Sensitive. It is filled with information to help the Empath find balance and live an empowered life.

Hope this helps on Your Empath journey.

Life Changing Books for the Empath!

Until next time…


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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How the Empath Benefits from Taking Supplements

If you are an Empath, you will know, only too well, how easy it is to pick up coughs, colds and other ailments off those we spend time with.

Empaths often get twice as many ailments as those who do not pick up the energy of others. So, why is that?

An out of balance Empath, especially one who has absorbed the stresses of others, as well as having their own to deal with, need only briefly be in the presence of someone with the beginnings of a sniffle to pick up a full-blown dose. Of which, the ensuing symptoms tend to be worse than the original carrier.

The problem is, many Empaths are not aware of their own imbalances. Some become so used to feeling ‘out-of-sorts’, after picking up stress from others, they do not notice their body becoming weaker and their immune system less resilient.

I have discovered the best way to stay in balance, as an Empath, is to have all bases covered. And what I mean by that is to take care of our physical, mental and energetic bodies (body, mind and spirit).

In this post I am focusing on balance of the body (immune system) in the way of supplements.

Heard of the saying: ‘like attracts like’ or ‘like increases like?’ Well, it works in all areas of life. Generally those who regularly pick up the negative emotions of others, often feel like crap. When you feel crap you want to eat crap: fast food, stodgy and sugary food. Basically the type of food that has little in the way of nutritional value. So you feel rubbish, eat rubbish, feel more rubbish… and get no nutrients.

Nutrients are our safeguard against illness because they help keep the immune system strong.

I came to realise, first-hand, the importance of supplements, through unintentional trial and error over the years. In my haphazard Screenshot (266)approach to taking vitamins and minerals (taking them for 6 months then non for the next), I found that when taking supplements I had far less immune-system-related illnesses than when not taking them.

There is much controversy over the effectiveness of supplements, especially synthetic ones, and whether they actually work. Many experts argue that a healthy, balanced diet is all we need for optimum nutrition levels. But, even with the healthiest of diets, do we really know how nutritiously balanced our food is?

It is known that our soil is no longer rich in minerals, as it once was, which ultimately affects the mineral content of the fruit and vegetables grown in it. The ripe and brightly coloured fruits on our supermarket shelves may have travelled half-way around the world, and are already months old, before they get to our kitchens. Meaning a much lower vitamin count than if delivered to the supermarkets within hours of being harvested.

It is easy to get reliable information on the web regarding supplements and their benefits. And it is well worth doing the research.

Depending on your areas of weakness will depend on which supplement you should be taking, but I have found the following to be a good all-round elixir:

  • A good multi-vitamin and mineral.
  • Extra Vitamin C and Zinc (especially if you get many colds).
  • Omega 3, found, for example, in fish oils or organic coconut oil (a diet consisting of a ratio 3-1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is a good balance. However, the average Western diet consists of a ratio of about 15-1 or more, through the high usage of vegetable oils in processed foods).
  • A  good Multi-B vitamin.
  • Acidophilus (especially if you suffer from a sensitive digestive tract).
  • Vitamin D3 (more for the darker, winter months).
  • Digestive Enzymes (to be taken with meals) which help break down food and extract the nutrients. Especially beneficial to those who suffer with indigestion or low stomach acid.
  • Magnesium Many people are deficient in magnesium. This mineral is especially beneficial to anyone suffering anxiety, muscle aches or constipation.

If you have any underlying health conditions, speak to a health practitioner before using supplements.

I write these posts with the intention of helping Empaths help themselves. But we need to take responsibility for self. What works for one won’t always work for another. So in that respect take what feels right to you and discard the rest. Empaths tend to get that ‘gut feeling’ (the knowing) when something is not right.

Also, if you want to learn more about how changing your diet can transform your life as an Empath click here

Or if you would like to support me and my work please donate here.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time.

©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

Click on the picture opposite if you want to discover how your diet affects your Empath life and how, by making some simple changes, you can transform your life.