Have You Taken the Red Pill?

In the sci-fi movie, The Matrix, the main character, Neo, gets the choice of taking a red or blue pill. The red pill exposes the reality to which he was born, a world where humans sleep whilst their minds live within a virtual matrix and their energy is used as battery power for machines. The blue pill keeps the real world veiled and his mind trapped under the illusion.

Neo chose the red pill.

‘Taking the red pill’ is a metaphor for having awoken in a world where the masses are still asleep to the truth of their world.

Living in the Matrix

Those of us who have been red-pilled are watching as the masses are dragged deeper into ‘The Matrix.’ Buying into all the crap that has been put out by the mainstream and the governments without question.

Most of you reading this will have will have taken the red pill.

When I was in my teens and early twenties, before I took the red pill, I probably would have bought into the current Coronavirus fear. I may have felt something was off, but I would never have imagined that the governments could have got away with such mass deceptions, or that the world would be so easily fooled into giving their power away.

The problem with being red-pilled is that we are caught up in a world where the blue pill rules which can be isolating. Those still ‘under the blue pill influence’ think those who aren’t are delusional. What is happening now with the Coronavirus is a classic example.

Lockdown or Locked Up?

We have all willingly imprisoned ourselves in our homes over an illness that is being proven to be no worse than a bad year of seasonal flu. We have been told we are saving our health services. But our hospitals are virtually empty.

In the UK they are clapping their way into further loss of freedoms. The clapping isn’t about praising the NHS for their efforts. It is about condoning the government’s actions.

Now, as much as I respect and admire anyone who cares for others or saves lives in their career, I know the clapping isn’t really for those workers. It’s a way of saying, ‘I’m ok with this imposed incarceration. I am ok that perfectly healthy people are being kept from their lives and their loved ones, under the guise that we are protecting a vulnerable health service.’

We are not locked up to protect people. We are supposedly protecting a health service. This lockdown is actually killing people who should be being treated by our health services but aren’t.

If it was known this virus would kill a quarter of the UK’s population, then I would have fully supported the lockdown. But the figures have never suggested this.

People seem to have forgotten that for 80 or 90% of the population, this virus will cause nothing more than a cold or flu. If that. Some people will have no symptoms. It is a small percentage of the populace who will get more serious ailments. This is what happens with cold or flu. Every year it is the most vulnerable at risk from getting serious health complications from flu. And yes, that is still with flu vaccinations.

There are also occasions when those who are ‘seemingly healthy,’ with no underlying health conditions, will succumb to serious health complications, or even death, from the flu. Just like can happen with Coronavirus.

I completely understand the fear of death or the fear of getting ill. Every day, just by going about our lives, we are at risk of death, injury or illness. That is life. We should not take unnecessary risks or put ourselves in harm’s way, but nor should we lock ourselves away for fear of what may come.

When I was a child, I had allergic asthma. Allergens like cigarette smoke, certain animals and chlorine in pools used to trigger an attack. If I ever got a cold or flu it would also result in an asthma attack. I had to avoid going to places that were triggers. I still remember what it was like not being able to breathe. So, I completely understand why it is important to protect those most at risk with underlying health conditions.

But for the healthy majority to be locked away in their homes is insanity.

People are being controlled through their two most powerful emotions, love and fear. Fear that they may get the virus, or pass it on to those they love.

Science Doesn’t Always Know Best

We have been urged to place our faith in science instead of Nature, which I believe is wrong. As well as giving us what we need to survive: air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat, Nature also gave us immune systems to help keep us alive. Our immune systems are there to protect us from virus and disease! This can be done through herd immunity.

If those of us at lowest risk from the virus had not all been locked away in our homes, we could have developed immunity. By having this herd immunity to the virus, we could have protected the most vulnerable. When enough people become immune, a virus generally disappears. Just like the many strains of the common cold that traverse the world each year run their course.

By being locked away in our homes, however, the virus is free to not only grow but also mutate.

If we had not all been put in lockdown and followed the path of herd immunity, we would not be facing years of restrictions and social distancing, an economic crisis and poverty of the likes we have never seen.

Some might suggest that we are indeed practising herd immunity when we visit the shops, but social distancing has been put in place to ‘prevent the spread of the virus.’ Viruses cannot jump 6 feet. So, herd immunity doesn’t happen as fast as it could.

The Cull

This almost seems like a cull of those who are not indoctrinated into ‘the system.’ The first to go are the over 70s. Those whose minds are freest because they grew up in a ‘cyber-free’ world. And no, it won’t be the virus that kills them (although that would be written on the death certificate). It will be the stress, the isolation and despair. People will feel like they have got nothing to live for and their mind will start to break down the body.

Yes, stress kills!

Free Your Mind

It is freeing our mind that sets us free

As Morpheus said in The Matrix movie, ‘The mind makes it real. The body cannot live without the mind.’

In other words, it is the mind that creates our reality.

The mind can make our life hell or it can create heaven on earth (even when under house arrest). If the mind has been caught up in ‘the mainstream matrix’ then it has been controlled by fear.

If the mind, however, is able to switch off the irrational voice of fear, a whole new world emerges. Truths are revealed.

The best way to free the mind is to still the mind.

People were not ready to hear the truth in the early days of lockdown. Which made it difficult for those of us who had been red-pilled to discuss what we could see going on around us. Now, however, people are starting to realise they may never get their freedoms back. This is where we have the opportunity to spread the word.

This is everyone’s chance to wake up and take back their power. We are in times of transformation. Transformations are not always easy but they are full of opportunity.

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I hope to be back soon with ways of finding stillness for the mind.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

If you have not read my other posts on the subject here are links to them:

When You Can See What is Going On in the World But Others Can’t

Is This the End of the World?

My Thoughts on Coronavirus

What Does Your Gut Tell You About What is Happening?

Raising The Vibration





If you can see, quite clearly, the likely outcome of this global lockdown, but no one is listening to your concerns, what do you do?

You know how destructive this lockdown is to the physical and mental health of the populace, yet no one wants to hear. You can see that these measures could result in extreme poverty like we’ve never experienced, and you can see that everyone is so blinded by the fear of catching the virus (a virus that causes little more than cold symptoms for the majority), that they cannot see past their anxiety to where the world will end up afterwards.

(I urge you all to read this very well written and researched article about the true nature of the lockdown and its devastating impact, written by Kristen Young Christman)

If you were to ask someone what would they rather: catch a virus that will likely cause no worse than the flu or starve to death? What option do you think they would take? I know I would rather take my chances with the flu.

Starvation is a possible outcome of these lockdown measures that many will face. Extreme poverty, people losing their homes and living on the streets is another. Yes, a harsh reality.

That is not to mention the deaths of all our elderly citizens, locked away in their homes, away from their loved ones. Loneliness and isolation is a killer.


It beggars belief that the majority are still in favour of the current lockdown measures, whilst those who are trying to alert the world to its likely outcome are silenced.

When people are seen to defy the imposed lockdown, I have seen comments saying, ‘They don’t think they will catch the virus.’ Or, ‘They are putting everyone’s lives at risk.’ But by advocating the lockdown measures, enforced around the world, it shows that the majority are not looking beyond and are in fact themselves helping to sign death certificates.

A recession of catastrophic proportions is imminent. And recessions have a knock-on effect.

I know people are expecting to go back to the world we lived in before. They believe governments are protecting us all from a deadly virus. Some are receiving money to pay for lost earnings, but this will soon stop. Yet the authoritarian dictatorship will continue. Yes, another harsh reality.

People are refusing to see the illogicality of these lockdown measures. Measures that are both immoral and cruel.

We have a friend who has a brain tumour and is in his last weeks of life. He is in a hospice. No one can visit him. His wife and young son have to stand outside his window. He does not understand why people are not going to see him to say their goodbyes. What difference would it make if he caught the virus now?

My husband’s nan is 94 and went into hospital because she was disorientated. She then contracted Coronavirus. Her condition is deteriorating and no one can go and see her. She will likely die in hospital, surrounded by strangers.

There are hundreds of thousands of other stories like this. Yet people still believe the lockdown measures are the best option.


When no one is listening to our concerns it may feel like all is lost. But it’s not!

We still have the power to work on ourselves. To raise our frequency.

I discussed in this post how morphic resonance works. How the minority can change the majority. It only takes 1% of us to change the world.

We have to work to stay out of fear, out of anger and frustration. Because if we don’t, this is the energy we send out. We then become part of the problem and not the solution.

Fear is a human weakness. It is the easiest emotion to manipulate. Love may be more powerful, but it is hard to contain when immersed in fear.


Fear closes the rational mind and imprisons us. We then become our own enemy.

In 2018, I wrote a post (read it here) stating the reason I believe many Empaths have awoken in recent years is to help to raise the vibration of others. Shed light into the darkness. I know it is not easy to do. But festering in anger and frustration only weakens us and keeps the enemy within.

When others cannot think straight because they are shrouded in fear, the only thing we can do is to try and lift the dark energy that has gripped onto their hearts.

Tune into the positive energy that is around us. Believe me, it is there. But we can only access it when we switch off from the hive mind.

I have found chanting Om a fantastic way to do this. Another way is to allow the sunlight to hit your third eye (centre of forehead) for five to twenty-minutes a day.

We can do it. We can take our power back and change the world.


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I hope you are all keeping well during this period of uncertainty.unknown

In previous posts, I have noted that since 2016 there has been an ugly war of division going on that has been getting worse. Everywhere we look on any media outlets, negative propaganda has been there to greet us, with the sole intention of generating stress, anger and fear. Those who control the media have been going to a lot of trouble to keep us down and distracted. WHY?

When the Coronavirus was initially labelled as a pandemic and the threat of lockdown loomed, the reoccurring thought in my head was why are they keeping everyone in such intense anxiety? Especially when every health expert knows the worst thing for weakening the immune system is fear.

The End of the World as We Know It?

You may remember that the Mayans predicted the end of the world on December 21 2012. This was the end date of their 5000-year calendar. But, as you know, it didn’t happen. Was this all a hoax? Maybe. But one thing to consider is that the Mayan calendar and our Gregorian Calendar were not devised at the same time.

The Gregorian calendar has been altered over the years.

In a now-deleted Twitter post, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012.

“The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days.

“For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

And according to Mayan calendars, this 2012 date was the subject of a conspiracy theory that the world would end.

Read more in this This article

Those who studied Mayan prophesies believe their calendar was used to predict times of difficulties, in agriculture for example, and the calendar’s end date was not a prediction of the end of the world but the end of an age.

This ties in with astrology.

Anyone who studies astrology will know, we are moving out of the Piscean Age and into the Age of Aquarius. A time when we each come into our own power.

During the Piscean Age, life was based on the pyramid arrangement. Every structure, from families to religions and governments, had a single being of power on top who was quite often male.

Under this pyramid, everyone had their place and remained in servitude of someone above. The Age of Aquarius is about ‘flattening this pyramid’ and removing those individuals who both held and abused their power. Which also means realigning the balance between masculine and feminine. And, as you know, change is never easy.

I read a fitting analogy comparing moving into a New Age to moving house: No longer comfortable in your living space, you seek a new home, but the chaos of the move creates so much stress and disruption that you question the whole thing. Yet, once settled, the mayhem of the move soon becomes a distant memory.

Everyone Resists Change

Perhaps the world is being kept in such a state of fear because those at the top of the pyramid, controlling the masses, do not want to lose this control and are doing everything in their power to keep us dumbed down, fearful and under their authority.

Darkest Before Dawn

This past lockdowns have served us in some unusual ways. We were given time away from the norm. We had chance to go within and reconnect with ourselves. It has taken many people on a new path.

At a higher level, I believe the dark serves the light. We just don’t always see it as it happens. Difficult periods push us towards evolvement and thus empowerment, but we still have to put in the work to attain a point of power. It is up to us.

Although these times are incredibly trying, they are intended to wake up the masses and push those who are ready into uncovering their truth.

So, if you find yourself in a difficult or dark place, keep reminding yourself that the darkest hour comes before the dawn.

You may also find these posts beneficial here and here

Until next time…


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©Diane Kathrine

Raising the Vibration: What Empaths Can Be Doing Now

Whatever your beliefs on the ‘current world situation’, it would seem we are in a time of mass awakening and change as we enter a new age.

Since 2016 we have seen this as a quickening, where a dark theme has been creating a divide between people, keeping tensions high. Hysteria has been at the forefront. We only have to look at Brexit, Trump, the PC culture and gender, race and religion ‘wars’ to see how this has been playing out. 

I noted a few posts ago that emotional reactions have been on the increase, and I feel this has all been part of these changing times. It’s as though approaching ‘the precipice’ has created a clashing energy which has affected people’s mindsets and behaviour.

For the Empaths, and anyone who is super-sensitive to heightened states of emotion, these past years have been difficult to experience. There has been a lot of nefarious energy around, triggering anger, resentments and conflicting opinions.

As you are already aware, when we ‘awaken,’ it is often preceded by times of great difficulty, fear or emotional pain. It is when we face this darkness that we work to seek out the light. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

The Darkest Hour

It would be easy to believe that the world has gone to crap and there is nothing but darkness surrounding us. But when we take ourselves away from the ‘fear energy’ (by avoiding all sources of the media and going within) there is some really powerfully positive energy around. This energy has been concealed by the all-pervading fear.

It is now becoming clear that we are being kept distracted from this powerful energy for a reason. We are in unique times where we can take our power back and create the life we want. A life where we no longer depend on ‘the system.’

The Projecting Empath

Empaths are powerful projectors. We can project our energy signature out onto others.

I realise this trait is not only owned by Empaths, all humans are capable of projecting their moods and energetic vibration. However, it is something that Empaths are particularly ‘good’ at. We are not always aware of just how good we are at projection or how important it is to keep our frequency raised.

What Difference Does it Make?

Have you heard of Morphic Resonance? A concept discovered by Rupert Sheldrake, also known as ‘The 100th Monkey Theory.’ In brief, when a hundred monkeys learnt how to wash potatoes on one island, the monkeys on neighbouring islands and beyond also started doing it without themselves having observed the practice. For a more in-depth explanation See more here 

The 100th Monkey Theory tells us how the behaviour of an entire group of individuals can change when critical mass is reached. This could work either way. If the majority of people are kept in fear, it can impact everyone and make the world a very dark place indeed. However, when enough people raise their vibration it has the opposite affect and takes us into a place of light.

Empaths can help usher in this higher vibration.

If enough of us tap into the positive energy surrounding us, we can project this energy out.

It is up to us to make it happen. We are the ones who hold the keys to the door that will allow this powerful energy in. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation.

Meditation is so important right now. Through stilling our mind and clearing out fearful thought clutter, we are able to not only tap into the truth of our situation, but we can also tune into the powerful energy that has been shrouded by the manufactured fear pandemic.

Meditation also helps with balancing the hormones and strengthening our immunity.

I have been writing in my posts and books for years about the importance of changing diet and lifestyle for those of us who are energy sensitive. Our hormones have been hijacked. Diet, plastics, EMF, and more has thrown our hormones into chaos. This has a knock-on effect not only on our immune system (auto-immune disease has sky-rocketed in recent years), but on our moods and emotions and thus our energetic vibration.

By raising our vibration, it helps raise the vibration of others.

It is after meditating, that our frequency is most elevated, and thus the best time for projection.

I find the best time for meditating is in the morning, as the sun arises and the world around is quiet. Sunset is also a great time.

If ever you wondered what the point of being an Empath was, perhaps this is it. To tune in, take on and project this high vibrating energy. It is no coincidence that so many Empaths have awakened in recent years. We now get to use our ‘gift’ in an incredible way.

If enough Empaths, lightworkers and awakened souls keep our vibration high, we can help raise the frequency of the world. We have a challenge, but isn’t that what life has been so far?

Find Your True Power by Staying Out of Fear

Staying out of fear energy is really important now, and the easiest way to do that is by avoiding the media. We have to actively participate and invest our time in making positive change happen, but I truly believe it will be so worth the investment.

If you are allowed outdoors, spending time in Nature around trees or natural running water is another great way of elevating one’s energy signature. However, if you are in complete quarantine, opening a window and listening to the birds singing in the morning is also super beneficial.

Here are some posts: here, here and here that can help with meditation practice.

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine