Empaths and the Rebound Effect of Stress

Most Empaths do not handle stress well. Fact!


For one thing, being overly sensitive in this insensitive world plays a big part. Our Empathic antenna is always on high alert as we navigate our way through life, picking up all sorts of pained emotions and stresses as well as dealing with our own stress.

As Empaths, our emotional senses are generally heightened, which can mean we just don’t handle any other excess stress. And it certainly doesn’t help that so much in this world seems to be designed to cause worry in one way or another. For example: the cost of living, excess traffic, career misery, and, for us Empaths, over feeling everything.

But one major issue, for an Empath, is the energy we project when feeling stressed. It can have a rebound effect, which, in the long run, can cause many more issues. We will look at how this works shortly. But first, why does an Empath so quickly get hooked by anything that triggers stress? Continue reading

10 Ways Empaths Become Toxic

Did you just read that headline correctly?

Can an Empath become a toxic person?

Sadly, yes. But there’s more to it than you may think…

We may regularly read about the people who are toxic to an Empath, but not often the other way around. But he Empath can become toxic. Both to themselves and to others.

This may come as a surprise, considering all Empaths have a strong sense of empathy, and the last thing they would want is for another to suffer by the energy they emit, or their ways of being.

We will look at how an Empath can become toxic shortly, but first, I would just like to say that although the word toxic sounds a bit extreme, it is simply an easy word to describe something that is harmful not only to self, but also to others. I am not using it in respect of being fatal, causing another’s death or anything like that… Just thought I should point that out before I start 😉.

The thing is, we are currently living in a very tarnished world. It is a world that is purposely triggering us as humans, both physically and energetically. The more our emotions are negatively manipulated, the more negative energy we emit. Which, as you can imagine, is not good for anyone.

As Empaths, we tend to have heightened emotions, and an ability to powerfully project energy. So, the last thing we want is for our low-level emotions to be artificially stimulated, but, sadly, it is happening more and more.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the common themes that could make an Empath fall under the umbrella of being toxic:

Continue reading

How I Am Surviving The Crazy Energy

Well, we’re back in full throes of the silly season, AKA Christmas.

For the Empaths of the world, this time of year can affect us in some weird and wonderful ways.

I don’t know about you, but each year I seem to have a different December experience. One year might be up, and another might be down, emotionally, physically and energetically. I may want to celebrate the festive season one year, and then the next I may want to avoid it and get away to the sunshine.

This year has been a bit of a one-off. In that it has been kind of hectic, but in a positive way, with lots of socialising and meeting up with friends.  (So much so, it has been difficult to find the time to write a post.) But I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far (I know, we still have a way to go yet 😉), and I feel my daily habits are what have kept me so uplifted and in balance.

I wanted to check in with you all because I know how challenging the month of December can be. Not only with all the fluctuating stress energy of the populace, but with lack of daylight, cold weather, and with all the illnesses being passed around.

Because there is so much more stress in the air, it can be difficult for an Empath to stay centred, and things can often become overwhelming. And I know only too well what that feels like.

Within this month, many Empaths feel like they are experiencing a daily emotional and physical hangover, especially in the Northern hemisphere.

Yet, even those Empaths in the sunnier climates may still struggle with December energies.

I remember, many years ago, spending Xmas in Australia, where it is their summer, and I still experienced the similar physical and emotional sensations as I did when in the UK.

So, in case you’re wondering, here are some of the physical and emotional sensations some Empaths experience during this hectic period.

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Becoming overly emotional
  • Stress
  • Nausea
  • Feeling flu-ish without actually getting flu

There are many more symptoms you could experience. And, yes, I understand all of the above can actually be related to other things or indeed illness. But for many Empaths, having strange physical and emotional symptoms can be a common December theme.

Why Does It Happen?

In my opinion, it is all the different types of stress energy that triggers different responses within us Empaths. Stress can cause many problems within the body.

Most adults in the world experience some type of hassle over Christmas, whether that’s financial, physical, or just having a never-ending to-do list. As you know only too well, stress energy is hard to avoid for those of us who pick up on the energy of others.

The Solution

For that reason, I am sharing with you what I do daily, in the hopes it might help you too…

The following work an absolute treat for keeping me balanced, grounded and happy. And has, so far, helped get me through the silly season.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a trick or two that might help you too.

Getting Morning Light

I wrote about the incredible benefits I experienced by daylighting, earlier in the year. It is something I still do every day. No matter the weather, I get outside first thing in the morning, when it’s light, for at least 20 minutes. If it’s raining, I sit under my umbrella. If the conditions are really bad, I open the patio door and see the daylight from there.

I know my neighbours must think I’m completely bonkers (still haven’t got around to telling them what I’m doing), sitting there outside in all weathers, but it has worked a treat for rebalancing, and continues to do so.

I also nip out for snacks of light throughout the day, just for a few minutes.

As a side note, studies have shown that getting vitamin D, especially when absorbed from morning light, raises oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is the feel-good hormone that is super-beneficial to have at this time of year.

Daily Earth Grounding

This is also something I do every morning when I go out to get my morning light.

I usually wear my flip flops to go outside. I flick them off, before placing my bare feet on the grass (yes, it is cold, but bearable).

I realise that the problem many of you have with external winter grounding is the extremely cold earth, especially when there’s a layering of snow or frost. This is where grounding gadgets come in, such as grounding mats or shoes, etc.

I have a grounding mat that I use when the weather is too cold or too wet. Again, I put my bare feet on it. But generally, you have to spend more time on a grounding mat, than you do on the natural earth, to get the full benefits.

You can easily buy grounding mats and products off the internet.

There is a website here in the UK that sells grounding stuff: www.groundology.co.uk Although I have not yet bought anything from them, they seem to come highly recommended. Grounding mats, Grounding Yoga and Fitness mat (groundology.co.uk)

Protective Crystals

When I am out and about in peopled places, I usually wear my crystal bracelets (when I remember to put them on 😉).

Haematite used to be my go-to grounding stone, because it is both grounding and mirroring, and is protective when in busy or stressed places (basically everywhere over the festive period). But I now have another favourite, Black Tourmaline. Not only because it is protective and grounding, but because it is great for EMF protection.

EMF is quietly causing more problems in our world than you may realise. We can’t see it, but just like negative energy, many Empaths are taken down by EMF, and it is known to cause many health problems.

If you don’t own any crystal jewellery, keeping a piece of Black Tourmaline or Haematite with you at all times is a good way to shield yourself from unwanted energy and EMF.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of crystals for an Empath, see here.

Salt Lamps

Salt is so healing and grounding for the body and mind. I am a big fan of using salt, both inside and outside the body. I even drink a couple of glasses of salt water daily.

But something I find incredibly beneficial to use, at this time of year, is Himalayan salt lamps. I have two of them in my bedroom, and use them as bedside lamps.

I turn the salt lamps on a couple of hours before bedtime. And not only do they change the ambience of the bedroom, instantly making the room more relaxing, but they infuse the air with negative ions, which are known to ease anxiety, stress and depression. I feel the salt lamps also help with sleep and overall wellbeing.

Shake it Off

Although it is a crazy time of year, exercise is still something I aim to do every day. I find it incredible, not only for keeping me grounded, but also just for feeling good and uplifted.

However, I also know how busy everyone is at this time of year, and the thought of doing exercise every day can itself cause stress. Something that we want to avoid. So, this is where shaking comes in.

Shaking the body is something I have found to help rid the body of sluggish feelings or those blah moods. The saying, ‘shake it off’ clearly has merit in more ways than one.

Here’s What to Do:

Start by giving each leg a good shake, shake your bottom and your torso, shake your arms and hands, blubber through your lips and wobble your cheeks, run your hands through your hair and give the scalp a good shake (I do not recommend shaking the head as tension is often held in the neck).

Shaking works even better if you can do it with some uplifting funky music playing in the background. The music we love can do incredible things for us Empaths when experiencing energy overload.

The shaking method also works great if you pick up on any anger energy, It clears it from your energy field.

My diet also plays a massive part in my overall wellbeing. But, as I realise Christmas is not the time for that subject, especially with all that delicious festive food around 😉😊😊, I shall save that subject for another time.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

Hope you have found something to help you get through the silly season.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an Incredible New Year.

Until next time.




Here are some more posts that might help with Xmas stress.

If you need to relax this post will help:  Incredible Relaxation Technique for the Empath

If you pick up on other people’s stress energy and emotions cast your eyes over this: Protection for the Empath

And if you spend time around overly negative people you need to read this: Reasons to Avoid Negative People




It is widely known that everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. We can thank Nicholas Tesla for that observation. He was amongst the first to introduce the concept that different vibrations of energy impact the way other forms of energy vibrate.

Nikola Tesla said,If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Any Empath will attest to the above statement. Feeling vibrations of energy, belonging to others, comes naturally to them. As does their instinctual draw towards crystals and their healing power.

Crystals and the Empath

I have written several books aimed at empowering the Empaths of the world. In them, I have only briefly covered the subject of crystals and how beneficial they are, but there is so much more to be revealed. That is why I wrote a book on the subject.

Every Empath is on their own journey of evolution. All of whom have different interests and different needs. For one, a book about crystals will hold no interest, for another it is just what they need at their stage of development.

The book isn’t just about the benefits of crystals; it also details an Empath’s journey, why they endure certain life experiences, and how crystals can help.

There are many layers to an Empath, and indeed a Sensitive person. Their life is a journey of continual growth and change. It can also be an isolated path to walk. Few could ever understand the way an Empath experiences the emotions of other people or how this impacts their health and wellbeing. Feeling and taking on the energy and emotions of others can really take its toll on an Empath’s physical and mental health. Because of this, they have to work harder than most to find overall balance and peace of mind. And this is where crystals really come into play in making life easier.


Crystals can help protect you from the energy and negativity of others, they can assist in keeping you grounded, they can reveal and heal your shadow side, they help with social anxiety, and much, much more. They simply make life better.

It is not until you start working with them, in your daily lives, that you come to fully understand the true power of crystals. They not only help in protecting an Empath from the emotional energy of others, which means they don’t get as drained when out in public, they can also protect them from sensory overload, and from electro-magnetic frequencies (which has now become a major problem for Empaths and Sensitive people of the world, as you will find out later).

Using crystals can alter your energy to such a degree that it allows for healing within the physical body. All of which goes a long way to helping the Empath find balance. Certain crystals can also help put you back in touch with your true self, and work as energetic medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

Although there are hundreds of different types of stones, all with countless properties, my aim with my book is to guide you towards the most effective crystals for you as an Empath.

So, let’s take a look at what this book is about with an excerpt from the first part:

The Journey Begins

Before we dive in, I must point out that although incredible, crystals won’t always be the elixir you are looking for. There is no denying that crystals have extraordinary power, but if there is an underlying condition being caused or impacted by, for example, your diet, nutrient deficiencies, by adrenaline dominance, or by hormone imbalances (such as menopause) you will probably need to take additional steps to heal. I say probably because, for some people, using specific crystals was all they needed to find balance of their body and mind. But we are all different. Some of us have to dig a little deeper to get answers and healing. Most holistic treatments that treat energy imbalances, take time to work their magic. Healings don’t often happen overnight. I go into greater detail about this subject in the chapter, When Crystals Don’t Work.

We all want to live happy, healthy lives which, in this world, is becoming increasingly difficult to do, especially for the Sensitive people. I hope that by the time you have finished this book you will be excited to include crystals into your daily life to help bring back balance.

You are about to embark on an incredible journey. It is a journey into learning everything you need to know about crystal healing for an Empath…


If you have come across this book, chances are you have a natural draw towards crystals and a curiosity to know why. This is not by chance. Your inner-knowing has guided you towards their transformational energy.

Crystals should play a part in every Empath’s life. They are little pieces of magic that emit powerful healing frequencies. After learning of their potential, you will be ready to use them every day, not just for rebalancing and happiness, but to be better in all you do.

The healing influence of crystals has long been understood in many cultures. Crystals have been regarded as vessels of power as well as objects of beauty. In Ancient Chinese cultures, Jade was prized for its medicinal properties, Ancient Greeks rubbed crushed Hematite on to the bodies of warriors before battle, in the belief it made them invisible, and even the Christian Church cherished the power of precious gems.

For a Millenia crystals have been used for their incredible power and their ability to absorb and transfer energy, and to balance the chakras for all over healing. The reason they are still used today, to heal and realign the mind, body and spirit, is because they work.

Having a thing for the crystal kingdom is quite normal for anyone who has an intuitive awareness. An Empath may build a collection of crystals and tumble stones without necessarily knowing of their benefits. They simply have an in-built attraction towards them. Interestingly, it is generally observed that when drawn to a particular stone, it is for a reason. You may not know of its attributes but your higher-self does.

Everyone, and not just Empaths, will benefit from having a range of crystals, especially during these challenging and changing times. A basic selection serves in so many ways. In this book, I discuss the various ways they can help in the home, when out and about, during travel, for protection from energy vampires, as a simple way to reset, and many other ways.  Crystals can be worn as jewelry, carried in pockets and bags, tucked in the socks, used in home furnishings and much more.

How Do Crystals Work?

Carrying the healing frequency of the earth, crystals are formed by magma or gasses in the earth’s volcanic lava streams, and the salt beds of natural lakes. They are defined as solid objects with atoms repeated in an organized pattern, known as a crystal lattice. Atoms group together to form the various qualities of crystals. Because each crystal has a unique molecular structure, that vibrates at a specific frequency, the many different stones are able to offer their own unique healing qualities.

Empaths, Energy and Crystals

Just like crystals, as Empaths, we have a unique frequency at which we vibrate. Our personal vibrations are impacted by our individual history, the way we think, the way we feel, our living environment, our diet and many other factors. Our biography impacts our biology and the speed at which we vibrate. The poorer our physical and emotional health, the slower our vibration. The opposite is also true. When happy and healthy, we vibrate at a higher frequency and life is better for it. As Empaths, we are also impacted by the energy of those we come into contact with. This too affects our health, happiness and what we attract. This is why crystals are so wonderful. They not only help raise our vibration, but also offer protection against anyone, or anything, that could lower it.

We are not only made up of a physical body, we also have an energy body or aura. The aura is our first line of defense and acts like a shield against the energy of others. I suppose it could be compared to an energetic immune system that fights off foreign energy not belonging to us. And, just like an immune system, it does not always work the way it should. If the aura is weak, damaged or leaky, too much external energy can be taken in. The impact of which is normally experienced in unpleasant ways. Some clues that an Empath has a weakened aura are: quickly becoming fearful, overwhelmed or fatigued when around people. This is because a rapid influx of external energy seeps in through the aura and impacts the physical body in unusual ways. Because crystals raise our vibration, they strengthen the aura (discussed in more detail later on), which then creates a stronger barrier towards external energy.

Grounding and crystal shielding are formidable tools for an Empath’s protection. We are each responsible for the energy that we attract, repel and send out. If, for example, we take on negativity from another person, or if we experience an energy clash that affects how we feel physically and emotionally, we need to take steps to rebalance. We cannot control another person’s emotional energy, but we can control how it is received within our body and mind, and this can be done by using crystals.

I once read that crystals can be used like an umbrella in the rain. Which I thought was a great turn of phrase. The umbrella helps keep us dry and protected when there is a light shower, but if there’s a heavy downpour it doesn’t always shelter us from all the splashes and gusting droplets of rain that swirl around us, battering us from all directions. We may also need to use waterproof trousers and a mac for extra protection. This is the same with crystals. Sometimes, we need more than one crystal. On occasions, when in heavily peopled places, we may require a crystal for grounding, one for protection and one for energizing. Or we could use a crystal in conjunction with another healing or protection method such as aromatherapy oils. Throughout this book we will be looking at all the different ways with which crystals can be combined for ultimate Empath protection.


Ok, there you go. Hopefully you will have got a feel of whether the book is for you…



I do hope everything is wonderful in your world.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

All rights reserved. This portion of the book may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in articles or book reviews.


Determine Your Masculine and Feminine Energy Dominance

Some time ago, I discussed the idea that one of the reasons why we are now experiencing so much strife in the world is because the balance between masculine and feminine is seriously off.

Before I knew how masculine and feminine energy impacted the body, I would often question why when I got ailments or niggles in my body, it was often on my left-hand side.

Through my research and yoga teacher training, I came to understand that one of the main reasons was due to the fact I had an imbalance within my masculine and feminine energy. Predominantly my feminine energy. Continue reading


One of the problems with being an Empath, is some of our traits can cause an issue for our health and wellbeing.

For example, if we have spent a day in a certain place, where perhaps there are a lot of people around, and we feel tired, down or anxious, we may automatically assume that we have been peopled.

But not every ailment of the mind and body has been caused by our Empath traits.

There’s a chance it could be caused by something entirely different. Something you may not have given much thought to. Continue reading

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading


As you probably know, things are massively changing in the world. And, as Empaths, we are picking up on all the fear and uncertainty that is all around us, which is affecting many of us in some very random ways.

It is in these times that we have to remain vigilant of keeping ourselves in a good place, both mentally and physically.

But it doesn’t help that it is so much harder to find articles on the internet these days in regards to natural health and wellbeing. It seems like the majority of ‘alternative’ self-help articles are hidden from view or it takes a lot of scrolling through search engines to find what we need.

For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the most popular posts, from my blog, that have been shared on social media and the like over the last 12 months.

You may have already read some of the following articles, depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, some of them go back to 2011, but it’s always nice to have a refresher. Continue reading


As you know, here on my blog, I like to write articles about how to make life easier for an Empath, and how to combat the emotions they often have to deal with.

One of those ways is by sipping a lovely cup of healing char.

Teas that calm your soul and soothe your emotions have so many benefits for an Empath.

Because, let’s face it, one problem that comes with Empath life is having heightened or erratic emotions. (Especially after what we’ve all been through these past two years.)

Heightened emotions can lead to all sorts of health issues, especially of the adrenal glands (endocrine glands that produce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol).

When the adrenals get overactivated, by too much stress, it can cause a whole host of mental and physical problems, as well as autoimmune conditions…

Increased cortisol can also lead to weight gain (hello pot belly), without you having to overeat. Which is made all the worse worse if you drink coffee with caffeine.

So, anything we can do to help soothe our emotions, naturally, is a big bonus for all-round wellbeing (and for our waistline). And this is where herbal teas come in…

Nature gave us many of the things we need to heal, or find calm in life, in the way of herbs and spices. Too often, when on the hunt for a ‘quick-fix’, we overlook these powerful healers.

Drinking more herbal tea not only increases your water intake (water being another great one for soothing emotions), but it gives you the healing benefits of the herbal infusion at the same time.

My Choice

Although I am about to share 11 exceptional soothing teas, I have two favourites: Continue reading

The Problem with Fake Positivity and Supressing Our Truth

A few weeks ago, I received a very good comment from a fellow Empath, regarding my urging of readers to try to remain in a positive space. The reader rightly pointed out that when we supress our feelings, by ‘pretending’ to be positive, it could cause more harm than good.

I am very grateful for the comment, because it not only got me pondering the importance of not supressing true feelings of pain or frustration, but it also made me realise that I may not have fully explained the reason why I encourage Empaths to stay in a positive mental space within my posts.

The reason I put emphasis on staying in a positive mindset is because I know how much damage both fear and anger causes the physical and energetic bodies.

I also know that, as Sensitives, if we allow our minds to be regularly engaged within pained emotions, we can get stuck in a very dark place, emotionally.

However, ‘acting’ positive, when we have a very valid reason for feeling upset or angry, could be classed as suppressing our truth, which ultimately keeps pain and grief trapped inside.

This is something I do not recommend. I wrote about this subject in my article: ‘What is Really Making You Angry?’.

Unfortunately, in recent times, many of the emotions we are experiencing have been activated by such things as shifting energy, EMF and solar activity, political dramas, as well as ‘dark sources’ that are purposely keeping our minds engaged in turmoil.

Sadly, it is much easier for humans to go into a space of fear or anger than it is for us to stay in an optimistic mental space.

As I’ve discussed before many times, the mainstream media has been playing on our fear in order to distract and divide the population. Keeping us not only in a weakened state, but also making us easily controllable.

So, when I write about being positive, it is more about staying in alignment with our ‘true self’ and keeping the mind from getting wrapped up in the propaganda being intentionally stirred up by ‘the powers that be.’

The Damage Caused by Supressed Feelings

But getting back to suppressing our true feelings:

As a species, we have often found it necessary to supress ourselves and our truth. Especially when it comes to grief or true emotional pain.

This type of suppression is incredibly destructive.

I know only too well the damage caused by burying emotional pain.

When I was 16 my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. At the time, I did not know how to deal with the anguish, so I buried it. Put on a fake smile and ignored the grief. Nearly a year to the day after my dad passed away, I started having panic attacks. Which were awful. I didn’t know it at the time, as they were happening, but it was because I had suppressed my grief. This containment had impacted my nervous system and eventually showed up as panic attacks.

Western Society doesn’t have a place for the grieving.

Grief makes people uncomfortable. We don’t know how to handle it.

After experiencing a loss of a loved one, most are ‘given’ a week or two to mourn. Then we are expected to come back to ‘normal.’

But the thing is, for most people, the mourning process takes a lot longer.

In many cases, the grieving period lasts a year or more (depending on circumstances). If we do not allow for this, and suppress our sorrow, it comes back to haunt us. In my case it was as panic attacks.

Having experienced the effect of burying grief, I would never encourage anyone to deny genuine feelings of pain and this includes anger.

However, nor would I recommend that we spend too much time festering on negative emotions, such as rage or hate, especially when we don’t know the trigger or origin, or when these emotions have been artificially stimulated, to keep the mind controlled.

Do not take ownership of that which has been intentionally stirred up to trap your mind.

Anther Explanation for Shifting Moods

Sometimes, however, we need to be given reasons for the erratic emotions we may experience, that are triggered by powerful external sources.

And what I mean by this is, certain phenomena of the natural world can massively Impact the human mind and body, especially of Empaths. Altering our moods, thinking process, and more.

At a ‘higher level,’ we are given ‘stories’ to explain these experiences. Or in other words, we are given circumstances or reasons that will explain excessive feelings of anger, frustration, etc. aroused by energetic shifts.

Keeping it Real

As I mentioned in a past post (The Purpose of your Frustration), much of the pain we have experienced, over the years, has served a purpose. The reasons for which have been revealed, for many, in recent times.

But staying out of manufactured propaganda is so important now, as is bringing your mind back to its true positive state.

This time is not about being ‘fake positive.’ It’s about being at one with self, and finding your rightful optimism and joy within.

Because, believe me, it is there. We just have to stay tuned into its frequency.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


6 Simple Ways for Empaths to Increase Feel Good Hormones

It is my theory that an Empath’s reactions to other people’s emotions can work in a similar way to an allergy.

I’m not sure how much you know about allergies, so let me briefly explain:

If you suffer with non-life-threatening allergies and you come into contact with something you are allergic to on a daily basis, you normally suffer mild symptoms (I say mild, but that is not to say they are not uncomfortable). However, if you spend time away from these allergens, and then come back into contact with them, the allergic reaction will be much more severe.

So, this is how, I believe, for many Empaths, people’s emotional energy can act like allergies.

When around people every day we might have ‘milder people-energy reactions,’ but if we take time out from the world, or from certain people whose energy winds us up the wrong way, our stress levels might spike more than normal when back in touch (think lockdown months).

The good news is there is a certain hormone that acts like an ‘energetic antihistamine’ in the way it helps soothe the emotions.

It is a hormone that can be released by taking some simple measures, and it goes by the name of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone and neurotransmitter.

It has many incredible benefits. It is known as the love hormone, for the reason it plays a big role in the emotional bond between mother and child, but its benefits go way beyond that.

Oxytocin affects the function of the brain and nervous system and greatly impacts the emotions.

Low levels of oxytocin are connected with conditions such as: heightened emotions, depression, anxiety, social phobias, PTSD and more.

Studies suggest that by increasing oxytocin it reduces stress and anxiety and instils a sense of calm serenity.

Exactly what we need, as Empaths.

Although there are several ways in which oxytocin production can be induced, here are some incredible science-backed ways that are super beneficial for an Empath:

1, Aromatherapy Oils

There are three such aromatherapy oils that have been proven to increase oxytocin in the brain: Clary Sage, Geranium and Chamomile.

I use all three and can vouch for their effectiveness, especially for lifting the mood and clearing anxiety and fearful emotions. In fact, they are on my list of essential oils for an Empath.

Read more here about the above oils, as well as other incredible aromatherapy oils for an Empath, and how to use them.

(When purchasing essential oils always make sure they say 100% pure essential oils.)

2, Take a Bath

Researchers have found that hot environments, warm temperatures and increased sweating activates specific oxytocin-producing parts of the brain. Taking a hot bath is a perfect way to increase body temperature.

