Waking Up In A New Reality

I would just like to start by apologising for not posting very much lately. I feel like I’ve been super-busy (with very little to show for it), and finding myself with little time to write a post.

Anyway, whilst going through my files recently, to make some space on my laptop, I came across an article that I had written a few years ago, but never got around to posting. As I read through, it made me smile, thinking about how much of it relates to the journey of life.

So, I decided I would share it with you all today, and see whether you too can relate to it.


Did you ever watch the film, The Wizard of Oz?

Was it one of your favourite films as a child?

Or did you read the book, authored by L Frank Baum?

I loved the film. I remember viewing it at Christmastime every year. It was so magical and amazing to watch. I never got bored of it, even though I’d seen it so many times.

So, when I have been doing my meditations of late, The Wizard of Oz theme keeps coming in to my awareness, especially the Emerald City.

When I pondered the significance behind the visions, it came to me that the story itself very much embodies the journey of life.

In fact, there is so much symbolism in the story of Dorothy on her journey to find the Wizard, that I’m not sure if I ever realised it before (I often forget the findings I make, during meditations, unless I write them down). But now, I am fully understanding the hidden messages within the story of The Wizard of Oz (the version where Judy Garland plays Dorothy.), and why it has been popping into my meditations.

If you’ve never seen the film, I’ll explain a little more…

Dorothy gets stranded in a strange but magical place after being knocked unconscious during a tornado. She wakes up in a land that is bright and beautiful, filled with little people, called Munchkins, and witches, both good and bad. Upon waking, in this strange world, Dorothy is desperate to get back home to her family and friends in Kansas, where she feels safe and her life makes sense. She is told by a Good Witch, Glinda, that she must find the Wizard of Oz, for he is the only one who can help her get back home. So, Dorothy sets off on her journey, on a yellow brick road, looking for the Wizard. Along her path she meets a scarecrow, who thinks he doesn’t have a brain, a tinman, who thinks he doesn’t have a heart, and a lion, who doesn’t believe he has any courage. Together they head off to find the One who will give them all what they need.

When they finally get to the Wizard of Oz, they discover that he is a fraud. He has pretended to be an all-powerful being to gain respect from others and to be in charge. However, Glinda then reappeared, and explained to Dorothy that she had to go on the journey to the Emerald City, and face the dangers along the way, because she had to discover for herself that she had the power within to get herself home. If she had been taken directly to the city, or if she had discovered her own power straight away, she wouldn’t have made the friends she had, or had the experiences she’d endured.

How the Film Compares to Life

We are all on our own ‘yellow brick roads.’ AKA the journey of life.

It’s a journey where we have to confront many fears and find our courage (Lion), a journey where we have to wake up to the control and programming of governments and authority, and the mainstream media (Wizard of Oz), and free our brains by thinking for ourselves (Scarecrow), a journey where we work to have more compassion and empathy for others, and move out of the lower three chakras into our heart centre (Tinman), it is also a journey where we find our ‘inner-home’, and come back to ourselves, through overcoming our own challenges (Dorothy).

In the film there is a good witch and a bad witch. The bad witch seems to be the more prominent character, who is constantly appearing. She desperately wants the ruby slippers off Dorothy’s feet, because they are magic and hold much power.

And doesn’t that also compare to life?

We have all had the experience of a ‘dark witch’ wanting to take our power (joy), and use it for themselves. And when I mention the dark witch, I’m referring to the narcissists of the world.

We may be travelling down a beautiful road one minute, then the next, a dark witch (narcissist) and her flying monkeys (followers) come to test us, throw us off our path, push our buttons, and steal our shine.

These encounters are often painful, yet, in the thick of things, they generally serve a purpose that not only teach us valuable lessons, but ultimately raise our vibration and awareness. It’s in facing these trials, and learning from them, that we eventually come to find ourselves in a better space.

Just like Dorothy, we’ve got to keep going if we want to get to the place we want to be. A place that feels like home, where we are safe and at one with ourselves.

We make these realisations whilst travelling the turbulent path of life (yellow brick road). And, again, just like Dorothy, we can make the discovery that we had the power all along, we just need to uncover how to use it.

So, yes, in my opinion, the story of The Wizard of Oz is symbolic of life now as we are living it. We may not always realise the significance of something as it is happening to us, or how it is shaping our choices and the direction we are taking, but generally all will be revealed.

Ok, there you go.

Hopefully, this quick read will have given you some food for thought, and maybe let you see the much-loved story in a different light.

I trust everything is keeping fabulous in your world.

Until next time.




Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine





Determine Your Masculine and Feminine Energy Dominance

Some time ago, I discussed the idea that one of the reasons why we are now experiencing so much strife in the world is because the balance between masculine and feminine is seriously off.

Before I knew how masculine and feminine energy impacted the body, I would often question why when I got ailments or niggles in my body, it was often on my left-hand side.

Through my research and yoga teacher training, I came to understand that one of the main reasons was due to the fact I had an imbalance within my masculine and feminine energy. Predominantly my feminine energy. Continue reading

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading

15 Questions to Determine if You’re an Empath, Old Soul or Both

If you’re reading this, I expect you’ll already consider yourself to be an Empath?

Would you also say you’re an old soul? Or have you never really given it much thought?

It doesn’t really matter either way whether you’re an old soul or not, but one thing I know about the majority of ‘old soul Empaths’ is they are always on the lookout for kindred spirits or even just to have confirmations of what they naturally experience.

You would assume that all old souls are highly Empathic, which most are, but not all Empaths are old souls. People can be sensitive, as well as being sensitive to energy, without having deep, old soul wisdom.

I should also note that just because one Empath is an old soul does not make them more superior to another. This life is a journey of evolvement for everyone. And everyone has different jobs and lessons to learn…. But still, it’s nice to have confirmation of what you feel inside.

If you want to know if you’re an Empath, see this post first. If you already know you’re an Empath but want to know if you own old soul traits, here’s some questions and explanations that will help you make that determination: Continue reading


As you probably know, things are massively changing in the world. And, as Empaths, we are picking up on all the fear and uncertainty that is all around us, which is affecting many of us in some very random ways.

It is in these times that we have to remain vigilant of keeping ourselves in a good place, both mentally and physically.

But it doesn’t help that it is so much harder to find articles on the internet these days in regards to natural health and wellbeing. It seems like the majority of ‘alternative’ self-help articles are hidden from view or it takes a lot of scrolling through search engines to find what we need.

For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the most popular posts, from my blog, that have been shared on social media and the like over the last 12 months.

You may have already read some of the following articles, depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, some of them go back to 2011, but it’s always nice to have a refresher. Continue reading

As an Empath, if It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

It is an interesting question, isn’t it? If It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

If I experience something as an Empath, but you don’t, does that mean that you’re not an Empath?

If you have strong intuition, but I don’t, does that mean I’m a weak Empath?

If I can see your aura, but you can’t see mine, does that make me a more powerful Empath?

If you know the meaning of the emotions you feel in another, but another Empath doesn’t, does that mean they are unskilled or inauthentic?

Or what if I get incredibly fatigued when around a certain person, but another Empath doesn’t, does that mean I’m just bored of paying attention to that person, and the other Empath has got a greater attention span? Or is it they’re vibrational frequency or negativity is ‘sucking out my sunshine?’

I have said it before and I will say it again, as Empaths we are all diverse. Just like everyone else, we have different personalities, we have had different upbringings, we have different DNA, we have differing physical ailments, we have different beliefs and different abilities.

What works for one Empath won’t necessarily work for another.

Some Empaths are introvert. Some Empaths are extrovert. Some Empaths will be highly vocal in their beliefs, others will keep their opinions to themselves (often from learning that when someone is not ready for the information, they cannot hear).

However, we are so pushed into herd thinking, that it becomes difficult for us to accept that, even as Empaths, someone can have different abilities, outlooks or issues to deal with.

I have even seen written, within the Empath community, that an Empath having to ground or protect, from the emotional energy of others, is a ridiculous idea. The writer stated we simply need to learn to navigate the various energetic frequencies instead of ‘protecting’ from them.

Which could be classed as a very valid concept. Learning to navigate the energetic frequencies that surround people and our environment is an excellent idea. But it really isn’t that cut and dry.

Just because one Empath doesn’t need to take measures of protection/grounding, before spending time in public, or within certain energetic frequencies, does not mean that another won’t need to. Their energy sensitivity may be higher.

Humans Are All Different

There are some who need to take extra vitamin C and zinc, in the winter months, to protect from winter viruses. Others take no supplements and are fine. Some people need to use extra high factors of sun cream, to protect from sunburn, others don’t. One person may need to use earplugs to protect from sound frequencies, or music, another might not. And yes, some Empaths need to take protective measures, before going in public places, and some don’t. It really is that simple!

I have said before on this blog that the more I learn about life, the less I know. But something I do know, is that the human experience is supposed to be unique for each of us, as is the Empath experience.

It is just society that tries to convince us that we should all be the same box-tickers, living like robots, with no acceptance for anyone who has opposite beliefs or indeed ‘unusual abilities.’

Lack of Acceptance

Now, although this post may sound like I’m having a good old rant, I really wanted to point out the importance of acceptance, and how it can really change our outlook on life.

We see it all around us. People expect others to accept them, for their beliefs, feelings or ways of living, but they refuse to accept anyone who chooses not to adopt their views…

It is human nature to want to be accepted, but if someone is not willing to understand or accept that others experience life from a different perspective than themselves, how can it happen?

Acceptance is Bad for Business

Why do you think we are encouraged to attack each other constantly, instead of accepting each other?

We cannot stop hate with hate, we cannot stop racism with racism, we cannot stop discrimination with discrimination, and we cannot stop unacceptance with unacceptance. But that is so often the narrative pushed.

One thing is for sure, if the world can simply learn to accept others, and all their differences, then there would be no reason to fight. But I doubt that would ever be encouraged by the ‘mainstream’, because, let’s face it, acceptance of self and each other is bad for business.

Make The Changes You Can, Accept What You Can’t

When I advocate for acceptance of others, I am not saying we get to live happily ever after with someone we have no right to be with, or that we should put up with bad behaviour. But if we accept the fact that we are all supposed to be unique, it goes a long way towards a happier life.

I am also not trying to encourage anyone not to make changes in life or just to accept their lot. More that we should ‘change what we can change, and accept what we can’t’.

When we truly accept that we are all meant to be different, in our appearance, health, thoughts, beliefs and abilities, it is incredibly liberating.

Even by accepting that some people can be completely disagreeable and we will never get along with them, it frees up so much of our time wasted in frustration by them or their ways.

If It’s Not True for Me does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

So, going back to the title of this post: As Empaths, if It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You?

We can say that my life and your life or my truth and your truth may be poles apart, but if we can come to accept that, then the world will be a much brighter place to live.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine


The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

In all areas of life, everyone has their own opinion and idea of what is right and what is wrong with the world. Some follow one way of thinking whilst others follow another. But never before has the world been so distracted and divided.

In the past, division between the populace may have been seen, for example, as one football team against another, one town against another, one religion against another, or one country against another.

Now, however, everywhere you look there are reasons for people to be divided, angry and in opposition of others.

Why is This?

When I woke this morning, the words running through my head were: ‘Why would ‘they’ go to so much trouble to keep everyone distracted and divided. Why would they need to keep people in such fear and anger? This is happening for a big reason.’

I’ve mentioned in several past posts that the media and governments have been working hard to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, as well as keeping us divided by setting people against each other.

Not only that, we have been plagued with doubts and distrust about where we are going as a civilisation. It would appear as though we are on a fast-tracked path to a world of totalitarianism.

People like David Icke have been saying for thirty years or more that what we are seeing now has been planned forever. ‘They’ want us to live in a dictatorship, under complete control. A society where everyone is traceable, all following the same agenda. But why now? Why in this time have these agendas been rolled out? Why not forty years ago?

The truth is, we have pretty much been living in a dictatorship all our lives. We just didn’t know it because we had the illusion of freedom and choice.

We have been enslaved by a monetary system, by an education system, by a medical system and more. From womb to tomb we are governed. Subliminally told how to think and behave, how to dress, and where we fit in with society.

Because we have had the illusion of freedom and freewill, we accepted our lot. We did not rebel against the system because we have been led to believe this is what we want. We obligingly went along with the rules laid out by the ‘invisible rulers.’

No questions asked.

Anyone who did ‘wake up’ to the truth of the world and spoke out against the system were alienated, called conspiracy theorists or labelled as bonkers. Towing the line was the safest option.

Even now, there are many following rules they do not agree with, not from the fear of breaking rules but for the fear of being ostracized or verbally attacked by others.

This brings us back to the question, why is this happening?

The answer I always come back to is, there is something powerful on the horizon that ‘they’ want to keep us away from. I have already discussed this in several past posts (here, here and here)

My Theory

I realise that no one can say with absolute certainty what is happening or where we are heading as a species. At least I can’t.

But regardless of what the future may hold, my theory is this, if ‘the powers that be’ are working so hard to keep us distracted and divided, the best thing we can do is be the opposite.


Instead of allowing our minds to be engaged with the divisive propaganda, that is purposely being fuelled, allow ourselves to stay in the present moment with an open heart and a positive outlook.

Refrain from disagreeing with others and just allow yourselves to ‘Be.’

I know many ‘awakened ones’ feel like it is their job to’ wake people up’, to get them to see the truth of what is happening in the world. But the truth is out there, hidden in plain sight, for everyone to see when they are ready to see it.

From my own experience, I have found if someone fully buys into the narrative of the mainstream media they won’t listen to any other voice. Even when offered valid proof, if it goes against the mainstream media narrative, the other usually enters a state of cognitive dissonance.

We cannot change another’s mind on a subject when they are not ready to hear.

And why should we?

We are all here to hold our own opinion. We are meant to make our own discoveries when the time is right for us.

Just Be

By making a conscious effort to stay in a positive mindset and avoiding conversations that trigger animosity or conflict, we keep our vibrational energy high.

We are also doing the exact opposite of what the dark rulers want us to do.

Take your mind off the future, and what it will look like, just believe in your heart that everything is going to be amazing.

So, to finish, if you have been feeling like the world is being taken into a dark place and it looks like there is no way out, ask yourself why would ‘the powers that be’ go to so much trouble to keep us distracted and divided, when they already had full control over us anyway?

What can be the purpose of it?

Perhaps sit with the question in meditation and see where it takes you.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine



How are you feeling right now?

Have you got any strange physical symptoms that are causing you discomfort?

Have you been experiencing niggling pains in the body that now seem to be amplified?

Have you been more frustrated than usual about the fact people don’t want to hear your truth?

Have you been more triggered by being around strangers?

Have you found your diet has been affecting you in weird ways?

Are you experiencing strange sleeping patterns?

Do you go from feeling euphoric one day to feeling flat and fatigued the next?

Are you in a state of anxiety?

If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you are not alone.

Physical and emotional issues have been coming up for everyone.

The Empaths and Sensitive people often find themselves on ‘overdload’ as they experience the constant churning of the emotions of the masses.

Why is There so Much Pain and Frustration?

I have discussed this subject in previous posts, but I believe we are currently experiencing such pain and frustration for several reasons.

In one case it is for us to accept and let go. Ready for the new.

By undergoing certain triggers our insecurities and buried hurts are being highlighted. In this, we are being shown what needs to be healed and released.

In another, we are being given reasons for ‘our pain’ during the transition of our world. And what I mean by this is, the world is shifting. Ending. Moving. Changing dimensional frequency. All of which is affecting our body and mind in the weirdest of ways.

We have never experienced before what we are collectively experiencing. This shift affects the way we sit in our bodies and it can keep our emotions on a perpetual rollercoaster. One day we may be drifting low and the next we are riding high.

As humans, we need to have/find reasons for feeling so incredibly weird! We have to have a purpose for our pain.

The Positive

The good news is there has been a silver lining to the madness all along. Not only have we been given a place to project our emotional discomforts, caused by a ‘shifting and changing world’, but the emotions and physical discomforts have themselves been revealing. They are revealing in that they show us who we are and what our experiences have been about.

