We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading

15 Questions to Determine if You’re an Empath, Old Soul or Both

If you’re reading this, I expect you’ll already consider yourself to be an Empath?

Would you also say you’re an old soul? Or have you never really given it much thought?

It doesn’t really matter either way whether you’re an old soul or not, but one thing I know about the majority of ‘old soul Empaths’ is they are always on the lookout for kindred spirits or even just to have confirmations of what they naturally experience.

You would assume that all old souls are highly Empathic, which most are, but not all Empaths are old souls. People can be sensitive, as well as being sensitive to energy, without having deep, old soul wisdom.

I should also note that just because one Empath is an old soul does not make them more superior to another. This life is a journey of evolvement for everyone. And everyone has different jobs and lessons to learn…. But still, it’s nice to have confirmation of what you feel inside.

If you want to know if you’re an Empath, see this post first. If you already know you’re an Empath but want to know if you own old soul traits, here’s some questions and explanations that will help you make that determination: Continue reading


As you probably know, things are massively changing in the world. And, as Empaths, we are picking up on all the fear and uncertainty that is all around us, which is affecting many of us in some very random ways.

It is in these times that we have to remain vigilant of keeping ourselves in a good place, both mentally and physically.

But it doesn’t help that it is so much harder to find articles on the internet these days in regards to natural health and wellbeing. It seems like the majority of ‘alternative’ self-help articles are hidden from view or it takes a lot of scrolling through search engines to find what we need.

For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the most popular posts, from my blog, that have been shared on social media and the like over the last 12 months.

You may have already read some of the following articles, depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, some of them go back to 2011, but it’s always nice to have a refresher. Continue reading


Have you ever been with a group of people, where everyone is talking about a subject that you don’t necessarily agree with but go along with their narrative, just to keep the peace?

If you answered yes, you are certainly not the only one. It is human nature to want to stay in harmony with our inner circle, family and friends, even if that means going against our beliefs.

The 10th Man Rule, which we will look at closer shortly, is a way of challenging our innate character of wanting to ‘keep the peace’ and, instead of sitting with what is easy or comfortable, it challenges us to look at things from another perspective.

So how can this help?

The fact that humans are pack animals, tending to travel through life in herds, following in the footsteps of the one in front, even when the herd are going in the opposite direction to the desired route, is a reason to apply the rule…

Following the pack may seem the safest option, it is after all when we step away from the herd that we become vulnerable to attack. Yet, if we simply follow along with the rest, in regards to rules, regulations and ideas, without question, are we living in alignment with our truth? And where will it lead us?

Question Everything

When we don’t question the official narrative and don’t think for ourselves, we are not really living, but simply existing. We are living by someone else’s opinion of how our reality should be and following rules that don’t always make sense or feel right.

Not only that, too many people are blindsided to the fact that those who make decisions for the rest of us, otherwise known as ‘the powers that be,’ might not have our best interests at heart. And decisions they make on our behalf, are not only infringing on our freedoms, but may actually be putting us in danger and taking away the experiences we were destined to have.

I completely understand why people follow rules without question. For one thing it is instinctual and, the sad truth is, those who query ‘the official narrative,’ or the accounts of the mainstream media, often get attacked, ridiculed or accused of spouting conspiracy theories.

It is often easier to stay quiet than to share an opposite opinion.

Then there is the fact that when we suggest, to certain people, a differing opinion to their own, we come up against their ego. A strong egoic mind doesn’t like to listen to another person’s opinion, if it crosses theirs, because the ego always knows best.

We also have to battle against many cases of cognitive dissonance. See below for an explanation…

The simple fact is too many people are choosing to ignore the hypocrisy not only of the mainstream media but also of those ruling the world. Generally, because it is either the safer or easier option.

Yet, as you have probably found out yourself in life, the easy option rarely turns out to be the best choice in the long run.

The Wrong Solution

Take the situation that is currently happening in the world due to government decisions. It has becoming increasingly obvious, in regards to the past lockdowns, etc, that the solution to preventing the spread of a virus, has caused more harm to the human race than the initial problem (suicides, unemployment, a huge decline in mental health, to name of a few examples…).

But how does anyone speak out, against the official narrative, when they are viciously attacked for holding a different opinion to the media or governments and the people who are trusting of them?

We are supposed to live in a democracy and have freewill, but it is amazing how many freedoms people happily give away if they believe they are keeping themselves, and their families, safe.

Several months ago, in a post, I advised against arguing with others or trying to get them to see your point of view, if they are not willing to listen. It just leads to frustration and anger, often from both parties. However, as things in this world are becoming darker, more freedoms are being taken away and lives endangered, it might be time to try a different approach.


