Whose Emotion Are You In? A Guide For Empaths

Is this your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else?

Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for many Empaths.

Not recognizing other people’s energy, within oneself, is a common theme within the Empath world. Just knowing you take on the emotions from others, does not mean you can automatically discern them from your own or are able to prevent them from affecting you. Continue reading

What Has Happened To The World?

Although I dislike watching strong violence, I do have a penchant for zombie and end of the world catastrophe movies. One of my favourites being ‘World War Z’. It only recently dawned on me that these zombie films are almost like a metaphor for the world today.

In a typical zombie film, a virus attacks the human host, whilst keeping the body alive. The body is then under the control of a parasitical hive-minded predator. The zombie is unable to show empathy, think for itself or express any emotion, other than rage, all it seemingly does is attack those not akin to itself.

Hmmm, sound familiar?

We are surrounded by people acting like zombies. Too many people are going through the motions of life, whilst following the protocol of consume, reproduce, sleep and obey (If you’ve ever seen the film ‘They Live’ you’ll know where I’m coming from), but not really questioning anything or  thinking outside of the box.

It’s like there is a divide, a war between light and dark. There is evidence of this everywhere we look.

So yes, we are in the midst of challenging times, that are affecting everyone in different ways. Waking some people up and closing others down, turning them into zombies. The Empaths are obviously affected by all this in unpleasant ways.

What is Happening? Continue reading

The Empath Awakening

Kindle Version Empath AwakeningWell, here I am with the news of another book release: The Empath Awakening.

The book, which could be classed as a prequel to 7 Secrets of the Sensitive, is about what to expect during the transition time of an ‘Empath Awakening’.

I cover subjects such as: friendships and family, toxic relationships, how the mind, body and spirit are impacted by Empath imbalances and how to overcome them, traits that become out of balance, how a permeable aura allows other people’s emotional energy to take you down, and much more.

If you want to have a quick look at the book, to get an idea of what its about, click here or on the above image, to read the blurb and some sample pages.

Here is a short extract explaining how the Empath’s weakened aura (energy-field) can impair their quality of life:

The Empath Aura

Your aura emanates around you like a luminous egg-shaped sheath. It extends around and away from the body for anything up to five feet (in a healthy person). The vibration of this energetic frame is fine and subtle.

Those who are unhealthy, in their body and mind, have an unhealthy, receded aura which is also permeable (energy leaks out and in).

Our aura both surrounds and penetrates our body and resonates with both our physical and mental bodies. Years’ worth of data is stored within our energy-field; this information is normally an accumulation of happy and sad experiences, ideas and opinions, unreleased painful emotions, negative thought-forms, past life memories and toxins, etc. Because Empaths pick up energy from others, we can also carry inside our aura their negative thought-forms and energy.

A weakened body and mind weakens our aura. Low-level thoughts and emotions, unbalanced chakras, food intolerances, poor diet, drugs and alcohol all impair the body, and anything that debilitates the body damages our aura.

When the aura is damaged, it becomes leaky. This is bad news on many levels: it allows our energy out (causing fatigue and other imbalances), and admits other people’s energy in, which then merges with our own.

Empaths are known to have a permeable aura, and this is why people’s energy can be so debilitating. But they are not the only ones. Anyone who is unhealthy or with emotional issues possess a weakened energy-field, which means their energy and emotions are also able to leak out.

If an Empath comes into close proximity with those who have a leaky aura, they will soak up anything leaked like a super-absorbent sponge. It may appear that strangers’ energy purposely infringes our own, but it is often an energetic merger.

If you are unhealthy, eat an unsuitable diet, take drugs or stimulants, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, experience stress and have dark thoughts you will likely have a permeable aura. This means you pick the emotions and energy off others which then becomes etched within your energy-field. You are also affected by negative residual energy and other low frequency vibrations. The only way to heal the aura is by making some changes.

Experiencing overwhelm, after picking up a stranger’s emotional energy, often means the memory of it gets imprinted. Any future interactions, with unfamiliar energy, may cause something like an “energetic allergic reaction”. These reactions are draining and can leave us feeling well below par for hours or even days. If these responses become a common occurrence, following time spent in public places, it prevents us from fully participating in our own life. This is seen by avoidance of peopled areas and anything that involves social interaction.

By finding total balance of mind, body and spirit, it works something like an “energetic anti-histamine” for the Empath. A healthy body and mind results in a powerful aura and creates the Empath’s invisible armour.

A formidable aura empowers the Empath. It persuades other people’s energy to bounce off and is key to living a happier life.

We cannot expect our mind and spirit to be strong when we are putting something into the body that weakens it. Nor can we expect our body to be strong if we experience “Sensitivity stress”.

Sensitivity Stress

Empaths are Sensitive. Anyone who is Sensitive will experience overwhelming emotions, vivid thoughts, and they get hurt more easily than most. This can lead to Sensitivity stress which compromises the immune system… and eventually results in a damaged aura.

Sensitivity stress is endured by those who experience other people’s emotional pain and energy as an adverse reaction (feeling drained, experiencing negative emotion or becoming unwell), they also overreact to any emotional situation and are prone to having anxiety or panic attacks.

This type of stress is not caused by having deadlines to work to and a mammoth to-do-list (although they certainly won’t help), it is caused by having a Sensitive nature, being overly stimulated from external energy and/or having buried emotional pain. Just like normal stress, it damages the immune system and puts strain on the mind and body. This in turn leads to illness, rampant negative thoughts, and a weakened aura…

So there you go a sneaky peak at what The Empath Awakening is about.

The book will be available for free download until the 21st August. Then it will return to full Kindle price of $7.99 ($14.99 for paperback copy).

You can read the book on any device from your phone, laptop or iPad although you may have to download the free Amazon Kindle App.

Click here for free Kindle download of The Empath Awakening or here for paperback version (not included on offer). Please note these links are for Amazon Kindle US. If you are from another part of the world you will have to download it from the online Amazon store in your area. Just type in The Empath Awakening by Diane Kathrine in the Kindle search bar.

If you download the book and find the information to be helpful, I would really appreciate it if you could write a Kindle review for me. Or if you would like to offer any constructive criticism please feel free to inbox me on my FB page Empaths Empowered.

If you think this offer will be useful to anyone else, please feel free to share on Facebook or other places.

Hope all is keeping really well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time…




Are You a Morphing Empath?


If you are an Empath you have probably had at least one morphing experience. Some of you may experience it daily .

For the purpose of this post, I shall liken Empath morphing to having an encounter with a boggart… You would have to be familiar with Harry Potter to understand where I am going with this.

In the Harry Potter books, a boggart is described as a shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the viewer’s worst fear.

So what does this have to do with an Empath you might ask? Continue reading

Residual Energy and How It Impacts the Empath

You have probably heard of the expression “residual energy.” It is a term all Empaths become familiar with. It is often used when describing the energy remnants left in objects, places or buildings by the people who have gone before.

When a traumatic event has happened in an area, it leaves a powerful imprint which Empaths can pick up on. The same can be said if there has been a lot of anger, hate or erratic emotions within a particular place.

Certain rooms in most houses contain a host of different vibes and residual energy. Bedrooms, where confused, angry or moody teens grew up, can acquire a dense energy stain. Living-rooms, where families relax and come together, often have a laid back vibe.

Like many other Empaths, I have always sensed residual energy within buildings and locations. But I did not always know what it was I sensed. If I felt a dense energetic imprint, when I was younger, in the places I visited, I immediately assumed  the space was haunted. The denser and darker the energy, the more I convinced myself a spooky spectre was lurking within the shadows (I had a big fear of ghosts in childhood). The stronger the energy the more it felt like a presence.

But dark residual energy can indeed feel like a malevolent presence to an Empath. It certainly took me a while to distinguish between the stain left by painful emotions and that of other phenomena. Just like defining the emotional energy in others, it can be a challenge for an Empath to interpret residual energy.

Most used buildings contain a layer of residual energy — both positive and negative. Empaths pick up on these vibes rather like first impressions. We notice them at first but don’t always continue to if we visit a place often.

When a house is filled with love and happiness it can feel like the sun is shining indoors. However, when a home has been layered with deep anguish it often feels stormy and cold. These energetic imprints can last for years after they have formed and greatly affect the ambience of a place.

Empaths are affected by dark residual energy in many ways: Continue reading

What is Smudging and How Can it Help Empaths?

burning sage sticksYou may have heard of ‘smudging’ but are not quite sure what it is or how it can help you as an Empath.

So what is smudging?

Basically, smudging is the practice of burning of herbs and using the smoke to remove negative energy from people, places or objects.

For the Empath, smudging can be a great tool. It is a quick and easy method to help remove negative energies picked up when being out and about in ‘peopled places’ or just to clear one’s energy field.

Smudging has been used for centuries all over the world. Today it is mainly associated with Native North Americans who use it in their healing ceremonies. However, many other countries burn herbs for cleansing:

In India they use incense, in Chinese acupuncture Mugwort is used, in Africa varied herbs are burnt, even the Christian Church burn herbs in their ceremonies. And although many of these actions have become ritualized, their basis stemmed from using smoke to remove negative energy. Continue reading