Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?

careerMany people struggle finding their life purpose, especially the Empaths.

Feeling confused as to whether we are walking the ‘right occupational path’ is all too common for the Sensitive. There are many reasons for this, but the way the world makes us ‘feel’ certainly contributes to this confusion.

Because we get exhausted, depressed or overstimulated by spending too much time around others, it leads to feelings of unfulfillment, which we often blame on our chosen profession.

This sense of unfulfillment may push us towards trying many different vocations,  in the hope it will put us on the path to our ‘true’ life-purpose.

Empaths are hardwired into learning, gaining knowledge and wisdom. We have active imaginations and look for ways to stimulate our creative mind. We may believe we like trying out new jobs because we have yet to find a career that is a fit, but there could also be another reason…

You could be a multipotentialite Empath!

According to Emilie Wapnick, A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. She says:

‘Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do. Being a multipotentialite is our destiny. We have many paths and we pursue all of them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both).

 Multipotentialites thrive on learning, exploring, and mastering new skills. We are excellent at bringing disparate ideas together in creative ways. This makes us incredible innovators and problem solvers.

 When it comes to new interests that emerge, our insatiable curiosity leads us to absorb everything we can get our hands on. As a result, we pick up new skills fast and tend to be a wealth of information.’

I believe many Empaths resonate with being a multipotentialite for the simple fact they love to learn and master new skills and abilities (mostly to help others).

The sad thing is, society expects us to find one vocational path and stick to it for life! This makes those who want to change careers feel guilty, or wrong, for doing so.

For some, being in the same job throughout their life is ‘heaven on a plate’. But this path is not for everyone. Some need to keep changing, keep learning, and keep moving forward and they have to know it is ok to do this.

Like many others, I used to believe that I studied a vast array of subjects and professions to find my true-calling. I realized some time ago that all I was learning was not just part of a whimsical passing interest. What I’ve been studying and researching over the years, I’ve been doing for a reason. I love writing about ways others can better serve themselves and learning all that I have, has helped me do this.

There is nothing wrong with embracing change or having a desire to learn and a thirst for knowledge. Stepping away from the herd, and herd mentality, is essential for personal growth. We have to know it is ok to keep learning and experiencing new or different careers, if that’s what we want. Even if we try a job for just a matter of weeks. As long as we are not letting others down, getting into debt or overly putting on others by our choices, we need to know we are ok to keep learning and growing.

If you have a desire to try something new, follow it. It may be learning a language, playing a musical instrument, learning to act, ride horses, play golf, qualify as a yoga teacher, a computer programmer, photographer or reflexologist. Whatever your urge is, do it! There will always be a reason for it.

The great late Wayne Dyer had a saying that has always stuck with me: ‘Don’t die with your music still inside you!’  This phrase tells me to keep following and listening to my intuition and if I have a hankering to follow a certain path, listen to my inner guidance and do it.

You never know where what you have learnt today will take you tomorrow… or in ten years from now. When you align with your calling, your path will be illuminated in a series of stepping stones. You can’t always see where they are taking you now, but trust that your IGS can see the bigger picture and you will be guided in the right direction.

Embrace being an Empath, a multipotentialite or both! You are meant to change the world!

Here is Emilie Wapnick giving her TEDx Talk

Hope this helps on your Empath journey

Until next time…l


Life changing books for the Empath

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©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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22 thoughts on “Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?

  1. I read this with great interest because I do love learning. However it tends heavily toward greater and greater self awareness and all things spiritual. I feel guilty simply admitting it. But, even at 60 now, and as one who has many creative gifts (TOO many it feels sometimes!) I still struggle with what my calling is for this season of my life. I have spent the last five years very focused and working extremely hard creating a lifestyle that has afforded me an early retirement so that I can be still, tune in to what I really desire and move forward in that direction. Now I’m trying to find the motivation and clarity to actually do it. Hiking feels like the only thing that satisfies me at gut level right now.

