10 Ways Empaths Become Toxic

Did you just read that headline correctly?

Can an Empath become a toxic person?

Sadly, yes. But there’s more to it than you may think…

We may regularly read about the people who are toxic to an Empath, but not often the other way around. But he Empath can become toxic. Both to themselves and to others.

This may come as a surprise, considering all Empaths have a strong sense of empathy, and the last thing they would want is for another to suffer by the energy they emit, or their ways of being.

We will look at how an Empath can become toxic shortly, but first, I would just like to say that although the word toxic sounds a bit extreme, it is simply an easy word to describe something that is harmful not only to self, but also to others. I am not using it in respect of being fatal, causing another’s death or anything like that… Just thought I should point that out before I start 😉.

The thing is, we are currently living in a very tarnished world. It is a world that is purposely triggering us as humans, both physically and energetically. The more our emotions are negatively manipulated, the more negative energy we emit. Which, as you can imagine, is not good for anyone.

As Empaths, we tend to have heightened emotions, and an ability to powerfully project energy. So, the last thing we want is for our low-level emotions to be artificially stimulated, but, sadly, it is happening more and more.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the common themes that could make an Empath fall under the umbrella of being toxic:

Continue reading

Waking Up In A New Reality

I would just like to start by apologising for not posting very much lately. I feel like I’ve been super-busy (with very little to show for it), and finding myself with little time to write a post.

Anyway, whilst going through my files recently, to make some space on my laptop, I came across an article that I had written a few years ago, but never got around to posting. As I read through, it made me smile, thinking about how much of it relates to the journey of life.

So, I decided I would share it with you all today, and see whether you too can relate to it.


Did you ever watch the film, The Wizard of Oz?

Was it one of your favourite films as a child?

Or did you read the book, authored by L Frank Baum?

I loved the film. I remember viewing it at Christmastime every year. It was so magical and amazing to watch. I never got bored of it, even though I’d seen it so many times.

So, when I have been doing my meditations of late, The Wizard of Oz theme keeps coming in to my awareness, especially the Emerald City.

When I pondered the significance behind the visions, it came to me that the story itself very much embodies the journey of life.

In fact, there is so much symbolism in the story of Dorothy on her journey to find the Wizard, that I’m not sure if I ever realised it before (I often forget the findings I make, during meditations, unless I write them down). But now, I am fully understanding the hidden messages within the story of The Wizard of Oz (the version where Judy Garland plays Dorothy.), and why it has been popping into my meditations.

If you’ve never seen the film, I’ll explain a little more…

Dorothy gets stranded in a strange but magical place after being knocked unconscious during a tornado. She wakes up in a land that is bright and beautiful, filled with little people, called Munchkins, and witches, both good and bad. Upon waking, in this strange world, Dorothy is desperate to get back home to her family and friends in Kansas, where she feels safe and her life makes sense. She is told by a Good Witch, Glinda, that she must find the Wizard of Oz, for he is the only one who can help her get back home. So, Dorothy sets off on her journey, on a yellow brick road, looking for the Wizard. Along her path she meets a scarecrow, who thinks he doesn’t have a brain, a tinman, who thinks he doesn’t have a heart, and a lion, who doesn’t believe he has any courage. Together they head off to find the One who will give them all what they need.

When they finally get to the Wizard of Oz, they discover that he is a fraud. He has pretended to be an all-powerful being to gain respect from others and to be in charge. However, Glinda then reappeared, and explained to Dorothy that she had to go on the journey to the Emerald City, and face the dangers along the way, because she had to discover for herself that she had the power within to get herself home. If she had been taken directly to the city, or if she had discovered her own power straight away, she wouldn’t have made the friends she had, or had the experiences she’d endured.

How the Film Compares to Life

We are all on our own ‘yellow brick roads.’ AKA the journey of life.

It’s a journey where we have to confront many fears and find our courage (Lion), a journey where we have to wake up to the control and programming of governments and authority, and the mainstream media (Wizard of Oz), and free our brains by thinking for ourselves (Scarecrow), a journey where we work to have more compassion and empathy for others, and move out of the lower three chakras into our heart centre (Tinman), it is also a journey where we find our ‘inner-home’, and come back to ourselves, through overcoming our own challenges (Dorothy).

In the film there is a good witch and a bad witch. The bad witch seems to be the more prominent character, who is constantly appearing. She desperately wants the ruby slippers off Dorothy’s feet, because they are magic and hold much power.

And doesn’t that also compare to life?

We have all had the experience of a ‘dark witch’ wanting to take our power (joy), and use it for themselves. And when I mention the dark witch, I’m referring to the narcissists of the world.

We may be travelling down a beautiful road one minute, then the next, a dark witch (narcissist) and her flying monkeys (followers) come to test us, throw us off our path, push our buttons, and steal our shine.

These encounters are often painful, yet, in the thick of things, they generally serve a purpose that not only teach us valuable lessons, but ultimately raise our vibration and awareness. It’s in facing these trials, and learning from them, that we eventually come to find ourselves in a better space.

Just like Dorothy, we’ve got to keep going if we want to get to the place we want to be. A place that feels like home, where we are safe and at one with ourselves.

We make these realisations whilst travelling the turbulent path of life (yellow brick road). And, again, just like Dorothy, we can make the discovery that we had the power all along, we just need to uncover how to use it.

So, yes, in my opinion, the story of The Wizard of Oz is symbolic of life now as we are living it. We may not always realise the significance of something as it is happening to us, or how it is shaping our choices and the direction we are taking, but generally all will be revealed.

Ok, there you go.

Hopefully, this quick read will have given you some food for thought, and maybe let you see the much-loved story in a different light.

I trust everything is keeping fabulous in your world.

Until next time.




Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine






The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer.

But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding.

Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life. Continue reading

10 Incredible Yoga Poses for the Empath and Why You Need to Practice Them

Many Empaths come to find huge benefits in practising yoga on their journey through life. It is something that reaps huge benefits when practised regularly in mind, body and spirit.

Any of you who have been reading my blog for a while, or who have read my books, may know I’m a bit of a yoga nerd. I believe in it so much that back in 2011 I jetted off to India to do my yoga teacher training. And I am so glad that I did.

The thing is with yoga, it’s a lifelong practice that is continuously revealing. And what I mean by this is, by consistent practice not only does it work to heal ailments of the body and mind, it really does work to expand consciousness.

Photo by Prasanth Inturi on Pexels.com

One of the many things yoga has taught me over the years is we all have to practice it in our own way. What works for one won’t work for another.

Not only do we have to adapt poses for body shapes and limb lengths, we have to find a way of practising that suits our personality and energy levels. This is the case for all levels of yoga from beginner to advanced.

That said, for the Empaths of the world, we all tend to hold certain stress emotions in similar places, especially around the solar plexus, the lower back and within the hips and thighs. This often leads to problems in those areas, such as stomach issues, back pain and excessive thigh-burn when exercising. Continue reading


We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading


This morning, in my inbox, I received a post from someone who I have been subscribed to for many years: Aluna Joy.

I have dipped in and out of Aluna’s messages over the years, depending on the draw of the message. Today, as I cast my eyes over the headline, it grabbed my attention straight away. And, as I went on to read her post, I knew the draw was for a reason. It was one of those synchronistic moments. (The post actually arrived Tuesday morning, but I didn’t get around to posting this until today.)

Basically, the post addressed an issue I had woken up with on my mind, but more importantly, it confirmed what I had been thinking and feeling for a while.

As you know, in recent times, this world has been kept in a state of absolute fear, anger, uncertainty, etc. Which has not only triggered doubts as to where we’re heading as a species, but it has also kept many people imprisoned within a matrix of destructive repetitive thoughts.

As Empaths, we have not only had to live through the same challenges everyone else has, we have also picked up on the collective emotions that have been particularly heightened for the last twelve months. All of which has impacted us in some strange ways.

You may have also noticed that your Empath intuition hasn’t been working the same, or is perhaps not as dependable as it was. Which may have pushed you to look outside of yourself for information or for confirmation of what you are experiencing.

This is only natural. Looking for answers is hardwired into our being. But when we look outside of ourselves too much, it means we open ourselves up to information we would not normally be open to. We become exposed to the kind of misinformation that is designed to create sides and cloud our judgement.

Anyway, this morning the first thing on my mind was how vulnerable we have all been to misinformation and how it has impacted us. When I opened my emails, and saw Aluna Joy’s message, I felt it was going to relate to my morning musings. And it was…

Her message was basically saying that we are in fragile times, where we are being exposed to many contradicting messages. It has got to the stage where we don’t know who or what to believe.

These are all distractions, designed to stop us from moving forward and keep us trapped in the old world. Which ultimately kept us stuck. But we are now in the process of letting it all go…

So, instead of me writing about a subject that has already been so eloquently discussed in her writings, I am leaving links to Aluna Joy’s post.  I feel you will all benefit from reading the message (if you haven’t already.)  Keeping Centered whilst Navigating Fragile Times

I hope it helps.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



Have you been having some weird experiences lately? Strange things happening like timeline shifts or weird changes in your life?

In my last post, I mentioned how what is true one day is not necessarily true the next. It’s as though reality is constantly shifting, altering things day by day. I’m not talking about major transformations, although for some they certainly are, just the things you might brush off as a fluke, or thinking your memory is playing tricks on you.

The changes could be slight spelling alterations of names or places. You may notice things in the world around you, such as landscapes, looking oddly different, but you can’t quite put your finger on what has changed. You may become aware of plants or wildlife that you have never known before. Or you may find friends or family members with new personality traits. The odd thing is you may be the only one noticing these changes.


To give you a couple of examples, here’s some changes that happened for me, and my husband, within the past week or so:

My husband’s nan has recently gone into care. Because of this, he has been helping his mum fill in some official forms. It was when doing the paperwork that he discovered his nan’s surname is not spelt how we thought it was (his mum’s maiden name). It is only a small change, by one letter, but it is a change that had us scratching our heads.

Now, some would argue that this was just a mistake on our behalf, that we just had the spelling of her name wrong. Which is indeed a fair argument, except for the fact my husband’s nan is not the type of person who would not have mentioned her name was spelt wrong on the birthday or Xmas cards we sent to her over the years. If we had been spelling her name wrong, she would have most definitely told us.

Another example is a change that happened near to where I live. In a local woodland, where I used to play as a child and, as an adult, have regularly taken walks, I recently discovered there was a very old stone bridge, crossing the stream that ran through the wood. What is strange about that you may wonder? Well, this is a bridge that in all my life, I have never seen or heard of. It isn’t a small bridge either. The stream, that the bridge crossed, was where I played in and around when I was little. If there had been a bridge there, I would have most certainly known about it.

I could go on and on with examples of changes that I have seen around me but others haven’t. They have happened for several years, but seem to be getting more and more frequent. My only explanation is they could be due to timeline shifts, moving from one reality to the next. I realise I have no proof for this, other than my own observations, but I know many other Sensitives are also experiencing this phenomena. Are you one of them?

Time Jumps

Another thing I have noticed happening recently is large jumps in time.

Many people experience time jumps without really realising. For example, you may look at the clock and see the time. When you look back at the clock, what feels like only a minute or two later, you find an hour or more has gone by. For some, it can be many hours.

Time jumps are another thing we tend to brush off, thinking we were distracted by work or something, but could they be being caused by something else…?

Schumann Resonance

For one thing, the Schuman Resonance measurement has lately been going off the charts; which in itself is very telling.

There is a much more technical explanation for the Schumann Resonance, but basically it is the measurement of the electromagnetic frequency of the earth.

When talking about energy shifts Empaths, and those who are sensitive to energy, are often brushed off as being ‘woo-woo’, by those with their feet planted firmly in the material world. However, in recent times, the massive energetic waves coming in are getting to the stage of being undeniable in the way they are impacting humans. The Schumann Resonance could offer an explanation for this.

Apparently, for the past 40 years the Schumann Resonance has been gradually increasing, but over the past months, there have been several crazy spikes.

Several factors are known to trigger a fluctuation of the Schumann Resonance, such as changes in our weather or solar activity, but an explanation for what is causing the huge spikes in recent times is not readily available.

It is known that the Schumann frequency vibrates in harmony with the alpha waves of our brain. Therefore, any changes in the way we feel, when there is a frequency spike, are not imagined. It has been scientifically noted to cause discomfort in humans, such as mood shifts, fatigue and even dizziness. I also expect that it will cause many other changes not observed or noted by science.

The Schumann Resonance is also known to alter the way time moves. This I find very interesting, considering the time jumps many of us have been experiencing.

Some believe that when the Schumann Resonance shifts it impacts human evolvement and leads to our entry into the Fifth Dimension, 5D.

So, if you are too experiencing any strange phenomena, rest assured you are not the only one.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



What is Happening?

The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer. But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding. Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life.

The Changes

Each month that passes, we are seeing more of our rights and freedoms taken away. Most are either living in fear or are in a state of confusion as to where we are heading. Nothing makes sense anymore.

We are being given so much contradictory information. The mainstream media is pumping out one narrative. The alternative media is giving out another. But whatever side of the fence we sit, in our beliefs, no one seems to know for sure the destination of the collective.

The finish line is moving further and further away. And the fear mongering is like nothing we have ever experienced.

In my last post, I noted how important it is for Empaths to stay out of the stirred-up propaganda. However, those who are still ‘deeply asleep’ may benefit from experiencing the intense levels of fear or anger. For one reason, it helps trigger ‘an awakening’, and for another, they need to become aware of the truth of the world we live in.

Darkness Revealed

The ‘shadowy darkness,’ that has been controlling this world for many years, is being revealed for everyone to see. The lies and deceptions are on show. Their evil has risen to the surface and is now exposed. There is no hiding from it and no flushing it away.

But just because the truth of our reality is being revealed, on a massive scale, it doesn’t mean people will instantly wake up to it. In fact, some are clearly going deeper into denial. Which is only to be expected. Discovering that your whole reality has been built on lies is not easy to face or deal with.

Those who remain in ‘slumber’, however, are not the only ones struggling…

There are many ‘awake and aware’ people who wish they were still asleep to the truth of our world. Because, let’s face it, ‘knowing’ has not made this journey any easier. If anything, in recent times, it has caused more troubles, especially when no one wants to hear your truth, when your words fall on deaf ears, or if you are ridiculed for your ideas and opinions.

But those who are ‘asleep’, or unaware, will become the newly awakened, and they will, in time, need your guidance. They just don’t know it yet.

Confusing Times

During these confusing times, we are all looking for a little light to be shone on our path. We want to know what is really happening and where we are heading. There seems to be no one holding the answers. The positive predictions, from those who are gifted, are either not coming to fruition or are not offering the support needed. This, I also believe, is for a reason…

If you are a long-time awakened, you will find those you listened to, to find solace, might not be offering you the comfort they once did. You might feel more alone and isolated than ever, and are scratching around, looking for someone else to fill the void or to give you answers. If this is the case, it is unlikely you will find anyone.


Because you have evolved beyond that. You already have what you need within. You are just not trusting yourself and your own inner-guidance.

Looking to another for verification of your intuition is beneficial (I know many Empaths come here to my blog as a back-up to what they already feel inside.), but constantly looking outside yourself for answers will probably cause more confusion. It’s called having ‘too much information’. 😉

That said, our intuition may appear to be playing games with us. Telling us one thing one week and another the next. I’ve certainly been having this experience. Because everything is in flux, truths can shift. What I mean by this is, and as bonkers as it may sound, what is true one day might not be true the next. (The Mandela Effect is an example.)

The old world has gone forever; and that includes how we operate within our reality. We have to be adaptive to variations and fluctuations in our perceptions. Everything is changing and nothing is set in stone.

Trust the Process

We have to ride this one out. This really is a time for faith. Trust the process.

Many of the uncomfortable things that are occurring are not only part of a shifting world, they are a trigger for the un-awakened to wake up. A chance for them to see the truth. Even those of us who are awakened will have disturbing truths revealed. However, the longer we have been ‘on the path’, the less impact these shocks will have.

Take Control

Now is the time to take control of what we can. It’s a time to control not only where our attention goes, but also our reactions. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be dragged into unnecessary fear mongering, nor should we pin our hopes on someone or something to save us.

We need to remember our light and supremacy; really remember it. Feel the power within. Know that what we have been witnessing is an illusion of the highest order. Fear is what has controlled humans for many years. And recently, this fear and confusion has been amped up to record levels to keep us from living within our own supremacy.

Sitting within the energy of confusion and despair, just keeps us trapped. It blocks prosperity, abundance and any of the ‘good stuff’ from unfolding in our reality.

New Beginnings

The world outside might appear to be crazy, and going from bad to worse, but that doesn’t mean we have to join in with the madness. We are our own superpower.

This isn’t just about endings; it is about new beginnings. Where we are going, no one knows for sure. But trust in your own power. You are not alone. We are all in this together!

Hope this helps during these uncertain times.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

The Problem with Fake Positivity and Supressing Our Truth

A few weeks ago, I received a very good comment from a fellow Empath, regarding my urging of readers to try to remain in a positive space. The reader rightly pointed out that when we supress our feelings, by ‘pretending’ to be positive, it could cause more harm than good.

I am very grateful for the comment, because it not only got me pondering the importance of not supressing true feelings of pain or frustration, but it also made me realise that I may not have fully explained the reason why I encourage Empaths to stay in a positive mental space within my posts.

The reason I put emphasis on staying in a positive mindset is because I know how much damage both fear and anger causes the physical and energetic bodies.

I also know that, as Sensitives, if we allow our minds to be regularly engaged within pained emotions, we can get stuck in a very dark place, emotionally.

However, ‘acting’ positive, when we have a very valid reason for feeling upset or angry, could be classed as suppressing our truth, which ultimately keeps pain and grief trapped inside.

This is something I do not recommend. I wrote about this subject in my article: ‘What is Really Making You Angry?’.

Unfortunately, in recent times, many of the emotions we are experiencing have been activated by such things as shifting energy, EMF and solar activity, political dramas, as well as ‘dark sources’ that are purposely keeping our minds engaged in turmoil.

Sadly, it is much easier for humans to go into a space of fear or anger than it is for us to stay in an optimistic mental space.

As I’ve discussed before many times, the mainstream media has been playing on our fear in order to distract and divide the population. Keeping us not only in a weakened state, but also making us easily controllable.

So, when I write about being positive, it is more about staying in alignment with our ‘true self’ and keeping the mind from getting wrapped up in the propaganda being intentionally stirred up by ‘the powers that be.’

The Damage Caused by Supressed Feelings

But getting back to suppressing our true feelings:

As a species, we have often found it necessary to supress ourselves and our truth. Especially when it comes to grief or true emotional pain.

This type of suppression is incredibly destructive.

I know only too well the damage caused by burying emotional pain.

When I was 16 my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. At the time, I did not know how to deal with the anguish, so I buried it. Put on a fake smile and ignored the grief. Nearly a year to the day after my dad passed away, I started having panic attacks. Which were awful. I didn’t know it at the time, as they were happening, but it was because I had suppressed my grief. This containment had impacted my nervous system and eventually showed up as panic attacks.

Western Society doesn’t have a place for the grieving.

Grief makes people uncomfortable. We don’t know how to handle it.

After experiencing a loss of a loved one, most are ‘given’ a week or two to mourn. Then we are expected to come back to ‘normal.’

But the thing is, for most people, the mourning process takes a lot longer.

In many cases, the grieving period lasts a year or more (depending on circumstances). If we do not allow for this, and suppress our sorrow, it comes back to haunt us. In my case it was as panic attacks.

Having experienced the effect of burying grief, I would never encourage anyone to deny genuine feelings of pain and this includes anger.

However, nor would I recommend that we spend too much time festering on negative emotions, such as rage or hate, especially when we don’t know the trigger or origin, or when these emotions have been artificially stimulated, to keep the mind controlled.

Do not take ownership of that which has been intentionally stirred up to trap your mind.

Anther Explanation for Shifting Moods

Sometimes, however, we need to be given reasons for the erratic emotions we may experience, that are triggered by powerful external sources.

And what I mean by this is, certain phenomena of the natural world can massively Impact the human mind and body, especially of Empaths. Altering our moods, thinking process, and more.

At a ‘higher level,’ we are given ‘stories’ to explain these experiences. Or in other words, we are given circumstances or reasons that will explain excessive feelings of anger, frustration, etc. aroused by energetic shifts.

Keeping it Real

As I mentioned in a past post (The Purpose of your Frustration), much of the pain we have experienced, over the years, has served a purpose. The reasons for which have been revealed, for many, in recent times.

But staying out of manufactured propaganda is so important now, as is bringing your mind back to its true positive state.

This time is not about being ‘fake positive.’ It’s about being at one with self, and finding your rightful optimism and joy within.

Because, believe me, it is there. We just have to stay tuned into its frequency.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


2021: Ending or New Beginning?

I just wanted to leave a quick message with you all as we begin the year 2021. I had intended to post this on New Year’s Eve, but, as is so often the case these days, my focus was taken elsewhere.

What a year 2020 was. It was so bonkers and surreal that I sometimes questioned whether I had actually died at the beginning of 2020, and this experience was some kind of strange purgatory or limbo. 😊

We expected these types of transitions back in 2012, as predicted by the Mayans. But, as I explained in this post, many moons ago months were added to the calendar year (10 months became 12), meaning 2020 could have actually been 2012.

Yet, wherever we are in the Mayan calendar, I’m sure you are more than aware, as a species, we are clearly being taken in a new direction. None of us knows where this direction will take us. Even the most awake and aware, those who could read the pulse of world transitions, are struggling to foresee the collective’s destination.

Although it seems as though nothing is set in stone, the dividing world is more apparent than ever. 2020 was certainly a year of ‘catch up’ for some, a way for them to ‘wake up’ and see the truth of the world we have been living in, it also appears to have been a ‘close down’ year for others. And when I say ‘close down,’ I mean that some people have put more barriers up and refuse to question what is currently happening. However, this, I feel, is all for a reason.

If you have done any research on Dolores Cannon, she predicted that the world would divide or split, which also tied in with the 2012 prophesies. Now, whether this is happening or not, one thing that has become blatantly obvious this past year is we are not all walking the same path.

To say the last year was testing would be an understatement. But as you will also know, testing times are precursor to big changes and transitions.

So, my wish for all my fellow Empaths is that these transitioning times take you to all the right places. I hope that 2021 brings you a kind of love and light like you have never experienced before.

Sending you all much love.


©Diane Kathrine



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The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

In all areas of life, everyone has their own opinion and idea of what is right and what is wrong with the world. Some follow one way of thinking whilst others follow another. But never before has the world been so distracted and divided.

In the past, division between the populace may have been seen, for example, as one football team against another, one town against another, one religion against another, or one country against another.

Now, however, everywhere you look there are reasons for people to be divided, angry and in opposition of others.

Why is This?

When I woke this morning, the words running through my head were: ‘Why would ‘they’ go to so much trouble to keep everyone distracted and divided. Why would they need to keep people in such fear and anger? This is happening for a big reason.’

I’ve mentioned in several past posts that the media and governments have been working hard to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, as well as keeping us divided by setting people against each other.

