Raising the Vibration: What Empaths Can Be Doing Now

Whatever your beliefs on the ‘current world situation’, it would seem we are in a time of mass awakening and change as we enter a new age.

Since 2016 we have seen this as a quickening, where a dark theme has been creating a divide between people, keeping tensions high. Hysteria has been at the forefront. We only have to look at Brexit, Trump, the PC culture and gender, race and religion ‘wars’ to see how this has been playing out. 

I noted a few posts ago that emotional reactions have been on the increase, and I feel this has all been part of these changing times. It’s as though approaching ‘the precipice’ has created a clashing energy which has affected people’s mindsets and behaviour.

For the Empaths, and anyone who is super-sensitive to heightened states of emotion, these past years have been difficult to experience. There has been a lot of nefarious energy around, triggering anger, resentments and conflicting opinions.

As you are already aware, when we ‘awaken,’ it is often preceded by times of great difficulty, fear or emotional pain. It is when we face this darkness that we work to seek out the light. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

The Darkest Hour

It would be easy to believe that the world has gone to crap and there is nothing but darkness surrounding us. But when we take ourselves away from the ‘fear energy’ (by avoiding all sources of the media and going within) there is some really powerfully positive energy around. This energy has been concealed by the all-pervading fear.

It is now becoming clear that we are being kept distracted from this powerful energy for a reason. We are in unique times where we can take our power back and create the life we want. A life where we no longer depend on ‘the system.’

The Projecting Empath

Empaths are powerful projectors. We can project our energy signature out onto others.

I realise this trait is not only owned by Empaths, all humans are capable of projecting their moods and energetic vibration. However, it is something that Empaths are particularly ‘good’ at. We are not always aware of just how good we are at projection or how important it is to keep our frequency raised.

What Difference Does it Make?

Have you heard of Morphic Resonance? A concept discovered by Rupert Sheldrake, also known as ‘The 100th Monkey Theory.’ In brief, when a hundred monkeys learnt how to wash potatoes on one island, the monkeys on neighbouring islands and beyond also started doing it without themselves having observed the practice. For a more in-depth explanation See more here 

The 100th Monkey Theory tells us how the behaviour of an entire group of individuals can change when critical mass is reached. This could work either way. If the majority of people are kept in fear, it can impact everyone and make the world a very dark place indeed. However, when enough people raise their vibration it has the opposite affect and takes us into a place of light.

Empaths can help usher in this higher vibration.

If enough of us tap into the positive energy surrounding us, we can project this energy out.

It is up to us to make it happen. We are the ones who hold the keys to the door that will allow this powerful energy in. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation.

Meditation is so important right now. Through stilling our mind and clearing out fearful thought clutter, we are able to not only tap into the truth of our situation, but we can also tune into the powerful energy that has been shrouded by the manufactured fear pandemic.

Meditation also helps with balancing the hormones and strengthening our immunity.

I have been writing in my posts and books for years about the importance of changing diet and lifestyle for those of us who are energy sensitive. Our hormones have been hijacked. Diet, plastics, EMF, and more has thrown our hormones into chaos. This has a knock-on effect not only on our immune system (auto-immune disease has sky-rocketed in recent years), but on our moods and emotions and thus our energetic vibration.

By raising our vibration, it helps raise the vibration of others.

It is after meditating, that our frequency is most elevated, and thus the best time for projection.

I find the best time for meditating is in the morning, as the sun arises and the world around is quiet. Sunset is also a great time.

If ever you wondered what the point of being an Empath was, perhaps this is it. To tune in, take on and project this high vibrating energy. It is no coincidence that so many Empaths have awakened in recent years. We now get to use our ‘gift’ in an incredible way.

If enough Empaths, lightworkers and awakened souls keep our vibration high, we can help raise the frequency of the world. We have a challenge, but isn’t that what life has been so far?

Find Your True Power by Staying Out of Fear

Staying out of fear energy is really important now, and the easiest way to do that is by avoiding the media. We have to actively participate and invest our time in making positive change happen, but I truly believe it will be so worth the investment.

If you are allowed outdoors, spending time in Nature around trees or natural running water is another great way of elevating one’s energy signature. However, if you are in complete quarantine, opening a window and listening to the birds singing in the morning is also super beneficial.

Here are some posts: here, here and here that can help with meditation practice.

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine