Empaths! The Word is Spreading

This morning I was happy to find a newsletter from the renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff, in my inbox. The newsletter stated she had recently gone gluten and sugar free and she now recommends this way of eating to other Empaths.

I was excited by the fact the word is clearly spreading about the importance of addressing the diet to find complete balance, and health and happiness as an Empath.

I have written about the benefits of changing the diet for some years now, after seeing the changes in myself when I removed certain foods from my life. Not only in my health but in my Empath ways.

Certain foods can play havoc with Empath traits. But by making small changes to the diet it can transform our life in the most amazing way.

The more of us who discover the effect food has on our happiness and health, not just as an Empath but as a human, the more who can then spread the word.

I believe so much in the transformational benefits of diet changes, for those who are Sensitive, that I wrote a book about it called: ‘The Eating Plan for Empaths and HSPs – Change Your Diet Change Your Life!

The book is written for an Empath by an Empath. I explain how my traits had been impacted, by what I was eating, and the changes I made.

Here’s a snippet of what the book entails:

  • Why the wrong diet leaves the Empath life-weary, energetically open and overly receptive to the negative emotions of others.
  • What you don’t know about wheat. How it has been genetically altered and why this has affected our health and Empath traits.
  • The destructive effect wheat and sugar has on the Sensitive person’s brain and the reason they are both hidden in most processed foods.
  • Why Empaths and HSPs are hardwired into becoming addicted to drug-like foods and how this can be corrected.
  • How strong emotions, coupled with poor diet, damage the gut and trigger anything from anxiety and excessive introversion to lower back pain and stomach disorders, and the approaches to rectify the damage.
  • Ways to soothe the seat of emotions through nutrition.
  • An easy-to-follow eating plan that will get you off wheat and sugar for good, reshape your life and lead to a more blissful existence.

the-eating-plan-for-empaths-and-hsps-pic-monkeyAs well as a 4-week elimination plan, the book includes at least 90 mouth-watering, easy-to-follow recipes to make the food transition a comfortable and effortless one.

After much trial and error in the kitchen over the years (and mess), I have amassed a wide selection of gluten and sugar-free recipes and have included many of them in the book.

The path of the Empath is already challenging enough; we should not be  taken down by what we eat.

We all want to find balance and peace, but that will not happen without a change in our eating habits.

The wrong diet affects our spiritual awareness and prevents intuition from developing. It also heightens the impact of other people’s energy and emotions, and hinders one’s ability to find inner calm, happiness and health

Until we make necessary changes to the diet, we don’t get to see how foods, like wheat and sugar, have been unnecessarily bringing us down emotionally and affecting our health.

My life has transformed since changing my diet and I know yours can too.

If you are interested and ready to change your diet and change your life, whilst losing some weight in the process, this book is for you!

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine