Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?

careerMany people struggle finding their life purpose, especially the Empaths.

Feeling confused as to whether we are walking the ‘right occupational path’ is all too common for the Sensitive. There are many reasons for this, but the way the world makes us ‘feel’ certainly contributes to this confusion.

Because we get exhausted, depressed or overstimulated by spending too much time around others, it leads to feelings of unfulfillment, which we often blame on our chosen profession.

This sense of unfulfillment may push us towards trying many different vocations,  in the hope it will put us on the path to our ‘true’ life-purpose.

Empaths are hardwired into learning, gaining knowledge and wisdom. We have active imaginations and look for ways to stimulate our creative mind. We may believe we like trying out new jobs because we have yet to find a career that is a fit, but there could also be another reason…

You could be a multipotentialite Empath! Continue reading