  2. if one loses their direction totally and don’t know what to step into, as they are a complete autodidactic, who is stuck in a research loop. For they find all social interactions or group environments overwhelming! what does one do to break through and find a normal type of life/job?

    • I’m assuming that the person you are referring to is you?

      If you are finding that you are at a point where you are struggling with information overload, from too much research, I would suggest having a timeout.

      The problem is, with those of us who love to do research and self-education, we can end up having too much information and not knowing what to do with it.

      A good way to get out of the repetitive cycle is, instead of taxing your brain, try taxing your body with physical exercise or spending time walking in nature. Give your mind a rest.

      When it comes to work, many Empaths don’t really fit in to the ‘normal’ category, in that what is considered ‘normal’ is often mundane or restrictive for the creative mind. This is why it is so important to tune into your higher mind to see what it is guiding you towards. It is often in the stillness of a quiet mind that you find the answers you are looking for.

      I am including a couple of links to articles you may find useful.

      Hope this helps


  3. only over the past few years have i learned that all these facets of my life that i considered “different,” “abnormal,” or “wrong” are actually anything but. Until about 3 years ago, i never even knew the term empath existed. “omg, you mean i’m not alone? there are actually other people like me?” for the first time in my life i realized I wasn’t alone…and the knowledge of that realization changed my life. i still struggle a lot, because of my situation (not being aware & the negative perceptions i had about myself has led me into many situations i dont believe I’d have found myself in had i been “enlightened” and felt okay with myself). but every time i come across another tidbit of “enlightenment” is further proof that i am “okay” & in many cases better than I’ve ever given myself credit for. thank you, for proving this to me, again, and leading me back to yet another piece of me i lost along the way. now, if i can just find more information on how to release the sadness & resentment of everything i’ve lost so i can quit living in the past & move on to become whom i meant to be (ALL facets of me)…

  4. Yes definitely me. Sometimes I feel guilty for wanting to do a lot of things and not focusing on one thing but your post definitely says what I would have liked to say to everyone. 🙂

    • Each time I have read about the importance of finding my true calling, etc. I have felt great irritation. I always thought that was my way of rebelling against society. Who are THEY to tell me how to live my life. I am a free spirit I would tell myself. Diane I thank you with all of my heart. I can now allow myself to truly follow my heart, live by my intutive callings without feeling guilty because I am not adhering to what others have said is the way to live my life. Instead I listen confidently to the me within.
      It is making life so much the sweeter.

  5. This makes complete sense to me! I have always been interested in herbal remedies and am also finding essential oils incredibly fascinating as well. Have an urge to learn the ‘old ways’. I don’t know where I am going with this but finally feel i don’t have to put myself into one box and that’s reassuring to know! Thanks for the article 🙂

  6. This post came at the perfect time!! It makes PERFECT sense and what I have always felt, but always criticized on by others. Being a cancer survivor I knew I had a purpose and struggled to find it, however, I was serving that purpose the entire time. Everything put in my way was not an obstacle per say but rather a learning to get to the next level. At least that is what I always tell myself. I thrive on helping others and most especially animals. I can “feel” when I am needed and step up. So thank you for confirming what my intuition has been telling me all along. It’s the confidence boost much needed!!!

  7. This makes so much sense to me! I’ve worked in the medical field, as an accountant, as a creative consultant, as a preschool teacher for a bilingual class, and now I work in retail (lots of shielding/grounding required) and as a freelance painter. I’ve never been able to figure out my “calling,” but I’m glad to learn that this is completely ok! Ok, I feel a lot less like I’m wasting my life! Thank you always for such good information. I learn a lot from your posts.

  8. This article fully resonate with my personality.Thanks for the article as it shares amazing knowledge.A true guide for heart centred consciousness is intuition.A quiet mind never listens to the world chatter and goes on doing his own bit.



  9. This is SO me!!! I am thinking of pursuing a masters of public administration with a concentration in nonprofit management bc it is SO broad and i can work in a multitude of different nonprofits and agencies – bc i want to work with people and animals!! I want to do too many things and it is so true that our society embraces people with one career for some reason

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