Not only that, we have been plagued with doubts and distrust about where we are going as a civilisation. It would appear as though we are on a fast-tracked path to a world of totalitarianism.

People like David Icke have been saying for thirty years or more that what we are seeing now has been planned forever. ‘They’ want us to live in a dictatorship, under complete control. A society where everyone is traceable, all following the same agenda. But why now? Why in this time have these agendas been rolled out? Why not forty years ago?

The truth is, we have pretty much been living in a dictatorship all our lives. We just didn’t know it because we had the illusion of freedom and choice.

We have been enslaved by a monetary system, by an education system, by a medical system and more. From womb to tomb we are governed. Subliminally told how to think and behave, how to dress, and where we fit in with society.

Because we have had the illusion of freedom and freewill, we accepted our lot. We did not rebel against the system because we have been led to believe this is what we want. We obligingly went along with the rules laid out by the ‘invisible rulers.’

No questions asked.

Anyone who did ‘wake up’ to the truth of the world and spoke out against the system were alienated, called conspiracy theorists or labelled as bonkers. Towing the line was the safest option.

Even now, there are many following rules they do not agree with, not from the fear of breaking rules but for the fear of being ostracized or verbally attacked by others.

This brings us back to the question, why is this happening?

The answer I always come back to is, there is something powerful on the horizon that ‘they’ want to keep us away from. I have already discussed this in several past posts (here, here and here)

My Theory

I realise that no one can say with absolute certainty what is happening or where we are heading as a species. At least I can’t.

But regardless of what the future may hold, my theory is this, if ‘the powers that be’ are working so hard to keep us distracted and divided, the best thing we can do is be the opposite.


Instead of allowing our minds to be engaged with the divisive propaganda, that is purposely being fuelled, allow ourselves to stay in the present moment with an open heart and a positive outlook.

Refrain from disagreeing with others and just allow yourselves to ‘Be.’

I know many ‘awakened ones’ feel like it is their job to’ wake people up’, to get them to see the truth of what is happening in the world. But the truth is out there, hidden in plain sight, for everyone to see when they are ready to see it.

From my own experience, I have found if someone fully buys into the narrative of the mainstream media they won’t listen to any other voice. Even when offered valid proof, if it goes against the mainstream media narrative, the other usually enters a state of cognitive dissonance.

We cannot change another’s mind on a subject when they are not ready to hear.

And why should we?

We are all here to hold our own opinion. We are meant to make our own discoveries when the time is right for us.

Just Be

By making a conscious effort to stay in a positive mindset and avoiding conversations that trigger animosity or conflict, we keep our vibrational energy high.

We are also doing the exact opposite of what the dark rulers want us to do.

Take your mind off the future, and what it will look like, just believe in your heart that everything is going to be amazing.

So, to finish, if you have been feeling like the world is being taken into a dark place and it looks like there is no way out, ask yourself why would ‘the powers that be’ go to so much trouble to keep us distracted and divided, when they already had full control over us anyway?

What can be the purpose of it?

Perhaps sit with the question in meditation and see where it takes you.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


The Problem with Promoting Veganism

Sounds strange, the above headline, doesn’t it? I mean, why on earth would there be a problem with promoting veganism? Especially when the main goal of those who do is to stop animal suffering and make us aware of how healthy we could feel following a vegan diet?

Well, there is a very big reason for it…

Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with someone choosing a vegan lifestyle. It is a super-healthy way to live… for some. For others, however, following a heavily plant-based diet can contribute to a myriad of debilitating health problems that can have a devastating effect on both body and mind.

The reason I have written this post is because I have seen several influential ‘lightworkers’ persuading people towards veganism, without knowing how harmful it can be to many people.

I understand why lightworkers, yogis and other aware people push for a vegan diet, especially if it helped them ‘raise their vibration’ or made them feel great inside. But what surprises me, is how few people seem to be aware of how damaging vegetarian food, especially vegan proteins, can be to the health of body and mind.

Where the Issue Originates

One thing we all come to understand on this journey is how different we are. Especially when it comes to food and what we can or cannot eat.

Even as Empaths and lightworkers, we all have different challenges to face, not only with our food but with how we experience energy. Many of us have spent a lifetime impacted in adverse ways by the energy and emotions of those around us, which can ultimately lead to high levels of stress.

Stress has become an epidemic in society and it is stress that contributes to or worsens health problems and hormone imbalances. It is these imbalances that lead to autoimmune conditions and/or histamine sensitivity. These conditions, that often go undiagnosed, can differ from one person to the next, as can the cause.

For example, one person who is living with dry skin, lower back issues, weight problems, low moods or depression, excessive introversion and fatigue might be suffering with an autoimmune thyroid problem. (Thyroid conditions are notoriously difficult to diagnose.) Another person experiencing similar symptoms may have a histamine sensitivity.

But Why is Veganism a Problem?

Why is vegetarian food a problem you may wonder? Well, many health conditions are massively triggered or exacerbated by vegan foods. If, for example, you suffer histamine sensitivity, autoimmune conditions or even hormonal imbalances and you eat certain plant foods that contain high histamine levels, lectins or oxalates they can activate nasty and debilitating physical symptoms as well as mental health issues.

Just to give you an idea of what vegan foods are big triggers, here’s a little list: wheat, sugar, nuts and peanuts, pulses, soya, wheat, oats, spelt, in fact most grains, lectin containing vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines and chilis. Even lemons, spinach, avocadoes, bananas, and strawberries can be problematic for anyone with a histamine sensitivity. (Full list here for autoimmune, here for histamine sensitivity)

I am not talking about allergic reactions here; like allergies to dairy, gluten, etc. Allergic reactions to food happen very soon after ingestion. This is about an intolerance to foods that have come about due to physical or hormonal imbalances.

Making the Connection

Because symptoms often don’t appear for several hours after a triggering food has been consumed, in some cases up to 48 hours, we don’t always link the food to the symptom.

For example, you may have enjoyed a nice big salad on Tuesday lunch, containing organic potatoes, chickpeas, avocado and tomatoes, on Wednesday you wake up feeling down and depressed, angry or with lower-back ache. The lunch from the day before is long forgotten. You don’t twig that your mood or body discomfort has been caused by the lectin and histamine containing food.

Sadly, when suffering with vegan food reactions, the only way people can get good levels of protein into the body is through organic animal proteins.

Our Systems Have Been Messed With

Our hormones and immune systems have been massively compromised by the air we breathe, the food we eat, vaccinations, medications, stress and the chemicals we endure every day of our life. Because of this, a healthy vegan diet has become a big enemy for some people. Especially for many Sensitive people who tend to be highly reactive.

Vegetarian proteins, lectins and oxalates are triggering many of the mental and physical disorders we see today. Yet this is rarely talked about in the mainstream or even by our medical institutions.

For some, who have undiagnosed histamine sensitivity or autoimmune conditions, when they first adopt a vegan diet it can make them feel fantastic for the first month or so. This is because many of the additives that come with a heavily meat-based processed diet are removed. However, over time the body then starts reacting to the lectins, oxalates or high histamine levels. It is in these cases that the link between a vegan diet and feeling crappy is not always made.

The First Steps

In other posts and books, I have discussed how giving up wheat and sugar are the first steps for transforming the health of those who are Sensitive. These two foods alone impact our mental and physical health in ways most are not aware of.

Read more here and here to find out how wheat could be impacting you.

Both wheat and sugar play a big part in vegetarian and vegan diets.  It is when these two foods are eliminated that people get to see if they have other food sensitivities and where they may lie.

Finding information on the internet regarding food sensitivities, triggered by autoimmune conditions and what part histamine plays for physical and mental health problems, is not so easy to do these days. Big pharma pays top dollar to be first up in search engines. You must really dig to find the good information. I will leave some links at the bottom of the page for anyone interested in learning more.

Animal Cruelty

Now, I cannot write a post like this without addressing animal cruelty. I do not agree with the way many animals are kept and bred. Animal cruelty is awful and something we are all guilty of overlooking. And yes, this MUST change.

I know many Empaths and Sensitive people don’t like eating animal produce, not only because of the way animals have been treated, many feel the suffering of the animal, but because of their love and respect for the animal kingdom.

It helps to bless your food before eating and try to choose responsibly farmed. There are many organic farms who look after their stock; allowing animals to roam, and feed on grass or an organic diet.

I am not promoting meat consumption in this post; I am pointing out how vegan food can be devastating to the health of many without them realising. Until we have healed as a species, and until we all can happily and healthily consume a vegan diet, I believe it is more effective to advocate for better living conditions of livestock instead of heavily pushing for a vegan diet.

If you would like to learn more about the subject discussed above, I recommend the following well researched websites: The Paleomom and Mast Cell 360

Hope all is keeping magical in your corner of the world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Photo by Jill Wellington here

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What is Happening to Us as Empaths?

Following on from my last post, discussing the strange flux of energy that is pushing in and out and the experiences that may come with it; today I want to discuss a reason why this could be happening…

What is Happening?

One day last week, I sat in the sunshine in my garden and meditated on my chakras. At the time I felt happy inside, but as I focused on my energy centres, I realised that between my solar plexus (seat of emotions) and my heart centre the feelings were totally opposite. In my solar plexus I felt a strange sense of dread and heaviness, yet when I focused attention on my heart centre it felt calm, uplifted, and full of love. I then realised that when my moods change, I am moving from one chakra to the next. (If you sit quietly, after reading this, and focus on the sensations between your 3rd and 4th chakras, you will understand what I am referring to.)

