Empaths and the Rebound Effect of Stress

Most Empaths do not handle stress well. Fact!


For one thing, being overly sensitive in this insensitive world plays a big part. Our Empathic antenna is always on high alert as we navigate our way through life, picking up all sorts of pained emotions and stresses as well as dealing with our own stress.

As Empaths, our emotional senses are generally heightened, which can mean we just don’t handle any other excess stress. And it certainly doesn’t help that so much in this world seems to be designed to cause worry in one way or another. For example: the cost of living, excess traffic, career misery, and, for us Empaths, over feeling everything.

But one major issue, for an Empath, is the energy we project when feeling stressed. It can have a rebound effect, which, in the long run, can cause many more issues. We will look at how this works shortly. But first, why does an Empath so quickly get hooked by anything that triggers stress? Continue reading


Although it often doesn’t feel like it, we are currently living in some incredible times.

Times where we can move into our own authority and start living the empowered existence that we were meant to live.

However, as nice as it is to think we can sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, in these times of change, we still have to put in some work, if we want to see positive changes that last.

And yes, we always have obstacles to overcome in the process.

One of those being facing the insecurities that have been triggered by our Empath traits. Continue reading

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading


If you read my last article, you may have noticed I mentioned that many Empaths tend to be prone to suffering adrenal fatigue, caused by amygdala activation.

The term adrenal fatigue has been used to explain: a group of symptoms that are said to occur in people who are under long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

In case you’re wondering, the adrenals are small organs located above the kidneys that produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

The theory is when someone suffers long-term stresses, the body prioritises the production of stress hormones, which then stops or hinders the production of other important hormones (such as progesterone) that are produced by the adrenals.

This then has a knock-on effect throughout the body and the hormones produced.

So, what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Let’s take a look: Continue reading

10 Incredible Yoga Poses for the Empath and Why You Need to Practice Them

Many Empaths come to find huge benefits in practising yoga on their journey through life. It is something that reaps huge benefits when practised regularly in mind, body and spirit.

Any of you who have been reading my blog for a while, or who have read my books, may know I’m a bit of a yoga nerd. I believe in it so much that back in 2011 I jetted off to India to do my yoga teacher training. And I am so glad that I did.

The thing is with yoga, it’s a lifelong practice that is continuously revealing. And what I mean by this is, by consistent practice not only does it work to heal ailments of the body and mind, it really does work to expand consciousness.

Photo by Prasanth Inturi on Pexels.com

One of the many things yoga has taught me over the years is we all have to practice it in our own way. What works for one won’t work for another.

Not only do we have to adapt poses for body shapes and limb lengths, we have to find a way of practising that suits our personality and energy levels. This is the case for all levels of yoga from beginner to advanced.

That said, for the Empaths of the world, we all tend to hold certain stress emotions in similar places, especially around the solar plexus, the lower back and within the hips and thighs. This often leads to problems in those areas, such as stomach issues, back pain and excessive thigh-burn when exercising. Continue reading


We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading

The Incredible Way Nature Can Heal An Empath Of Emotional Toxicity

You may have heard the term emotional toxicity, but didn’t really know what it entailed or whether it applied to you or not.

So, in today’s post, I will walk you through some of the symptoms and then discuss how spending time in Nature offers natural incredible healing.

When we become emotionally toxic, it is most often caused by either having experienced a stressful event, from having a diet and lifestyle that does not agree with us, or even from contaminants in our environments or WIFI.

On top of that, as Empaths, we can also experience emotional toxicity by experiencing or absorbing too many negative emotions.

When we become overwhelmed with emotions, whether they be ours or those we lift from others, the ability to properly filter our feelings becomes compromised. Our insecurities resurface and we often become vulnerable and emotionally intoxicated.

Here are some other ways we can be affected by emotional toxicity:

Signs of Being Emotionally Toxic

1.  We don’t feel ourself

This is the biggest sign we are emotionally toxic; not feeling like our usual self. Its almost as if our energy is stagnant and sludgy, and we lack the energy to find ways to snap ourselves out of it.

2. We lack motivation

If we become lethargic in both our body and mind, and don’t feel like trying anything new, this could be another sign of emotional toxicity. Especially if you once considered yourself as a bit of a go-getter. When our vitality diminishes, it becomes an effort to make decisions or to stay on top of everyday tasks.  Continue reading

15 Questions to Determine if You’re an Empath, Old Soul or Both

If you’re reading this, I expect you’ll already consider yourself to be an Empath?

Would you also say you’re an old soul? Or have you never really given it much thought?

It doesn’t really matter either way whether you’re an old soul or not, but one thing I know about the majority of ‘old soul Empaths’ is they are always on the lookout for kindred spirits or even just to have confirmations of what they naturally experience.

You would assume that all old souls are highly Empathic, which most are, but not all Empaths are old souls. People can be sensitive, as well as being sensitive to energy, without having deep, old soul wisdom.

I should also note that just because one Empath is an old soul does not make them more superior to another. This life is a journey of evolvement for everyone. And everyone has different jobs and lessons to learn…. But still, it’s nice to have confirmation of what you feel inside.

If you want to know if you’re an Empath, see this post first. If you already know you’re an Empath but want to know if you own old soul traits, here’s some questions and explanations that will help you make that determination: Continue reading


Everyone has times when they are not happy. There will always be ups and downs. Life tends to throw things our way that take us off course or puts us in a dark place for a period of time.

Everyone experiences difficulties. No one is exempt. And it’s not always because you are doing something wrong. However, there are some ways of being that will keep you unhappy if you don’t work to fix them. The good news is they are very fixable. The problem is just figuring out what is really making us unhappy. Because, it is too easy to blame it on the wrong thing.

As the old saying goes: ‘You’re not unhappy for the reasons you think.’

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at 7 reasons why you might not be happy as an Empath: Continue reading


As you know, here on my blog, I like to write articles about how to make life easier for an Empath, and how to combat the emotions they often have to deal with.

One of those ways is by sipping a lovely cup of healing char.

Teas that calm your soul and soothe your emotions have so many benefits for an Empath.

Because, let’s face it, one problem that comes with Empath life is having heightened or erratic emotions. (Especially after what we’ve all been through these past two years.)

Heightened emotions can lead to all sorts of health issues, especially of the adrenal glands (endocrine glands that produce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol).

When the adrenals get overactivated, by too much stress, it can cause a whole host of mental and physical problems, as well as autoimmune conditions…

Increased cortisol can also lead to weight gain (hello pot belly), without you having to overeat. Which is made all the worse worse if you drink coffee with caffeine.

So, anything we can do to help soothe our emotions, naturally, is a big bonus for all-round wellbeing (and for our waistline). And this is where herbal teas come in…

Nature gave us many of the things we need to heal, or find calm in life, in the way of herbs and spices. Too often, when on the hunt for a ‘quick-fix’, we overlook these powerful healers.

Drinking more herbal tea not only increases your water intake (water being another great one for soothing emotions), but it gives you the healing benefits of the herbal infusion at the same time.

My Choice

Although I am about to share 11 exceptional soothing teas, I have two favourites: Continue reading

4 Reasons Why Empaths Get Sick When Around Certain People

Have you ever come away from spending time with certain people and felt physically ill?

Did you ever feel like you had a hangover after an evening out with friends, but weren’t actually drinking alcohol?

Or have you had a brief conversation with someone, only to feel pains or physical symptoms in certain body parts?

Have you ever wondered why this might happen?

There are a number of reasons that could be causing these reactions, but here we will look at the most common causes for Empaths to get sick after being in the presence of certain individuals.

1.You Are Intuitively Picking Up on Their Illness

Did you ever seen the famous psychics on TV who describe how someone passed, by explaining how it feels to them? They may experience a pain or pressure in a certain area within their body, which might, for example, tell them what body part of the deceased was impacted by an illness.

This is similar to what an Empath might experience, when they intuitively pick up an illness or imbalance within another.

Just like their ability to feel another person’s emotions, some Empaths can also pick up on physical imbalances, which might make them feel sick or weak in certain body parts. They may not know what it is they are sensing, just that they don’t feel great.

The sensation normally lasts for the duration of time spent in said person’s presence, up to a few hours after.

The good news is once the Empath understands what they are enduring, the easier it is for them to ‘switch off’ the sensation in the future.

2.You are Mixing with the Wrong People

If someone you are interacting with is highly negative, if they have bad intentions, or if their vibration is running at a much slower pace than yours, you can have a physical reaction within your body.

Anything from fatigue to feeling fluey could be experienced.

You will have a worse physical experience if said person also makes you stressed.

Stress contributes to and worsens any health problems. Stress-related illness can lead to autoimmune conditions. These conditions, that often go undiagnosed, cause many complications for the unaware Empath. Which might lead them to becoming physically sick when with certain people.

If someone is no good for you, especially if they activate your adrenals, which release stress hormones, your body will tell you by giving you a physical reaction.

In these cases, staying grounded and protected is your best option for prevention. However, with some people, avoidance may be the best option.

3. Your Immune System Has Been Compromised

When you have a compromised immune system, or an autoimmune condition, it is very common for you to have illnesses and physical reactions to chemicals, certain foods, and drinks. But that’s not all, you can also react to people’s energy in a physical way that makes you feel ill. This works like a ‘people allergy.’

The problem is, many Empaths don’t realise that a compromised immune system is making them sick after being around certain people. But if you are sensitive to energy, in any way, you can react in mysterious ways to people’s emotional energy.

Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies, whether that be food, chemicals, emotions, or people.

If what the Empath is experiencing, after being around certain people, is immune-system related, the physical sensations, or not feeling well, can last for 12 to 48 hours after exposure. This post has 6 ways in which to quickly reduce these reactions.

4. You Have a Permeable Aura

Most Empaths come to realize they have a leaky aura when they experience near-constant exhaustion, and physical symptoms, after spending time around people. These people don’t have to be negative, angry or ill for this to happen. (This is also interrelated with number 3 on the list.)

Anyone whose auric field is permeable will experience discomfort when spending time around others. A healthy aura protects you from ‘ingesting’ the energy of others or any external influences.

Think of a shoe, when there’s a hole in the sole it allows in water, stones and other fragments that could damage the foot. Repair the sole and the foot remains dry and comfortable. This is like the aura. When it is leaky or permeable it lets in energy that doesn’t belong. Repair the damage and you become better protected.

One of the biggest indications of having leaky aura is if you remember a time when you weren’t so badly affected by being in the presence of others. If you want to learn more read this.


Many Empaths have an inkling of what they should or shouldn’t do to stay happy and healthy, because their inner Knowing is constantly guiding them. Those nagging feelings, that something is not a fit, is your intuition at work trying to get your attention.

If you get physically ill after spending time around certain individuals, and you are not intuitively picking up on their pain or a bodily illness, take it as a warning sign. Either the other person is not good for you, or you have imbalances of the physical or energy bodies that need addressing.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine




If you are feeling emotionally attacked in anyway, or if you keep experiencing a sense of dread or doom, know that you’re not alone. It is happening to many Sensitive people.

There is some strange energy around. Major solar activity and sun flares have been firing off, which has a massive impact on how we feel physically and emotionally (read more here how solar flares impact emotions).

There is also a dark wave of emotional energy coming from the fears of the masses. People are afraid and confused. ‘The powers that be’ are using behavioural psychology, again, to stir up fear, which is continuing to instil a sense of terror within the populace.

As well as that, people are catching on that something is very amiss in this world. They know things aren’t right and it is causing major agitation and worry.

As an Empath, you will likely be picking up on all these confused fearful emotions, as well as the impact of the flares. It can almost feel like psychic attack. This influx of energy might have taken you right out of your groove, without you knowing why.

What makes matters worse, when we become overwhelmed with dark feelings, for whatever reason, we often forget to do the things we should to stay on top of our game and in control as an Empath…

So, today, as well as letting you know what could be causing any weirdness you may be feeling, I also have some suggestions of what you could be doing to get through these strange and disturbing times, to not only keep you in a positive space but to bring back your joy. Here goes:

Stress Your Body

The first one is to take your body into a space of physical discomfort.

Yes, you did read that correctly.

As bonkers as this sounds, doing something that makes you uncomfortable can be so empowering to your body and mind. But more importantly, it can also nullify any emotional pain or dread you may be experiencing. We’re talking ‘fighting fire with fire’.

I’m not saying you should be sending your body into pain; I’m talking about doing something that puts a positive type of stress on the body.

For example, exercise that makes you break a sweat and breathless, or works your muscles to a point they burn.

If you don’t like the idea of exercise, why not try physical labour, preferably outdoors, that is taxing to your body, but is also something that you enjoy. Gardening, for example, is a work out in itself, and connects you to nature.

Cold-Water Treatment

Another fantastic way to put your body into positive stress is through cold-water treatment. Cold showers, ice baths and the like.

Last night I watched a programme on Netflix about people in the UK, who go swimming every day in outdoor ponds in Hampstead Heath. Even when it is freezing cold, they still brave the icy waters. Most of the swimmers all commented how it made them feel alive and nulled emotional and physical pain.

It reminded me of what is said by those who practice the Wim Hof Method. People transform their life by regularly taking a dip in ice water. Not only do they cure themselves of health issues, but they also master emotional trauma, and stress.

I will admit, I am not a massive fan of the cold-water treatment (I don’t like being cold), but I know it can give incredible results in banishing physical and emotional pain. It is one of those techniques that you have to try for yourself. If you haven’t heard of the Wim Hof Method, I urge you to look it up.

If you do try a cold shower, I would recommend adjusting to the cold water gradually. There are lots of YouTube videos on the subject.

Raise Your Spirits

As well as taking your body into physical discomfort, another fantastic way to stop the ‘weird energies’ taking you down is by doing anything that makes your spirits soar.

Read or watch inspirational or uplifting material. Listen to empowering music that makes your heart sing, and have a good old boogie whilst listening, get out in nature, or get creative.

Being creative in times of distress is so vital to our wellbeing. Not only does it work as a distraction, it also keeps our mind engaged with something positive. Rather than it being overwhelmed by the negative.

Crystal Vibes

Another great way to protect from the energy, that may be frying your circuits and dimming your light, is to get your crystals out. To take back control of your thoughts, use your grounding crystals, on your third eye, to soothe your heart use comforting stones like Rose Quartz, or use Citrine, on your Solar Plexus, to quash negative emotions. Here’s a couple of posts that may help, here and here.

A crystal healing bath, with magnesium salts, also works wonders for soothing any wired emotions. Recipe below:

Stay Away from Anything That Lowers Your Frequency

It is so important to avoid anything or anyone that brings you down. As an Empath, you are already carrying more than you should be, in the way of emotional energy.

If you come into contact with anyone who drags down your spirits, take a wide swerve. Likewise, if you go on any media site that makes you feel uncomfortable or drained, it is best to avoid.

Just watch how something shifts your mood to a lower vibration, bearing in mind this might be things that didn’t negatively affect you before, and try to avoid.

I hope this helps you get through any turbulence you may be experiencing. Don’t forget, we are all in this together. ♥

This post may also be helpful.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


In many of my posts, I write about techniques that Empaths can used to protect themselves from the rigours of Empath life (here, here, here and here).

What I probably haven’t mentioned, in many of these posts, is that several of these protection techniques also act as powerful forms of distraction that work in so many empowering ways.

Distracting the mind from pain, whether physical, spiritual or mental, is an incredible tool which we often forget about using to our advantage…


There are many occasions when we use techniques to distract the mind without necessarily realising.  When experiencing hunger pain, for example, if all you think about is food, you’ll remain hungry. If you engage your mind, with work or some tasks, your hunger quickly vanishes.

Another example can be seen in yoga: Whilst moving through the poses we might focus on ujjayi breath and holding bandhas (physical and energetic locks). By doing this, not only does it help direct prana, but the mind is focused and taken off the physical challenge of the pose. This also has the effect of taking the attention away from the stresses of everyday life. Which in turn contributes to a calm yet uplifted mindset after practise.

There are many other examples I could discuss, but, instead, let’s get straight to the easy distraction techniques you can use in your everyday life to stay empowered and on top:

1. Stay in Your Passions:

Doing what you love is so empowering during these challenging times. Not only does engaging in your passions work as a powerful distraction, but doing things that lighten your soul, and bring a sense of peace and joy to your life, will lift you up like nothing else.

If you don’t feel like you have anything to fit that bill, it is the perfect time to start experimenting with hobbies and pastimes, or just get creative.

In a world of rules, routine and restrictions, people seldom get time to be creative. But spending time creatively is one of the easiest ways to revel in the feel-good-factor. When you feel good you also feel grounded and centred. When creating from your passions, or interests, it has an uplifting effect and keeps the mind away from dark thoughts and feelings. A must for all Empaths.

2. Listen to Uplifting Music and Sing!:

Listening to the songs that move you in all the right ways can instil such a sense of joy and euphoria. If you know the words, sing along. It is incredible how much you can be uplifted by the music you love. It envelops your body and mind in the most powerful vibrations and distracts the attention in all the right ways. Singing along can itself be meditative. (Researcher, Gunter Kreutz, also discovered singing increases cortisol and other chemicals involved in healing.)

Music can go both ways. My advice would be to avoid music that encourages melancholy or brings back difficult memories, even if you enjoy the song.


3. Use Your Pen and Paper

This may sound strange. How can pen and paper help distract the mind? Well, when you write things down, for example with what you want to do going forward in life, you connect with your right brain which helps keep you in creative mode. There is something about handwriting, as opposed to tapping words out on a computer, that helps activate our creative mind. When the creative mind is activated, as opposed to the logical left mind, you also receive more revelations in regards to what is currently happening in your life, or in our world, and can help you see the ‘bigger picture’.

In regards of to what to write about, either let your heart-mind guide you to what is right for you, or make notes on how you would like your future to be.

4. Get Near Trees:

This might sound like the hippiest statement ever, but spend as much time around trees as you can. Gaze upon them. Even go as far as hugging a tree. This not only has the effect of distracting the mind from the darkness in the world, but it takes you into a place of calm and healing. Let’s face it, we wouldn’t be alive if we didn’t have trees and greenery. There is so much wisdom and healing energy around trees (this post explains more), and that is exactly what many of us need right now to clear, rebalance and reset from the demands of Empath life.

5. Stop Doing Things That Bore You:

This isn’t so much a form of distraction. More a form of empowerment.  Feeling bored or unengaged by things that you used to enjoy, or were once an interest, is going to bring you down fast. If you are finding hobbies, lifestyles, or even people, you used to love, have stopped being pleasurable, maybe it’s time you stopped engaging in them, or at least have a break and see if you miss them. Perhaps try a new hobby instead.

6. Exercise:

Engaging in physical activity is a brilliant way to distract the mind from overwhelm or uncomfortable feelings. It’s also a fantastic way to keep the body and mind healthy. Depending on how you feel should depend on what is the best form of exercise to create balance within the body and mind.

If you are feeling lethargic and tired, some type of HIIT training (High intensity interval exercise) is super beneficial. It is also the best exercise for releasing human growth hormone.  HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps the mind in a more positive space. I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels (it is even beneficial to do if you suffer chronic fatigue). Just be sure to start slow, at your own level and don’t force your body into anything it’s not ready for.

If you are the opposite of being lethargic, and feel wired or hyper, then breath-and-bandha-focused yoga will help bring you back to a state of equilibrium, whilst also working as a distraction for the mind.

The reason I recommend breath-and-bandha-focused yoga is because, speaking from experience, it can be easy for the mind to wander and remain unfocused in yoga practice. When practising using the breath and bandhas simultaneously, however, it takes your yoga practice to another level. Here’s a couple of links to videos, of how to engage yogic breath and bandhas, on YouTube:

Breath and Bandhas

Yoga Breathing

Walking, whilst engaging your focus on your scenery/surroundings, is also fantastic for both high and low energy levels. Out near trees, even better!

The Biggest Obstacles

One of the biggest hurdles we face, when empowering the body and mind, is that when we are stressed or feel out of sorts, by the happenings in the world or indeed just Empath life, we often don’t feel like doing anything. We get so wrapped up in what we feel that we don’t think about anything else. But, when in a state of unease, this is the perfect time to use the power of distraction to engage the mind.

If you want to use clever distractions to your advantage, my advice would be to engage in them the moment you feel your mind wandering into ‘darker territory’ or, even better, find something you can do daily that keeps you in a state of empowerment…

Hope this helps you on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Empaths Who Can ‘Change The Game’

Have you happened to notice recently that when you are in a really good place, maybe doing something that makes you feel happy and uplifted, you find yourself thrown off centre and being pulled down into a darker place?

You may receive a phone call, text or email off one of those people in your life who act as a trauma trigger, or a family member, who always manages to push your buttons, shows up.

Do you think this is by chance?

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing the mind, body or spirit, will have seen many, many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better. We are becoming heart centred. Yet, despite this, we can still be pulled down into a low vibrating space. Continue reading