If you are feeling emotionally attacked in anyway, or if you keep experiencing a sense of dread or doom, know that you’re not alone. It is happening to many Sensitive people.

There is some strange energy around. Major solar activity and sun flares have been firing off, which has a massive impact on how we feel physically and emotionally (read more here how solar flares impact emotions).

There is also a dark wave of emotional energy coming from the fears of the masses. People are afraid and confused. ‘The powers that be’ are using behavioural psychology, again, to stir up fear, which is continuing to instil a sense of terror within the populace.

As well as that, people are catching on that something is very amiss in this world. They know things aren’t right and it is causing major agitation and worry.

As an Empath, you will likely be picking up on all these confused fearful emotions, as well as the impact of the flares. It can almost feel like psychic attack. This influx of energy might have taken you right out of your groove, without you knowing why.

What makes matters worse, when we become overwhelmed with dark feelings, for whatever reason, we often forget to do the things we should to stay on top of our game and in control as an Empath…

So, today, as well as letting you know what could be causing any weirdness you may be feeling, I also have some suggestions of what you could be doing to get through these strange and disturbing times, to not only keep you in a positive space but to bring back your joy. Here goes:

Stress Your Body

The first one is to take your body into a space of physical discomfort.

Yes, you did read that correctly.

As bonkers as this sounds, doing something that makes you uncomfortable can be so empowering to your body and mind. But more importantly, it can also nullify any emotional pain or dread you may be experiencing. We’re talking ‘fighting fire with fire’.

I’m not saying you should be sending your body into pain; I’m talking about doing something that puts a positive type of stress on the body.

For example, exercise that makes you break a sweat and breathless, or works your muscles to a point they burn.

If you don’t like the idea of exercise, why not try physical labour, preferably outdoors, that is taxing to your body, but is also something that you enjoy. Gardening, for example, is a work out in itself, and connects you to nature.

Cold-Water Treatment

Another fantastic way to put your body into positive stress is through cold-water treatment. Cold showers, ice baths and the like.

Last night I watched a programme on Netflix about people in the UK, who go swimming every day in outdoor ponds in Hampstead Heath. Even when it is freezing cold, they still brave the icy waters. Most of the swimmers all commented how it made them feel alive and nulled emotional and physical pain.

It reminded me of what is said by those who practice the Wim Hof Method. People transform their life by regularly taking a dip in ice water. Not only do they cure themselves of health issues, but they also master emotional trauma, and stress.

I will admit, I am not a massive fan of the cold-water treatment (I don’t like being cold), but I know it can give incredible results in banishing physical and emotional pain. It is one of those techniques that you have to try for yourself. If you haven’t heard of the Wim Hof Method, I urge you to look it up.

If you do try a cold shower, I would recommend adjusting to the cold water gradually. There are lots of YouTube videos on the subject.

Raise Your Spirits

As well as taking your body into physical discomfort, another fantastic way to stop the ‘weird energies’ taking you down is by doing anything that makes your spirits soar.

Read or watch inspirational or uplifting material. Listen to empowering music that makes your heart sing, and have a good old boogie whilst listening, get out in nature, or get creative.

Being creative in times of distress is so vital to our wellbeing. Not only does it work as a distraction, it also keeps our mind engaged with something positive. Rather than it being overwhelmed by the negative.

Crystal Vibes

Another great way to protect from the energy, that may be frying your circuits and dimming your light, is to get your crystals out. To take back control of your thoughts, use your grounding crystals, on your third eye, to soothe your heart use comforting stones like Rose Quartz, or use Citrine, on your Solar Plexus, to quash negative emotions. Here’s a couple of posts that may help, here and here.

A crystal healing bath, with magnesium salts, also works wonders for soothing any wired emotions. Recipe below:

Stay Away from Anything That Lowers Your Frequency

It is so important to avoid anything or anyone that brings you down. As an Empath, you are already carrying more than you should be, in the way of emotional energy.

If you come into contact with anyone who drags down your spirits, take a wide swerve. Likewise, if you go on any media site that makes you feel uncomfortable or drained, it is best to avoid.

Just watch how something shifts your mood to a lower vibration, bearing in mind this might be things that didn’t negatively affect you before, and try to avoid.

I hope this helps you get through any turbulence you may be experiencing. Don’t forget, we are all in this together. ♥

This post may also be helpful.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

6 Simple Ways for Empaths to Increase Feel Good Hormones

It is my theory that an Empath’s reactions to other people’s emotions can work in a similar way to an allergy.

I’m not sure how much you know about allergies, so let me briefly explain:

If you suffer with non-life-threatening allergies and you come into contact with something you are allergic to on a daily basis, you normally suffer mild symptoms (I say mild, but that is not to say they are not uncomfortable). However, if you spend time away from these allergens, and then come back into contact with them, the allergic reaction will be much more severe.

So, this is how, I believe, for many Empaths, people’s emotional energy can act like allergies.

When around people every day we might have ‘milder people-energy reactions,’ but if we take time out from the world, or from certain people whose energy winds us up the wrong way, our stress levels might spike more than normal when back in touch (think lockdown months).

The good news is there is a certain hormone that acts like an ‘energetic antihistamine’ in the way it helps soothe the emotions.

It is a hormone that can be released by taking some simple measures, and it goes by the name of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone and neurotransmitter.

It has many incredible benefits. It is known as the love hormone, for the reason it plays a big role in the emotional bond between mother and child, but its benefits go way beyond that.

Oxytocin affects the function of the brain and nervous system and greatly impacts the emotions.

Low levels of oxytocin are connected with conditions such as: heightened emotions, depression, anxiety, social phobias, PTSD and more.

Studies suggest that by increasing oxytocin it reduces stress and anxiety and instils a sense of calm serenity.

Exactly what we need, as Empaths.

Although there are several ways in which oxytocin production can be induced, here are some incredible science-backed ways that are super beneficial for an Empath:

1, Aromatherapy Oils

There are three such aromatherapy oils that have been proven to increase oxytocin in the brain: Clary Sage, Geranium and Chamomile.

I use all three and can vouch for their effectiveness, especially for lifting the mood and clearing anxiety and fearful emotions. In fact, they are on my list of essential oils for an Empath.

Read more here about the above oils, as well as other incredible aromatherapy oils for an Empath, and how to use them.

(When purchasing essential oils always make sure they say 100% pure essential oils.)

2, Take a Bath

Researchers have found that hot environments, warm temperatures and increased sweating activates specific oxytocin-producing parts of the brain. Taking a hot bath is a perfect way to increase body temperature.

A long soak in a hot bath is one of my favourite ways to effortlessly rebalance. Especially when adding my favourite crystals, essential oils and salt into the mix.

Here is one of my favourite bath time recipes that includes Clary Sage:

Clary Sage Bath Recipe

The above combination works in so many ways. It helps soothe the emotions. Clary Sage mixed with Lavender works in being both sedative and euphoric. It’s a combination that is soothing to the soul, the senses and the skin.  The Hematite works in being grounding. The Amethyst pulsates a powerfully cleansing energy through the bath water which not only clears the aura but also frees the mind of unnecessary thoughts and mind clutter. (When using crystals in water be sure they are water safe. The majority of quartz stones are usually fine.) And the salt is excellent to clear negative energy and restore health for an Empath.

3, Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Drinking herbal teas, such as chamomile, are an easy way to enjoy the herb’s many healing benefits. Chamomile is a medicinal herb that has been traditionally used for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties; it has also been proven to help you produce more oxytocin.

I regularly drink chamomile tea, more so recently, with fresh ginger added. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that has many healing benefits and is particularly good for digestive issues. Simply pop a chamomile tea bag into a mug, add an inch of fresh ginger, and fill with boiling water. Infuse for a minimum of 5 minutes. Enjoy.

5, Boost Your Nutrients

We all require vitamins and minerals in our diet to stay happy and healthy. However, there are three nutrients known to increase oxytocin production in the brain. They are magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin C.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system and neurotransmitter activity. Researchers have found that the oxytocin receptor requires magnesium to function properly, and magnesium increases the action of oxytocin at the receptor.

So, basically, if we don’t have enough magnesium, the oxytocin cannot do its work.

Some foods containing magnesium are: dark chocolate, bananas, almonds and avocado.

Vitamin C is another incredible essential nutrient. Researchers have found that vitamin C not only optimizes and increases levels of oxytocin, it also stimulates the secretion of oxytocin. This powerful vitamin, found in many foods especially citrus fruits, also plays many important roles within the body, such as keeping the immune system strong. Vitamin C is also known to decrease stress and improve the mood.

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, because the sun is the best source. Research shows that oxytocin is directly activated and controlled by vitamin D. This makes it understandable why so many people suffer with seasonal affected disorder (SAD) during the winter months. Spending twenty minutes a day in the sunshine is a great way to increase the vitamin, but supplements also work.

Getting more of the above nutrients, through diet or supplements, can help boost oxytocin levels.  Read more here how Empaths benefit from supplements and why they are at risk from vitamin and mineral deficiency.

5, Sleep in the Dark

I have written about the importance of Empaths sleeping in the dark, both in books and in articles. Spending time in darkness is important for the production of oxytocin by boosting melatonin.

Melatonin is known as the anti-ageing hormone, produced by the pineal gland (area of third eye) in the darkness. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps prevent, and treat, many illnesses including cancer. Melatonin significantly increases secretion of oxytocin.

Simply keeping the bedroom pitch black, by using black out blinds or curtains, can help boost oxytocin levels.

This post gives an easy way to produce more melatonin and thus oxytocin.

6, Finding Balance

As well as increasing oxytocin, there are several other simple ways to activate the ‘energetic antihistamine effect’ for an Empath. All forms of Grounding will work for protection, but especially Forest Bathing and Earthing. Click on the links to find out more.

You may also find this post of interest: 4 Reasons Empaths Get Sick When Around Certain People

Until next time…




©Diane Kathrine



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Photo by Andre Furtado


The Essential Protective Stone for an Empath

haematite stonesMany Empaths find themselves drawn to crystals and tumble stones at some point on their journey.

They have this draw for many reasons: Maybe it’s for the crystal’s beauty, texture or colour.

But more often than not, the Empath’s intuition guides them towards certain crystals for the powerful healing vibrations they emit.

There are hundreds of types of crystals, all with countless healing properties. But the stone that, in my opinion, every Empath should keep with them, as part of their grounding and energy protecting arsenal, is Haematite.

Haematite is a very powerful stone that has many incredible qualities. It is known as the grounding stone of grounding stones and has powerful protective and mirroring properties.

Haematite has the ability to both balance your energy and raise your vibration: lifting you up energetically whilst keeping you grounded. And the one thing all Empaths need is to stay grounded! Continue reading