Should We Control Our Feelings or Should the Ability to Speak Freely Be Controlled?

First of all, I would just like to say a very happy new year to all you lovely Empaths out there. Let’s hope 2024 brings peace, happiness and health to all.

I write this post whilst sitting out on a veranda in Marbella, Spain, overlooking a rather spectacular golf course. My husband is out on the course playing golf, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to write a post, and share some thoughts with you, as I’ve not had much time to write of late.

As I tap away at my keyboard, the sun is shining down through a cloud-speckled blue sky, and within my eyeline palm trees are swaying gently on a light breeze. Perfect!

It is just so lovely being outdoors. The past few months in the UK have been pretty much non-stop rain. I’m not sure what kind of weather you’re experiencing, in your part of the world, but being able to get outdoors without an umbrella and a rain coat is so uplifting, and now almost feels like a novelty.

Anyway, I digress from the topic I wanted to discuss with you all today, and that is the subject of whether we should have the right to control freedom of speech to protect our feelings. Because, in a world that appears to be on the cusp of collapse, having freedom of speech just seems so important, especially when so many people are swallowing down their truth for fear of being cancelled, attacked, ridiculed or rejected.

I recently watched an interview with the comedy actor, John Cleese. He was discussing the importance of creativity in our lives, and how modern society and the education system seems to be stamping it out.

A point he also made, that I found to be very valid and interesting, was how people are no longer taking control of their emotions and are instead trying to control the words and behaviours of others.

When we attack someone’s opinions, and try to control what they say or think, we are restricting them from being their true selves. We are also taking away human liberties, which allows for us all to have different outlooks on life, whether those outlooks be right or wrong in the eyes of others.

I am not talking about trying to curb harsh demeaning comments that are said or written purely to hurt others, nor am I advocating for unnecessary cruelty or bullying. But everyone should have a right to an opinion, and be able to vocalise that opinion, regardless of whether it offends or whether others don’t believe in those same ideals.

We are all different, even as Empaths, in our beliefs and ideals, but what I am seeing now is how individuality is being stamped out. And, I don’t know about you, but I find that quite scary.

As a Sensitive person, I am more than aware how we can take offence in someone’s words or actions, or how we can have our feelings hurt by other people’s insensitivity. I also know how dark or pained emotions feel inside, especially those times when we don’t feel good enough.

As I look back on my own life, I can now see how the emotional reactions I endured have served a purpose in my own development. Through the steps I have taken, in the quest to feel more emotionally balanced, I have naturally evolved. As I know many of you have too.

Instead of expecting others to change for us, it is part of our responsibility to find out what is really causing any hyper-sensitivities and then work to find balance. That is not to say we have to do it alone or without help, but nevertheless, we’re the ones who have to do the work.

And sometimes, we simply have to accept that we are highly sensitive people, who might always be on the defensive or offensive.

Take Back Control

I am constantly advocating ways for Empaths to take back control of their emotions. This blog is full of posts written to help Sensitive people find balance or get back in control of what they feel, especially within this world that is constantly manipulating emotions, so that they can enjoy the life they were meant to lead, free from unnecessary pain.  

However, when we expect others to change their ways for us, instead of looking at ways to take control of our reactions, we are effectively giving our power away. We are allowing others to be in control of us.

The irony is, all the answers we need to find happiness and contentment lie within. We just need to find the right keys to unlock the doors to our hidden potential.

These keys can be as simple as stilling the mind, enough to hear our quiet guiding voice, through meditative practices, or by changing the diet, or balancing our hormones, or simply getting out of a toxic relationship. And sometimes, it is just discovering what is making us unhappy or even depressed.

Whilst I’m on the subject of depression, something that is currently massively overlooked, in these times of shutting people down to protect people’s feelings, is depression has been skyrocketing. This in itself shows the approach of controlling the behaviour and words of others does not work in making people happy.

As I have discussed many times before, the types of emotions that are currently being ignited, do untold damage to both the body and mind. The energy of which keeps the bearer continuously in their heads, which effectively prevents any true connection back to the heart.

Staying within the heart, so to speak, is the best way for us to remain connected to our own intuition, which in essence keeps us on the right track.

Also, a question that is not being asked is why is everyone so incredibly sensitive, emotionally, to everything? And I am not just talking about the HSPs and Empaths. I am talking about a large percentage of the population. What is causing this pain?

This is me talking as an Empath, someone who overly feels everything and always has. And I would not wish emotional pain on anyone. But nor would I want to take anyone else’s freedom away to protect my feelings. Because, another very big lesson I have learnt on this journey is that not only do we have the responsibility to get in charge of our emotions, but also how we interpret the intentions of others.

All I am currently seeing around the media are reasons to be fearful or angry. And the thing is, people are reading and believing headlines, designed to distract, divide and offend, instead of stopping to question the narrative behind them.

Offence Cannot Be Given

There is a saying that offence cannot be given, only taken. Which suggests that we have the power to choose whether we should be offended or not. And that also means we have a choice whether we allow ourselves to get riled or insulted over goading headlines.

As a society, instead of giving people more reasons to be angry or fearful, we need to be helping people find the root cause of their sensitivities and emotional pain. And help each other heal, instead of trying to silence people. Because being trapped inside a world where there is no freedom of opinion or speech is a seriously frightening place to be. Think George Orwell’s 1984

We need to be looking more at reasons why so many people are suffering and cannot cope with life. The old adage that we are now living longer, so people didn’t live long enough to experience what they are now suffering, doesn’t work anymore. Because this is not an old person thing. Many young people are not coping with life.

Life in the Past

We only need to go back 80 years to our grandparent’s era, and see that the masses were not experiencing what we currently are.

Something they didn’t experience, back in the day, was EMF, chemicals in their diets or genetically altered foods, they also didn’t have hormone disruptors like plastics, and they weren’t constantly stuck indoors looking at computer screens whilst being bombarded with blue light. In fact, there’s probably a long list of toxic things they didn’t endure that we do.

Granted, their sanitary conditions weren’t what they are today, and they were also exposed to toxins in their environment that we no longer are. The place where I live used to be a big mining area. Mining was the main source of income for many households. In fact, most of my ancestors on my father’s side were miners, so they would have been exposed to all kinds of noxious dust and harsh working conditions. And every day, when they went to work, there was always a risk to life if, for example, a mineshaft collapsed.

Obviously, there were other toxic work places, like factories that had no health and safety measures. There was also food and money shortages (aka The Great Depression) that made life difficult. But people just seemed to get on with it, and made the most out of life. At least that’s what I can tell from the many stories I have been told or read.

Although we may have come a long way in some respects, we have also regressed in others. And people, especially the young, are suffering the consequence.

The Cause

So, getting back to what is the cause of all this deep unhappiness and depression. In my opinion, a big cause is the fact our hormones have been hacked. And not in a good way. Which is having the effect of making people unable to control how they feel, both emotionally and physically.

Ask any woman who has experienced a monthly period or gone through menopause, how their moods and happiness can be impacted by shifting hormones. We will tell you that our hormones can make us depressed, angry, upset, give us headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and more. And yes, we can be overly emotional, or sensitive to the words and intentions of others.

But I don’t think it was ever suggested that people should be stopped from speaking their opinions, just to stop us having our feelings hurt.

It reminds me of when we are not feeling good enough, and we look to the outside world, wishing for it to change. We may think, for example, if that person were nicer to me, I would feel happier. And then we may get what we wished for, but yet feel no better. It doesn’t complete us or make us happy. We then look for something or someone else to change how we feel, and then when that doesn’t work, something else. Generally, when we look outside of ourself for answers it doesn’t make us happier. That is an inside job.

To quote Matt Haig, ‘You are not your feelings, you just experience them. Like walking in the rain. But the rain will pass.’

And to add to that quote, if we want to get away from the rain we go back inside. If we stand outside and wait for someone else to bring an umbrella to shelter us, we will just get wet.

Yes, emotions come and emotions go. Sometimes they can be so all-encompassing that they are almost suffocating. But unless we take steps to get back in control, we will be forever at the mercy of our emotions.

Sometimes in life, we all need the reminder that waiting for someone else to make changes to their lives in order to change ours doesn’t work. Even in a relationship, there’s got to be both parties working to make it succeed.

So, in culmination, although I do not accept that we should expect people to change their beliefs or opinions in order to protect our feelings, I do believe we should all be working together to help those who are suffering, and try to find the root cause.

And perhaps we will all benefit from showing more empathy and understanding, in how we express our ideals and beliefs, so that we don’t cause unnecessary harm to others.

Ok, that’s my musings for today.

I hope everything is keeping perfect in your world.

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine



Have you ever been in a certain person’s presence, and found yourself feeling really weird, or even negative, yet having no reason for it? As in, the other person has done nothing to offend or upset you?

Or have you ever found you’ve not been able to talk to a certain person and not really known why? You might find yourself stumbling over your words, or sentences don’t form in your mouth. And again, there’s no real reason. The other person seems perfectly lovely.

This could be all part of The Empath Shutdown.

Here are some more symptoms of how an Empath can act, around certain people, when in Shutdown:

Continue reading


Although it often doesn’t feel like it, we are currently living in some incredible times.

Times where we can move into our own authority and start living the empowered existence that we were meant to live.

However, as nice as it is to think we can sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, in these times of change, we still have to put in some work, if we want to see positive changes that last.

And yes, we always have obstacles to overcome in the process.

One of those being facing the insecurities that have been triggered by our Empath traits. Continue reading

Empaths: Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

One thing we all know, as Empaths, is that we feel other people’s emotions.

Which isn’t always a bad thing, when they aren’t affecting us in a negative way.

However, the problem arises when we start absorbing the emotions, belonging to others, and taking them on as our own.


Regularly absorbing other peoples’ emotions can affect our health and happiness in so many different ways. Often leading to issues such as emotional toxicity.

When we absorb other people’s emotions it can affect not only the way we feel, but also the way we think. It impacts our adrenals, which are the stress glands. This then has a knock-on effect on the other endocrine glands, which are the glands that produce our hormones. This in turn can lead to hormone imbalances.

Everything in the body is connected, and so are our endocrine glands. When one hormone goes out of balance, it can affect another gland and the hormones it produces. So, what starts off as absorbing another’s emotions, and thus taking on their stress, can eventually lead to thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, and so much more.

I often describe the aftereffect of Empaths absorbing negative emotions as like having an allergy or food intolerance. Just like an allergen might give you a physical reaction, when you come into contact with it, you can get a physical reaction from the emotions you absorb. Continue reading


In many of my posts, I write about techniques that Empaths can used to protect themselves from the rigours of Empath life (here, here, here and here).

What I probably haven’t mentioned, in many of these posts, is that several of these protection techniques also act as powerful forms of distraction that work in so many empowering ways.

Distracting the mind from pain, whether physical, spiritual or mental, is an incredible tool which we often forget about using to our advantage…


There are many occasions when we use techniques to distract the mind without necessarily realising.  When experiencing hunger pain, for example, if all you think about is food, you’ll remain hungry. If you engage your mind, with work or some tasks, your hunger quickly vanishes.

Another example can be seen in yoga: Whilst moving through the poses we might focus on ujjayi breath and holding bandhas (physical and energetic locks). By doing this, not only does it help direct prana, but the mind is focused and taken off the physical challenge of the pose. This also has the effect of taking the attention away from the stresses of everyday life. Which in turn contributes to a calm yet uplifted mindset after practise.

There are many other examples I could discuss, but, instead, let’s get straight to the easy distraction techniques you can use in your everyday life to stay empowered and on top:

1. Stay in Your Passions:

Doing what you love is so empowering during these challenging times. Not only does engaging in your passions work as a powerful distraction, but doing things that lighten your soul, and bring a sense of peace and joy to your life, will lift you up like nothing else.

If you don’t feel like you have anything to fit that bill, it is the perfect time to start experimenting with hobbies and pastimes, or just get creative.

In a world of rules, routine and restrictions, people seldom get time to be creative. But spending time creatively is one of the easiest ways to revel in the feel-good-factor. When you feel good you also feel grounded and centred. When creating from your passions, or interests, it has an uplifting effect and keeps the mind away from dark thoughts and feelings. A must for all Empaths.

2. Listen to Uplifting Music and Sing!:

Listening to the songs that move you in all the right ways can instil such a sense of joy and euphoria. If you know the words, sing along. It is incredible how much you can be uplifted by the music you love. It envelops your body and mind in the most powerful vibrations and distracts the attention in all the right ways. Singing along can itself be meditative. (Researcher, Gunter Kreutz, also discovered singing increases cortisol and other chemicals involved in healing.)

Music can go both ways. My advice would be to avoid music that encourages melancholy or brings back difficult memories, even if you enjoy the song.


3. Use Your Pen and Paper

This may sound strange. How can pen and paper help distract the mind? Well, when you write things down, for example with what you want to do going forward in life, you connect with your right brain which helps keep you in creative mode. There is something about handwriting, as opposed to tapping words out on a computer, that helps activate our creative mind. When the creative mind is activated, as opposed to the logical left mind, you also receive more revelations in regards to what is currently happening in your life, or in our world, and can help you see the ‘bigger picture’.

In regards of to what to write about, either let your heart-mind guide you to what is right for you, or make notes on how you would like your future to be.

4. Get Near Trees:

This might sound like the hippiest statement ever, but spend as much time around trees as you can. Gaze upon them. Even go as far as hugging a tree. This not only has the effect of distracting the mind from the darkness in the world, but it takes you into a place of calm and healing. Let’s face it, we wouldn’t be alive if we didn’t have trees and greenery. There is so much wisdom and healing energy around trees (this post explains more), and that is exactly what many of us need right now to clear, rebalance and reset from the demands of Empath life.

5. Stop Doing Things That Bore You:

This isn’t so much a form of distraction. More a form of empowerment.  Feeling bored or unengaged by things that you used to enjoy, or were once an interest, is going to bring you down fast. If you are finding hobbies, lifestyles, or even people, you used to love, have stopped being pleasurable, maybe it’s time you stopped engaging in them, or at least have a break and see if you miss them. Perhaps try a new hobby instead.

6. Exercise:

Engaging in physical activity is a brilliant way to distract the mind from overwhelm or uncomfortable feelings. It’s also a fantastic way to keep the body and mind healthy. Depending on how you feel should depend on what is the best form of exercise to create balance within the body and mind.

If you are feeling lethargic and tired, some type of HIIT training (High intensity interval exercise) is super beneficial. It is also the best exercise for releasing human growth hormone.  HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps the mind in a more positive space. I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels (it is even beneficial to do if you suffer chronic fatigue). Just be sure to start slow, at your own level and don’t force your body into anything it’s not ready for.

If you are the opposite of being lethargic, and feel wired or hyper, then breath-and-bandha-focused yoga will help bring you back to a state of equilibrium, whilst also working as a distraction for the mind.

The reason I recommend breath-and-bandha-focused yoga is because, speaking from experience, it can be easy for the mind to wander and remain unfocused in yoga practice. When practising using the breath and bandhas simultaneously, however, it takes your yoga practice to another level. Here’s a couple of links to videos, of how to engage yogic breath and bandhas, on YouTube:

Breath and Bandhas

Yoga Breathing

Walking, whilst engaging your focus on your scenery/surroundings, is also fantastic for both high and low energy levels. Out near trees, even better!

The Biggest Obstacles

One of the biggest hurdles we face, when empowering the body and mind, is that when we are stressed or feel out of sorts, by the happenings in the world or indeed just Empath life, we often don’t feel like doing anything. We get so wrapped up in what we feel that we don’t think about anything else. But, when in a state of unease, this is the perfect time to use the power of distraction to engage the mind.

If you want to use clever distractions to your advantage, my advice would be to engage in them the moment you feel your mind wandering into ‘darker territory’ or, even better, find something you can do daily that keeps you in a state of empowerment…

Hope this helps you on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

21 Ways for Empaths to Find Safety and Prevent Anxiety

Going through life over-feeling emotions and the emotional energy of others can create the perception of being unsafe, especially when out in public or around certain people. Feeling unsafe can put the body into fight-or-flight mode, which is a response of the sympathetic nervous system.

When the body is in fight-or-flight it is in a constant state of stress, which is heavily damaging to the body and mind, and can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.

Having knowledge of what we can do if we start to suffer with anxiety or panic attacks, even when they have been triggered by other people’s energy, can ensure we don’t needlessly suffer.

The following are some simple steps that can help keep you to ‘feel safe’, which in turn will help with or prevent anxiety and panic attacks…

1. Keep away from people who make you feel unsafe:

If you don’t feel safe, or have trust issues with certain friends or family members, or if you don’t feel they have your best interest at heart, it can cause emotional trauma. It is wise to avoid those who create safety issues for you.

2. Check your diet:

Are you eating chemical-laden foods, or foods that are known to trigger autoimmune conditions? Anxiety can sometimes be a warning from your body, telling you to pay attention. If you suspect your diet is activating anxiety or panic attacks, keeping a food diary can help you pinpoint the triggers. Read more on this post.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

3. Supplement wisely:

Even with the healthiest of diets it is difficult to know we are getting, or absorbing, a full range of nutrients. We often eat anti-nutrient foods without realising (foods that block or hinder nutrient absorption), which means the good stuff we do take in doesn’t get chance to do its job. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be a big trigger for anxiety. A basic supplementation regime can help in regards to anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more info.

4. Take Valerian Root:

Valerian root is a natural herb used for treating anxiety and insomnia. Similar to melatonin, valerian root puts you in relaxed sleepy state. Valerian contains a neurotransmitter called GABA, that is known to have a powerfully calming effect on the mind.

5. Do therapeutic exercise:

Yoga and walking are probably two of the most therapeutic forms of exercise. There is a type of yoga to suit everyone, but it has to be practised regularly to see results. Walking is easy and super beneficial for the body and mind. Also, high intensity exercise, which helps release human growth hormone, can be beneficial for stopping anxiety.

6. Use crystals:

There are many different types of crystals that can help with anxiety. Rose Quartz in particular is a lovely stone to help with panic attacks. It is a love stone that helps calm the emotions. When choosing crystals for anxiety it is best to see them in person (instead of ordering online). If gazing on a certain stone makes you feel calm inside it is generally a good choice.

7. Salt therapy:

Taking salt baths, especially Epsom Salts, can be incredibly calming and soothing for the body and mind. Even better, if you live near an ocean taking a daily dip can work wonders for soothing anxiety. This post gives more details.

8. Check your water levels:

If you are dehydrated, even just a little, it can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more information.

9. Reduce wireless air time:

More research is coming to light showing how WIFI is a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks, especially when spending a lot of time wirelessly downloading on the internet (YouTube, etc.). Give yourself a few days away from WIFI and see what effect it has. Switch your phone to aeroplane mode when not in use and limit your time on the internet. This post explains more.

10. Keep your bedroom as a calm zone:

Quality sleep is important for preventing anxiety and panic attacks. Don’t keep electrical gadgets, especially WIFI gadgets, in the bedroom. Keep your bedroom well aired and clean. Use black out curtains to ensure a solid night’s sleep.

11. Use essential oils:

Essential oils are perfect for instilling calm. Lavender being one of the best allrounders, but other good ones are Basil, Chamomile or Geranium. You can normally feel the calming effects of these essential oils within ten minutes of application. Simply massage a few drops, mixed with a teaspoon of oil, into the soles of your feet. Or use them in your bath, add them to your body oils or put a few drops on your pillow before sleep time. Check this post out for more essential oils and their benefits.

12. Avoid caffeine:

Caffeine is one of the worst things for triggering panic attacks and anxiety. It is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and colas. Avoidance will go a long way to keeping anxiety and panic attacks at bay.

13. Avoid stimulants:

Alcohol and recreational drugs can be another big trigger of anxiety. Many people assume alcohol is a relaxant, but it is when the effects wear off that the problems start.

14. Avoid chemicals:

If you are Sensitive, it often means you will be sensitive to chemicals in products and scents, which can trigger many unusual physical reactions and stress within the body. Keep your products as natural as possible, including laundry detergent, household cleaning products and personal hygiene products.

15. Listen to soothing sounds:

There are some incredibly soothing sounds that can help reduce anxiety. Ocean sounds, angelic harmonies, thunderstorms, gentle chimes, etc. are incredibly calming to the body and mind. Try to avoid live music downloads (such as on YouTube) as the WIFI can trigger more anxiety. Perhaps buy a CD and listen through headphones.

16. Don’t eat late at night:

Eating late at night can be the trigger for sleep anxiety and panic attacks. Try to have your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to ensure it is digested. If you do need to eat close to bedtime, try to make sure it is low sugar/carb food.

17. Get out in Nature:

This is a perfect remedy for anxiety and panic disorder. Even listening to the birds singing is beneficial. Read more here on the benefits of nature for an Empath.

18. Massage and reflexology:

Massaging body treatments work wonders for helping with anxiety, especially reflexology, which works on the reflex points on your feet. Schedule in time for yourself and book in a weekly treatment to help soothe your body and mind.

19. Use meditation and breathing exercises:

Breathing and meditation practices help cultivate more positive thoughts, help balance the stress hormones and instil calm. However, some people find meditation too stressful to perform when experiencing panic attacks or anxiety. The stillness can become unnerving. In these cases, moving meditations, such as yoga with the breath, or deep breathing is massively beneficial.

The Whisky Breath is a quick breathing exercise which can offer instant relief. Simply inhale for a count of four and then exhale for a count of eight. Continue for as long as you need. This exercise switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to prevent or stop panic attacks.  The three-minute meditation performed daily, after doing the Whisky Breath breathing, will help keep the mind positive and anxiety at bay.

There’s more information on breathing exercises and yoga here and here.

20. Talk to a specialist:

If you know you have supressed past trauma such as a bereavement, emotional or physical abuse, or unresolved issues, it might help to talk to a trained therapist. Supressed trauma is often reignited in times of stress, which often triggers panic attacks.

21. Have your hormones checked:

This is a big one, especially for women. If you are going through any kind of hormonal transition, such as perimenopause or menopause, it can be a big trigger for anxiety, fearful emotions and panic attacks. Perimenopause often starts from the late thirties onwards and can create many unusual and uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms. (I will be writing more about this in the future).

So, there you go. Hopefully, you will have found something on the list that will help if you have been feeling unsafe, suffering with fear, anxiety or panic attacks.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine 


When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars… No. I’ve not recently taken up astrology. You may remember the above line from the lyrics of Aquarius. A song that keeps coming into my mind lately, which I’ll come back to shortly.

I’ve not put a post out for a few weeks. With the way the emotional energy has been of late, I’ve not been too inclined to write a full post. I have started several, but then never got to finish. It is difficult for me to stay focused with all the strange energies afloat. Its also not helped that here in Manchester there’s been another local lockdown, which again shifted the energy dynamic.

For the Empaths of the world, and indeed anyone else, these current times have brought in some bizarre challenges. As a species, we have never collectively experienced anything like what we are currently experiencing. Yes, there have been wars and natural disasters, suffered by many, but none of them hitting the entire human race at the same time.

But another problem we are continuing to endure is that people’s emotions are still being manipulated on a massive scale. Fear and anger in particular. Even when it feels like some of the anxieties are calming, another story is put out in the media to stoke the furnace of fear back up. There really is no let up.

As you know, this kind of stress is not good for anyone. If there’s one thing that will compromise the immune system its stress. It is known to be a root cause of major diseases. You would think the governments and media would know this…? If they cared about the populace, as much as they imply, the messages should be about how to keep the immune system strong: exercise, eat well, go outdoors, get plenty of vitamin D, calm the mind and avoid stress!

That said, we can see that the fear mongering narratives the world are being fed, in regards to the virus, are now being doubted. People are starting to question what is happening. They are finally realising that nothing makes sense. There are contradictions upon contradictions. Many people are beginning to realise they have been massively deceived. This is triggering awakenings.

Waking Up

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you will know my opinion on the way this virus has been handled. I knew from the start that something strange was happening. (Read more here and here). Much of what I wrote about, what I could see happening as a result of lockdowns, has happened or is in the process of. But back in March, when I tried speaking out about it, to those I know, no one wanted to hear, or very few of them. They were so riddled with fear that their rational minds had switched off. Now that is changing. They are starting to ‘see the light.’

People have to figure things out for themselves, in regards to the truth of this world. It is part of the awakening process to break free from the systemic spoon-fed narratives of governments and media, and start thinking for ourselves. And this is what is happening more and more each day. Hearts are being cracked open.

That said, there are also many people who are not questioning anything. They believe everyone in the world is at risk from a deadly virus (even though it has already been downgraded). There is the resounding belief that a vaccine will be the saviour. And when this comes out, life will resume to normal. But the world has changed forever!

The Divide

You have probably noticed lately that there are some massive divisions happening between friends and family members (the world divisions have been discussed here). Those who do not see eye to eye are finding it harder to be in the same company. Not only in regards to what is currently happening with lockdowns, mask wearing, etc, but in regards to politics and other global affairs.

I’ve also seen this happening within the lightworker community. Which seems strange really. You would think those of us who have been tuned into the ‘invisible realms’ would have had similar opinions and ideas about getting the world back into alignment, but it is obvious this is not the case.

Last week, I happened across an interview with a world-famous medium on YouTube who himself said that if people are not sharing his same opinions, he would cut them out of his life (or words to that effect), that was after having earlier said that people should be more kind and tolerant of others. Let’s just say, if I was his friend, he would have long since dumped me.

Let the Sunshine In!

Anyway, getting on to a ‘lighter’ note. I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but here in the UK, we normally get a lot of cloud and rain during the summer. Yet, this year, the sun has been a regular visitor. Not consistently I might add, but there have been more sunny days through the year than I remember having in a long time. And if there is one thing that massively changes the vibrational energy, of a mostly cloudy summer, it is sunshine. It not only gets people outdoors and makes everyone feel better in themselves but there is something incredibly magical about it.

Which brings me back to the song: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In…

After the above lines, ‘when the moon is in the 7th house…’ and ‘let the sunshine in,’ kept playing over in my head, I decided to look up the rest of the words on a music clip. All I can say is it helped me understand why I had been repeatedly hearing the song. If you watch the video below, you will know what I mean.

The sun heals us in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. I believe the sun is also playing a massive part in ‘the shifting of worlds.’ It is raising the vibration and when we tune into its energy, it helps open our hearts and shifts our awareness. (I do love synchronicity. After sharing this blog post yesterday, I received this great article in my inbox, from Green Med Info, all about the incredible healing benefits of the Sun.)

If you want a quick pick me up, listen to this music video and let the sunshine in… Be sure to listen to the words in the background as well.

I really hope you are all keeping happy and healthy. Sending out much love.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

What It Means to Surrender in Perspective of the Empath Awakening

Surrender can have different meanings to different people.

To some, surrender is seen as a passage into freedom, a way to stop the struggle and let go. To others, it is a weakness, a way of giving up.

Because surrender has been painted as a failing in society, it has never really been encouraged. It is thought by surrender we lose power. When in fact, it takes us into power.

Those who avoid surrender tend to be fighting with themselves or with others. If only in their ‘fight to be right.’

When there’s a fight, someone always gets hurt. And when there are casualties, no one is a winner.

To me, surrendering means to allow for change. Surrender fear, beliefs and old ways of being. This also means the beliefs we hold about the way we look, think and feel.

Surrender to Life

This isn’t about being a doormat for others to trample over. Nor is it about not standing for what is right. To surrender is to simply let go of the old ways of being or that which no longer serves, and the fear that kept us enslaved.

Humans are led by emotion and fear. For a long time, society has manipulated our emotions by giving us reasons to fight or reasons to be angry and afraid. Manufactured forms of distraction that kept us in servitude of a control system.

These distractions, and ways to keep people divided and in fear, are now getting louder because we are moving in to a new era where people are waking up.

The Precipice

As a species, we don’t like giving things up: habits, ways of being and beliefs. Even when these habits are known to be bad or wrong. We often have to go through a crisis before we will change or surrender. This is what we are now experiencing.

We have reached the precipice. Change is the only way off the mountain.

We are in times of great change. There are many layers to unpeel. One of such is surrendering the old thoughts and beliefs that kept us controlled.

When we do not have freedom of thought, we can’t tune into our higher mind. We then become little more than computers running software programmes. Freethinking should be a basic human right, yet it has been systematically removed by society.

I was talking to a friend the other week. We were discussing the current world crisis. My ideas in no way matched hers (as is often the case with my friends). After listening to my opinions and outlook, my friend told me she didn’t know how to think independently or question things. She needed to be fed information. In other words, she needed to be told what to think and believe.

This is the case with many people. Because ideas, opinions and thoughts are obtained from one place and not from observing various sources of data, the ability to question anything or formulate an original idea is stifled.

The fact my friend could see her opinions were influenced by mainstream, and weren’t really her own, shows she is in the process of ‘waking up.’

All our lives we have been fed information. How to dress. How to think. What to hate or love. Society has not encouraged us to think independently, only how to think as a majority.

There is a famous quote, by Henrick Ibsen: ‘The majority is always wrong, and the minority is rarely right.’

It reminds me of how little we really know. This world has been built on lies and illusions. Layer upon layer.

Until we can allow for independence of thought, by tuning into our higher-selves, we will continue to labour under false illusions.

When we regurgitate what we have seen on the news and in the papers, we might think ‘we are in the know.’ But it is little more than intentional programming. Hidden under the veil of an ‘educated opinion.’

Freethinking is Freedom

We have got more chance of getting to the truth by surrendering to the voice of our higher-self than we have from listening to mainstream narratives.

Inside we hold the answers to the universe, but we have not been shown how to gain access. We are taught to trust only the narrative of authority, and not the truth within.

The simple way to break free is to surrender the need to be part of the collective mind.

Have trust in the one. Trust in ourselves.

What it means to surrender is to let go of everything we thought we knew, let go of programmes and thoughts that have been implanted. Believe in our own power to create the world we want to live in.

Instead of fight for what we think is right. Surrender to what we feel is right. Lead with love and surrender the fear.


As a side note: if you are feeling particularly strong negative emotion around your solar plexus, know that it is very likely a pooling of the mass hysteria being stoked up, mixed in with your own apprehensions. A quick way to block it is to simply place your hand over the space you feel the emotions. This post also has ways to deal with the overwhelm of fear that many Empaths are currently experiencing.

Stay tuned for my next post which is about how judgement has controlled us.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine




Raising the Vibration: What Empaths Can Be Doing Now

Whatever your beliefs on the ‘current world situation’, it would seem we are in a time of mass awakening and change as we enter a new age.

Since 2016 we have seen this as a quickening, where a dark theme has been creating a divide between people, keeping tensions high. Hysteria has been at the forefront. We only have to look at Brexit, Trump, the PC culture and gender, race and religion ‘wars’ to see how this has been playing out. 

I noted a few posts ago that emotional reactions have been on the increase, and I feel this has all been part of these changing times. It’s as though approaching ‘the precipice’ has created a clashing energy which has affected people’s mindsets and behaviour.

For the Empaths, and anyone who is super-sensitive to heightened states of emotion, these past years have been difficult to experience. There has been a lot of nefarious energy around, triggering anger, resentments and conflicting opinions.

As you are already aware, when we ‘awaken,’ it is often preceded by times of great difficulty, fear or emotional pain. It is when we face this darkness that we work to seek out the light. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

The Darkest Hour

It would be easy to believe that the world has gone to crap and there is nothing but darkness surrounding us. But when we take ourselves away from the ‘fear energy’ (by avoiding all sources of the media and going within) there is some really powerfully positive energy around. This energy has been concealed by the all-pervading fear.

