Understanding an Empath’s Powerful Intuition

 Most Empaths have a strong sense of intuition. It is part of who they are and serves them in many ways.

The Empath’s intuitive antenna is always ‘on,’ sensing what is right or wrong in their world. But understanding how to read these intuitive signals is important if they want to live a more peaceful and happy life… And, to discover how to do this, the Empath should become better acquainted with their gut sensations.

The “feelings” within the gut, or  solar plexus region, are coming from what is known as the second brain. The sensations come from the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons lining the gut, and are responsible for the “butterflies” felt in the stomach area.

Science now recognizes what ancient yogis discovered hundreds of years ago: that emotions are influenced by the gut nerves.

Everyone feels excitement fear and nervousness in the gut area, but an Empath feels it so much more.

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