If you want to start a conversation, with friends or family, about the current state of the world, or any other issue, and you don’t want to be put down or attacked for your views, why not try using the concept of the 10th Man Rule?

A good way to use this is by explaining that some groups/countries use the 10th Man concept as a way to keep people safe and stop them from following their intrinsic herd nature.

I came across a good explanation online:

The 10th Man discipline is one where the group intentionally appoints at least one person to serve as the loyal dissenter. “Loyal” because their underlying motive is to arrive at the best decision for the organization. And, as the dissenter, they not only have permission but a duty to disagree and ‘poke holes’ in assumptions being made by the group. This technique forces you to slow down and re-consider the wisdom of the decision and whether contingency planning or other risk mitigation might be worthwhile.

Read the full article here The 10th Man Rule (

What we are seeing in the world today is a direct consequence of people following the herd, not asking questions, or using their own initiative. As well as people being too afraid to speak out against those who have differing opinions.

But by playing the part of the 10th Man, it could help those following the dictated narrative to see from another perspective…

It might also help people understand that it is not a bad thing to have our beliefs challenged, especially in regards to the current tyranny we are seeing in the world.

Ok, I shall leave it at that for today.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine


When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars… No. I’ve not recently taken up astrology. You may remember the above line from the lyrics of Aquarius. A song that keeps coming into my mind lately, which I’ll come back to shortly.

I’ve not put a post out for a few weeks. With the way the emotional energy has been of late, I’ve not been too inclined to write a full post. I have started several, but then never got to finish. It is difficult for me to stay focused with all the strange energies afloat. Its also not helped that here in Manchester there’s been another local lockdown, which again shifted the energy dynamic.

For the Empaths of the world, and indeed anyone else, these current times have brought in some bizarre challenges. As a species, we have never collectively experienced anything like what we are currently experiencing. Yes, there have been wars and natural disasters, suffered by many, but none of them hitting the entire human race at the same time.

But another problem we are continuing to endure is that people’s emotions are still being manipulated on a massive scale. Fear and anger in particular. Even when it feels like some of the anxieties are calming, another story is put out in the media to stoke the furnace of fear back up. There really is no let up.

As you know, this kind of stress is not good for anyone. If there’s one thing that will compromise the immune system its stress. It is known to be a root cause of major diseases. You would think the governments and media would know this…? If they cared about the populace, as much as they imply, the messages should be about how to keep the immune system strong: exercise, eat well, go outdoors, get plenty of vitamin D, calm the mind and avoid stress!

That said, we can see that the fear mongering narratives the world are being fed, in regards to the virus, are now being doubted. People are starting to question what is happening. They are finally realising that nothing makes sense. There are contradictions upon contradictions. Many people are beginning to realise they have been massively deceived. This is triggering awakenings.

Waking Up

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know my opinion on the way this virus has been handled. I knew from the start that something strange was happening. (Read more here and here). Much of what I wrote about, what I could see happening as a result of lockdowns, has happened or is in the process of. But back in March, when I tried speaking out about it, to those I know, no one wanted to hear, or very few of them. They were so riddled with fear that their rational minds had switched off. Now that is changing. They are starting to ‘see the light.’

People have to figure things out for themselves, in regards to the truth of this world. It is part of the awakening process to break free from the systemic spoon-fed narratives of governments and media, and start thinking for ourselves. And this is what is happening more and more each day. Hearts are being cracked open.

That said, there are also many people who are not questioning anything. They believe everyone in the world is at risk from a deadly virus (even though it has already been downgraded). There is the resounding belief that a vaccine will be the saviour. And when this comes out, life will resume to normal. But the world has changed forever!

The Divide

You have probably noticed lately that there are some massive divisions happening between friends and family members (the world divisions have been discussed here). Those who do not see eye to eye are finding it harder to be in the same company. Not only in regards to what is currently happening with lockdowns, mask wearing, etc, but in regards to politics and other global affairs.

I’ve also seen this happening within the lightworker community. Which seems strange really. You would think those of us who have been tuned into the ‘invisible realms’ would have had similar opinions and ideas about getting the world back into alignment, but it is obvious this is not the case.

Last week, I happened across an interview with a world-famous medium on YouTube who himself said that if people are not sharing his same opinions, he would cut them out of his life (or words to that effect), that was after having earlier said that people should be more kind and tolerant of others. Let’s just say, if I was his friend, he would have long since dumped me.

Let the Sunshine In!