It is now becoming clear that we are being kept distracted from this powerful energy for a reason. We are in unique times where we can take our power back and create the life we want. A life where we no longer depend on ‘the system.’

The Projecting Empath

Empaths are powerful projectors. We can project our energy signature out onto others.

I realise this trait is not only owned by Empaths, all humans are capable of projecting their moods and energetic vibration. However, it is something that Empaths are particularly ‘good’ at. We are not always aware of just how good we are at projection or how important it is to keep our frequency raised.

What Difference Does it Make?

Have you heard of Morphic Resonance? A concept discovered by Rupert Sheldrake, also known as ‘The 100th Monkey Theory.’ In brief, when a hundred monkeys learnt how to wash potatoes on one island, the monkeys on neighbouring islands and beyond also started doing it without themselves having observed the practice. For a more in-depth explanation See more here 

The 100th Monkey Theory tells us how the behaviour of an entire group of individuals can change when critical mass is reached. This could work either way. If the majority of people are kept in fear, it can impact everyone and make the world a very dark place indeed. However, when enough people raise their vibration it has the opposite affect and takes us into a place of light.

Empaths can help usher in this higher vibration.

If enough of us tap into the positive energy surrounding us, we can project this energy out.

It is up to us to make it happen. We are the ones who hold the keys to the door that will allow this powerful energy in. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation.

Meditation is so important right now. Through stilling our mind and clearing out fearful thought clutter, we are able to not only tap into the truth of our situation, but we can also tune into the powerful energy that has been shrouded by the manufactured fear pandemic.

Meditation also helps with balancing the hormones and strengthening our immunity.

I have been writing in my posts and books for years about the importance of changing diet and lifestyle for those of us who are energy sensitive. Our hormones have been hijacked. Diet, plastics, EMF, and more has thrown our hormones into chaos. This has a knock-on effect not only on our immune system (auto-immune disease has sky-rocketed in recent years), but on our moods and emotions and thus our energetic vibration.

By raising our vibration, it helps raise the vibration of others.

It is after meditating, that our frequency is most elevated, and thus the best time for projection.

I find the best time for meditating is in the morning, as the sun arises and the world around is quiet. Sunset is also a great time.

If ever you wondered what the point of being an Empath was, perhaps this is it. To tune in, take on and project this high vibrating energy. It is no coincidence that so many Empaths have awakened in recent years. We now get to use our ‘gift’ in an incredible way.

If enough Empaths, lightworkers and awakened souls keep our vibration high, we can help raise the frequency of the world. We have a challenge, but isn’t that what life has been so far?

Find Your True Power by Staying Out of Fear

Staying out of fear energy is really important now, and the easiest way to do that is by avoiding the media. We have to actively participate and invest our time in making positive change happen, but I truly believe it will be so worth the investment.

If you are allowed outdoors, spending time in Nature around trees or natural running water is another great way of elevating one’s energy signature. However, if you are in complete quarantine, opening a window and listening to the birds singing in the morning is also super beneficial.

Here are some posts: here, here and here that can help with meditation practice.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine



Could EMF and WIFI Be Disrupting Your Empath Life?

EMF and the Empath

I noted in my last quick post that I had been a couple of weeks without WIFI in December, and what a positive impact it had on me. It is quite incredible how dependent we have become on the internet for everything. So much so, it is difficult to imagine life without it. But have we really considered what effect all the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are having on our Empath sensitivities?

In this last post, I discussed how many Empath lives are disrupted by sensory overload. Another massive factor which also contributes to this overload are electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which include WIFI.

Electromagnetic Pollution

Over the years, the use of smart phones and laptops has skyrocketed. Even the ‘untechiest’ person will have a mobile phone. It certainly doesn’t help that the majority of our phones are also connected wirelessly to the internet which gives off considerable amounts of EMFs when data is streamed.

This increase in mobile phone use has also led to the need for more cell towers around our towns and cities, which means greater levels of EMF in our environment.

Wireless gadgets are not the only problem. There are many other devices within the home that allow these invisible frequencies to build up; such as televisions, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, etc.

EMF and the Empath

EMFs are so powerful they can be measured.

You and me, we both create electromagnetic fields. Virtually every single process which keeps us alive can be traced back to an electric field. A giant electric field holds all our atoms together. We wouldn’t be able to function without our electric fields. Every time we move a muscle, we create an electric field. We are electrical beings.

Think about walking into a room full of angry people where the atmosphere could be ‘cut with a knife.’ It wouldn’t be long before you were affected by the EMF of the room (whether you were an Empath or not), via the merging of electrical fields. No matter how happy you were prior to entering an angry room, the electrical energy of others can influence your own energy and thus your mood.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.Jack Frazer Master’s Physics Oxford University

The above quote explains why the energy of one person can impact the energy of another. Our electric fields like to ‘mingle.’ It also shows that frequencies emitted by WIFI can ‘mess around’ with our own.

One electric field affects the way another functions. So, if you experience strange symptoms, or if your Empath traits are making life difficult, it could be caused by EMF.

Maybe it is time to pay attention to how you feel after spending a lot of time on wireless networks.

As Empaths we easily recognise the impact of the energy of people but many of us are also affected by the electromagnetic frequencies emitted within our environment without realizing.

Hazards to Health

EMF disrupt energy frequencies within our body and within our energy field, they affect our chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of enduring too much EMFs are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Here’s a Sampling:

  • Dark moods, depression or emotional overwhelm
  • Difficulty concentrating and trouble giving attention to anything which requires focus
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and irritability
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness (even though exhausted)

How Do You Know If You’re Affected?

One of the best ways to find out if you are EMF sensitive is to have an electrical detox. Which I must admit can be a challenge because let’s face it, electrical gadgets are everywhere. Perhaps spend a few days away from all things electrical or just turn off the electricity in your home for a while and see how it affects you. Even just switching your phone setting to aeroplane mode, when not in use, will make a difference.

I personally found that when I was not using my phone and laptop for two weeks my brain became clearer, my thoughts more lucid and I felt more energised. Others report of feeling generally happier and healthier or having strange symptoms clear up.

The Solution

Sadly, continuous escapism of EMF and WIFI, in this modern world, is virtually impossible. Yet there is one simple thing we can do to help protect ourselves. Use crystals.

EMF Shielding

Certain crystals can act like bioelectrical shields against EMF. Not surprisingly, the crystals that work best for EMF protection are the stones we use for grounding.

Crystals to Use:

Ferromagnetic crystals (containing iron) are best for EMF protection. There are several of them, but my favourites are:

  • Hematite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Shungite

If you have been impacted by electromagnetic frequencies, you will likely notice the difference as soon as you use one of the above grounding stones.

Other stones that can also be used are Pyrite and Magnetite (although I have never tried them myself, others have reported them to work).

How To Use Crystals for EMF Protection:

When using grounding crystals, such as Black Tourmaline, for EMF protection the goal is to create a shielding barrier between you and your wireless devices. The best ways to do this are:

  • Put them in your trouser/shirt pocket or wear them as jewellery such as necklace or bracelet.
  • Place them in between you and your devices. Perhaps on your work desk.

After Use

It is not always possible to keep a crystal on hand. In some cases, we need to use them after EMF exposure. They can be used with good results in the following ways:

  • Use your grounding crystal in meditations: Hold your crystal, or crystals, in your hands and keep your mind focused on their energy during your meditation.
  • Place a grounding crystal on the third eye (centre of forehead) for five to ten minutes: This helps with clearing any brain fog caused by EMF.
  • Use grounding crystals around your bath tub: (Not in water, as some crystals may rust). This not only helps clear EMFs; it also makes bath time a much fizzier and cleansing affair.

When using crystals for EMF protection there are two IMPORTANT THINGS to remember:

  • Powerfully magnetic crystals should not be used near your laptop or external hard drives because they could fry them.
  • Being semiconductors of energy, Clear Quartz (or other silicate crystals) should not be used near electronic devices, as they can amplify the EMFs

Extra EMF Protection

Although certain crystals work wonders for EMF shielding, we can also take further steps to protect ourselves. The simplest ways are to turn off your wireless routers at bedtime, don’t keep your mobile or other electrical devices on your body, keep your phones and laptops out of your bedroom, and switch off electrical appliances at the mains when not in use.

Also, as was mentioned in my last post, get out in Nature as much as possible. Nature heals us on so many levels and is the perfect protection from EMF. Read more here on the benefits of being in Nature for an Empath.

Remaining vigilant of what might weaken us as Empaths helps ensure we live our happiest and healthiest life. Knowledge is power. Hopefully, this post has shed some light as to how you might have been affected by EMF. We live in an ever-changing fast-paced world that seems to bring in more challenges by the day. Levels of electromagnetic pollution are bound to get worse, so taking some simple steps now to prevent overload can go a long way.

If you are interested in learning more about how crystals can help you as an Empath, I will be releasing a book on the subject in early spring.

Hope that you have all recovered from the festive period and here’s to a fantastic 2020!

Until next time… 350 DPI resized black cover 5 july for KDP 2


©Diane Kathrine


(Part of the above information has been lifted from my upcoming book – Crystals for Empaths – The Ultimate Guide

The below recording may also be of interest

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The Precipice of Change & Why It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

In the past few years we have seen some crazy hate campaigns going on in the media. Usually disguised as crusades for acceptance, equality or important political issues, but the true intention of these campaigns is usually to keep people distracted and divided.

Before I go any further, I would like to say that this is not a post on politics, issues on equality or anything like that. I am discussing how damaging all the dark energy, that is being fired up, is having and the reason for it.

I am not into politics and would never aim to influence anyone’s opinion on these matters, but what is happening now is seriously ugly, and anyone who is Sensitive will be horribly affected by the division, aggression and hate purposely stimulated.

The above campaigns are normally disguised as ‘pushes towards positive progression’, but as always within the mainstream media there is usually a hidden agenda to keep people away from their truth and self-evolvement.

Everyone wants to be accepted, and we are being told that we should be more accepting of those who are different. Acceptance of others is a good thing and should definitely be encouraged. But by stirring up hate in order to achieve this will not work. Hatred will never encourage acceptance. Evil begets evil, anger begets anger and hate begets hate.

The reason I wanted to address this subject today is because the type of energy that is being stirred up is the kind that brings an Empath down fast, if they are unfortunate enough to get caught up in it, and distracted from their own evolvement.

It is very easy for an Empath to lift the energy of others, in the form of opinions and ideas, and take them on as their own. We don’t even have to be physically in the presence of another for this to happen, reading online articles or watching videos can have the same impact. We can become so swayed by overwhelming opinions and energy that we get distracted from our life and dragged into a ‘manufactured war’. A war between people.

People are purposely being fired against each other and it is so awful to bear witness to, especially as an Empath.

Within the political world there has always been different parties, people standing for different reasons and rights. But never before have I seen such animosity stirred up, supposedly in the name of ‘standing for what is right’.

We have campaigns telling the world how we should be more accepting of others, but at the same time we are shown to hate those who don’t have the same opinions as us. It is considered ok to attack anyone who does not hold the same view, political or other, or to make assumptions on another’s beliefs and ideologies.

From where I stand, the message coming across is that its ok to silence, intimidate or attack those who stand up for what they believe in, if it doesn’t fit in with the narrative of the mainstream media. But how is this in any way progress?

But the truth is it’s not meant to be progress. It’s meant to throw us off track and keep us from our light.

A couple of months ago I watched a ‘Roast of Rob Lowe’ on Comedy Central. The panel of Roasters, and the audience, was filled with celebrities and well-known faces. It was just like any other Roast, of below-the-belt-banter, until Anne Coulthard got up. Talk about tumbleweeds.  

I must admit, I don’t know much about Anne Coulthard other than she is an advocate for Trump. But when she stood up, to do her Roast, the audience jeered her in such a hateful way and showed her nothing but contempt that it was difficult to watch. If the jeering was done in the ‘banterish’ way of the Roast, it might be laughed at, but it was hate-mob mentality and seriously uncomfortable viewing. Revulsion was written on the majority’s faces. And it sent a message to say if you don’t think like us or agree with us, then this is how we will treat you. This is extreme narcissism and it is scary that it seems to be so accepted!

I get that everyone has their own political opinions and beliefs. And so they should. Politics has always been an ugly arena; but the intimidation that is now happening is bullying and is not the behaviour that should be passed off as acceptable in a supposedly progressive society. We cannot be told that bullying is bad then show it as entertainment. Unless, of course, if the desired effect is to turn people against each other…

Celebrities are major influencers. People respect and admire them. Seeing celebs behaving towards others with contempt, because of their political leanings, shows the viewing world that this is the way to treat anyone who holds differing opinions.

Encouraging hate will never encourage acceptance. It just distracts and divides. The messages being sent out by the media are both confusing and contradictory. By keeping us distracted and divided it keeps us from finding unity with each other and from finding our own power.

I try to bypass anything that holds the content of hate online, but by spending a lot of time on my laptop, I sometimes find myself being drawn in on YouTube or something. When I do get drawn in, it leaves me deflated and depressed (and in serious need of chocolate). 

There are so many messages of hate being sent out in the guise of ‘striving for acceptance’, but the way these messages are portrayed are just so off track.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for acceptance, and in a perfect world we would all be capable of accepting everyone for their ‘differences’. But one thing is for sure, hate will always negate acceptance. 

There will always be differing political opinions, religious beliefs, cultural differences and varied outlooks on life. As I have said many times before, we are all different with different life paths (even as Empaths), and that is a good thing, it’s the way it is meant to be. It is so easy to waste this precious life focused on what others do or say and what they believe in, instead of focusing on finding our truth and purpose.

If you pay too much attention to the negative hype, being purposely aggravated, then you will be badly affected. By avoiding the media fracas, you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary suffering and heartache. You will feel more positive about yourself and others. Read this post to learn why Empaths are more at risk from the negativity.

We are in the midst of some incredible times for evolvement; which can be easily missed when focusing on manufactured negativity. I believe that all this BS means we are on the precipice of incredible changes for all (things get worse before they get better), but we still have to participate in any change for the better by keeping ourselves in a higher space. Doing a daily reset helps with this.

When spending your time doing what you love, and away from the media, it automatically elevates you. It also helps keep you protected from the dark energy stirred up out there. You then radiate a more powerful energy which positively impacts those you come into contact with.

Ok, that’s my musings for today.

Hope you are all having a fantastic summer… or winter.

Until next time…


©Diane Kathrine


Please help support me and my work




Moving Into A New World or Something Else?

There is no denying that something strange is happening. Can you feel it too?

When sifting through some of my old posts, as I do from time to time, I came across one that caught my attention. 

The post is from 2015, so some of you may remember it, and it struck me as being quite apt for what we are seeing happening today.

So, I decided I would share it again.

Here it is:

Have you found that you seem to be getting triggered in negative ways recently?

You’re not alone.

Many Empaths are experiencing this.

You will especially notice these triggers if in the past years, you have significantly raised your vibration and have done lots of work on yourself in mind, body and spirit.

You may find that for most of the time you feel happy, then you come into contact with a certain person and it puts you into a negative place, or you may see a news segment that winds you up. Your thoughts change from being happy to low vibrational.

Thinking negatively is not a fault, humans are hardwired into having more negative thoughts than positive. It’s called negativity bias and stems back to our survival instincts from caveman days. We can brood for hours on dark menacing thoughts whilst positive ones may go unnoticed.

It only takes 17 seconds for a negative thought to take hold, which could then escalate into hours or days worth of dark thinking, which affects both our emotions and our physical health.

So, the question is, why are we getting triggered so much lately and why are we noticing all this negativity?

I don’t tend to write about the ‘dark energies’ of our planet, as it is not something I wish to focus on. But we all know there are both dark and light forces at work here. I choose to believe the dark is on its way out, but it does not seem to want to leave without a fight!

It certainly appears, those of us who have worked hard to change ourselves and raise our vibration are getting distracted and pushed out of alignment. There are many ways this is happening, either through: trauma triggers, psychic attack, career problems, political issues, global affairs, etc. It really depends where your interests and thus focus lies.

If you are disconnected from online media and other media outlets, that promote highly charged negative news, another way to get you is through people. You may find people popping up in your life who act as trauma triggers or you may notice more cruel behaviour in the world around you.

Gloom Feeds Gloom

We all know that our thoughts create our reality. Through the law of attraction, we draw back to us what we focus on. When we are triggered, it can swiftly take us out of a lovely happy place and into a dark or painful place. If we stay focused on negativity too long we then attract back more.

If you find this happening to you, distract yourself the moment you realize you are pondering anything negative, or when you feel your emotions being activated. This post may help.

Remember, we only have a 17 second window to stop ourselves from being drawn into negative situations. The more creative your mind, the quicker you will find yourself being ignited by negativity.

Earlier in the week, when I was pondering the reasons behind the dark energy triggers, and why we are being purposely drawn into emotional conflict, my mind went back to something I read many years ago by Dolores Cannon, about the separating world.

Through her work as a past-life hypnotherapist, Dolores discovered that our world would split in two, becoming high and low vibrational worlds. I don’t know if this is metaphorical or physical, but if you look around, it certainly appears to be happening.

It’s as though the human race has been split. People that see the world one way and people who see it another way. And there does not seem to be any way to debate or discuss certain situations. Some people’s minds seem so closed, that it is almost as though they are living in another reality.

There is so much anger and conflict, that for the Empaths of the world it can be unbearable to live in, if we focus on it. That’s why it is so important to stay disconnected from anything or anyone who drags us into emotional conflict.

Dolores did say the eventual outcome would be wonderful. So, fingers crossed on that one. The video below explains about Dolores’ work and her findings. It is easy to understand and follow.

Sadly, Dolores Cannon passed away in 2014, but if you are interested in her work, she has left an amazing legacy and a wealth of information in books and online videos.

If you have found yourself feeling more drawn into weird conflicts recently, I hope this post lets you know you are not alone.

So, there you go. Although it is an old post it still seems relevant. Maybe what we are seeing all around us is the world splitting, and people moving into different realities.

Until next time.



©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered


Can You Feel It?


Don’t you love the energy of a new year? Just today I felt a real shift in the way the energy feels. It’s like there’s a freshness all around and an upbeat vibe drifting through the air.

 It’s as though positive intentions are ramping up, as ideas for fresh starts are being put into place all around.

I was away for Christmas, in the Caribbean, so I missed a lot of the Xmas madness. I got back on the 28th, and there was still a real stressed-out energy lingering. It wasn’t very nice to come back to. Even my husband found the energy dark and stressful, which made him a little grumpy. (My Empath ways have shown up in him more in recent years and he has become much more in tune with the energy of others.) Continue reading

The Daily Reset: Important for all Empaths!

If you are an Empath this post is important for you to read, especially if you answer yes to the following…

Are you struggling to stay focused?

Do you feel enraged by the injustices going on around you?

Does it feel like you are forgetting who you are or losing your mind?

Are you feeling more negativity in yourself and in others?

If you answered yes to any of those questions you are not alone.


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