If you read my last article, you may have noticed I mentioned that many Empaths tend to be prone to suffering adrenal fatigue, caused by amygdala activation.

The term adrenal fatigue has been used to explain: a group of symptoms that are said to occur in people who are under long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

In case you’re wondering, the adrenals are small organs located above the kidneys that produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

The theory is when someone suffers long-term stresses, the body prioritises the production of stress hormones, which then stops or hinders the production of other important hormones (such as progesterone) that are produced by the adrenals.

This then has a knock-on effect throughout the body and the hormones produced.

So, what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Let’s take a look: Continue reading


As you know, here on my blog, I like to write articles about how to make life easier for an Empath, and how to combat the emotions they often have to deal with.

One of those ways is by sipping a lovely cup of healing char.

Teas that calm your soul and soothe your emotions have so many benefits for an Empath.

Because, let’s face it, one problem that comes with Empath life is having heightened or erratic emotions. (Especially after what we’ve all been through these past two years.)

Heightened emotions can lead to all sorts of health issues, especially of the adrenal glands (endocrine glands that produce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol).

When the adrenals get overactivated, by too much stress, it can cause a whole host of mental and physical problems, as well as autoimmune conditions…

Increased cortisol can also lead to weight gain (hello pot belly), without you having to overeat. Which is made all the worse worse if you drink coffee with caffeine.

So, anything we can do to help soothe our emotions, naturally, is a big bonus for all-round wellbeing (and for our waistline). And this is where herbal teas come in…

Nature gave us many of the things we need to heal, or find calm in life, in the way of herbs and spices. Too often, when on the hunt for a ‘quick-fix’, we overlook these powerful healers.

Drinking more herbal tea not only increases your water intake (water being another great one for soothing emotions), but it gives you the healing benefits of the herbal infusion at the same time.

My Choice

Although I am about to share 11 exceptional soothing teas, I have two favourites: Continue reading

Facing the Empath’s Shadow Side

A couple of posts ago, I discussed how an Empath is often painted as the villain. Today, I want to discuss a similar subject but from another perspective: The Empath’s shadow side.

The shadow side may sound like something devious that drives a person to do dark and dastardly deeds; but it is mostly the source of great emotional pain, especially within an Empath.

What is an Empath’s Shadow Side?

Basically, a shadow side within an Empath is the same as within anyone else: it is the unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities, buried deep within, that can affect our behaviour and outlook on life. The side we don’t always know how to deal with.

I also mentioned in my last post how many Empaths are continually working on themselves to become healthier, happier and all-round better people. The shadow side, however, is often the last thing we want to address.

It is in the things that hurt us or that which we hide from where we will find our shadow.

Most of us have a side that we keep hidden from the rest of the world and even from ourselves. Hiding from our shadow side could be likened to wearing a mask, to conceal something that we consider either too ugly to be seen or too painful to be confronted.

The Japanese believe that everyone has three faces: The face we show the world, the face we show our family and close friends, and the face we show no one. It is our hidden face which is our truest reflection and hides our deepest discomforts. Wearing a mask, to conceal one’s shadow side, is the way many live and is often considered the norm.

Revealing the Cause

A good way to reveal the shadow is looking at what hurts you most. Is it rejection or not being accepted? Could it be people taking advantage of your kind nature? or perhaps not being able to connect with others? Whatever it is, you will generally find the origins of this hurt in your childhood.

Sensitive people are impacted their whole life by the inconsiderate or cruel behaviour of certain individuals from their childhood: The school bully, an angry teenage sibling, an unaware teacher, etc. If something cruel and uncalled for was said or done to you as a child, a seed was planted, creating the roots of the shadow to build.

Hiding from one’s truth may seem like a contradiction on the part of an Empath. Especially considering that most Empaths tend to detest inauthenticity. Wouldn’t hiding a part of ourselves be classed as living in an inauthentic way…? Yes and no.

There is a good reason an Empath may hide the truth of themselves from certain people, and it’s not always to get them to like us.

When we awaken as an Empath, a new way of life is gradually revealed. Not only do we come to embrace and appreciate our unusual traits – traits that set us apart from others – but we start experiencing more synchronicities, we develop greater intuition and discover a new outlook. Everything we have experienced when around people, emotionally and physically, finally makes sense. We understand our need for time alone, why we feel crazy energy when in busy places, and why we experience overpowering emotions when with certain persons. We also come to understand the deeper layers of human nature.

Once awake, we see that most people only see things from their own perspective. The majority don’t have the ability to see the world in 3D, like many Empaths do, and therefore cannot get on board with our way of thinking or relate to the experiences we endure. Because of this awareness, we become vigilant of protecting our space and are hesitant of opening up… We also don’t like burdening others with our troubles.

One thing the ‘Empath Awakening’ doesn’t do is take away our woes. In some cases, we become more sensitive and feel emotions more intensely. We thus hide from our shadow side to protect ourselves from experiencing more pain.

The truth is, avoidance just prolongs the discomfort.

Humans are hardwired into avoiding pain. It is a form of self-protection. ‘Escapism of feeling’ is often done through suppressants such as food, alcohol or drugs, etc.

This never works.

Suppressants just numb or mask the pain for a while. They act like a distraction; taking our attention away from that which needs addressing.


Some believe that by confronting their shadow-side it will cause too much heartache; hoping that avoidance will offer the ‘easier ride’. Which is understandable.

Sadly, when we choose the ‘easy route’ in life, it rarely turns out to be the comfortable journey we wanted, especially when we are avoiding doing something we know we should do.

One of the simplest ways to face the shadow side is by admitting to our insecurities, or that which hurts us.

Admitting that we have been hurt by our past and that we are ready to let it go brings the pain out of the shadows. When facing our ‘inner-demons’, we work to take away their power.

That said, it is not always possible to remove all the buried pain of the shadow side. Some pain is hardwired and is part of us for a reason. It shapes us in many ways; allowing us to empathize at a deeper level.

When we accept that ‘emotional pain’ has a purpose on this journey and is not just some unfair burden that we were unfortunate enough to be saddled with, it can lessen the impact.

Calming the Shadow

Another aspect of working towards balance is to avoid anything which unnecessarily activates ingrained mood-memories created by the shadow.

Mood-memories are the go-to moods, initially activated by the pain body, that we hang out in when feeling low or when in a dark mental space. I find two of the biggest triggers being diet and people (and hormone fluctuations).


By eating foods that influence the hormones in a negative way, it not only lowers our vibration and slows us down, it also impacts moods. This has bearings on wellbeing and initiates dark emotions to be roused or remembered. Wheat and sugar being two of the biggies (read more here). Meat also plays its part with many Empaths (this post explains more).

Uncovering food triggers is an essential part of preventing activation of mood memory.


The type of people who become pain prompters for an Empath are those who hide their truth and pretend to be something they’re not. Basically, anyone who lives a big lie. Not just by lying to themselves, in hiding from their pain, but lying in their words, actions and energy. Those who hurt others with their disregard and those who hide their shadow behind their ego can act like triggers (read more here).

Just by spending too much time in the presence of anyone who carries the above traits could activate mood-memories.

Face the Pain

Facing hidden emotional pain frees us from living in its shadow.

Self-confrontation may seem like a scary option, but it is one of the best ways to release the emotional shackles of the shadow. If we have hidden insecurities, we continue to suffer, and we continue to draw to us those who play on these weaknesses (law of attraction).

The shadow side offers incredible lessons and serves us in many ways; but until we face it or at least admit to it, our actions and emotions are determined by its sway rather than by our conscious choice.

I will be discussing this subject from another perspective in my next post, so be sure to look out for it.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


Is This Normal in an Empath…?

As I’m sure your already more than aware, being an Empath certainly comes with its challenges. One such thing is suffering with heightened sensitivities, like allergies and intolerances.

For many, having sensitivities tends to go hand-in-hand with Empath life. However,  at a certain age you may find these sensitivities heighten and go into overdrive.

There are many reasons for this, but mostly it is down to a compromised immune system and shifting hormones. These changes are normally experienced from the mid-thirties onwards.

Sadly, with age, our bodies become less resilient to all kinds of stress, which means allergies and intolerances start having a greater impact.

The main difference between an allergy and an intolerance is that an allergy is triggered by the immune system, whereas an intolerance may or may not involve an immune system response. Intolerances can also trigger autoimmune reactions, where the immune system attacks the tissues of the body.

