Whose Emotion Are You In? A Guide For Empaths

Is this your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else?

Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for many Empaths.

Not recognizing other people’s energy, within oneself, is a common theme within the Empath world. Just knowing you take on the emotions from others, does not mean you can automatically discern them from your own or are able to prevent them from affecting you. Continue reading

Is it Time to Let Them Go?

Being in harmony with people is essential to an Empath’s health and wellbeing.

It should go without saying that as Empaths we should be extra vigilant of not only whom we allow into our life but also those we allow to stay.

Is it time to let them go?

This isn’t about us thinking we’re too good for some people. It’s about letting go of those who constantly make us feel bad, who drain our energy and suck the joy from our life. And that should probably include the people who are angry or bitter towards us, those who attack or lie about us to others and those who seem to enjoy seeing us suffer.

Sadly, the people this includes is most often adult family members or friends who we would have at one time considered close. Continue reading

Why Do Empaths Have Such a Strong Sense of Not Belonging?

Too many Empaths go through life feeling like they don’t belong. It’s as though they have been dumped in a reality that is not a fit for them… So why is that?

Even before we discover who we are, as Empaths, we can feel like a giant square peg trying to squeeze into a tiny hole.

We look around at those who glide through life, following the rules laid down by society, who appear contented with the way the system operates and who slot in with others effortlessly. Even if they are unhappy, they never seem to question anything, nor find fault with ‘the way things work’. We may wonder why is it so easy for them to ‘fit in’ but not for us?

There are several reasons for this ‘sense of not belonging’ the Empath has; one of which being the way we ‘feel’. Continue reading

A Guide to Surviving Christmas for the Empath

As I was nosing through some of my older posts, I came across one I had posted two Christmases ago (read it here). The post made me smile because I remembered how much I disliked the month of December and how bad I always felt when it came to the ‘Silly Season’.

But this year, it’s been different. In truth, I have loved every minute of the month. I have loved the crisp coldness and dark winter evenings, and having to wrap up in warm winter woollies. I find myself gazing at the twinkling lights, dangling from the trees and houses in the neighbourhood, in awe and I have truly enjoyed socializing and getting together with friends.

Another factor which has left me rather astonished is that I have not been taken down by all the crazy ’emotional’ energy stirred up during the Christmas period. I put this down to the fact that I am constantly working on myself to stay in balance. I also have lots of ‘grounding and re-balancing tricks’ up my sleeve.

Many Empaths face a daily ’emotional and physical hangover’ during the month of December. It kind of goes with the territory. But you do not need to suffer unnecessarily.

Different types of emotional stress trigger different responses within an Empath. For this reason, it is a good idea to experiment with ‘new’ grounding techniques at this time of year, to help stay detached from the emotional energy of others.

You may find the following techniques (from my last Christmas post) beneficial:

Surviving Christmas

Daily Grounding

Most Empaths have a daily grounding ritual, but to stay out of the ‘Christmas stress’ we need to add something extra to it… childlike positivity.

Adopting childlike excitement into your energy can help protect you from the stress energy of others.

You only have to cast your mind back to childhood to remember how explosively exciting Christmas was. So, instead of tuning into people’s stress energy, focus your awareness on the exhilaration you had in childhood. It is uplifting and energizing.

Carry Haematite or Other Protective Stones

Haematite is both grounding and mirroring, and it will help protect you when in busy, stressed places (basically everywhere over the festive period).

Keeping a piece with you at all times is a good way to shield yourself from unwanted energy. If you want to learn more about the benefits of Haematite for the Empath see this post.

Eat Lots of Bright Coloured Food

Oranges, lemons and limes, red apples, blueberries and bananas, for example, will help keep you protected and healthy over the silly season.

Christmas contributes to bad eating. Party food and alcohol carry little in the way of nutrients, and if we pick up lots of stress energy the immune system will be compromised.

By eating plenty of lovely bright coloured foods it ensures you get lots of vitamins and enzymes which wards off colds and builds your resilience towards stress-related illness.

When we eat brightly coloured food, in the form of delicious fruit and veg, we reap many benefits.

Also whether we gaze upon brightly coloured fruit or consume it, it is beneficial. Colour raises our mood and vibration and that is always going to be super-beneficial at this time of year.

Shake it Off

If you get overwhelmed by too much stress energy, a brilliant way to get rid of it is by shaking it off.

Start by giving each leg a good shake, shake your bottom and your torso, shake your arms and hands, blubber through your lips and wobble your cheeks, run your hands through your hair and give the scalp a good shake (I do not recommend shaking the head as tension is often held in the neck).

Shaking works even better if you can do it in water and/or with some uplifting funky music.

The shaking method also works great if you pick up on any anger energy.

Eat Chocolate

Eating moderate amounts of chocolate is a perfect and delicious, way for an Empath to ground and recharge.

Many Empaths are naturally drawn to chocolate, their inner-knowing already knows of its benefits. However, not all chocolate is created equal, the darker the chocolate the better, and if it is organic, perfect!

Opt for minimum 70% cocoa when choosing your chocolate fix.

Dark chocolate is super healthy as long as it in not loaded with unrefined sugar.

White refined sugar is inflammatory. It causes excess cortisol to be released into the body which then heightens uncomfortable emotions and stress for the Empath (click here to learn more).

Practice Gratitude

Christmas can cause overwhelm for an Empath and may put them in a negative mindset, but by practising gratitude it can raise the spirits like nothing else.

Being grateful for what you already have in your life brings in more things to be thankful for. Or, if you don’t feel like you have much to be grateful for, be grateful for the amazing things that are coming your way.

You will be amazed at just how uplifting this is. It also works like chocolate and floods your system with feel good hormones.

Here are some more posts that will help the Empath with Xmas stress

If you need to relax this post will help:  Incredible Relaxation Technique for the Empath

If you pick up on other people’s stress energy and emotions cast your eyes over this: Protection for the Empath

And if you spend time around overly negative people you need to read this: Reasons to Avoid Negative People

Wishing you all much love, happiness and festive fun.


©Diane Kathrine.



The Easy Empath Elixir

Are you one of the many Empaths who struggles to stay in  control of how you feel?

You are not alone. The stresses of ‘Empath life’ certainly takes its toll on the emotional and physical wellbeing of many Empaths.

But did you know that just by drinking more water you can become healthier, both emotionally and physically?

Sound too good to be true…? Read on…

The body consists of up to 75% water (some body tissue has 95%), so it will come as no surprise that we need to drink lots of water to stay in balance physically and mentally.

When out-of-sorts, we can turn to water as a quick pick-me-up. Not only will it help keep the body functioning properly but it also helps in dealing with Empath overwhelm and emotional energy.

Most are unaware just how dehydrated they are, because they regularly drink fluids throughout the day. But as the body uses so much water, just to function, it is quickly being used and in constant need of replenishment.

Breathing alone loses a quarter of the body’s water, on a daily basis, and that’s without any physical exertion.

Dehydration affects well-being, appearance and accelerates the aging process. Being well-hydrated is essential to keep the body functioning and the energy levels stable.

We could not survive more than a few days without fluid and this should make it clear how important it is.

But not only does an insufficient supply of water create problems with the functioning of the body and mind, it can also influence how an Empath experiences the energy of others.

Because they are often on overload, from experiencing too much emotional energy, the Empath’s filtering system does not always work as efficiently as it could; meaning toxins stay in the body longer than they should. Which can play havoc with their emotions. Continue reading

Ever Wondered Why You Continue to Suffer as an Empath?


Have you tried all types of grounding or protective techniques, as an Empath, and find nothing works? Or have you found you are more negatively affected when spending time around certain people than you ever have been?

Have you considered the possibility that you may be suffering with leaky aura syndrome?

Most Empaths come to realize they have a leaky aura when they experience near-constant exhaustion, after spending little time around people. The grounding and protection techniques, they try, don’t make any difference to how they feel or experience the emotional energy of others. They may have even become so sensitive that they struggle to enjoy life.

Anyone whose auric field is congested, particularly with negative energy, may eventually develop auric permeability. But it is not just negative energy that causes the problem. In fact, when a person’s aura is permeable the problem often originated within the body. The biggest contributors are excessive stress, emotional pain, poor lifestyle choices, bad people, toxic environments and food.

After a lifetime of being Sensitive, and the challenges that go with it, the Empath’s body becomes less resilient (especially evident after the age of thirty). A weakened body weakens the energy field and is a major contributor to leaky aura.

The auric field is affected by your thoughts, feelings, actions and words. And because of the law of attraction, depending on the way you think and feel will determine what you draw into your life.

If as an Empath, you have leaky aura syndrome, and are unaware of it, you have little control over what you attract. You will struggle to protect yourself from the low-level vibrations in your environment; they seep into your energy field even when you work to stop them. You then vibrate at this same frequency, drawing in more of the same.

Continue reading

Should the Empath Become Vegetarian?

There is much debate within the Empath world as to whether meat should be consumed. Many Empaths find themselves naturally drawn to vegetarianism, even from a young age. Some even become strict vegans, others may eat only chicken or fish. 

However, as each Empath is affected differently by their consumption of meat, chicken and fish it is a choice they have to make for themselves as to whether they consume.

The majority of Empaths will question their meat intake at some point on their journey, even if they like the taste. And this often comes down to their love and respect for nature and the animal kingdom, as well as the fact that consuming animals can feel  wrong.

It has to be said, we live in a barbaric world where animals eat animals, fish eat fish, and insects eat insects to survive… and yes, humans eat animals (and, in some rare cases, other humans). But these days more people, and not just the Sensitive, are choosing to stop eating meat because of the way animals are treated.

It is not just because of their love of animals that turns an Empath away from eating meat, whether they realize this or not, it’s often because they feel the energy of an animal when they eat its flesh.

Some are so Sensitive that they can even feel the energy of an egg and will avoid eating them too.

If an animal suffered or felt much fear before being slaughtered, it can cause depression and low emotions in the Empath who consumes its meat. The bigger the animal the more this energy is felt.

These emotions are normally experienced soon after consumption, within minutes or hours. One may feel weepy, sorrowful, irritation or experience waves of anger. You may even find yourself more ‘touchy’ to the energy of your surroundings.

That said, some are little affected. It really depends on one’s level of Sensitivity and the type of animal produce. For example: some Empaths may eat chicken or fish and feel no ill-effects, but if they eat meat, derived from a cow or pig, it greatly affects their moods.

It is probably safe to say should you develop low emotions soon after eating meat, avoidance may be the best option for you.

I eat chicken and fish, and very little meat. I would prefer to be vegetarian, and for some time I was, but it didn’t suit my health. I have an autoimmune disorder and a leaky gut, which I can control through my diet. I find most vegetarian proteins cause a negative bodily reaction (Click here to learn about Empaths reacting to vegan food). And because of the environment I live in, I tend to stay overly responsive.                                                                                                                                                      

Leaky gut and autoimmune disease are conditions common among Sensitive people. After experiencing a lifetime’s worth of heightened emotions and sensitivities, the gut, which is the area of the seat of emotions, weakens. Because of the amount of chemicals in our atmosphere and diet, and the foods that have been genetically altered, we become vulnerable to developing physical and energetic weaknesses.

[In brief, if you suffer with a leaky gut, the lectins in many vegetarian foods trigger a reaction that allows food particles, that should stay inside the gut, to leak out into the body. This causes an immune response. When this happens regularly it eventually leads to an autoimmune disease, where the immune system attacks the organs and glands. For the Empath, this opens another can of worms, igniting unbalanced chakras and a permeable aura.]

Should you choose to eat meat, fish, chicken or even dairy products, you are best eating the finest quality organic pasture-raised produce. Not only because the animals will have been better looked after but because of the amount of chemicals pumped into most livestock.

Over 80% of all produced antibiotics are given to livestock. And up to 20 different medications and vast quantities of hormones could be present in non-organic meat and dairy. The antibiotics and hormones found within animal produce are causing people many health problems. They are known to be endocrine disruptors. And anything which is an endocrine disruptor upsets the balance of hormones within the body. This in turn disrupts the health of the chakras and weakens the auric field (meaning you pick up more energy from others).

So, as already noted, should you choose to eat animal produce it is probably best to consume the finest quality.  

The last thing you want, as an Empath, is  for your diet to destabilize your aura and debilitate your chakras.  Empath life already comes with enough hurdles as it is. (You may want to read this post on how unbalanced chakras can weaken the Empath)

For more posts on how diet affects Empath health click here, here, and here.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Stay happy and healthy.


©Diane Kathrine

The Crossroads of Empath Change: Unplugging from Hysteria

Photo by Rafael Barros on Pexels.com

You would have to live deep underground to not have noticed the crazy happenings in society.

Almost everyone has been affected in some way or the other by the engulfing mass hysteria that has swept the world.

It is easy to believe most of the craziness is politically fuelled; yet it is my belief, the real reason goes deeper than that.

The world is not a happy place.

The masses are angry and afraid.

Dogmatism and cognitive dissonance is rife. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and individuality are being suppressed. And the energy of hate is skyrocketing.

People are being silenced. Most are now too scared to speak out about their true beliefs for the fear of being labelled as sexist, stupid, a conspiracy theorist, a racist, or not politically correct.

It certainly feels like all humans are being manipulated to turn on each other. This is not a recent thing. It has been building for a while and will likely continue for many years to come.

We live in a world going through the quickening of change.

These changes are causing trauma, chaos, emotional pain, depression and more.

Although trauma and upheaval may be considered as emotionally damaging, it can lead to growth and spiritual awareness… if we allow it.

Trauma is the first step we take across the tempestuous waters of awakening. Pain is a prelude to birth.

For some, the initial stages of awakening are seen in random behaviours. Two of these being: denial and blame. In the years to come, you will see this behaviour escalating everywhere. People pointing the finger of blame and convincing themselves their problems lie in the hands of another.

Most are so busy avoiding themselves, and instead lashing out at others, that they miss a unique opportunity for transformation.

Suffering is part of the ‘wake-up call’. People far and wide are hearing the sirens of the awakening, and call to change, but it is their choice how the transition goes.

We can choose to wake-up, evolve and grow, or we can choose to stay in denial.

Denial is the ‘seemingly’ comfortable ‘safe’ passage. At least for a while. But it really just prolongs discomfort.

We can’t ignore evolution forever. If we try, things eventually become so bad that we are forced to change.

All humans are presently being fed fuel to stoke up their raging emotions of anger, bitterness and hate. If we engage them, these types of emotions keep us trapped in mental conflict and away from finding peace and harmony.

Evil begets evil. Hate breeds hate. Anger feeds anger. Fear fuels fear. The more of this type of energy people put out into the world the more it grows.

We all have light and darkness within; both love and hate. Whichever we choose to give the most attention to will be the force that guides our feelings, thoughts and choices. Choose wisely. We are the creators of our own reality.

Strange Things Afoot

It is clear there are some seriously strange things happening in the world. (If you’ve read anything about the Mandela Effect you’ll know what I mean).

There is a lot of positive change happening and many truths are being revealed; but we are also being distracted to prevent us from discovering our own power.

Distraction is a powerful tool. When our mind is preoccupied with all the wrongs in the world, we don’t see what is right. And we don’t notice the powerful positive and uplifting energy that is all around us.

crossroads2We are at the crossroads of change. Being a crossroads means we have a choice of which direction to take. We can choose the path of denial and despair or the one of love and gratitude. That choice is often determined by where we place our focus.

You would think it’s a no brainer to choose the positive love energy. But the more people who focus and send out the hate/fear energy the more this builds and the harder it is not to become embroiled in.

For the Empaths, this low-level energy, that has swept the globe, is agonizing to experience. But it can also be perversely alluring; drawing us in without our realizing.

I too have been lured into engaging the distressing and emotionally provoking news, designed to distract, divide and enrage. And yes, I get wound up by it all. I keep having to remind myself to unplug and stay switched off from it. I know I am wasting my time and precious energy by allowing myself to be distracted.

Some might argue that we have a duty to stay informed, we should fight for our rights and silence is consent. And, as much as I may agree, most of what we are being fed is shameful propaganda, which does nothing but feed our darkest emotions and pains the soul.

When we focus on the incredible force of gratitude and love, it is a game changer. We then see more and more positive come into our life through the law of attraction.

By not giving our attention to anything which feeds negative emotions, we free ourselves

Choosing to stay unplugged is the best form of protection at this time. Especially if you are badly affected by all the hysterical energy.

Here are some excellent ways to stay unplugged and keep your energy vibrant:

  • Stay away from the media: Online news, social media and televised news reports can lure you into negative thinking, frustration and anger.
  • Avoid politics: Don’t get involved in dogmatic discussions and avoid those who seem to thrive when politically venting.
  • Steer clear of large groups of people or protests: Mass hysteria is contagious and drags everyone in, even those with the best intentions.
  • Pursue your passions: Do what you love and be creative as often as you can (your own form of distraction).
  • Express gratitude every day throughout the day: Be grateful for anything you can. A delicious meal, a good book or film, or just the traffic lights being on green. Keep pumping this positive energy out.
  • Keep control of the mind: Meditate or do moving meditations like yoga, Thai-chi or dance.
  • Get outdoors: Spend as much time in nature as possible and bask in natural sunlight.

Pain serves us in mysterious ways. We eventually come to a point when we understand why we endured all we have, and we recognize how our pain shaped and changed us for the better. But we don’t need to keep experiencing it over and over. We have a choice. Now is the time to start shaping your new reality by unplugging from the old.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

To learn how to empower yourself during these trying times, click on the link or the picture opposite.

Why the Unusual Empath Reaction to Lies?


Empaths have a strong sense of integrity and they know a lie when they feel it. They also know they shouldn’t lie for personal gain or to manipulate others. Their goal in life may be to live in complete authenticity, but find it difficult to do in a world where dishonesty and corruption are more readily accepted than the truth.

We live in a time where silver-tongued fraudsters are rewarded, and those who speak their truth often get attacked. And because of this, many are afraid of showing who they are or what they believe in.

While the world is filled with deceit and disinformation, something will always feel off to an Empath. But it’s not just living under a corrupt establishment that creates a sense of unease, simply being in the presence of inauthenticity throws the Empath into disarray.

When in the company of those whose words don’t match their vibration, the Empath’s brain tends to scramble. So much so, they may struggle to form a coherent sentence. This mind-numbing effect is caused by the ‘Empathic antenna’ sensing all is not what it seems. It is detecting a person is not showing a true reflection of who they are.

In most cases, when someone creates a fake persona, it is a way to hide a side they believe will be rejected. Every human wants to feel special and loved. And if someone feels unworthy, they may create a ‘face’ they hope will be accepted.

But inauthenticity breeds and feeds. And an initial quest to ‘fit in’ can escalate, over time, into a darker manipulative personality.

When an Empath encounters inauthentic people they may, initially, assume it is their own insecurities creating the ‘freeze effect’. When it is really a brain scramble caused by the contradictory energy they pick up.

Brain scramble can cause: confusion, stumbling over words, nervousness, and anxiety. It can also cause a stall in the memory, where names, places and events get temporarily erased from the mind Continue reading

What Has Happened To The World?

Although I dislike watching strong violence, I do have a penchant for zombie and end of the world catastrophe movies. One of my favourites being ‘World War Z’. It only recently dawned on me that these zombie films are almost like a metaphor for the world today.

In a typical zombie film, a virus attacks the human host, whilst keeping the body alive. The body is then under the control of a parasitical hive-minded predator. The zombie is unable to show empathy, think for itself or express any emotion, other than rage, all it seemingly does is attack those not akin to itself.

Hmmm, sound familiar?

We are surrounded by people acting like zombies. Too many people are going through the motions of life, whilst following the protocol of consume, reproduce, sleep and obey (If you’ve ever seen the film ‘They Live’ you’ll know where I’m coming from), but not really questioning anything or  thinking outside of the box.

It’s like there is a divide, a war between light and dark. There is evidence of this everywhere we look.

So yes, we are in the midst of challenging times, that are affecting everyone in different ways. Waking some people up and closing others down, turning them into zombies. The Empaths are obviously affected by all this in unpleasant ways.

What is Happening? Continue reading

Dealing with Energy Shifts as an Empath


In recent years, there has been many shifts and changes with energy patterns. Anything to do with energy shifting will always affect the Empath in weird and wonderful ways. But it is how it impacts others that might disrupt life.

When there is any type of ‘shift,’ it usually brings to the surface anything buried, which often causes conflict, activates anger issues and finger-pointing.

If, as an Empath, you get emotionally floored, angry, anxious or feel under attack, with no real reason for it, it could simply be down to a shift.

When these shifts happen you may feel like you are out-of-body, observing life as it is going on around you but not really feeling part of it. You may overhear conversations that seem so predictable and obvious that you wonder why others are having them, or you may question why people can’t jump off the hamster wheels they are so fervently spinning on.

It might seem as though you are watching helplessly, from the side-lines, as others refuse to face the truths of themselves, or of this world, and everywhere people seem angry or preoccupied with ridiculous issues.

People are experiencing their ‘buried issues’, which come up during energy shifts, but are refusing to face them. Because of this, they may project what they are feeling on to political issues or lash out at family members or friends.

This destructive energy then builds and becomes more overwhelming for those of us who are Sensitive. Continue reading

Why Certain People Acts as a Trauma Trigger for An Empath

adult alone anxious black and whiteContinuing from my last post, today I want to discuss how a person’s residual energy can trigger an Empath.

Residual energy is a trail left by a person’s moods and emotions. It can also be created when a conflict has occurred in a certain place.

How does dark residual energy affect an Empath..?

Well, when left by a person, it can seep into their energy field and influence their thoughts and moods for days after being picked up. Which is obviously a problem if it is negative.

When filled with negative emotions, anyone and everyone can leave a trail of dark lingering energy. But those who affect the Empaths in the most painful ways are the people who act as Emotional Trauma Triggers (ETTs).

A trauma trigger is an event from the past that can trigger a reaction, such as anxiety or fear, in the present. But even residual energy, left by someone who caused you emotional pain in the past ( or those who carry the same energy signature), can become an emotional trauma trigger.

How do you know if someone is an emotional trauma trigger? 

Generally, the mere mention of an ETT’s name is enough to ignite an unpleasant emotional response. But the worst reaction happens when you have spent time with them and their residual energy has seeped into your aura.

Signs you have been triggered:

  • Your mind keeps going back to said person in a negative way
  • You start re-living a long-forgotten injustice from your past
  • You feel uninspired or lethargic
  • It feels like you are experiencing psychic attack
  • You experience waves of bitterness, anger or irritability (when you don’t normally carry those traits)
  • You feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled
  • Your sleep is affected
  • You don’t feel like your usual self
  • You suffer with many niggling physical complaints
    Continue reading

As an Empath How do You Know Whose Emotions You are Feeling?


Is it your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else?

Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for an Empath.

Every Empath quickly discovers of their ability to sense the emotional energy in others, but some struggle to distinguish these emotions from their own.

I often get asked questions like: ‘How do I define what I feel in another person?’ or ‘How can I block the emotions coming from others?’

Not understanding what other people’s emotions represent is more common than you might think within the Empath world.

When I was younger (teens and twenties), I did not know I could sense another’s emotions. I thought my own insecurities made me feel uneasy when around certain people. If anyone carried hidden pain, negative energy or anger issues, I felt them as a deep sense of discomfort. Which I wrongly interpreted as being part of my own social hang-ups.

Continue reading

Should Empaths Develop Mediumistic Abilities? And a Word of WARNING!


woman girl eyes blur

Because Empaths are an intuitive bunch, it can rouse the question whether they also have psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Being mediumistic is not an attribute that falls under the ‘traits of an Empath’, but that is not to say they cannot own the gift.

So, what is being a medium? Think James Van Praagh, Alison Dubois or John Edwards. Those who have the ability to connect with the otherside.

Some Empaths have mediumistic abilities and some mediums have Empathic abilities. But whether you were born with the gift or not, it is something that can be developed.

If it is a topic you are drawn to, and want to develop, you can work towards owning mediumistic abilities. Empaths are highly intuitive and are aligned to most things of a metaphysical nature. They often experience a strong pull towards mediumship in the ‘early days’ of awakening.

However, it is not a subject one should take lightly; and finding a good teacher is essential. The teacher has to know and understand all about the traits and sensitivities of an Empath. Continue reading

The Mirror Effect of an Empath & Why Some People Instantly Dislike You

We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not. 

What is often baffling to the Empath is why some people act in an animostic way towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading