It is widely known that everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. We can thank Nicholas Tesla for that observation. He was amongst the first to introduce the concept that different vibrations of energy impact the way other forms of energy vibrate.

Nikola Tesla said,If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Any Empath will attest to the above statement. Feeling vibrations of energy, belonging to others, comes naturally to them. As does their instinctual draw towards crystals and their healing power.

Crystals and the Empath

I have written several books aimed at empowering the Empaths of the world. In them, I have only briefly covered the subject of crystals and how beneficial they are, but there is so much more to be revealed. That is why I wrote a book on the subject.

Every Empath is on their own journey of evolution. All of whom have different interests and different needs. For one, a book about crystals will hold no interest, for another it is just what they need at their stage of development.

The book isn’t just about the benefits of crystals; it also details an Empath’s journey, why they endure certain life experiences, and how crystals can help.

There are many layers to an Empath, and indeed a Sensitive person. Their life is a journey of continual growth and change. It can also be an isolated path to walk. Few could ever understand the way an Empath experiences the emotions of other people or how this impacts their health and wellbeing. Feeling and taking on the energy and emotions of others can really take its toll on an Empath’s physical and mental health. Because of this, they have to work harder than most to find overall balance and peace of mind. And this is where crystals really come into play in making life easier.


Crystals can help protect you from the energy and negativity of others, they can assist in keeping you grounded, they can reveal and heal your shadow side, they help with social anxiety, and much, much more. They simply make life better.

It is not until you start working with them, in your daily lives, that you come to fully understand the true power of crystals. They not only help in protecting an Empath from the emotional energy of others, which means they don’t get as drained when out in public, they can also protect them from sensory overload, and from electro-magnetic frequencies (which has now become a major problem for Empaths and Sensitive people of the world, as you will find out later).

Using crystals can alter your energy to such a degree that it allows for healing within the physical body. All of which goes a long way to helping the Empath find balance. Certain crystals can also help put you back in touch with your true self, and work as energetic medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

Although there are hundreds of different types of stones, all with countless properties, my aim with my book is to guide you towards the most effective crystals for you as an Empath.

So, let’s take a look at what this book is about with an excerpt from the first part:

The Journey Begins

Before we dive in, I must point out that although incredible, crystals won’t always be the elixir you are looking for. There is no denying that crystals have extraordinary power, but if there is an underlying condition being caused or impacted by, for example, your diet, nutrient deficiencies, by adrenaline dominance, or by hormone imbalances (such as menopause) you will probably need to take additional steps to heal. I say probably because, for some people, using specific crystals was all they needed to find balance of their body and mind. But we are all different. Some of us have to dig a little deeper to get answers and healing. Most holistic treatments that treat energy imbalances, take time to work their magic. Healings don’t often happen overnight. I go into greater detail about this subject in the chapter, When Crystals Don’t Work.

We all want to live happy, healthy lives which, in this world, is becoming increasingly difficult to do, especially for the Sensitive people. I hope that by the time you have finished this book you will be excited to include crystals into your daily life to help bring back balance.

You are about to embark on an incredible journey. It is a journey into learning everything you need to know about crystal healing for an Empath…


If you have come across this book, chances are you have a natural draw towards crystals and a curiosity to know why. This is not by chance. Your inner-knowing has guided you towards their transformational energy.

Crystals should play a part in every Empath’s life. They are little pieces of magic that emit powerful healing frequencies. After learning of their potential, you will be ready to use them every day, not just for rebalancing and happiness, but to be better in all you do.

The healing influence of crystals has long been understood in many cultures. Crystals have been regarded as vessels of power as well as objects of beauty. In Ancient Chinese cultures, Jade was prized for its medicinal properties, Ancient Greeks rubbed crushed Hematite on to the bodies of warriors before battle, in the belief it made them invisible, and even the Christian Church cherished the power of precious gems.

For a Millenia crystals have been used for their incredible power and their ability to absorb and transfer energy, and to balance the chakras for all over healing. The reason they are still used today, to heal and realign the mind, body and spirit, is because they work.

Having a thing for the crystal kingdom is quite normal for anyone who has an intuitive awareness. An Empath may build a collection of crystals and tumble stones without necessarily knowing of their benefits. They simply have an in-built attraction towards them. Interestingly, it is generally observed that when drawn to a particular stone, it is for a reason. You may not know of its attributes but your higher-self does.

Everyone, and not just Empaths, will benefit from having a range of crystals, especially during these challenging and changing times. A basic selection serves in so many ways. In this book, I discuss the various ways they can help in the home, when out and about, during travel, for protection from energy vampires, as a simple way to reset, and many other ways.  Crystals can be worn as jewelry, carried in pockets and bags, tucked in the socks, used in home furnishings and much more.

How Do Crystals Work?

Carrying the healing frequency of the earth, crystals are formed by magma or gasses in the earth’s volcanic lava streams, and the salt beds of natural lakes. They are defined as solid objects with atoms repeated in an organized pattern, known as a crystal lattice. Atoms group together to form the various qualities of crystals. Because each crystal has a unique molecular structure, that vibrates at a specific frequency, the many different stones are able to offer their own unique healing qualities.

Empaths, Energy and Crystals

Just like crystals, as Empaths, we have a unique frequency at which we vibrate. Our personal vibrations are impacted by our individual history, the way we think, the way we feel, our living environment, our diet and many other factors. Our biography impacts our biology and the speed at which we vibrate. The poorer our physical and emotional health, the slower our vibration. The opposite is also true. When happy and healthy, we vibrate at a higher frequency and life is better for it. As Empaths, we are also impacted by the energy of those we come into contact with. This too affects our health, happiness and what we attract. This is why crystals are so wonderful. They not only help raise our vibration, but also offer protection against anyone, or anything, that could lower it.

We are not only made up of a physical body, we also have an energy body or aura. The aura is our first line of defense and acts like a shield against the energy of others. I suppose it could be compared to an energetic immune system that fights off foreign energy not belonging to us. And, just like an immune system, it does not always work the way it should. If the aura is weak, damaged or leaky, too much external energy can be taken in. The impact of which is normally experienced in unpleasant ways. Some clues that an Empath has a weakened aura are: quickly becoming fearful, overwhelmed or fatigued when around people. This is because a rapid influx of external energy seeps in through the aura and impacts the physical body in unusual ways. Because crystals raise our vibration, they strengthen the aura (discussed in more detail later on), which then creates a stronger barrier towards external energy.

Grounding and crystal shielding are formidable tools for an Empath’s protection. We are each responsible for the energy that we attract, repel and send out. If, for example, we take on negativity from another person, or if we experience an energy clash that affects how we feel physically and emotionally, we need to take steps to rebalance. We cannot control another person’s emotional energy, but we can control how it is received within our body and mind, and this can be done by using crystals.

I once read that crystals can be used like an umbrella in the rain. Which I thought was a great turn of phrase. The umbrella helps keep us dry and protected when there is a light shower, but if there’s a heavy downpour it doesn’t always shelter us from all the splashes and gusting droplets of rain that swirl around us, battering us from all directions. We may also need to use waterproof trousers and a mac for extra protection. This is the same with crystals. Sometimes, we need more than one crystal. On occasions, when in heavily peopled places, we may require a crystal for grounding, one for protection and one for energizing. Or we could use a crystal in conjunction with another healing or protection method such as aromatherapy oils. Throughout this book we will be looking at all the different ways with which crystals can be combined for ultimate Empath protection.


Ok, there you go. Hopefully you will have got a feel of whether the book is for you…



I do hope everything is wonderful in your world.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

All rights reserved. This portion of the book may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in articles or book reviews.



Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine






The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer.

But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding.

Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life. Continue reading


We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading

As an Empath, if It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

It is an interesting question, isn’t it? If It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

If I experience something as an Empath, but you don’t, does that mean that you’re not an Empath?

If you have strong intuition, but I don’t, does that mean I’m a weak Empath?

If I can see your aura, but you can’t see mine, does that make me a more powerful Empath?

If you know the meaning of the emotions you feel in another, but another Empath doesn’t, does that mean they are unskilled or inauthentic?

Or what if I get incredibly fatigued when around a certain person, but another Empath doesn’t, does that mean I’m just bored of paying attention to that person, and the other Empath has got a greater attention span? Or is it they’re vibrational frequency or negativity is ‘sucking out my sunshine?’

I have said it before and I will say it again, as Empaths we are all diverse. Just like everyone else, we have different personalities, we have had different upbringings, we have different DNA, we have differing physical ailments, we have different beliefs and different abilities.

What works for one Empath won’t necessarily work for another.

Some Empaths are introvert. Some Empaths are extrovert. Some Empaths will be highly vocal in their beliefs, others will keep their opinions to themselves (often from learning that when someone is not ready for the information, they cannot hear).

However, we are so pushed into herd thinking, that it becomes difficult for us to accept that, even as Empaths, someone can have different abilities, outlooks or issues to deal with.

I have even seen written, within the Empath community, that an Empath having to ground or protect, from the emotional energy of others, is a ridiculous idea. The writer stated we simply need to learn to navigate the various energetic frequencies instead of ‘protecting’ from them.

Which could be classed as a very valid concept. Learning to navigate the energetic frequencies that surround people and our environment is an excellent idea. But it really isn’t that cut and dry.

Just because one Empath doesn’t need to take measures of protection/grounding, before spending time in public, or within certain energetic frequencies, does not mean that another won’t need to. Their energy sensitivity may be higher.

Humans Are All Different

There are some who need to take extra vitamin C and zinc, in the winter months, to protect from winter viruses. Others take no supplements and are fine. Some people need to use extra high factors of sun cream, to protect from sunburn, others don’t. One person may need to use earplugs to protect from sound frequencies, or music, another might not. And yes, some Empaths need to take protective measures, before going in public places, and some don’t. It really is that simple!

I have said before on this blog that the more I learn about life, the less I know. But something I do know, is that the human experience is supposed to be unique for each of us, as is the Empath experience.

It is just society that tries to convince us that we should all be the same box-tickers, living like robots, with no acceptance for anyone who has opposite beliefs or indeed ‘unusual abilities.’

Lack of Acceptance

Now, although this post may sound like I’m having a good old rant, I really wanted to point out the importance of acceptance, and how it can really change our outlook on life.

We see it all around us. People expect others to accept them, for their beliefs, feelings or ways of living, but they refuse to accept anyone who chooses not to adopt their views…

It is human nature to want to be accepted, but if someone is not willing to understand or accept that others experience life from a different perspective than themselves, how can it happen?

Acceptance is Bad for Business

Why do you think we are encouraged to attack each other constantly, instead of accepting each other?

We cannot stop hate with hate, we cannot stop racism with racism, we cannot stop discrimination with discrimination, and we cannot stop unacceptance with unacceptance. But that is so often the narrative pushed.

One thing is for sure, if the world can simply learn to accept others, and all their differences, then there would be no reason to fight. But I doubt that would ever be encouraged by the ‘mainstream’, because, let’s face it, acceptance of self and each other is bad for business.

Make The Changes You Can, Accept What You Can’t

When I advocate for acceptance of others, I am not saying we get to live happily ever after with someone we have no right to be with, or that we should put up with bad behaviour. But if we accept the fact that we are all supposed to be unique, it goes a long way towards a happier life.

I am also not trying to encourage anyone not to make changes in life or just to accept their lot. More that we should ‘change what we can change, and accept what we can’t’.

When we truly accept that we are all meant to be different, in our appearance, health, thoughts, beliefs and abilities, it is incredibly liberating.

Even by accepting that some people can be completely disagreeable and we will never get along with them, it frees up so much of our time wasted in frustration by them or their ways.

If It’s Not True for Me does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

So, going back to the title of this post: As Empaths, if It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

We can say that my life and your life or my truth and your truth may be poles apart, but if we can come to accept that, then the world will be a much brighter place to live.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine


Should Empaths Develop Mediumistic Abilities? And a Word of WARNING!


woman girl eyes blur

Because Empaths are an intuitive bunch, it can rouse the question whether they also have psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Being mediumistic is not an attribute that falls under the ‘traits of an Empath’, but that is not to say they cannot own the gift.

So, what is being a medium? Think James Van Praagh, Alison Dubois or John Edwards. Those who have the ability to connect with the otherside.

Some Empaths have mediumistic abilities and some mediums have Empathic abilities. But whether you were born with the gift or not, it is something that can be developed.

If it is a topic you are drawn to, and want to develop, you can work towards owning mediumistic abilities. Empaths are highly intuitive and are aligned to most things of a metaphysical nature. They often experience a strong pull towards mediumship in the ‘early days’ of awakening.

However, it is not a subject one should take lightly; and finding a good teacher is essential. The teacher has to know and understand all about the traits and sensitivities of an Empath. Continue reading

Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?

careerMany people struggle finding their life purpose, especially the Empaths.

Feeling confused as to whether we are walking the ‘right occupational path’ is all too common for the Sensitive. There are many reasons for this, but the way the world makes us ‘feel’ certainly contributes to this confusion.

Because we get exhausted, depressed or overstimulated by spending too much time around others, it leads to feelings of unfulfillment, which we often blame on our chosen profession.

This sense of unfulfillment may push us towards trying many different vocations,  in the hope it will put us on the path to our ‘true’ life-purpose.

Empaths are hardwired into learning, gaining knowledge and wisdom. We have active imaginations and look for ways to stimulate our creative mind. We may believe we like trying out new jobs because we have yet to find a career that is a fit, but there could also be another reason…

You could be a multipotentialite Empath! Continue reading

Trinity Healing for The Empath

Anyone who has read many of my posts is probably aware that I’m a big advocate of taking responsibility for self-healing.

When it comes to finding balance and realigning the mind, body and spirit, I believe  we are the ones who are responsible. We must make the changes. It is after all our journey. (Of course I am not talking about serious health conditions, that need medical assistance).

I wasn’t always of this mind. When I was younger, I hoped others would do it for me. I wanted the easy option… I learnt the hard way on that one.

It was over 20 years ago when I started looking for answers to the mysteries of life. And in that time I have made many discoveries. Especially in regard to Empath life!

It took me a while to see it, but although it comes with many challenges, the journey of an Empath is a brilliant fast-paced rollercoaster ride and a true blessing. If it were an easy comfortable trip we would never get to overcome the many obstacles we do. And, in turn, accomplish and learn so much.

We climb mountains, float on clouds and stumble into darkness, sometimes all in one day, and it is these experiences that make the Empath journey so worthwhile.

I have by no means got the answers to life’s mysteries, nor would I yet want to have. We have to leave something to learn on life’s path. However, the most important detail I have realized to date is: we will never find true health, peace or happiness until we heal the trinity of mind, body and spirit.

Mind = thoughts, ego and emotions
Body =  physical vessel
Spirit = the energetic body and higher self or soul

We come as a trinity package and when it comes to healing we generally have to work on all three.

We heal the body and mind through eating the right diet, drinking plenty of water, doing a good amount of exercise, avoiding excess amounts of stress or anything that is harmful to us.

We heal the spirit by living authentically, expressing gratitude, being kind, having a spiritual practice/belief and spending time in nature.

Generally, when the body is in balance the mind and spirit very quickly follows. The biggest cause of physical imbalance is the diet.

It won’t matter if you work out five times a week, or if you have a regular spiritual or meditative practise, if your diet is unsuitable you will be out of balance and you will struggle with Empath life and your trinity will be out of sync.

Eating foods that do not agree with you will weaken your body, disrupt your hormones, cause mental imbalance and contribute to leaky aura (seriously bad news for the Empath ).

I had no idea that what we put in our mouths could have such a harmful effect on our all round physical and mental health, as an Empath, until I changed my diet.

The start of my Empath transformation began in 2012 [see post here ], when I started making changes to what I ate.

By removing certain foods, I found life as an Empath became easier and more enjoyable, and my intuition and happiness increased. I was shocked that the wrong diet had had such a negative impact on me.

If you are an Empath and you have suffered for a long time with niggling health problems like allergies or depression, if you struggle spending time around people, or if you experience crushing fatigue or brain fog look at your diet.

Modern diets and lifestyles have taken too many Empaths and Sensitives down. Putting them out of action without them realizing that their diet is preventing them from becoming all they can be.

If you want to see BIG changes in your life, change your diet!

If you have worked on yourself mentally, spiritually and physically and still suffer bouts of  Empath fatigue, overwhelm, depression or other physical ailments it is time to address what you eat…

Now is the perfect time to make changes, to start living, not just existing, and get doing what you came here to do, and that can be done through healing the trinity of mind, body and spirit.

There is nothing to lose but everything to gain…

2017 Update: If you are interested in changing your Empath life, this book will help you. Or to check your symptoms click on the link: Empath symptoms.

Hope this helps on your journey!

Until next time,


If you have found my work to be helpful please consider donating here

©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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