Allergic reactions show up straight away, whereas intolerances may not happen for anything up to a day or two after exposure This is the same for being ‘peopled’. The effects of being ‘peopled’ may be experienced straight away or not for 24 hours or more…

Many Empaths have intolerances that they know of, but you may have become intolerant to something or someone and not even be aware of it.

If you are in contact with something on a daily basis that you are allergic or intolerant to, you tend to have a continuous, albeit sometimes minor, reaction. For example: you may suffer with a constant stuffy nose, itchy eyes, muscle or joint discomfort, lethargy or headaches; but because the symptoms seem minor, you give little thought to them.

Most of us already know what we should or shouldn’t consume. We get that nagging feeling that something is not a fit. But when sensitivities heighten with age, we may start reacting to things we have come into daily contact with for most of our life (including certain people), and therefore not make the connection.

So, you may now be wondering what types of reactions you could experience. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  • If you drink alcohol, you may find yourself getting intoxicated ridiculously easily and feel so ill after consumption that you believe you’re going to die. Hangovers last for days or even a week. This shows your body is not able to process alcohol like it did, and it’s time to eliminate or drastically reduce your intake.
  • After eating meat, poultry or fish you feel more depressed than normal and your energy levels plummet. Some Empaths feel the energy of an animal when they consume its flesh, which can cause depression; but also the chemicals and hormones injected into meat can cause a reaction that gets worse with age.
  • Your morning coffee starts giving you the jitters, making you anxious and/or nauseous. Many Empaths find their tolerance for caffeine decreases with age.
  • The day after spending time with a certain person you feel fatigued and depressed.
  • When coming into contact with air fresheners, cleaning products, perfumes or garden chemicals, your nose starts streaming and you develop cold-like symptoms.
  • Consuming anything genetically modified triggers a host of uncomfortable symptoms for days after.
  • White sugar or wheat products makes your body lethargic and your mind race.
  • Watching TV or spending time on the internet  gives you brain fog and makes you feel restless or irritable.
  • You may find you put on weight, for no reason, which you cannot get rid of.

As Empath life already has enough challenges to deal with, you don’t want to endure any unnecessary suffering. So, if you find your sensitivities have heightened towards people, or anything else, it is a good idea to keep a lifestyle diary. Write down what you eat, chemicals you may have come into contact with in cleaning products or other, list the people you spend time with, whether you have reactions to hair dyes or beauty treatments, and make a note of time spent in front of a computer, TV or other media outlets,  (for women make a note of your monthly cycle).

By keeping notes it will eventually reveal a pattern, and help you make the connection between how you feel and what you’ve come into contact with. It also helps you determine what is triggering or heightening your sensitivities.

One of the best ways to determine an intolerance or allergy is a process of elimination: To withdraw from your life, for a time, the suspected trigger and then reintroduce it after three to four weeks. If you have become intolerant you normally have a big reaction when its reintroduced (this even works with people). If you have a negative physical or emotional reaction it is probably time to eliminate the trigger.

Here are some other posts you might find helpful for determining physical weaknesses that may have developed over the years: Here, Here and Here.

Discover how the traits of an Empath impact the way you live and how to make the most of them...

Discover how the traits of an Empath impact the way you live and how to make the most of them…

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

This is Incredible!

Just a quick one today.

As it’s new year and we all have intentions of becoming healthier and happier, I’ve decided to do a fantastic offer on Kindle Countdown for all you lovely Empaths. For 2 days you can get the Empath Eating plan for $1.26. Yes, that’s right, only $1.26. The price will gradually increase until it goes back to full list price on 16th January 2019.

You can click here to have a quick read through of the first part of the book, to see if the information is for you. Remember it’s only for 2 days that the price will be so low. Continue reading

Uncovering Power Imbalances Within The Empath

Today, I want to address the subject of power imbalances within an Empath and the need to control what we feel.

As Empaths, many of our emotional sensations are amplified. We react to criticism much more than most and, when out of balance, we become incredibly oversensitive to everyday life situations.

Because of this, we may suffer with depression and are more open to attract depressive moods from others (like attracts like).

In my post: Why do Empaths have Such a Strong Sense of Belonging, I made reference to Empaths knowing when something is wrong in their surroundings, even if they don’t know exactly what it is.

The fact that so few people have control over their lives makes for a lot of unhappy people. Empaths pick up on the collective sense of dissatisfaction, whether they are aware of it or not, which can greatly affect their own moods. This can then trap them in negative thinking patterns.

As Empaths, we get down when it seems like we have no control of the way we feel. Which is understandable. Getting bombarded with the emotional energy of others (on top of our own emotions) is no fun, and it can certainly influence the way we operate.

What we pick up from others can shape our life, especially when we are not aware the emotional energy we are experiencing does not belong to us. (If you struggle with defining the emotional energy of others read this.)

But other people’s energy is not the only thing that can lead to emotional instability and a sense of power imbalance. Continue reading

The Easy Empath Elixir

Are you one of the many Empaths who struggles to stay in  control of how you feel?

You are not alone. The stresses of ‘Empath life’ certainly takes its toll on the emotional and physical wellbeing of many Empaths.

But did you know that just by drinking more water you can become healthier, both emotionally and physically?

Sound too good to be true…? Read on…

The body consists of up to 75% water (some body tissue has 95%), so it will come as no surprise that we need to drink lots of water to stay in balance physically and mentally.

When out-of-sorts, we can turn to water as a quick pick-me-up. Not only will it help keep the body functioning properly but it also helps in dealing with Empath overwhelm and emotional energy.

Most are unaware just how dehydrated they are, because they regularly drink fluids throughout the day. But as the body uses so much water, just to function, it is quickly being used and in constant need of replenishment.

Breathing alone loses a quarter of the body’s water, on a daily basis, and that’s without any physical exertion.

Dehydration affects well-being, appearance and accelerates the aging process. Being well-hydrated is essential to keep the body functioning and the energy levels stable.

We could not survive more than a few days without fluid and this should make it clear how important it is.

But not only does an insufficient supply of water create problems with the functioning of the body and mind, it can also influence how an Empath experiences the energy of others.

Because they are often on overload, from experiencing too much emotional energy, the Empath’s filtering system does not always work as efficiently as it could; meaning toxins stay in the body longer than they should. Which can play havoc with their emotions. Continue reading

Should the Empath Become Vegetarian?

There is much debate within the Empath world as to whether meat should be consumed. Many Empaths find themselves naturally drawn to vegetarianism, even from a young age. Some even become strict vegans, others may eat only chicken or fish. 

However, as each Empath is affected differently by their consumption of meat, chicken and fish it is a choice they have to make for themselves as to whether they consume.

The majority of Empaths will question their meat intake at some point on their journey, even if they like the taste. And this often comes down to their love and respect for nature and the animal kingdom, as well as the fact that consuming animals can feel  wrong.

It has to be said, we live in a barbaric world where animals eat animals, fish eat fish, and insects eat insects to survive… and yes, humans eat animals (and, in some rare cases, other humans). But these days more people, and not just the Sensitive, are choosing to stop eating meat because of the way animals are treated.

It is not just because of their love of animals that turns an Empath away from eating meat, whether they realize this or not, it’s often because they feel the energy of an animal when they eat its flesh.

Some are so Sensitive that they can even feel the energy of an egg and will avoid eating them too.

If an animal suffered or felt much fear before being slaughtered, it can cause depression and low emotions in the Empath who consumes its meat. The bigger the animal the more this energy is felt.

These emotions are normally experienced soon after consumption, within minutes or hours. One may feel weepy, sorrowful, irritation or experience waves of anger. You may even find yourself more ‘touchy’ to the energy of your surroundings.

That said, some are little affected. It really depends on one’s level of Sensitivity and the type of animal produce. For example: some Empaths may eat chicken or fish and feel no ill-effects, but if they eat meat, derived from a cow or pig, it greatly affects their moods.

It is probably safe to say should you develop low emotions soon after eating meat, avoidance may be the best option for you.

I eat chicken and fish, and very little meat. I would prefer to be vegetarian, and for some time I was, but it didn’t suit my health. I have an autoimmune disorder and a leaky gut, which I can control through my diet. I find most vegetarian proteins cause a negative bodily reaction (Click here to learn about Empaths reacting to vegan food). And because of the environment I live in, I tend to stay overly responsive.                                                                                                                                                      

Leaky gut and autoimmune disease are conditions common among Sensitive people. After experiencing a lifetime’s worth of heightened emotions and sensitivities, the gut, which is the area of the seat of emotions, weakens. Because of the amount of chemicals in our atmosphere and diet, and the foods that have been genetically altered, we become vulnerable to developing physical and energetic weaknesses.

[In brief, if you suffer with a leaky gut, the lectins in many vegetarian foods trigger a reaction that allows food particles, that should stay inside the gut, to leak out into the body. This causes an immune response. When this happens regularly it eventually leads to an autoimmune disease, where the immune system attacks the organs and glands. For the Empath, this opens another can of worms, igniting unbalanced chakras and a permeable aura.]

Should you choose to eat meat, fish, chicken or even dairy products, you are best eating the finest quality organic pasture-raised produce. Not only because the animals will have been better looked after but because of the amount of chemicals pumped into most livestock.

Over 80% of all produced antibiotics are given to livestock. And up to 20 different medications and vast quantities of hormones could be present in non-organic meat and dairy. The antibiotics and hormones found within animal produce are causing people many health problems. They are known to be endocrine disruptors. And anything which is an endocrine disruptor upsets the balance of hormones within the body. This in turn disrupts the health of the chakras and weakens the auric field (meaning you pick up more energy from others).

So, as already noted, should you choose to eat animal produce it is probably best to consume the finest quality.  

The last thing you want, as an Empath, is  for your diet to destabilize your aura and debilitate your chakras.  Empath life already comes with enough hurdles as it is. (You may want to read this post on how unbalanced chakras can weaken the Empath)

For more posts on how diet affects Empath health click here, here, and here.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Stay happy and healthy.


©Diane Kathrine

Empaths! The Word is Spreading

This morning I was happy to find a newsletter from the renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff, in my inbox. The newsletter stated she had recently gone gluten and sugar free and she now recommends this way of eating to other Empaths.

I was excited by the fact the word is clearly spreading about the importance of addressing the diet to find complete balance, and health and happiness as an Empath.

I have written about the benefits of changing the diet for some years now, after seeing the changes in myself when I removed certain foods from my life. Not only in my health but in my Empath ways.

Certain foods can play havoc with Empath traits. But by making small changes to the diet it can transform our life in the most amazing way.

The more of us who discover the effect food has on our happiness and health, not just as an Empath but as a human, the more who can then spread the word.

I believe so much in the transformational benefits of diet changes, for those who are Sensitive, that I wrote a book about it called: ‘The Eating Plan for Empaths and HSPs – Change Your Diet Change Your Life!

The book is written for an Empath by an Empath. I explain how my traits had been impacted, by what I was eating, and the changes I made.

Here’s a snippet of what the book entails:

  • Why the wrong diet leaves the Empath life-weary, energetically open and overly receptive to the negative emotions of others.
  • What you don’t know about wheat. How it has been genetically altered and why this has affected our health and Empath traits.
  • The destructive effect wheat and sugar has on the Sensitive person’s brain and the reason they are both hidden in most processed foods.
  • Why Empaths and HSPs are hardwired into becoming addicted to drug-like foods and how this can be corrected.
  • How strong emotions, coupled with poor diet, damage the gut and trigger anything from anxiety and excessive introversion to lower back pain and stomach disorders, and the approaches to rectify the damage.
  • Ways to soothe the seat of emotions through nutrition.
  • An easy-to-follow eating plan that will get you off wheat and sugar for good, reshape your life and lead to a more blissful existence.

the-eating-plan-for-empaths-and-hsps-pic-monkeyAs well as a 4-week elimination plan, the book includes at least 90 mouth-watering, easy-to-follow recipes to make the food transition a comfortable and effortless one.

After much trial and error in the kitchen over the years (and mess), I have amassed a wide selection of gluten and sugar-free recipes and have included many of them in the book.

The path of the Empath is already challenging enough; we should not be  taken down by what we eat.

We all want to find balance and peace, but that will not happen without a change in our eating habits.

The wrong diet affects our spiritual awareness and prevents intuition from developing. It also heightens the impact of other people’s energy and emotions, and hinders one’s ability to find inner calm, happiness and health

Until we make necessary changes to the diet, we don’t get to see how foods, like wheat and sugar, have been unnecessarily bringing us down emotionally and affecting our health.

My life has transformed since changing my diet and I know yours can too.

If you are interested and ready to change your diet and change your life, whilst losing some weight in the process, this book is for you!

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine


Dealing with Energy Shifts as an Empath


In recent years, there has been many shifts and changes with energy patterns. Anything to do with energy shifting will always affect the Empath in weird and wonderful ways. But it is how it impacts others that might disrupt life.

When there is any type of ‘shift,’ it usually brings to the surface anything buried, which often causes conflict, activates anger issues and finger-pointing.

If, as an Empath, you get emotionally floored, angry, anxious or feel under attack, with no real reason for it, it could simply be down to a shift.

When these shifts happen you may feel like you are out-of-body, observing life as it is going on around you but not really feeling part of it. You may overhear conversations that seem so predictable and obvious that you wonder why others are having them, or you may question why people can’t jump off the hamster wheels they are so fervently spinning on.

It might seem as though you are watching helplessly, from the side-lines, as others refuse to face the truths of themselves, or of this world, and everywhere people seem angry or preoccupied with ridiculous issues.

People are experiencing their ‘buried issues’, which come up during energy shifts, but are refusing to face them. Because of this, they may project what they are feeling on to political issues or lash out at family members or friends.

This destructive energy then builds and becomes more overwhelming for those of us who are Sensitive. Continue reading

The Empath Awakening

Kindle Version Empath AwakeningWell, here I am with the news of another book release: The Empath Awakening.

The book, which could be classed as a prequel to 7 Secrets of the Sensitive, is about what to expect during the transition time of an ‘Empath Awakening’.

I cover subjects such as: friendships and family, toxic relationships, how the mind, body and spirit are impacted by Empath imbalances and how to overcome them, traits that become out of balance, how a permeable aura allows other people’s emotional energy to take you down, and much more.

If you want to have a quick look at the book, to get an idea of what its about, click here or on the above image, to read the blurb and some sample pages.

Here is a short extract explaining how the Empath’s weakened aura (energy-field) can impair their quality of life:

The Empath Aura

Your aura emanates around you like a luminous egg-shaped sheath. It extends around and away from the body for anything up to five feet (in a healthy person). The vibration of this energetic frame is fine and subtle.

Those who are unhealthy, in their body and mind, have an unhealthy, receded aura which is also permeable (energy leaks out and in).

Our aura both surrounds and penetrates our body and resonates with both our physical and mental bodies. Years’ worth of data is stored within our energy-field; this information is normally an accumulation of happy and sad experiences, ideas and opinions, unreleased painful emotions, negative thought-forms, past life memories and toxins, etc. Because Empaths pick up energy from others, we can also carry inside our aura their negative thought-forms and energy.

A weakened body and mind weakens our aura. Low-level thoughts and emotions, unbalanced chakras, food intolerances, poor diet, drugs and alcohol all impair the body, and anything that debilitates the body damages our aura.

When the aura is damaged, it becomes leaky. This is bad news on many levels: it allows our energy out (causing fatigue and other imbalances), and admits other people’s energy in, which then merges with our own.

Empaths are known to have a permeable aura, and this is why people’s energy can be so debilitating. But they are not the only ones. Anyone who is unhealthy or with emotional issues possess a weakened energy-field, which means their energy and emotions are also able to leak out.

If an Empath comes into close proximity with those who have a leaky aura, they will soak up anything leaked like a super-absorbent sponge. It may appear that strangers’ energy purposely infringes our own, but it is often an energetic merger.

If you are unhealthy, eat an unsuitable diet, take drugs or stimulants, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, experience stress and have dark thoughts you will likely have a permeable aura. This means you pick the emotions and energy off others which then becomes etched within your energy-field. You are also affected by negative residual energy and other low frequency vibrations. The only way to heal the aura is by making some changes.

Experiencing overwhelm, after picking up a stranger’s emotional energy, often means the memory of it gets imprinted. Any future interactions, with unfamiliar energy, may cause something like an “energetic allergic reaction”. These reactions are draining and can leave us feeling well below par for hours or even days. If these responses become a common occurrence, following time spent in public places, it prevents us from fully participating in our own life. This is seen by avoidance of peopled areas and anything that involves social interaction.

By finding total balance of mind, body and spirit, it works something like an “energetic anti-histamine” for the Empath. A healthy body and mind results in a powerful aura and creates the Empath’s invisible armour.

A formidable aura empowers the Empath. It persuades other people’s energy to bounce off and is key to living a happier life.

We cannot expect our mind and spirit to be strong when we are putting something into the body that weakens it. Nor can we expect our body to be strong if we experience “Sensitivity stress”.

Sensitivity Stress

Empaths are Sensitive. Anyone who is Sensitive will experience overwhelming emotions, vivid thoughts, and they get hurt more easily than most. This can lead to Sensitivity stress which compromises the immune system… and eventually results in a damaged aura.

Sensitivity stress is endured by those who experience other people’s emotional pain and energy as an adverse reaction (feeling drained, experiencing negative emotion or becoming unwell), they also overreact to any emotional situation and are prone to having anxiety or panic attacks.

This type of stress is not caused by having deadlines to work to and a mammoth to-do-list (although they certainly won’t help), it is caused by having a Sensitive nature, being overly stimulated from external energy and/or having buried emotional pain. Just like normal stress, it damages the immune system and puts strain on the mind and body. This in turn leads to illness, rampant negative thoughts, and a weakened aura…

So there you go a sneaky peak at what The Empath Awakening is about.

The book will be available for free download until the 21st August. Then it will return to full Kindle price of $7.99 ($14.99 for paperback copy).

You can read the book on any device from your phone, laptop or iPad although you may have to download the free Amazon Kindle App.

Click here for free Kindle download of The Empath Awakening or here for paperback version (not included on offer). Please note these links are for Amazon Kindle US. If you are from another part of the world you will have to download it from the online Amazon store in your area. Just type in The Empath Awakening by Diane Kathrine in the Kindle search bar.

If you download the book and find the information to be helpful, I would really appreciate it if you could write a Kindle review for me. Or if you would like to offer any constructive criticism please feel free to inbox me on my FB page Empaths Empowered.

If you think this offer will be useful to anyone else, please feel free to share on Facebook or other places.

Hope all is keeping really well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time…




7 Secrets of the Sensitive

For any of you who may have read my blog for a few years, you may have noticed I am writing much more often than I ever have in the past. The reason for this is because my life has seen many incredible changes and  they are changes that have happened by the changes I have made to my life. It’s time now to pass the information on:

Within ‘7 Secrets of the Sensitive – Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power’ I help you understand why you experience what you do. I show what simple steps you can take to revolutionize your life, take back your power and live the life for which you were destined. As an Empath you deserve an incredible happy life!

If you do happen do purchase a copy I would just like to say a huge thank you and I look forward to it helping transform your Empath life! Click here for more.

7 secrets e-book version

For too long the Empaths have been taken down by an emotionally charged world. Now is the time for that to change!

7 Secrets of the Sensitive reveal the hidden power of an Empath and provide the keys to unlock their true potential.

By the time you have finished reading this book you will gain control of all you feel; you will know how to find happiness, health and emotional stability and you will discover your true life purpose.

Finally you can enjoy the fantastical life you were born to live!


Fabulous news! The print version for 7 Secrets of the Sensitive: Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power is now available to order. You can order it here on Amazon or here for Barnes and Noble. You can also order the eBook (saving $12.01 on print price)

Just in case you don’t know what the book is about, here is a little of what you can expect to discover:

  • Why parts of the Empath brain overreact to emotions and learn how to stop this from happening.
  • Projection and how Empaths send out what they think and feel to others.
  • How the disruption of our chakras affect the body and mind.
  • How and why certain foods destroy the Empath’s emotional wellbeing.
  • The reason why Empaths feel everything so powerfully.
  • What the dominant and sometimes overpowering Empath gut sensations mean.
  • The overwhelming emotional overload Empaths experience and how to instantly overcome it.
  • How Empath fatigue affects life and who or what causes it.
  • Why Empaths attract certain types (including narcissists) and repel others.
  • The reason Empaths form instant dislikes for certain people.
  • Inauthentic behavior and how it weakens an Empath.
  • Trauma triggers and their causes.
  • How to recognize psychic attack and how to protect from it.
  • Thoughtbombing, what it is and how to stop it.
  • How to tell the difference between your own emotions and those which don’t belong to you.

If you want to revolutionize your Empath life this book is for you!

Here is the cover and blurb (click on image to go to bookstore)

Now Available: The Empath Awakening

Kindle Version Empath AwakeningDiscovering you are an Empath is a day of great revelation. Finally, you have an answer for all that you feel and experience! This knowing is just the start of an incredible journey…

Understanding the gift, and all it entails, is the first step to unleashing its gentle power and truly defining yourself as an Empath!

For the newly awakened, life can be wrought with challenges and emotional pain; but it doesn’t have to be. The Empath Awakening shows you where your imbalances may hide and how to treat them. It teaches you how to heal and seal a permeable aura and unplug from unnecessary emotions. The book also imparts valuable knowledge essential for a happy, healthy Empath life!

Click Here

Empath Power

Empat PowerThere are some major changes happening on the planet affecting Empaths on many levels. These changes bring pain, emotional disruptions, repetitive, negative thought patterns and physical distress.

With any energy shift, Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, get clobbered from all directions. Not only do they endure the discomfort of a shifting period in their own way, but they also pick up on how the populace are experiencing these ups and downs. If you often feel overwhelmed and overloaded by all you have to process during these turbulent times, Empath Power is for you.

As an Empath you are one of life’s game changers! It is imperative you stay grounded, protected and healthy during these testing periods and this book is your guide to show you how!

Click Here for more details

Diane x

7 Ways to Develop Empath Intuition

Having strong intuition you can trust is a huge help when navigating the turbulent journey of Empath life!

Luckily, those who are Sensitive are born with a strong sense of intuition. It is an intuition they can continue to build over the course of their lives.

Being able to follow your intuition, and trust its promptings, not only guides you towards the life you may dream to live, but also helps when discerning the emotional energy belonging to others.

Many Empaths wrongly interpret the emotional energy belonging to another; often claiming it as their own. By developing a strong sense of intuition it helps to prevent this from happening. Here we will take a look at the best ways to do it:

1. Practice meditation daily.  If only for a short time. Five minutes a day is better than no minutes. Stilling the mind, through meditation, is one of the best ways to develop intuition.

It is not an overnight process. Some have to work harder than others. It is in meditation you receive the answers to the questions, you may have asked. These answers come through messages and visions.

2. Know your visions are real. The visions you see in meditation often have significant meaning… you just need to decipher them.  Many of your messages come through symbolism or code and are unique to each one of us. For example: one person may see a red rose in their mind’s eye and interpret it as a message of love; another may see the same vision, but interpret the thorns and color red as a sign of danger.

Your visions and messages are exclusive to you and that is why it is important to recognize their meanings. Continue reading

Clear Negative Energy and Restore Empath Health with Organic Salt

It is said that the ‘father of medicine,’ Hippocrates, was among the first to discover the magical healing qualities of sea salt, after noticing how quickly seawater healed wounded fishermen’s hands.

Salt has been given much bad press over the years and probably for good reason. The refined table salt that most of the Western world has consumed, and which is in all processed foods, is nothing short of toxic to the body. It causes many health problems. But it’s a different story with organic rock or sea salt.

Not only is organic rock or sea salt a great medicinal healer, it is also deeply purifying energetically. It has the power to draw out and dissolve negative energies from the emotional and physical body. This is especially helpful if your day involves interacting with others, where too often, as an Empath, you absorb stressed or anxious energy.

Unrefined salt, from the sea or rock, is an amazing grounding and energy clearing tool that can be safely and effectively used daily, inside and outside the body.

And not just for clearing negative energy: Continue reading

The Incredible Benefits of Garlic for the Empath

We all know that garlic keeps the blood-sucking vampires away, but what about the other type? The energy vampires?

Sadly, it may not be powerful enough to keep the latter away, unless you breathe on them after eating it, but it will certainly counteract any damage they cause, both physically and energetically.

Garlic is not only delicious it is also amazing! Especially when it comes to healing the body. It is a powerful antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, it helps remove heavy metals and contains potent anti-oxidants that help build a healthy immune system.

For the Empath, however, it is what it can do for you energy body that you may find of interest:

Continue reading