Anyway, getting on to a ‘lighter’ note. I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but here in the UK, we normally get a lot of cloud and rain during the summer. Yet, this year, the sun has been a regular visitor. Not consistently I might add, but there have been more sunny days through the year than I remember having in a long time. And if there is one thing that massively changes the vibrational energy, of a mostly cloudy summer, it is sunshine. It not only gets people outdoors and makes everyone feel better in themselves but there is something incredibly magical about it.

Which brings me back to the song: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In…

After the above lines, ‘when the moon is in the 7th house…’ and ‘let the sunshine in,’ kept playing over in my head, I decided to look up the rest of the words on a music clip. All I can say is it helped me understand why I had been repeatedly hearing the song. If you watch the video below, you will know what I mean.

The sun heals us in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. I believe the sun is also playing a massive part in ‘the shifting of worlds.’ It is raising the vibration and when we tune into its energy, it helps open our hearts and shifts our awareness. (I do love synchronicity. After sharing this blog post yesterday, I received this great article in my inbox, from Green Med Info, all about the incredible healing benefits of the Sun.)

If you want a quick pick me up, listen to this music video and let the sunshine in… Be sure to listen to the words in the background as well.

I really hope you are all keeping happy and healthy. Sending out much love.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

The Past That Shapes Our Future Empath Traits

What I both love and hate about this life in equal measure is that we never stop having experiences for growth. We may think we’ve got the whole thing nailed down, got our body and mind balanced and our outlook in line, then poof, something comes along that either throws everything into chaos, changes our beliefs or takes us on to a new path of evolvement.

Just like the times we are currently in.

Like everyone else, I am constantly opening new doors, making discoveries about myself and the world, facing different challenges and looking for answers. This year, it would seem, I have been tying loose ends up from my past.

You too may have noticed that in recent weeks or months, you have been having flashbacks to people from your past and experiences you may have had with them. Both good and bad. This could be in memories, dreams or meditations. It certainly appears as though we have been given the opportunity to understand and release our past pains.

My Experience

In the past couple of years, I have been working more closely with my crystals during morning meditations. Any of you who work with them will know that not only are certain stones incredible for protection and grounding, they also have a unique way of activating the higher mind and revealing things that have been previously veiled.

As Empaths, we may have strong intuition and good instincts with others, but when it comes to ourselves, we often have barriers up. We have to work harder to find our truths. Especially if in our past we experienced trauma, heightened sensitivities or childhood difficulties.

Anyway, last month I had been pondering my past and why I had experienced difficulties or let-downs with certain people. I asked the question during my meditation one morning and I received my answers in a somewhat indirect way.

Later that same evening, when out with some friends, one of them had had a few too many drinks and a subject from the past came up which had been upsetting for me at the time. Basically, a close friend had let me down in a big way. I had forgotten about the incident, but when it was bought up, I realized there were buried emotions still linked to it. Now, although I understand the reasoning for my friend’s actions, and I know it upset him at the time, I had not released the imprint of disappointment.


The next day I got to thinking about why this had been suddenly brought up and a rush of information flooded my mind. Like a eureka moment. I remembered the question I had asked the previous day. I was receiving my answer as an experience of memories.

Past Shaping the Future

Since being a child, I had always felt set apart from others, especially my family. We were a family of six. Three older sisters, a father with anger issues and a sometimes-distant mother. As a child, I didn’t really feel a strong connection to my family and apart from my mum, I never felt particularly ‘safe’ with them. They were wrapped up in their world and it seemed as though I was on the outside. Because of this, I often felt let down by their actions, and had the idea that they were never really there for me.

This idea had become an embedded belief which was carried with me, and through my vibration and the law of attraction it shaped my life. I inadvertently chose my friends on this rooted childhood belief. This meant having friends who would offer me the life experiences of feeling let down or of them not being there for me.

The let downs I am referring to may seem insignificant to some, but in my twenties and thirties they were a big deal. In hindsight, it was almost as though I was looking for reasons to feel unsafe and confirm my belief that others would not be there for me.

Because I have always known what it felt like to be let down, I would go out of my way not to do it to others.

In the past, I assumed everyone had the same inner-feelings and Sensitivities as me. It was only when I discovered more about myself, and the world around me, that I came to understand this wasn’t the case. My friends didn’t have the same sensitivities, empathy or life experience, so they couldn’t draw on them in their actions and behaviours.

My friends are all different. We don’t share the same beliefs or have matching opinions and we haven’t had the same struggles; but on our own paths we have evolved together. They are good people who, in their own ways, are also trying to fathom this ‘life’ out.

Over the years, I’ve seen my friends have their own share of difficulties and let-downs, which I know has also shaped them. Life really isn’t easy for anyone. Even if from the outside it seems someone has a gilded existence, behind closed doors it quite often isn’t the case.

Life’s Expectations

It is often our own beliefs and expectations that cause us the hurt and pain. And when we can see this for ourself we know we have gained a valuable lesson.

Everything really is linked. We have attracted people into our life based on the vibration of our beliefs, even when we don’t realise that we hold certain ingrained ideas.

In recent times, if you too have been having memories or flashbacks of people from your past who caused you pain or difficulties, I would suggest it is because you do not need to learn from those happenings any more. It is time to let the pain of the memories go.


Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time…




Understanding an Empath’s Powerful Intuition

 Most Empaths have a strong sense of intuition. It is part of who they are and serves them in many ways.

The Empath’s intuitive antenna is always ‘on,’ sensing what is right or wrong in their world. But understanding how to read these intuitive signals is important if they want to live a more peaceful and happy life… And, to discover how to do this, the Empath should become better acquainted with their gut sensations.

The “feelings” within the gut, or  solar plexus region, are coming from what is known as the second brain. The sensations come from the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons lining the gut, and are responsible for the “butterflies” felt in the stomach area.

Science now recognizes what ancient yogis discovered hundreds of years ago: that emotions are influenced by the gut nerves.

Everyone feels excitement fear and nervousness in the gut area, but an Empath feels it so much more.

Continue reading

Is There More to an Empath Than Just Feeling Others’ Emotions?

The main aspect of being an Empath is feeling and experiencing the emotions of others. For example, an Empath can tell when another is nervous, when one is angry or sad. They may enter shopping centres, or busy peopled places, and feel an array of strange sensations wash over them like a tidal wave. This is due to the gift of being able to feel…

Granted, not all Empaths consider the ability to experience other people’s emotional energy as a gift. In fact, some would say the opposite. But that is often because they have emotional or physical imbalances to work through (which may take some time), and this makes feeling the emotions of others as intrusive and ‘just too much!’

Before they become aware of their birthright, some Empaths may not give much thought to all they experience, energetically, because what they feel happens so naturally. It is not something they force, nor do they have to work at it. They may go through life assuming everyone experiences the same, not realizing that what they ‘feel’ is a unique part of Empath life.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

But once the Empath’s eyes are open to their incredible traits and abilities they have, they can’t unsee them. All those ‘feelings’ finally have an explanation.

Other than their ability to sense the emotions of others, most Empaths also have incredible intuition…

Empath intuition comes in many forms, but for most it comes as strong gut sensations, having the ability to read others, or just having a ‘Knowing’ about future outcomes.

Intuition can be developed (see this post for more details), if that’s what one wants, but most Empaths already have very dependable intuition (in the way of gut-feelings) without having to try at it.

Some ignore their gut-feelings for their own reasons: Maybe they want to see the best in others, or perhaps they don’t believe in their intuition as much as they should. But every Empath’s gut-feelings are there to warn, serve and protect them from experiencing anything they don’t need to.

The strong sense of intuition an Empath has is both their guide and their best friend.

They may question their intuition, especially if it does not fit in with what their mind or ego wants, but they would be wise to listen to it.

Strong urges, feelings, premonitions or notions in any shape or form, happen for a reason and it is in one’s best interest to take heed of them.

The reason behind them may not be revealed for days, weeks, months or even years but they will have a purpose that will eventually reveal itself. For more information on tuning into Empath intuition see this post.

Another one of the many traits an Empath has is the ability to feel the energy of the days of the week.

Many love the vibe of a Saturday morning, because it feels calm, peaceful and uplifting, but are not so keen on the energy of Sunday evening, there’s a reason for that too…

Empaths pick up on collective energy.

The start of the weekend, when the majority are off work, can feel deliciously freeing. Late weekend evenings (Sunday evening for example), can carry that heavy vibe, as people prepare to return to jobs they dislike or even dread.

Some Empaths blame their workday feelings on their own job dissatisfaction, not realizing they are picking up on the energy of those around them.

But not only do Empaths have the ability to feel energy, some can also see it.

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I remember, from an early age, seeing energy fields (auras), around the animate and inanimate, without even trying.

I loved lying on the grass, on a warm summer’s day, and watching the hazy energy around the trees as they swayed gently in the breeze.  I assumed this was something everyone could see/do.

It was only in adulthood, that I discovered not everyone could see energy fields. I realized it was just another trait of being an Empath and Sensitive to energy… There are many more.

An Empath’s traits may strengthen or weaken with passing years, depending on life circumstances. But they have these traits for a reason, and a great part of Empath life is figuring them out and learning how they can guide them towards the life they were born to lead.

Want to learn more about Empath traits? Click here.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered