Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine






If you regularly read my blog posts, or indeed if you have read any of my books, you will probably already know that Empaths are at a greater risk from having unbalanced hormones.

I know this is a subject I tend to bang on about, but because I know how unbalanced hormones can make Empath life unnecessarily miserable, it will always be something I come back to. If I can share snippets of information that help prevent it from happening, then that is what I am going to do… 😊😉

So, because, as Empaths, we tend to endure heightened emotional reactions, on a regular basis, the body thinks we are under constant threat, which can then trigger repeated stress hormone spikes.

The thing is, when our body feels we are in danger, it will prioritise keeping us safe, and it will do this by releasing certain hormones that, for example, give us the energy to run away from dangerous situations.

However, in these cases, when the body pumps out more of certain hormones, such as adrenaline or cortisol, it will reduce the release of other hormones, such as progesterone. Continue reading


How many of you out there are doing what you really want to be doing in your life? How many of you feel like you need to make a change, but you wouldn’t know where to start?

How many of you are feeling tired, overwhelmed or lost, with no forward momentum?

Are you one of the Empaths who is deeply affected by the darkness in the world? Or do you find you are putting everyone else’s needs, ideas or opinions above your own?

Without wanting to sound uncaring and cold, we have come to a stage where we need to stop worrying about how others are living their lives, what they are doing or not doing, believing or not believing, and instead start focusing on creating our new path and building a better brighter world.

This isn’t about turning our backs on those who are suffering, or those who ask for help. It is about stopping being controlled by the ‘old ways of being.’

The world is shifting into a new era and it is time for us to catch up.

It has become blatantly obvious that the old world is being deconstructed (whether that be by good forces or bad), and we are all being put in a position to let go of a life that no longer serves and start creating the new. And this isn’t something affecting only Sensitive people.

I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken to, in recent times, who are feeling overwhelmed with life, who are fed up with their work or the way the world is, and they feel stuck. 

Many are finally realising that they are doing jobs for the money, rather than enjoyment and sense of fulfilment, and are angry because they cannot see a way out.

Or, if it’s not people being unhappy in their careers, they are having their jobs or ways of life stripped away from them.

People don’t understand what is happening.


Nothing is making sense anymore, is it? Do you think this is for a reason?

To me, it’s as though life is being made so uncomfortable for people, either through feeling deeply unhappy in their current circumstances or by having familiar ways of living taken away, that it is forcing people to make changes.

We really do have to lose our old life in order to create the new.

So yes, we are in times of letting go and creating the new. But it is not coming easily.

For many of you, it probably seems like you are losing your old lives and freedoms and there is nothing to replace it other than darkness, gloom and fear. On the surface, this is all very true.


I’m not sure whether people are aware just how much external influences impact our lives. Our minds have been hijacked and our beliefs manipulated to make us feel helpless with no control over our lives.

When the mind is hijacked by external influences, such as a fearmongering media, or anything that keeps our focus in a ‘dark place’, it takes us away from the voice of our guiding higher self, and ensnares us in a mental trap where our thoughts and beliefs can easily be governed.

For the Empaths of the world, these are particularly trying times. Being connected to the emotional energy of the people means it can impact our thoughts and moods. So, when it comes to staying in a positive or creative mindset we are at a huge disadvantage. This post will help.


As mentioned in my last post, manifestation seems to be a current theme. If you missed it, I noted how when thinking or needing something, it has appeared in my life in record speed. I am not the only one experiencing this.

Generally, it is all good stuff.

But manifestation can go two ways, both good and bad.

If we keep our mind and focus ‘clean and positive’ we can draw in more of that.

If, however, we allow our focus to be taken into darker realms of fear or anger, which is being actively encouraged by our governments and media, we will start manifesting more things to match this energetic frequency.

It would appear that the dark rulers of the world are purposely keeping our minds engaged with fear, anger and unhappiness, so that we continue to keep the world in a ‘dark place’ through the law of attraction LOA. (When I say it would appear to be that way, it could also be being orchestrated by the light.)


I know many people dismiss the law of attraction (LOA) as airy-fairy nonsense. Which I totally understand (that’s why I wrote a book on the subject for Empaths).

Many people have tried working the law of attraction, by keeping their mind in a positive space and doing daily affirmations or meditations, but it didn’t make any difference to their lives. So, it is easy to understand why someone would write it off as gobbledygook.

But the fact is, we attract back into our lives experiences that match our energetic vibration. All of which is impacted by so much more than just our thoughts.

Our energetic vibration is affected by our history, by our diet and lifestyles, by the people we surround ourselves with, by our ingrained beliefs and where we keep our focus from moment to moment, day to day. (Why do you think so many narcissistic people attract such abundance in their life? They truly believe in their own sovereignty and importance. They vibrate at a frequency that attracts a life of abundance.)

So, although we are in times where we have the opportunity to create a new positive life, if our minds are kept focused on doom and gloom, we stay stuck on the shadowy treadmill of fear and frustration. Going nowhere fast.

We are now in new times where the old ways of being are crumbling away. This is the dawning of a new age. And we must adapt and change.

But because we are trapped by a system that controls our feelings, beliefs and opinions, it is difficult to shape life into anything we want.

The system’s programmes have been designed to become so embedded into our psyche that we struggle to switch them off. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be switched off.


Now, although I have painted a dark picture here, there is the brightest light shining at the end of the tunnel.

One thing we all need to ask ourselves is: Why would anyone work so hard to trap us in fear, anger and confusion if not for a reason?

Could it be the dark rulers are trying to keep us from finding our own divine light and inner power, by keeping us distracted and in fear?

Or is it some higher power trying to make life so uncomfortable for us that it awakens us to our true potential, divine power and sovereignty?

It is a subject that is certainly debatable. I choose to believe it is a bit of both.

But, whatever the reason and whomever is orchestrating these chaotic times, it is time to stop the insanity or complying with things that insult our soul.

What is the solution?


Basically, the more of us who can unplug from the system of control, the more we will see the light.

The more of us who can shift our vibration and focus, the more we can change the frequency of the world around us.

Working to stay in the moment will really help you now.

Just think of how the law of attraction works and use that principle. This post has more information.

There is no point trying to save the old world. That is finished. Over. This is about new beginnings.

Now, although there will still be ups and downs, during these challenging times, the more ‘unplugged’ we stay, and the more we work to keep our minds from the orchestrated distractions, the better we will fare and the more we will understand what it is we are supposed to be doing.

We have to remember our own power. We are not some helpless little organisms, incapable of mastering our feelings and thoughts. We are EMPATHS, and we have been in training for these times all our lives.

In my next post, which hopefully I will have out within the week, I will be sharing what has helped me in recent times and they are things that can help you too.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



Have you ever been with a group of people, where everyone is talking about a subject that you don’t necessarily agree with but go along with their narrative, just to keep the peace?

If you answered yes, you are certainly not the only one. It is human nature to want to stay in harmony with our inner circle, family and friends, even if that means going against our beliefs.

The 10th Man Rule, which we will look at closer shortly, is a way of challenging our innate character of wanting to ‘keep the peace’ and, instead of sitting with what is easy or comfortable, it challenges us to look at things from another perspective.

So how can this help?

The fact that humans are pack animals, tending to travel through life in herds, following in the footsteps of the one in front, even when the herd are going in the opposite direction to the desired route, is a reason to apply the rule…

Following the pack may seem the safest option, it is after all when we step away from the herd that we become vulnerable to attack. Yet, if we simply follow along with the rest, in regards to rules, regulations and ideas, without question, are we living in alignment with our truth? And where will it lead us?

Question Everything

When we don’t question the official narrative and don’t think for ourselves, we are not really living, but simply existing. We are living by someone else’s opinion of how our reality should be and following rules that don’t always make sense or feel right.

Not only that, too many people are blindsided to the fact that those who make decisions for the rest of us, otherwise known as ‘the powers that be,’ might not have our best interests at heart. And decisions they make on our behalf, are not only infringing on our freedoms, but may actually be putting us in danger and taking away the experiences we were destined to have.

I completely understand why people follow rules without question. For one thing it is instinctual and, the sad truth is, those who query ‘the official narrative,’ or the accounts of the mainstream media, often get attacked, ridiculed or accused of spouting conspiracy theories.

It is often easier to stay quiet than to share an opposite opinion.

Then there is the fact that when we suggest, to certain people, a differing opinion to their own, we come up against their ego. A strong egoic mind doesn’t like to listen to another person’s opinion, if it crosses theirs, because the ego always knows best.

We also have to battle against many cases of cognitive dissonance. See below for an explanation…

The simple fact is too many people are choosing to ignore the hypocrisy not only of the mainstream media but also of those ruling the world. Generally, because it is either the safer or easier option.

Yet, as you have probably found out yourself in life, the easy option rarely turns out to be the best choice in the long run.

The Wrong Solution

Take the situation that is currently happening in the world due to government decisions. It has becoming increasingly obvious, in regards to the past lockdowns, etc, that the solution to preventing the spread of a virus, has caused more harm to the human race than the initial problem (suicides, unemployment, a huge decline in mental health, to name of a few examples…).

But how does anyone speak out, against the official narrative, when they are viciously attacked for holding a different opinion to the media or governments and the people who are trusting of them?

We are supposed to live in a democracy and have freewill, but it is amazing how many freedoms people happily give away if they believe they are keeping themselves, and their families, safe.

Several months ago, in a post, I advised against arguing with others or trying to get them to see your point of view, if they are not willing to listen. It just leads to frustration and anger, often from both parties. However, as things in this world are becoming darker, more freedoms are being taken away and lives endangered, it might be time to try a different approach.


If you want to start a conversation, with friends or family, about the current state of the world, or any other issue, and you don’t want to be put down or attacked for your views, why not try using the concept of the 10th Man Rule?

A good way to use this is by explaining that some groups/countries use the 10th Man concept as a way to keep people safe and stop them from following their intrinsic herd nature.

I came across a good explanation online:

The 10th Man discipline is one where the group intentionally appoints at least one person to serve as the loyal dissenter. “Loyal” because their underlying motive is to arrive at the best decision for the organization. And, as the dissenter, they not only have permission but a duty to disagree and ‘poke holes’ in assumptions being made by the group. This technique forces you to slow down and re-consider the wisdom of the decision and whether contingency planning or other risk mitigation might be worthwhile.

Read the full article here The 10th Man Rule (

What we are seeing in the world today is a direct consequence of people following the herd, not asking questions, or using their own initiative. As well as people being too afraid to speak out against those who have differing opinions.

But by playing the part of the 10th Man, it could help those following the dictated narrative to see from another perspective…

It might also help people understand that it is not a bad thing to have our beliefs challenged, especially in regards to the current tyranny we are seeing in the world.

Ok, I shall leave it at that for today.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine


This morning, in my inbox, I received a post from someone who I have been subscribed to for many years: Aluna Joy.

I have dipped in and out of Aluna’s messages over the years, depending on the draw of the message. Today, as I cast my eyes over the headline, it grabbed my attention straight away. And, as I went on to read her post, I knew the draw was for a reason. It was one of those synchronistic moments. (The post actually arrived Tuesday morning, but I didn’t get around to posting this until today.)

Basically, the post addressed an issue I had woken up with on my mind, but more importantly, it confirmed what I had been thinking and feeling for a while.

As you know, in recent times, this world has been kept in a state of absolute fear, anger, uncertainty, etc. Which has not only triggered doubts as to where we’re heading as a species, but it has also kept many people imprisoned within a matrix of destructive repetitive thoughts.

As Empaths, we have not only had to live through the same challenges everyone else has, we have also picked up on the collective emotions that have been particularly heightened for the last twelve months. All of which has impacted us in some strange ways.

You may have also noticed that your Empath intuition hasn’t been working the same, or is perhaps not as dependable as it was. Which may have pushed you to look outside of yourself for information or for confirmation of what you are experiencing.

This is only natural. Looking for answers is hardwired into our being. But when we look outside of ourselves too much, it means we open ourselves up to information we would not normally be open to. We become exposed to the kind of misinformation that is designed to create sides and cloud our judgement.

Anyway, this morning the first thing on my mind was how vulnerable we have all been to misinformation and how it has impacted us. When I opened my emails, and saw Aluna Joy’s message, I felt it was going to relate to my morning musings. And it was…

Her message was basically saying that we are in fragile times, where we are being exposed to many contradicting messages. It has got to the stage where we don’t know who or what to believe.

These are all distractions, designed to stop us from moving forward and keep us trapped in the old world. Which ultimately kept us stuck. But we are now in the process of letting it all go…

So, instead of me writing about a subject that has already been so eloquently discussed in her writings, I am leaving links to Aluna Joy’s post.  I feel you will all benefit from reading the message (if you haven’t already.)  Keeping Centered whilst Navigating Fragile Times

I hope it helps.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


What is Happening?

The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer. But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding. Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life.

The Changes

Each month that passes, we are seeing more of our rights and freedoms taken away. Most are either living in fear or are in a state of confusion as to where we are heading. Nothing makes sense anymore.

We are being given so much contradictory information. The mainstream media is pumping out one narrative. The alternative media is giving out another. But whatever side of the fence we sit, in our beliefs, no one seems to know for sure the destination of the collective.

The finish line is moving further and further away. And the fear mongering is like nothing we have ever experienced.

In my last post, I noted how important it is for Empaths to stay out of the stirred-up propaganda. However, those who are still ‘deeply asleep’ may benefit from experiencing the intense levels of fear or anger. For one reason, it helps trigger ‘an awakening’, and for another, they need to become aware of the truth of the world we live in.

Darkness Revealed

The ‘shadowy darkness,’ that has been controlling this world for many years, is being revealed for everyone to see. The lies and deceptions are on show. Their evil has risen to the surface and is now exposed. There is no hiding from it and no flushing it away.

But just because the truth of our reality is being revealed, on a massive scale, it doesn’t mean people will instantly wake up to it. In fact, some are clearly going deeper into denial. Which is only to be expected. Discovering that your whole reality has been built on lies is not easy to face or deal with.

Those who remain in ‘slumber’, however, are not the only ones struggling…

There are many ‘awake and aware’ people who wish they were still asleep to the truth of our world. Because, let’s face it, ‘knowing’ has not made this journey any easier. If anything, in recent times, it has caused more troubles, especially when no one wants to hear your truth, when your words fall on deaf ears, or if you are ridiculed for your ideas and opinions.

But those who are ‘asleep’, or unaware, will become the newly awakened, and they will, in time, need your guidance. They just don’t know it yet.

Confusing Times

During these confusing times, we are all looking for a little light to be shone on our path. We want to know what is really happening and where we are heading. There seems to be no one holding the answers. The positive predictions, from those who are gifted, are either not coming to fruition or are not offering the support needed. This, I also believe, is for a reason…

If you are a long-time awakened, you will find those you listened to, to find solace, might not be offering you the comfort they once did. You might feel more alone and isolated than ever, and are scratching around, looking for someone else to fill the void or to give you answers. If this is the case, it is unlikely you will find anyone.


Because you have evolved beyond that. You already have what you need within. You are just not trusting yourself and your own inner-guidance.

Looking to another for verification of your intuition is beneficial (I know many Empaths come here to my blog as a back-up to what they already feel inside.), but constantly looking outside yourself for answers will probably cause more confusion. It’s called having ‘too much information’. 😉

That said, our intuition may appear to be playing games with us. Telling us one thing one week and another the next. I’ve certainly been having this experience. Because everything is in flux, truths can shift. What I mean by this is, and as bonkers as it may sound, what is true one day might not be true the next. (The Mandela Effect is an example.)

The old world has gone forever; and that includes how we operate within our reality. We have to be adaptive to variations and fluctuations in our perceptions. Everything is changing and nothing is set in stone.

Trust the Process

We have to ride this one out. This really is a time for faith. Trust the process.

Many of the uncomfortable things that are occurring are not only part of a shifting world, they are a trigger for the un-awakened to wake up. A chance for them to see the truth. Even those of us who are awakened will have disturbing truths revealed. However, the longer we have been ‘on the path’, the less impact these shocks will have.

Take Control

Now is the time to take control of what we can. It’s a time to control not only where our attention goes, but also our reactions. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be dragged into unnecessary fear mongering, nor should we pin our hopes on someone or something to save us.

We need to remember our light and supremacy; really remember it. Feel the power within. Know that what we have been witnessing is an illusion of the highest order. Fear is what has controlled humans for many years. And recently, this fear and confusion has been amped up to record levels to keep us from living within our own supremacy.

Sitting within the energy of confusion and despair, just keeps us trapped. It blocks prosperity, abundance and any of the ‘good stuff’ from unfolding in our reality.

New Beginnings

The world outside might appear to be crazy, and going from bad to worse, but that doesn’t mean we have to join in with the madness. We are our own superpower.

This isn’t just about endings; it is about new beginnings. Where we are going, no one knows for sure. But trust in your own power. You are not alone. We are all in this together!

Hope this helps during these uncertain times.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

The Problem with Fake Positivity and Supressing Our Truth

A few weeks ago, I received a very good comment from a fellow Empath, regarding my urging of readers to try to remain in a positive space. The reader rightly pointed out that when we supress our feelings, by ‘pretending’ to be positive, it could cause more harm than good.

I am very grateful for the comment, because it not only got me pondering the importance of not supressing true feelings of pain or frustration, but it also made me realise that I may not have fully explained the reason why I encourage Empaths to stay in a positive mental space within my posts.

The reason I put emphasis on staying in a positive mindset is because I know how much damage both fear and anger causes the physical and energetic bodies.

I also know that, as Sensitives, if we allow our minds to be regularly engaged within pained emotions, we can get stuck in a very dark place, emotionally.

However, ‘acting’ positive, when we have a very valid reason for feeling upset or angry, could be classed as suppressing our truth, which ultimately keeps pain and grief trapped inside.

This is something I do not recommend. I wrote about this subject in my article: ‘What is Really Making You Angry?’.

Unfortunately, in recent times, many of the emotions we are experiencing have been activated by such things as shifting energy, EMF and solar activity, political dramas, as well as ‘dark sources’ that are purposely keeping our minds engaged in turmoil.

Sadly, it is much easier for humans to go into a space of fear or anger than it is for us to stay in an optimistic mental space.

As I’ve discussed before many times, the mainstream media has been playing on our fear in order to distract and divide the population. Keeping us not only in a weakened state, but also making us easily controllable.

So, when I write about being positive, it is more about staying in alignment with our ‘true self’ and keeping the mind from getting wrapped up in the propaganda being intentionally stirred up by ‘the powers that be.’

The Damage Caused by Supressed Feelings

But getting back to suppressing our true feelings:

As a species, we have often found it necessary to supress ourselves and our truth. Especially when it comes to grief or true emotional pain.

This type of suppression is incredibly destructive.

I know only too well the damage caused by burying emotional pain.

When I was 16 my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. At the time, I did not know how to deal with the anguish, so I buried it. Put on a fake smile and ignored the grief. Nearly a year to the day after my dad passed away, I started having panic attacks. Which were awful. I didn’t know it at the time, as they were happening, but it was because I had suppressed my grief. This containment had impacted my nervous system and eventually showed up as panic attacks.

Western Society doesn’t have a place for the grieving.

Grief makes people uncomfortable. We don’t know how to handle it.

After experiencing a loss of a loved one, most are ‘given’ a week or two to mourn. Then we are expected to come back to ‘normal.’

But the thing is, for most people, the mourning process takes a lot longer.

In many cases, the grieving period lasts a year or more (depending on circumstances). If we do not allow for this, and suppress our sorrow, it comes back to haunt us. In my case it was as panic attacks.

Having experienced the effect of burying grief, I would never encourage anyone to deny genuine feelings of pain and this includes anger.

However, nor would I recommend that we spend too much time festering on negative emotions, such as rage or hate, especially when we don’t know the trigger or origin, or when these emotions have been artificially stimulated, to keep the mind controlled.

Do not take ownership of that which has been intentionally stirred up to trap your mind.

Anther Explanation for Shifting Moods

Sometimes, however, we need to be given reasons for the erratic emotions we may experience, that are triggered by powerful external sources.

And what I mean by this is, certain phenomena of the natural world can massively Impact the human mind and body, especially of Empaths. Altering our moods, thinking process, and more.

At a ‘higher level,’ we are given ‘stories’ to explain these experiences. Or in other words, we are given circumstances or reasons that will explain excessive feelings of anger, frustration, etc. aroused by energetic shifts.

Keeping it Real

As I mentioned in a past post (The Purpose of your Frustration), much of the pain we have experienced, over the years, has served a purpose. The reasons for which have been revealed, for many, in recent times.

But staying out of manufactured propaganda is so important now, as is bringing your mind back to its true positive state.

This time is not about being ‘fake positive.’ It’s about being at one with self, and finding your rightful optimism and joy within.

Because, believe me, it is there. We just have to stay tuned into its frequency.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine



Now, this may seem like a strange topic for a blog that discusses ways for Empaths to find balance. The reason the above question came about is because I happened upon a YouTube clip with the heading: Is Trump a Lightworker… For all the obvious reasons, it stopped me in my tracks. So, of course, I felt obliged to watch it…

Whilst watching the video, it got me thinking about a post I had started writing a few weeks ago but never got around to finishing, about NPCs, which I will come to shortly.

Normally, I would never cover such a topic, because if there’s one thing that creates absolute anger and division in the masses, it is talking about the current president of the United Sates. However, because there is a purpose to it, I thought I would take my chances and put myself in the firing line.

Anyone who follows my blog regularly may know I’m not a big fan of politics. It is not something that has ever interested me. I find the whole business frustratingly deceitful and I’ve always been of the mind that all politicians are as bad as each other, in that they lie to serve an agenda and make laws that keep people in servitude of a corrupt system. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t observe what is going on and I still have opinions.

When It First Happened

When the candidates for the last USA election were announced, my friends were discussing the subject. They asked me what I thought about Trump. At the time, I didn’t know he was running for president or who he was running against. I was shocked. He was a business man not a politician. But I remember thinking it sounded like a good idea. A super-successful business tycoon who ran a lucrative global empire seemed like a great option for a president.

I could not say I was surprised when Trump got in, change is always a good thing, but I was surprised by how much hatred it stirred up. After all, there is always a loser in an election. Why was this one so different?

Mass Hysteria

Whatever part of the world you live in, you cannot help but see the effect Trump has had on people. He has everyone divided. His presence is triggering some people, putting them into a meltdown, and for others he is the shining light of hope. There has got to be a reason. Right?

The Lightworker Part

Anyone who has walked a spiritual path or has an understanding of energy healing and such, will consider a lightworker as someone who works to raise the vibration of the world, to intentionally spread love and light and to help others. They want to make the world a better place for everyone and work hard to do it. They also help people to help themselves if even inadvertently.

However, there are also people who work as lightworkers but not necessarily in a nice way. In fact, these lightworkers can trigger us in the most unpleasant ways. They ‘press our buttons’ and seemingly make life difficult. These are who I would class as being the unlikely lightworkers or NPCs.

If you have never heard of the term before, here is an online description of an NPC:

Short for non-player character, an NPC or vendor is a character or monster who is controlled by the computer and not a real person. An NPC helps add life to a game by creating artificial players, each with their own abilities or personalities.

Although the term NPC originated within the gaming industry, it is frequently used to describe certain living people. NPCs are the people whose main purpose is to act as an antagonist; they play the ‘role’ of making one person’s ‘life-game’ more challenging. For others, however, these people cause no problems and have no triggering effects.

Dolores Cannon called NPCs the backdrop people. Those who trigger us in uncomfortable ways. We may not even know why we don’t like them; they just repel us or give us obstacles to overcome. They make us question ourselves, cause hurt and pain or just make life tough. But they also serve another purpose.

Ultimately, the role of an NPC, helps us become wiser, stronger, more understanding and more determined to succeed. Even if that determination was not to turn out like them.

I have been aware of NPCs for some time, but it is only recently that I am acknowledging the parts they play in our evolvement.

NPCs are here more for our growth rather than for their own. They help us evolve and achieve what it is we came here to do. They often bring out our ‘shadow side’, which we then have to face.

It is interesting that Trump acts as an NPC for some, and yet for others he is seen as a beacon of light. People all over the earth paint him as either the saint or the sinner. Millions of people will argue about all the evil acts he has orchestrated, and then there are millions who will argue about all the good he does, believing he is part of the solution to building a brighter new world.

So, whatever your opinion on Trump and whether he is a lightworker or not, his presence is certainly triggering people in profoundly mysterious ways. This clearly has a higher purpose which is certainly worth pondering on.

I urge you to watch the video for yourself. See what you think.

Until next time,


Please help support me and my work


©Diane Kathrine


Times are changing. Even the most unaware are aware of this. We are in times of both creation but also destruction. We are in times of grief and surrender.

The old world has gone. Never to return.

Transitions are difficult. We have been thrust upon a new path. For some, this will be a path of awakening, which will create great confusion, and for others it is a realization that the life we knew is gone for ever.

The old world celebrated and worshipped attractiveness and beauty, wealth and celebrity status, it was full of deceit and fakery, there was an abuse of power and it was heavily governed by masculine energy. The new world is moving away from all that (although it won’t leave without a fight).

I can only speculate as to where we are heading, but something I know for sure; we are in times of surrender and release. Before we move into the new, we release the old.

As the old ends, the new comes forth. But we are being kept so distracted. Distractions are all around us. At one level they are to keep people down and controlled, at another, they are there to rouse us to our true potential.

We have to go through the dark to find the light.

Those of us who awakened many years ago did so after a period of difficulties. Often several years of challenges. We are now in a time of moving from one world to another, whilst at the same time being in a quickening where awakenings are happening en masse.

For the Empaths, this can trigger all sorts of strange disturbing sensations. Mental and physical. You will be feeling the uncertainty of the populace as well as experiencing your own ‘shift.’ It will seem like something just doesn’t ‘feel’ right.

Grief or Anger?

These are times of shedding and release. It is letting go of what we thought we wanted, desired or dreamed of. Everything is up for assessment. And that part can be scary as well as inciting waves of grief.

We might associate grief with the passing of a loved one, but grief can also come from losing a life we once knew.

People sense that life will never be the same again. This realization incites grief which also manifests as hurt and anger.

Humans need to express this anger and will find ways to lash out.

As the old saying goes: ‘We are not really upset about what we think.’

There will be more angry outbursts to come. Which is bad but also good.

When we endure extreme difficulties, it is a pathway towards awakening to new possibilities. Awakenings are painful experiences. So is rebirth.

Time to Release

Now is the time for us all to release, unpack and decide what to let go of.

We may have no idea of how our new world is going to unfold, but we should not be waiting for someone else to create if for us, nor keep us tied to the old with painful distractions.

These are times of preparation.

The old ways of doing things no longer fit. It is time to let go. Yes, it is scary. It’s scary because there is no hiding. The times of change are upon us…

We may be in a period of great upheaval and uncertainty, but there are deep transformations happening inside each of us. We are detaching from that which is no longer a fit.

These transformations are personal and individual. It is a shedding and also a revealing.


The old world was very much about doing, forcing, pushing, and living inauthentically. This is the time to JUST BE. And what I mean by that is be your true authentic self. Live honestly. Be in a space of creation with whatever your gift is. Live as though you are creating the new world.

We are in transitional times but also trying times. For some, there will be more miserable uncomfortable periods ahead. It will get ‘darker and darker’ until people awaken to their sovereignty.

Instead of being dragged down into the dark murk, allow yourself to rise above to the surface and float within the calm waters of creation. Decide which world you want to live in and be in that energy!

As always, my advice is to stay away from mainstream media… ‘The air is so much cleaner’ outside its manipulated ramblings. Not giving your focus to the mainstream also means they cannot control and feed off your energy.

If ever there was a time to be amongst the trees and forests, now is it. Nature is so healing and very much at one with the term JUST BE. By tuning into the grounding energy of our beautiful trees, it keeps us in alignment with our higher self.

I will leave you with a poem that I feel is inline with what is to come…

One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had. You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life-giving qualities. You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self-sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.”

–Nikita Gill, You Have Become a Forest

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine


Should the Empath Become Vegetarian?

There is much debate within the Empath world as to whether meat should be consumed. Many Empaths find themselves naturally drawn to vegetarianism, even from a young age. Some even become strict vegans, others may eat only chicken or fish. 

However, as each Empath is affected differently by their consumption of meat, chicken and fish it is a choice they have to make for themselves as to whether they consume.

The majority of Empaths will question their meat intake at some point on their journey, even if they like the taste. And this often comes down to their love and respect for nature and the animal kingdom, as well as the fact that consuming animals can feel  wrong.

It has to be said, we live in a barbaric world where animals eat animals, fish eat fish, and insects eat insects to survive… and yes, humans eat animals (and, in some rare cases, other humans). But these days more people, and not just the Sensitive, are choosing to stop eating meat because of the way animals are treated.

It is not just because of their love of animals that turns an Empath away from eating meat, whether they realize this or not, it’s often because they feel the energy of an animal when they eat its flesh.

Some are so Sensitive that they can even feel the energy of an egg and will avoid eating them too.

If an animal suffered or felt much fear before being slaughtered, it can cause depression and low emotions in the Empath who consumes its meat. The bigger the animal the more this energy is felt.

These emotions are normally experienced soon after consumption, within minutes or hours. One may feel weepy, sorrowful, irritation or experience waves of anger. You may even find yourself more ‘touchy’ to the energy of your surroundings.

That said, some are little affected. It really depends on one’s level of Sensitivity and the type of animal produce. For example: some Empaths may eat chicken or fish and feel no ill-effects, but if they eat meat, derived from a cow or pig, it greatly affects their moods.

It is probably safe to say should you develop low emotions soon after eating meat, avoidance may be the best option for you.

I eat chicken and fish, and very little meat. I would prefer to be vegetarian, and for some time I was, but it didn’t suit my health. I have an autoimmune disorder and a leaky gut, which I can control through my diet. I find most vegetarian proteins cause a negative bodily reaction (Click here to learn about Empaths reacting to vegan food). And because of the environment I live in, I tend to stay overly responsive.                                                                                                                                                      

Leaky gut and autoimmune disease are conditions common among Sensitive people. After experiencing a lifetime’s worth of heightened emotions and sensitivities, the gut, which is the area of the seat of emotions, weakens. Because of the amount of chemicals in our atmosphere and diet, and the foods that have been genetically altered, we become vulnerable to developing physical and energetic weaknesses.

[In brief, if you suffer with a leaky gut, the lectins in many vegetarian foods trigger a reaction that allows food particles, that should stay inside the gut, to leak out into the body. This causes an immune response. When this happens regularly it eventually leads to an autoimmune disease, where the immune system attacks the organs and glands. For the Empath, this opens another can of worms, igniting unbalanced chakras and a permeable aura.]

Should you choose to eat meat, fish, chicken or even dairy products, you are best eating the finest quality organic pasture-raised produce. Not only because the animals will have been better looked after but because of the amount of chemicals pumped into most livestock.

Over 80% of all produced antibiotics are given to livestock. And up to 20 different medications and vast quantities of hormones could be present in non-organic meat and dairy. The antibiotics and hormones found within animal produce are causing people many health problems. They are known to be endocrine disruptors. And anything which is an endocrine disruptor upsets the balance of hormones within the body. This in turn disrupts the health of the chakras and weakens the auric field (meaning you pick up more energy from others).

So, as already noted, should you choose to eat animal produce it is probably best to consume the finest quality.  

The last thing you want, as an Empath, is  for your diet to destabilize your aura and debilitate your chakras.  Empath life already comes with enough hurdles as it is. (You may want to read this post on how unbalanced chakras can weaken the Empath)

For more posts on how diet affects Empath health click here, here, and here.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Stay happy and healthy.


©Diane Kathrine

What Has Happened To The World?

Although I dislike watching strong violence, I do have a penchant for zombie and end of the world catastrophe movies. One of my favourites being ‘World War Z’. It only recently dawned on me that these zombie films are almost like a metaphor for the world today.

In a typical zombie film, a virus attacks the human host, whilst keeping the body alive. The body is then under the control of a parasitical hive-minded predator. The zombie is unable to show empathy, think for itself or express any emotion, other than rage, all it seemingly does is attack those not akin to itself.

Hmmm, sound familiar?

We are surrounded by people acting like zombies. Too many people are going through the motions of life, whilst following the protocol of consume, reproduce, sleep and obey (If you’ve ever seen the film ‘They Live’ you’ll know where I’m coming from), but not really questioning anything or  thinking outside of the box.

It’s like there is a divide, a war between light and dark. There is evidence of this everywhere we look.

So yes, we are in the midst of challenging times, that are affecting everyone in different ways. Waking some people up and closing others down, turning them into zombies. The Empaths are obviously affected by all this in unpleasant ways.

What is Happening? Continue reading

Should Empaths Develop Mediumistic Abilities? And a Word of WARNING!


woman girl eyes blur

Because Empaths are an intuitive bunch, it can rouse the question whether they also have psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Being mediumistic is not an attribute that falls under the ‘traits of an Empath’, but that is not to say they cannot own the gift.

So, what is being a medium? Think James Van Praagh, Alison Dubois or John Edwards. Those who have the ability to connect with the otherside.

Some Empaths have mediumistic abilities and some mediums have Empathic abilities. But whether you were born with the gift or not, it is something that can be developed.

If it is a topic you are drawn to, and want to develop, you can work towards owning mediumistic abilities. Empaths are highly intuitive and are aligned to most things of a metaphysical nature. They often experience a strong pull towards mediumship in the ‘early days’ of awakening.

However, it is not a subject one should take lightly; and finding a good teacher is essential. The teacher has to know and understand all about the traits and sensitivities of an Empath. Continue reading

What is an Empath’s Purpose in Life?



One of the most frequently asked questions by those on the path of awakening is: What is my purpose as an Empath?

I know only too well how frustrating it is to have this question burning unanswered within. It is also frustrating to have this incredible gift and not know what it is for or what to do with it.

Many Empaths feel they should be helping others. But because they get overwhelmed, by spending too much time around people, they don’t know how that would be possible.

It is an inbred trait for Empaths to want to be of service. And, it is often the case that the more an Empath has suffered the more they want to save others from enduring the same pain. They may look for certain vocations that will help make this possible. Continue reading