If you are not sure what I mean, just ask yourself what has been the reoccurring theme throughout your life?

For many of us Empaths, we have been living a life as ‘the square peg trying to squeeze into a round hole’. We have been on a continuous journey, trying to understand all that we feel, as well as attempting to figure out the peculiarities of the human race 😊.

But now, it’s as though that chapter is coming to an end as we come to a place where we understand and accept things that we previously could not accept.

You may also have undergone a great revealing in regards to your wellbeing. Discovering, for example, that your emotional or physical health has been greatly impaired by unbalanced hormones, by vitamin deficiencies, or by EMF overload, and you now know the steps to take to find balance.

So, although these past years have been very trying, they have also been revelaing.

The Purpose

Everything that is currently happening has a purpose, even if we cannot yet see it. We just need to trust the process.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find that by raising my awareness into my heart, whilst in a space of gratitude, it really helps bring me back to not only a place of peace but also to my sense of trust.

We are all experiencing ups and downs, no matter how evolved or how aware we are, and we will eventually come through the other side. Keep the faith. ♥

With love,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



Take Control of Your Empath Power and Reshape Your Future

Have you ever heard of the saying: ‘What consumes your mind controls your life?’

Basically, it means our thoughts create our reality.

But it’s not only our thoughts that create our world, so do our beliefs.

Where Do Beliefs Originate?

Have you ever questioned your beliefs, or did you ever wonder where they originated? Did they develop because of life experiences, or were they an introduced concept from some external force? Are these beliefs built from wisdom or have they been formed by something you read, watched or were told?

Do we allow ourselves to believe something because it feels true or because the majority believe it?

We’ve all been schooled and got an education, we all read papers, books and magazines, we watch the TV and online media. How much of this do you think has influenced our opinions, beliefs and truth?

The Empath Way

Empaths are lucky in that we tend to sense things others don’t. We might form opinions and beliefs based on how something feels to us rather than ‘the given narrative.’ We feel our way through situations, truths and untruths.

Does that mean we are always right? Absolutely not.

We are human. We can be fooled and misled, the same as anyone else. Our minds can be manipulated and controlled.

I have been guilty as anyone else about taking on information that wasn’t true. Sometimes because it was what I wanted to hear and it fitted my narrative, sometimes because I got told something in childhood that I never questioned, and sometimes because something was told to me in such a convincing way that it fooled me.

That said, it hasn’t always been a bad thing to have been taken in by false narratives. I have probably learned more from untruths than I have from the truth.  They were my obstacles. Lessons to learn from.

Uncharted Territory Bringing in the New

The point I’m making is that many of you will be noticing that nothing is making sense in this world. You are now questioning many things that you thought to be true.

We are all being pushed, pulled and shaken. We are having doubts come up about so many things in life that we may never have before had to question. Many of our past beliefs are crumbling before our eyes.

The old system is in the process of collapse. Which might seem scary, but it was a very corrupt system that did not serve the majority. More of this corruption is being revealed, every day, for us all to see. There is no hiding.

This collapse might almost feel as though a blanket of darkness has fallen across the world, like a wave of uncertainty. It might even feel as though it is pushing you further away from the light.

Yet, in truth, when we are pushed down into the darkness, we fight harder to seek out the light.

Think of the seed buried deep in the soil. It takes work for it to stay rooted and rise up through the dirt and darkness in its bid to seek out the light. It also takes time. When the seedling first emerges, out of the soil, it may appear weak and fragile, but before long it is a beautiful vibrant flower that brings joy to others!

We could think of these times as pushing through the soil. We don’t know what will greet us when we come through the darkness. For a while we may feel vulnerable and our beliefs will be tested to the max.

But it really helps to believe the darkness is taking us to a place of light.

This is part of taking back your power and reshaping your future.

Where to Start Reshaping Your Future

Although we have been living through uncertain times, you may have recently been feeling quivers of new beginnings. Like you are ready to go in a new direction or try something new.

That’s because now is the time to ‘start planting seeds’, and get ready to make changes.

Now, as you read, you may be thinking that you wouldn’t know where to start making changes. You feel ready for a new direction, but with the whole world in chaos or being held back from life, it seems like the worst time ever.

That doesn’t mean you can’t start drawing up new plans.

Tuning into your intuition is one of the best ways to find clues about new life directions.

Your intuition, is your best friend and guide. It holds so many answers. (read more about Empath Intuition here)

The best time to hear intuition is in the silence.

You won’t hear its voice if the mind is consumed by the noise of thoughts or fear.

So, if you have got out of your meditation practice, now is the time to get ‘back in the saddle.’

When you are sitting quietly, pay attention to what comes your way, in terms of information or flashes of insight. Write them down. These will be messages from your higher self. The more you take notice, the more that will be revealed.

Although on the outside, you may not know who or what to believe, know that your higher self knows what is best for you. If you allow its quiet voice to guide you, it will take you in the right direction.

If you want to learn more about meditation for Empaths, and tuning into your higher self, see these articles… here, here and here

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine









Photo by Matheus Bertelli


I am about to share some things that weaken an Empath, either by inducing high levels of emotional or physical stress, or by weakening the body.

Now, before you think this post is going to be all doom and gloom it’s not. It’s for a purpose. It’s a way of highlighting how tough times develop us in unusual ways.

We all experience difficulties in life, it’s part of the journey, but it helps to have an understanding of why they happen and where they can take us. So here we go.

The top ten things that weaken an Empath…

1. Negative People:

Science has acknowledged that just by spending too much time around constantly disapproving or miserable people it can impact health and happiness. Meaning: we become sick just by hanging out with negative people.

Backed by studies that show how prolonged people stress alters gene expression within the immune system, more and more doctors are recommending their patients to avoid spending time with negative people to safeguard their health.

For an Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions off others, they are worst affected than most by negative people. They soon come to understand that it is best to avoid them.

2. Narcissists:

We live in a society that promotes narcissism. You only have to look online or on social media outlets to see evidence of this. But the type of narcissist that weaken an Empath the most are the type who like to control and manipulate.

An Empath carries the type of ‘light’ that might be considered as a weakness or something that can be controlled. This light often makes them a target of manipulative people and puts them in the firing line of narcissists.

That said, even when an Empath avoids contact with them, they can still get caught up in ‘the narcissist’s web.’ (Read more here and here). Which can cause various emotional and physical problems for an Empath.

3. Unbalanced Chakras:

If an Empath’s chakras are unbalanced it means they will not handle being around people for any length of time. It also means they are open to developing a number of health complaints.

The chakras are weakened by personal trauma, anxiety, stress, EMFs, modern lifestyles and unsuitable diets. If any of the chakras are forced open, by any of the above, it can result in physical ailments and a diminished or permeable aura.

A vulnerable aura is bad news for anyone, but is especially debilitating to an Empath. The condition not only drains physical energy but also allows the energy of others to have a worst impact. Read more here.

4. Too Much WIFI:

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), created from wireless technologies, disrupt energy frequencies within the body and energy field. They affect the chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of ‘EMF overload’ are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Sadly, escapism of EMF and WIFI is virtually impossible. Yet there are some simple things we can do to help protect ourselves. Read more on this

5. Low Vibrational Food:

Foods that have been refined, genetically altered, contain artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc., not only weaken the body but also the mind. They trigger amygdala activation (responsible for activating heightened emotions), ignite autoimmune conditions, depression and more.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

Consuming animal produce, where the animals greatly suffered, might also trigger depression within an Empath.

Low vibrational food, such as the above, has a negative impact on all humans, but for an Empath, who often has a ‘hot amygdala’ the impact tends to be experienced far worse. Read more here.

6. Psychic Attack:

When an Empath is under psychic attack, they will know it by the repetitive thoughts going back to a certain person, accompanied by deeply uncomfortable emotions. However, it is when they themselves get caught up in ‘the attack’ that things become problematic.

Once tied up in the thought-process, triggered by psychic attack, it becomes difficult to break free. Dark thoughts lead to dark emotions and stress, which negatively impact health and wellbeing.

Luckily there are ways around this. This post explains more about the subject.

7. Not Living in Truth:

Again, this is something that weakens everyone, but not living in truth is particularly bad for an Empath’s wellbeing.

An Empath first becomes aware of how inauthenticity weakens them after spending time around those who seem to ‘lie for a living.’

The truth is, everyone lies to some extent; if only to themselves. It is how we navigate life and ultimately it is how we uncover our own truth. But, if an Empath avoids living their truth, they will get constant reminders to put them back on track, one of which is ‘freezing’ around inauthenticity. Read more here.

8. Conflict:

Empaths are generally the type of people who dislike confrontation, because it might lead to conflict, which can cause insult and injury to all parties involved.

Through life experiences most Empaths come to understand that minds are not changed through confrontation and thus conflict, but by living by example.

If an Empath gets caught up in conflict it can trouble their mind long after it has passed. This serves in keeping the stress hormones active in the body which can lead to health problems.

9. Observing Cruelty, Acts of Violence & Mainstream Media:

Witnessing acts of cruelty or violence, whether fact or fiction, are difficult for an Empath to observe. They cause stress and deep emotional disturbances within their body, impacting the immune system and emotional wellbeing.

The mainstream media, for example, glorifies suffering as a way to entertain. Yet, at the same time seduces people into experiencing fear (an emotion that becomes addictive the more it is experienced).

Avoiding the media outlets that manipulate fear, as a point of seductive entertainment, is best avoided by all Empaths. Read more here.

10. Rejection:

Rejection, for an Empath, is not something they easily brush aside. It wounds them deeply. Rejection is an unfathomable cause of insecurity that impacts them for many years into their future.

An inherent trait of an Empath is to be protective and faithful to all who they allow into their life. To be pushed away by those they trusted or considered as friends, generates a deep mistrust of people and a weakening of body and mind. Read more here.

Now for the Good News

Undergoing experiences that might have made life challenging, dark and difficult (any or all of the above) offers incredible experiences for an Empath. From the depths of this darkness emerges a budding flower.

Like the beautiful lotus flower grows out of the mud, so do Empaths find their way into the light by experiencing the darkness.

Most of you have endured living in the shadows and have experienced great stresses in life. But we all come to understand why… Enduring painful experiences, that weaken us, thrusts us towards a greater understanding of life, evolvement and spiritual awareness.

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We have to go through the dark to experience the light. If we had not gone through all that we had, we would not develop the inner strength and understanding that takes us to another level.

Experiencing pain and working through it, allows us to see from a higher perspective. The dark really does serve the light.

So yes, although the above may weaken an Empath, they can ultimately take them to places of great evolvement and understanding…

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

The Self-Acceptance Solution: Set Yourself Free from Empath Insecurities

We are living in some incredible times. Times where we can move into our own authority and start living an empowered life.

However, as nice as it would be to think we can just sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, we still have to put some work in if we want to see positive transformations. When I say work, it isn’t really. It’s more about making small changes. One such thing is letting go of old inbuilt programmes and beliefs. For example, letting go of the belief that we are not good enough.

Self-acceptance sounds like such a simple concept but why has it been so hard for us to do? We are all unique in our own special way. Connected to others but still individual. Our higher self knows this, but our hive mind struggles with the concept. Many of us have wandered through life not feeling complete because we have been striving to be something or someone else. Why?

Well, to start with, we have been given so many reasons to not feel good enough. Not clever enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, not confident enough, not rich enough, etc. We have been truly pigeonholed. Expected to be one way. Same opinions. Same beliefs. Same looks. Same goals. But in our hearts, we have always known that we are not supposed to be the same as everyone else.


I remember in my youth, comparing myself to the models in magazines. Working in the hair and beauty industry there were always lots of fashion magazines in the salon. The message we saw was that to be happy and accepted we had to be rake thin and perfect. Little did we know back then that all the pictures had been photoshopped and even the models didn’t look that way. But the belief was subliminally pushed in: We are not good enough.

Now that I’m older, I see the message hasn’t really changed for the older generations. Celebrities in their fifties and beyond (the age when skin starts sagging and lines get more pronounced, grey thinning hair is harder to hide and the body takes on a ‘jigglier’ form) have plump line-free skin, fabulous hair and the sculpted bodies of twenty-year-olds.

Velveteen Rabbit

Now, although there is nothing wrong with wanting to look great whatever our age, in some cases a bit of insecurity can even be beneficial in that it pushes us towards self-betterment, but being bombarded with images of ageless celebrities can impart the message that this is how we should look and if we don’t we have failed.

It doesn’t help that the majority of the celebs deny having had plastic surgery, making claims that their youthful appearance is all down to ‘green juices and facials.’ When really, they have had their body fat sucked out and their faces reshaped and lifted.


But it doesn’t stop with appearance. Our thoughts have been governed in such a way that we have not been free to be our true selves. Having opinions or beliefs that don’t tick the right boxes or fit in with mainstream narratives has been seriously frowned upon, and many have been too afraid to speak their truth for fear of being ostracized.

The ‘powers that be’ haven’t wanted us to accept ourselves. They wanted us to feel insecure, insignificant and fearful of being judged. This type of insecurity not only kept us slaves to a system and made lots of money for an industry, but it also kept us from being at one with ourselves.


It is time to let go of the illusions that we are not good enough or that we have to be a certain way to be accepted. As long as we accept ourselves, it really doesn’t matter what others think or believe. We really don’t need to convince anyone of who we are or what we feel.

Self-acceptance is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. In a world where fitting-in has created huge limitations, self-acceptance is a revolutionary act that sets us free.

That’s what I call self-empowerment!

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine




If you can see, quite clearly, the likely outcome of this global lockdown, but no one is listening to your concerns, what do you do?

You know how destructive this lockdown is to the physical and mental health of the populace, yet no one wants to hear. You can see that these measures could result in extreme poverty like we’ve never experienced, and you can see that everyone is so blinded by the fear of catching the virus (a virus that causes little more than cold symptoms for the majority), that they cannot see past their anxiety to where the world will end up afterwards.

(I urge you all to read this very well written and researched article about the true nature of the lockdown and its devastating impact, written by Kristen Young Christman)

If you were to ask someone what would they rather: catch a virus that will likely cause no worse than the flu or starve to death? What option do you think they would take? I know I would rather take my chances with the flu.

Starvation is a possible outcome of these lockdown measures that many will face. Extreme poverty, people losing their homes and living on the streets is another. Yes, a harsh reality.

That is not to mention the deaths of all our elderly citizens, locked away in their homes, away from their loved ones. Loneliness and isolation is a killer.


It beggars belief that the majority are still in favour of the current lockdown measures, whilst those who are trying to alert the world to its likely outcome are silenced.

When people are seen to defy the imposed lockdown, I have seen comments saying, ‘They don’t think they will catch the virus.’ Or, ‘They are putting everyone’s lives at risk.’ But by advocating the lockdown measures, enforced around the world, it shows that the majority are not looking beyond and are in fact themselves helping to sign death certificates.

A recession of catastrophic proportions is imminent. And recessions have a knock-on effect.

I know people are expecting to go back to the world we lived in before. They believe governments are protecting us all from a deadly virus. Some are receiving money to pay for lost earnings, but this will soon stop. Yet the authoritarian dictatorship will continue. Yes, another harsh reality.

People are refusing to see the illogicality of these lockdown measures. Measures that are both immoral and cruel.

We have a friend who has a brain tumour and is in his last weeks of life. He is in a hospice. No one can visit him. His wife and young son have to stand outside his window. He does not understand why people are not going to see him to say their goodbyes. What difference would it make if he caught the virus now?

My husband’s nan is 94 and went into hospital because she was disorientated. She then contracted Coronavirus. Her condition is deteriorating and no one can go and see her. She will likely die in hospital, surrounded by strangers.

There are hundreds of thousands of other stories like this. Yet people still believe the lockdown measures are the best option.


When no one is listening to our concerns it may feel like all is lost. But it’s not!

We still have the power to work on ourselves. To raise our frequency.

I discussed in this post how morphic resonance works. How the minority can change the majority. It only takes 1% of us to change the world.

We have to work to stay out of fear, out of anger and frustration. Because if we don’t, this is the energy we send out. We then become part of the problem and not the solution.

Fear is a human weakness. It is the easiest emotion to manipulate. Love may be more powerful, but it is hard to contain when immersed in fear.


Fear closes the rational mind and imprisons us. We then become our own enemy.

In 2018, I wrote a post (read it here) stating the reason I believe many Empaths have awoken in recent years is to help to raise the vibration of others. Shed light into the darkness. I know it is not easy to do. But festering in anger and frustration only weakens us and keeps the enemy within.

When others cannot think straight because they are shrouded in fear, the only thing we can do is to try and lift the dark energy that has gripped onto their hearts.

Tune into the positive energy that is around us. Believe me, it is there. But we can only access it when we switch off from the hive mind.

I have found chanting Om a fantastic way to do this. Another way is to allow the sunlight to hit your third eye (centre of forehead) for five to twenty-minutes a day.

We can do it. We can take our power back and change the world.


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The Past That Shapes Our Future Empath Traits

What I both love and hate about this life in equal measure is that we never stop having experiences for growth. We may think we’ve got the whole thing nailed down, got our body and mind balanced and our outlook in line, then poof, something comes along that either throws everything into chaos, changes our beliefs or takes us on to a new path of evolvement.

Just like the times we are currently in.

Like everyone else, I am constantly opening new doors, making discoveries about myself and the world, facing different challenges and looking for answers. This year, it would seem, I have been tying loose ends up from my past.

You too may have noticed that in recent weeks or months, you have been having flashbacks to people from your past and experiences you may have had with them. Both good and bad. This could be in memories, dreams or meditations. It certainly appears as though we have been given the opportunity to understand and release our past pains.

My Experience

In the past couple of years, I have been working more closely with my crystals during morning meditations. Any of you who work with them will know that not only are certain stones incredible for protection and grounding, they also have a unique way of activating the higher mind and revealing things that have been previously veiled.

As Empaths, we may have strong intuition and good instincts with others, but when it comes to ourselves, we often have barriers up. We have to work harder to find our truths. Especially if in our past we experienced trauma, heightened sensitivities or childhood difficulties.

Anyway, last month I had been pondering my past and why I had experienced difficulties or let-downs with certain people. I asked the question during my meditation one morning and I received my answers in a somewhat indirect way.

Later that same evening, when out with some friends, one of them had had a few too many drinks and a subject from the past came up which had been upsetting for me at the time. Basically, a close friend had let me down in a big way. I had forgotten about the incident, but when it was bought up, I realized there were buried emotions still linked to it. Now, although I understand the reasoning for my friend’s actions, and I know it upset him at the time, I had not released the imprint of disappointment.


The next day I got to thinking about why this had been suddenly brought up and a rush of information flooded my mind. Like a eureka moment. I remembered the question I had asked the previous day. I was receiving my answer as an experience of memories.

Past Shaping the Future

Since being a child, I had always felt set apart from others, especially my family. We were a family of six. Three older sisters, a father with anger issues and a sometimes-distant mother. As a child, I didn’t really feel a strong connection to my family and apart from my mum, I never felt particularly ‘safe’ with them. They were wrapped up in their world and it seemed as though I was on the outside. Because of this, I often felt let down by their actions, and had the idea that they were never really there for me.

This idea had become an embedded belief which was carried with me, and through my vibration and the law of attraction it shaped my life. I inadvertently chose my friends on this rooted childhood belief. This meant having friends who would offer me the life experiences of feeling let down or of them not being there for me.

The let downs I am referring to may seem insignificant to some, but in my twenties and thirties they were a big deal. In hindsight, it was almost as though I was looking for reasons to feel unsafe and confirm my belief that others would not be there for me.

Because I have always known what it felt like to be let down, I would go out of my way not to do it to others.

In the past, I assumed everyone had the same inner-feelings and Sensitivities as me. It was only when I discovered more about myself, and the world around me, that I came to understand this wasn’t the case. My friends didn’t have the same sensitivities, empathy or life experience, so they couldn’t draw on them in their actions and behaviours.

My friends are all different. We don’t share the same beliefs or have matching opinions and we haven’t had the same struggles; but on our own paths we have evolved together. They are good people who, in their own ways, are also trying to fathom this ‘life’ out.

Over the years, I’ve seen my friends have their own share of difficulties and let-downs, which I know has also shaped them. Life really isn’t easy for anyone. Even if from the outside it seems someone has a gilded existence, behind closed doors it quite often isn’t the case.

Life’s Expectations

It is often our own beliefs and expectations that cause us the hurt and pain. And when we can see this for ourself we know we have gained a valuable lesson.

Everything really is linked. We have attracted people into our life based on the vibration of our beliefs, even when we don’t realise that we hold certain ingrained ideas.

In recent times, if you too have been having memories or flashbacks of people from your past who caused you pain or difficulties, I would suggest it is because you do not need to learn from those happenings any more. It is time to let the pain of the memories go.


Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time…




Facing the Empath’s Shadow Side

A couple of posts ago, I discussed how an Empath is often painted as the villain. Today, I want to discuss a similar subject but from another perspective: The Empath’s shadow side.

The shadow side may sound like something devious that drives a person to do dark and dastardly deeds; but it is mostly the source of great emotional pain, especially within an Empath.

What is an Empath’s Shadow Side?

Basically, a shadow side within an Empath is the same as within anyone else: it is the unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities, buried deep within, that can affect our behaviour and outlook on life. The side we don’t always know how to deal with.

I also mentioned in my last post how many Empaths are continually working on themselves to become healthier, happier and all-round better people. The shadow side, however, is often the last thing we want to address.

It is in the things that hurt us or that which we hide from where we will find our shadow.

Most of us have a side that we keep hidden from the rest of the world and even from ourselves. Hiding from our shadow side could be likened to wearing a mask, to conceal something that we consider either too ugly to be seen or too painful to be confronted.

The Japanese believe that everyone has three faces: The face we show the world, the face we show our family and close friends, and the face we show no one. It is our hidden face which is our truest reflection and hides our deepest discomforts. Wearing a mask, to conceal one’s shadow side, is the way many live and is often considered the norm.

Revealing the Cause

A good way to reveal the shadow is looking at what hurts you most. Is it rejection or not being accepted? Could it be people taking advantage of your kind nature? or perhaps not being able to connect with others? Whatever it is, you will generally find the origins of this hurt in your childhood.

Sensitive people are impacted their whole life by the inconsiderate or cruel behaviour of certain individuals from their childhood: The school bully, an angry teenage sibling, an unaware teacher, etc. If something cruel and uncalled for was said or done to you as a child, a seed was planted, creating the roots of the shadow to build.

Hiding from one’s truth may seem like a contradiction on the part of an Empath. Especially considering that most Empaths tend to detest inauthenticity. Wouldn’t hiding a part of ourselves be classed as living in an inauthentic way…? Yes and no.

There is a good reason an Empath may hide the truth of themselves from certain people, and it’s not always to get them to like us.

When we awaken as an Empath, a new way of life is gradually revealed. Not only do we come to embrace and appreciate our unusual traits – traits that set us apart from others – but we start experiencing more synchronicities, we develop greater intuition and discover a new outlook. Everything we have experienced when around people, emotionally and physically, finally makes sense. We understand our need for time alone, why we feel crazy energy when in busy places, and why we experience overpowering emotions when with certain persons. We also come to understand the deeper layers of human nature.

Once awake, we see that most people only see things from their own perspective. The majority don’t have the ability to see the world in 3D, like many Empaths do, and therefore cannot get on board with our way of thinking or relate to the experiences we endure. Because of this awareness, we become vigilant of protecting our space and are hesitant of opening up… We also don’t like burdening others with our troubles.

One thing the ‘Empath Awakening’ doesn’t do is take away our woes. In some cases, we become more sensitive and feel emotions more intensely. We thus hide from our shadow side to protect ourselves from experiencing more pain.

The truth is, avoidance just prolongs the discomfort.

Humans are hardwired into avoiding pain. It is a form of self-protection. ‘Escapism of feeling’ is often done through suppressants such as food, alcohol or drugs, etc.

This never works.

Suppressants just numb or mask the pain for a while. They act like a distraction; taking our attention away from that which needs addressing.


Some believe that by confronting their shadow-side it will cause too much heartache; hoping that avoidance will offer the ‘easier ride’. Which is understandable.

Sadly, when we choose the ‘easy route’ in life, it rarely turns out to be the comfortable journey we wanted, especially when we are avoiding doing something we know we should do.

One of the simplest ways to face the shadow side is by admitting to our insecurities, or that which hurts us.

Admitting that we have been hurt by our past and that we are ready to let it go brings the pain out of the shadows. When facing our ‘inner-demons’, we work to take away their power.

That said, it is not always possible to remove all the buried pain of the shadow side. Some pain is hardwired and is part of us for a reason. It shapes us in many ways; allowing us to empathize at a deeper level.

When we accept that ‘emotional pain’ has a purpose on this journey and is not just some unfair burden that we were unfortunate enough to be saddled with, it can lessen the impact.

Calming the Shadow

Another aspect of working towards balance is to avoid anything which unnecessarily activates ingrained mood-memories created by the shadow.

Mood-memories are the go-to moods, initially activated by the pain body, that we hang out in when feeling low or when in a dark mental space. I find two of the biggest triggers being diet and people (and hormone fluctuations).


By eating foods that influence the hormones in a negative way, it not only lowers our vibration and slows us down, it also impacts moods. This has bearings on wellbeing and initiates dark emotions to be roused or remembered. Wheat and sugar being two of the biggies (read more here). Meat also plays its part with many Empaths (this post explains more).

Uncovering food triggers is an essential part of preventing activation of mood memory.


The type of people who become pain prompters for an Empath are those who hide their truth and pretend to be something they’re not. Basically, anyone who lives a big lie. Not just by lying to themselves, in hiding from their pain, but lying in their words, actions and energy. Those who hurt others with their disregard and those who hide their shadow behind their ego can act like triggers (read more here).

Just by spending too much time in the presence of anyone who carries the above traits could activate mood-memories.

Face the Pain

Facing hidden emotional pain frees us from living in its shadow.

Self-confrontation may seem like a scary option, but it is one of the best ways to release the emotional shackles of the shadow. If we have hidden insecurities, we continue to suffer, and we continue to draw to us those who play on these weaknesses (law of attraction).

The shadow side offers incredible lessons and serves us in many ways; but until we face it or at least admit to it, our actions and emotions are determined by its sway rather than by our conscious choice.

I will be discussing this subject from another perspective in my next post, so be sure to look out for it.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work