A long soak in a hot bath is one of my favourite ways to effortlessly rebalance. Especially when adding my favourite crystals, essential oils and salt into the mix.

Here is one of my favourite bath time recipes that includes Clary Sage:

Clary Sage Bath Recipe

The above combination works in so many ways. It helps soothe the emotions. Clary Sage mixed with Lavender works in being both sedative and euphoric. It’s a combination that is soothing to the soul, the senses and the skin.  The Hematite works in being grounding. The Amethyst pulsates a powerfully cleansing energy through the bath water which not only clears the aura but also frees the mind of unnecessary thoughts and mind clutter. (When using crystals in water be sure they are water safe. The majority of quartz stones are usually fine.) And the salt is excellent to clear negative energy and restore health for an Empath.

3, Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Drinking herbal teas, such as chamomile, are an easy way to enjoy the herb’s many healing benefits. Chamomile is a medicinal herb that has been traditionally used for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties; it has also been proven to help you produce more oxytocin.

I regularly drink chamomile tea, more so recently, with fresh ginger added. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that has many healing benefits and is particularly good for digestive issues. Simply pop a chamomile tea bag into a mug, add an inch of fresh ginger, and fill with boiling water. Infuse for a minimum of 5 minutes. Enjoy.

5, Boost Your Nutrients

We all require vitamins and minerals in our diet to stay happy and healthy. However, there are three nutrients known to increase oxytocin production in the brain. They are magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin C.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system and neurotransmitter activity. Researchers have found that the oxytocin receptor requires magnesium to function properly, and magnesium increases the action of oxytocin at the receptor.

So, basically, if we don’t have enough magnesium, the oxytocin cannot do its work.

Some foods containing magnesium are: dark chocolate, bananas, almonds and avocado.

Vitamin C is another incredible essential nutrient. Researchers have found that vitamin C not only optimizes and increases levels of oxytocin, it also stimulates the secretion of oxytocin. This powerful vitamin, found in many foods especially citrus fruits, also plays many important roles within the body, such as keeping the immune system strong. Vitamin C is also known to decrease stress and improve the mood.

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, because the sun is the best source. Research shows that oxytocin is directly activated and controlled by vitamin D. This makes it understandable why so many people suffer with seasonal affected disorder (SAD) during the winter months. Spending twenty minutes a day in the sunshine is a great way to increase the vitamin, but supplements also work.

Getting more of the above nutrients, through diet or supplements, can help boost oxytocin levels.  Read more here how Empaths benefit from supplements and why they are at risk from vitamin and mineral deficiency.

5, Sleep in the Dark

I have written about the importance of Empaths sleeping in the dark, both in books and in articles. Spending time in darkness is important for the production of oxytocin by boosting melatonin.

Melatonin is known as the anti-ageing hormone, produced by the pineal gland (area of third eye) in the darkness. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps prevent, and treat, many illnesses including cancer. Melatonin significantly increases secretion of oxytocin.

Simply keeping the bedroom pitch black, by using black out blinds or curtains, can help boost oxytocin levels.

This post gives an easy way to produce more melatonin and thus oxytocin.

6, Finding Balance

As well as increasing oxytocin, there are several other simple ways to activate the ‘energetic antihistamine effect’ for an Empath. All forms of Grounding will work for protection, but especially Forest Bathing and Earthing. Click on the links to find out more.

You may also find this post of interest: 4 Reasons Empaths Get Sick When Around Certain People

Until next time…




©Diane Kathrine



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Photo by Andre Furtado




I am about to share some things that weaken an Empath, either by inducing high levels of emotional or physical stress, or by weakening the body.

Now, before you think this post is going to be all doom and gloom it’s not. It’s for a purpose. It’s a way of highlighting how tough times develop us in unusual ways.

We all experience difficulties in life, it’s part of the journey, but it helps to have an understanding of why they happen and where they can take us. So here we go.

The top ten things that weaken an Empath…

1. Negative People:

Science has acknowledged that just by spending too much time around constantly disapproving or miserable people it can impact health and happiness. Meaning: we become sick just by hanging out with negative people.

Backed by studies that show how prolonged people stress alters gene expression within the immune system, more and more doctors are recommending their patients to avoid spending time with negative people to safeguard their health.

For an Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions off others, they are worst affected than most by negative people. They soon come to understand that it is best to avoid them.

2. Narcissists:

We live in a society that promotes narcissism. You only have to look online or on social media outlets to see evidence of this. But the type of narcissist that weaken an Empath the most are the type who like to control and manipulate.

An Empath carries the type of ‘light’ that might be considered as a weakness or something that can be controlled. This light often makes them a target of manipulative people and puts them in the firing line of narcissists.

That said, even when an Empath avoids contact with them, they can still get caught up in ‘the narcissist’s web.’ (Read more here and here). Which can cause various emotional and physical problems for an Empath.

3. Unbalanced Chakras:

If an Empath’s chakras are unbalanced it means they will not handle being around people for any length of time. It also means they are open to developing a number of health complaints.

The chakras are weakened by personal trauma, anxiety, stress, EMFs, modern lifestyles and unsuitable diets. If any of the chakras are forced open, by any of the above, it can result in physical ailments and a diminished or permeable aura.

A vulnerable aura is bad news for anyone, but is especially debilitating to an Empath. The condition not only drains physical energy but also allows the energy of others to have a worst impact. Read more here.

4. Too Much WIFI:

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), created from wireless technologies, disrupt energy frequencies within the body and energy field. They affect the chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of ‘EMF overload’ are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Sadly, escapism of EMF and WIFI is virtually impossible. Yet there are some simple things we can do to help protect ourselves. Read more on this

5. Low Vibrational Food:

Foods that have been refined, genetically altered, contain artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc., not only weaken the body but also the mind. They trigger amygdala activation (responsible for activating heightened emotions), ignite autoimmune conditions, depression and more.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

Consuming animal produce, where the animals greatly suffered, might also trigger depression within an Empath.

Low vibrational food, such as the above, has a negative impact on all humans, but for an Empath, who often has a ‘hot amygdala’ the impact tends to be experienced far worse. Read more here.

6. Psychic Attack:

When an Empath is under psychic attack, they will know it by the repetitive thoughts going back to a certain person, accompanied by deeply uncomfortable emotions. However, it is when they themselves get caught up in ‘the attack’ that things become problematic.

Once tied up in the thought-process, triggered by psychic attack, it becomes difficult to break free. Dark thoughts lead to dark emotions and stress, which negatively impact health and wellbeing.

Luckily there are ways around this. This post explains more about the subject.

7. Not Living in Truth:

Again, this is something that weakens everyone, but not living in truth is particularly bad for an Empath’s wellbeing.

An Empath first becomes aware of how inauthenticity weakens them after spending time around those who seem to ‘lie for a living.’

The truth is, everyone lies to some extent; if only to themselves. It is how we navigate life and ultimately it is how we uncover our own truth. But, if an Empath avoids living their truth, they will get constant reminders to put them back on track, one of which is ‘freezing’ around inauthenticity. Read more here.

8. Conflict:

Empaths are generally the type of people who dislike confrontation, because it might lead to conflict, which can cause insult and injury to all parties involved.

Through life experiences most Empaths come to understand that minds are not changed through confrontation and thus conflict, but by living by example.

If an Empath gets caught up in conflict it can trouble their mind long after it has passed. This serves in keeping the stress hormones active in the body which can lead to health problems.

9. Observing Cruelty, Acts of Violence & Mainstream Media:

Witnessing acts of cruelty or violence, whether fact or fiction, are difficult for an Empath to observe. They cause stress and deep emotional disturbances within their body, impacting the immune system and emotional wellbeing.

The mainstream media, for example, glorifies suffering as a way to entertain. Yet, at the same time seduces people into experiencing fear (an emotion that becomes addictive the more it is experienced).

Avoiding the media outlets that manipulate fear, as a point of seductive entertainment, is best avoided by all Empaths. Read more here.

10. Rejection:

Rejection, for an Empath, is not something they easily brush aside. It wounds them deeply. Rejection is an unfathomable cause of insecurity that impacts them for many years into their future.

An inherent trait of an Empath is to be protective and faithful to all who they allow into their life. To be pushed away by those they trusted or considered as friends, generates a deep mistrust of people and a weakening of body and mind. Read more here.

Now for the Good News

Undergoing experiences that might have made life challenging, dark and difficult (any or all of the above) offers incredible experiences for an Empath. From the depths of this darkness emerges a budding flower.

Like the beautiful lotus flower grows out of the mud, so do Empaths find their way into the light by experiencing the darkness.

Most of you have endured living in the shadows and have experienced great stresses in life. But we all come to understand why… Enduring painful experiences, that weaken us, thrusts us towards a greater understanding of life, evolvement and spiritual awareness.

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We have to go through the dark to experience the light. If we had not gone through all that we had, we would not develop the inner strength and understanding that takes us to another level.

Experiencing pain and working through it, allows us to see from a higher perspective. The dark really does serve the light.

So yes, although the above may weaken an Empath, they can ultimately take them to places of great evolvement and understanding…

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

Top 10 Ways for Empaths to Overcome Viral Emotions

Our surroundings may be quieter than usual, but at times the ‘noise’ of viral emotions can be almost deafening.

In a world overcome with worry and fear, we all benefit from diving into the soothing ‘waters of silence.’ Not only as a retreat from the noise of fear but to reset within ourselves.

Staying in the space of silence, if only for short periods of time, is known to improve memory, stimulate brain growth, relieve stress, combats insomnia, and provides relaxation and respite for the body.

Silence is the perfect remedy to counteract the viral emotions that have infiltrated every area of life. It is both healing and rejuvenating. Not only does silence help reset and still a wired mind, it is also good for balancing our sensory gating process.

Sensory Gating

Wikepdia defines sensory gating as a neurological process of filtering out redundant or unnecessary stimuli in the brain from all possible environmental stimuli.

Sensory gating prevents an overload of irrelevant information in the higher cortical centres of the brain.

Many Empaths experience ‘problems’ with their sensory gating. Sounds can be louder and more irritating, and the many different ‘layers of noise’ in the environment can lead to stress and physical ailments

I liken the Empath’s ability of feeling others’ emotions to a form of sensory gating. Too much sensory information, in the form of emotional energy, works like an influx of noise, proving to be both stress-inducing and exhausting for many. The act of spending time in silence helps to counteract this.

Ten simple ways to access the power of silence:

Here are ten simple ways to benefit from a ‘silence session.’

1. Meditation

Let’s start with the obvious one and the healing technique I always come back to, meditation.

Meditation comes with so many benefits (including many science-backed benefits) from relieving stress to healing physical ailments. It is known to improve all areas of life and helps us become better at everything we do. It also gives us a greater understanding of who we are and where we fit into life.

During these trying times, meditation is something we all benefit from practising, not only for stilling and empowering our mind, but to tune us into our heart centre and higher consciousness.

2. Listen to soft music with ear phones

So, listening to soft music might sound like a contradiction. After all, isn’t music classed as noise? But this is a good method for when your environment is noisy. It cuts off the sound of the outside world and allows for a respite of the mind. The right kind of music can also be healing as well as soothing to the senses. I came across these incredible healing music videos on YouTube here and here.

3. Go into the woods

The sounds of Nature offer the healing benefits of silence. Being around densely populated areas of trees is the perfect way to bask in Nature’s healing stillness. Even better, if you can get close to natural running water it is also purifying (read more here).

If Earthing is practised at the same time, as being out in Nature, it will have double the benefits.

4. Get up early

The quietest time of the day is in the early morning, before the world has woken up. Instead of engaging the brain first thing, by flicking on the TV, radio or checking messages, why not start the day in silence?

Just by sitting in the stillness of a sleeping world it can zone us into the healing vibrations of silence.

5. Take an aromatherapy bath

You may wonder what taking a bath has to do with finding silence, but this is more for silencing the stress sensors. Water is healing in itself, but when an aromatherapy oil is incorporated into the mix, such as Lavender or Chamomile (added to a carrier oil first), it helps turn off the senses engaged by viral emotions.

Essential oils send healing instructions to the limbic system (the system that controls emotions) to relax. They are particularly good to use if you have been experiencing anxiety triggered by external stress. (This post has 11 essential oils beneficial for an Empath).

Light some candles, put a do not disturb sign on the door and immerse yourself for at least twenty minutes (if you live in a noisy house pop your earphones in).

6. Go outdoors after dark

For the most of us, the only time we spend in darkness is when we go to sleep in the evening. But being outdoors at night, in a safe area such as the garden, is particularly good for tuning into silence.

There’s something incredibly stilling and peaceful about the darkened night sky, especially when blanketed with a sweeping of shimmering stars.

If you don’t have a garden, sitting with your eyes open in a darkened room also reaps many benefits.

7. Be at one with your breath

When you fully tune into the breath, by focusing on your inhale and exhale, it helps drown out the noise of the outside world. If you cover your ears at the same time it has an extra benefit.

Try it now and see for yourself. Put your hands over your ears, close your eyes and take 8 to 10 deep breaths. When you remove your hands, you will experience a quieter world than before.

Any type of yogic breathing exercise is also perfect for stilling the mind.

8. Chanting

Again, another one that seems to contradict the idea of finding silence. But, repeating a song-like mantra, such as OM, is not only healing to the body, mind and spirit it helps us find a stillness within.

Chanting is known to purify the environment by creating positive vibrations and filtering out fear energy.

A French physician and auditory neurophysiologist, Dr. Tomatis, believes the ears affect the entire nervous system. He noted how sounds like music or noise, determine physical energy levels and our sense of well-being. He experimented with different music frequencies, noting their effects on humans. By studying Benedictine monks, he observed the healing benefits of chanting. When the monks daily chanting ritual was taken away, for a short period of time, most fell ill. When the singing was reintroduced, they made a full recovery.

9. Get creative 

Draw, paint, sing or arrange flowers. Whatever gets your ‘creative juices’ flowing will work.

When the creative mind is kept occupied, by engaging in something that holds the imagination, it tends to switch off from the outside world. Viral emotions and loud sounds get locked out by the ‘lack of sensory engagement.’ This in itself has the benefit of silencing the mind.

10. Turn off the WIFI

We are so connected to the internet in our daily lives, that just by having a WIFI break it helps tune us into the power of silence. It is not until we take a break from the noise of electrical frequencies that we see how they affected our body and mind. This also helps in the respect that when we are constantly bombarded with online information it leads to sensory overload.


I hope you find this list beneficial and inspires you to tune into the vibration of silence. Even if it’s just for ten minutes a day.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine


Raising the Vibration: What Empaths Can Be Doing Now

Whatever your beliefs on the ‘current world situation’, it would seem we are in a time of mass awakening and change as we enter a new age.

Since 2016 we have seen this as a quickening, where a dark theme has been creating a divide between people, keeping tensions high. Hysteria has been at the forefront. We only have to look at Brexit, Trump, the PC culture and gender, race and religion ‘wars’ to see how this has been playing out. 

I noted a few posts ago that emotional reactions have been on the increase, and I feel this has all been part of these changing times. It’s as though approaching ‘the precipice’ has created a clashing energy which has affected people’s mindsets and behaviour.

For the Empaths, and anyone who is super-sensitive to heightened states of emotion, these past years have been difficult to experience. There has been a lot of nefarious energy around, triggering anger, resentments and conflicting opinions.

As you are already aware, when we ‘awaken,’ it is often preceded by times of great difficulty, fear or emotional pain. It is when we face this darkness that we work to seek out the light. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

The Darkest Hour

It would be easy to believe that the world has gone to crap and there is nothing but darkness surrounding us. But when we take ourselves away from the ‘fear energy’ (by avoiding all sources of the media and going within) there is some really powerfully positive energy around. This energy has been concealed by the all-pervading fear.

It is now becoming clear that we are being kept distracted from this powerful energy for a reason. We are in unique times where we can take our power back and create the life we want. A life where we no longer depend on ‘the system.’

The Projecting Empath

Empaths are powerful projectors. We can project our energy signature out onto others.

I realise this trait is not only owned by Empaths, all humans are capable of projecting their moods and energetic vibration. However, it is something that Empaths are particularly ‘good’ at. We are not always aware of just how good we are at projection or how important it is to keep our frequency raised.

What Difference Does it Make?

Have you heard of Morphic Resonance? A concept discovered by Rupert Sheldrake, also known as ‘The 100th Monkey Theory.’ In brief, when a hundred monkeys learnt how to wash potatoes on one island, the monkeys on neighbouring islands and beyond also started doing it without themselves having observed the practice. For a more in-depth explanation See more here 

The 100th Monkey Theory tells us how the behaviour of an entire group of individuals can change when critical mass is reached. This could work either way. If the majority of people are kept in fear, it can impact everyone and make the world a very dark place indeed. However, when enough people raise their vibration it has the opposite affect and takes us into a place of light.

Empaths can help usher in this higher vibration.

If enough of us tap into the positive energy surrounding us, we can project this energy out.

It is up to us to make it happen. We are the ones who hold the keys to the door that will allow this powerful energy in. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation.

Meditation is so important right now. Through stilling our mind and clearing out fearful thought clutter, we are able to not only tap into the truth of our situation, but we can also tune into the powerful energy that has been shrouded by the manufactured fear pandemic.

Meditation also helps with balancing the hormones and strengthening our immunity.

I have been writing in my posts and books for years about the importance of changing diet and lifestyle for those of us who are energy sensitive. Our hormones have been hijacked. Diet, plastics, EMF, and more has thrown our hormones into chaos. This has a knock-on effect not only on our immune system (auto-immune disease has sky-rocketed in recent years), but on our moods and emotions and thus our energetic vibration.

By raising our vibration, it helps raise the vibration of others.

It is after meditating, that our frequency is most elevated, and thus the best time for projection.

I find the best time for meditating is in the morning, as the sun arises and the world around is quiet. Sunset is also a great time.

If ever you wondered what the point of being an Empath was, perhaps this is it. To tune in, take on and project this high vibrating energy. It is no coincidence that so many Empaths have awakened in recent years. We now get to use our ‘gift’ in an incredible way.

If enough Empaths, lightworkers and awakened souls keep our vibration high, we can help raise the frequency of the world. We have a challenge, but isn’t that what life has been so far?

Find Your True Power by Staying Out of Fear

Staying out of fear energy is really important now, and the easiest way to do that is by avoiding the media. We have to actively participate and invest our time in making positive change happen, but I truly believe it will be so worth the investment.

If you are allowed outdoors, spending time in Nature around trees or natural running water is another great way of elevating one’s energy signature. However, if you are in complete quarantine, opening a window and listening to the birds singing in the morning is also super beneficial.

Here are some posts: here, here and here that can help with meditation practice.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine



Can An Empath Really Feel Other People’s Emotions?

The answer to the above question is yes. An Empath really can feel the emotions of others.

The problem is we don’t always know how it makes us react.

What I mean by this is, the emotional energy of those we come into contact with can have a huge impact; not only on how we feel but on how we behave. It can push us towards being more introverted than what is natural, it can trigger insecurities or even make us feel unwell.

How Does an Empath Know How to Interpret Emotional Energy?

Interpreting emotional energy is a tricky area. We can so easily misconstrue what we feel. I know I certainly have with different people over the years.

In my teen years I had a friend who, for the purpose of this post, I will call Sarah. I met Sarah at high school. She came from a broken home. But nothing in her outward persona gave off insecurities about her parents’ divorce. She was a bright vivacious girl. Sarah was popular, good at sport and academically minded. And although she did not seem affected by the breakdown of her parents’ marriage, the way she felt to me told another story (I just didn’t know it at the time).

I didn’t know Sarah when her parents split, so I cannot attest to how she was prior to the breakup. But, whenever I was with her, I felt insecure and unstable. At the time I assumed it was ‘just me’ and my own teenage insecurities that made me feel awful when in her presence.

I continued to hang out with Sarah, along with my other friends, after school and into my late teens. But I never enjoyed spending time alone with her. In fact, she used to comment on how quiet I was when it was just the two of us. But I couldn’t help it, I felt myself freeze up when with her.

In her late teens, Sarah ended up getting into the ‘rave/drug scene,’ which was so popular in the late eighties and early nighties here in Manchester. From there she very quickly went downhill. Her childhood trauma evidently caught up with her, which was quickly heightened by her drug use. I would get early morning phone calls off her, telling me that she was frightened and needed to talk immediately. When I turned up at her home, she would not acknowledge the phone call or admit there being a problem. If I tried to talk to her about it, she would quickly change the subject.

Because of her lifestyle choice, Sarah drifted from me and my group of friends. Within a couple of years, Sarah’s mind was no longer her own. She became mentally unstable and was in and out of mental health units.

I lost touch with Sarah many years ago. I have heard through the grapevine that she is still a troubled soul and a shadow of her former ‘happy-go-lucky’ teenage self.

At the time, I may not have understood what I felt in Sarah, but I can still remember how it impacted me. She may have hidden from her pain, but it was loud and clear for me to feel. It gave me a sense of feeling insecure and awkward.

Hidden Pain

Another example of my sensing hidden pain which I didn’t understand in another is with someone who I will refer to as Mrs Smith. I was probably in my twenties, with no real understanding of my Empath ways, when I first encountered Mrs Smith. I remember feeling particularly uncomfortable with her, but in a different way than I had felt with Sarah. The memory of which has also stayed with me for many years.

I have attended the same gym, on and off, since my twenties. It is the type of gym, like many others, where you know people’s faces but don’t know their names or their backstories, and it was here where I first encountered Mrs Smith, when we were paired up in a yoga class:

The best way I could describe Mrs Smith’s energy, on my first encounter with her, was as a self-absorbed vibe. I wasn’t sure why but I did not enjoy being in her presence. I remember back then that she was sometimes arrogant and acted like she was the only person in the room worthy of the teacher’s attention. I felt naturally repelled by her. Over the years, as I came and went from the gym, our paths rarely crossed, until I started doing classes regularly again.

On my first re-encounter, I remember being stood in the studio, waiting for the class to start, when Mrs Smith came behind me. I immediately reacted. All I can say is I felt rage inside. I wanted to get away from her because the feelings I experienced were so unbearable (which also made me feel guilt for wanting to escape her). I didn’t remember feeling ‘this bad’ with her before.

The thing is, Mrs Smith looked happy. She chatted to others in the class and made her presence known. From the outside you would never think anything untoward was going on. But every time I came close to her, if only in passing, I was engulfed with a sense of dread or rage. By this point I knew I was an Empath and I recognised that I was feeling her energy. It was so potent that it was hard for me to block it or distract myself.

I didn’t even have to see Mrs Smith to feel her energy, it would wash over me like a dark gloom, even when she was out of eyeline.

When I don’t know them personally, I sometimes find that by making eye contact with people, who trigger emotional reactions within me, it has the effect of lessening the impact. But as Mrs Smith never looked my way, often breezing by me like I was invisible(this is common when those in pain come near an Empath see this post to learn more), all I could do was quietly inch myself away.

Sadly, a couple of years ago, Mrs Smith committed suicide.

Everyone who knew Mrs Smith at the gym were shocked by how she could do such a thing. They had no idea that she was in such a dark place. But facts emerged about her life after her passing, that she had not shared with others, which explained her story. It also explained why I felt such rage in her presence. It was a very sad ending to a life of pain.

When an Image Does Not Reflect the Truth

I could go on with examples of how people have affected me emotionally, and how an ‘image’ does not always reflect the truth. A smile can hide deep pain. Arrogance can hide an incredible lack of self-worth.

Humans are good at concealing insecurities and their inner turmoil, but an Empath will always feel them.

When engulfed by negative emotions, after being around a certain person, it doesn’t mean the other is a bad person. We are often just picking up on what the person feels about themselves or about life.

Is there a Solution?

So, the question is what we should do when we feel toxic emotions in another. Should we intervene or avoid?

When people hide from themselves, or are in denial of their past, there is not a lot we can do to help them. If they are not ready or willing to confront their insecurities or ‘shadow,’ they will unlikely want others to acknowledge them either.

A Few Kind Words

Self-protection is important. Sometimes staying away from those who trigger uncomfortable feelings is the best and only option. However, there are ways we can make a difference to those in hidden emotional pain, without doing too much damage to our own emotional health, by offering a few kind words.

Words of self-encouragement or just simple friendliness can go a long way. Not only in changing the way the other feels to us, but also in how they feel about themselves (if only briefly).

We can be inclined to avoid those who make us feel bad, but sometimes briefly making contact actually helps them and us. It can have the effect of ‘breaking the emotional connection,’ and distracts us from what we feel.

Some might find it better to mentally send ‘positive vibes’ instead. It really depends on how the energy of another affects you and your mind.

Of course, this is a broad subject with many different scenarios. But it is always good to have different approaches to survive in different situations.

Please feel free to share examples of how you cope when around people who carry ‘uncomfortable energy’ in the comments below.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time…


©Diane Kathrine


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