Moving from 3C to 4C

You have probably already read or heard that in these current times we are shifting as a species (some say moving from 3D to 5D), but before that happens, we will move from 3C to 4C. Or, in other words, we are relocating out of our 3rd chakra (3C) the solar plexus into our 4th chakra (4C) the heart chakra. Going from a place of pained emotions, shame, and self-doubt to a place of love, peace, bliss, harmony, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion, unity, forgiveness, and kindness. (Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it now, does it? More like the complete opposite.)

For the past hundreds of years, most of humanity has been occupying the space of the lower 3 chakras. But in more recent times we have become stuck in a mostly unbalanced solar plexus chakra, which has kept us in fearful survival mode.

The 3rd chakra (solar plexus) is where we feel the pains of others, where the stresses of life are held, and it is an area where much of our focus has been. But it is time to move out, up into our heart.

(If you want to learn more about how the chakras work, also known as energy centres, here is a post explaining more.)

Our heart is a place of love, appreciation and understanding. When we stay in the heart space the world feels good. The problem is we are constantly being dragged into the 3rd chakra, our seat of emotions.

Just look at the world we are living in today. What is it designed to do? Keep us in fear, angry, distracted, divided and away from our heart centre. Which ultimately keeps us away from our power.

There is a reason nothing about anything is making sense in the world. It is not meant to. Everything negative we are witnessing is being purposely stirred up to trap us within our seat of emotions. But at another level it is supposed to snap people out of their mental slumber and into their personal power.

Distract and Divide

As I’ve mentioned before, things will get worse before they get better. Here in the UK, we’re constantly having reasons to be kept fearful thrown our way from the media. Basically to keep people angry or fearful (stuck in 3C, the seat of emotions).

At a higher level, I do believe this is all happening for a purpose. Shifting realities is going to be painful. Not everyone is ready for it and probably not everyone will make the cut. But one thing I know is, as humans, we need to be given a reason for the discomforts of these transitioning times, for the physical and emotional pain we are experiencing. Even those of us who consider ourselves ‘awakened’ need somewhere to place the blame. We have been given a storyline that provides an explanation for our physical and mental ascension symptoms. Otherwise we go cuckoo.

End Times?

Remember the Mayan predicted 2012 as the year the world would end? Turns out 2020 is really 2012 that the Mayans were talking about. Here’s a quote lifted from the Express:

In a now-deleted Twitter post, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012.

“The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days.

“For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

As I’ve discussed before, those who studied Mayan prophesies believe their calendar was used to predict times of difficulties, in agriculture for example, and the calendar’s end date was not a prediction of the end of the world but the end of an age, a transition.

Transitioning Times

If there’s one thing that seems certain, the old world we knew no longer exists. We are in transitioning times, which are proving to be deeply uncomfortable.

Working to stay within our heart centre helps keep the ‘pain’ to a minimum. Unfortunately, it takes work to keep our awareness within the heart centre. We must consciously keep raising our focus and our energy.

Just know if you are going up and down with your moods, if you are experiencing unusual fatigue one day and feeling wired the next, waking at unusual times in the night or having heat flashes it is all part of these transitioning times. Just go with the flow and try not to fight it or allow it to drag you down.

Avoid Unnecessary Pain

If you find anything that either winds you up or drags you down, keeps you in fear or activates a stress response, it is best to AVOID.

Avoid anything that unnecessarily draws you into the lower chakras or anything that takes over your mind in a negative way. This mostly includes social media outlets, mainstream media, and people.

My guilty pleasure is YouTube. I have spent way too much time on there. One problem with it is I don’t have a choice of what I see on my feed. Yes, I can subscribe to certain channels, but there will be a lot of negative videos mixed in with the positive. YouTube is designed to keep our brain engaged, not only so we go back for more, but so we click on videos we would not normally watch. I have been making a conscious effort to disengage. Yes, it takes work. It is not easy but I am so much more productive when my mind is not engaged by it.

The Role of the Empath and Lightworker

Those of you who have been Sensitive to energy for most of your life will be understanding your role here more than ever.

I mentioned in a past post about how I believe the Sun is playing a major part in our evolution (anything the mainstream media vilifies is normally something they want us to avoid). If you get chance to meditate in the Sun (safely without burning yourself) it really helps open your awareness. Even 5 minutes is good. Holding your favourite crystals at the same time adds an extra protective and awareness-opening boost.

We are all in this together. It may seem like the world is heading towards eternal darkness but, I believe, we are simply in the pains of transitioning times. Stay in your heart space. We can do this!

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine



7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine