Dealing with Energy Shifts as an Empath


In recent years, there has been many shifts and changes with energy patterns. Anything to do with energy shifting will always affect the Empath in weird and wonderful ways. But it is how it impacts others that might disrupt life.

When there is any type of ‘shift,’ it usually brings to the surface anything buried, which often causes conflict, activates anger issues and finger-pointing.

If, as an Empath, you get emotionally floored, angry, anxious or feel under attack, with no real reason for it, it could simply be down to a shift.

When these shifts happen you may feel like you are out-of-body, observing life as it is going on around you but not really feeling part of it. You may overhear conversations that seem so predictable and obvious that you wonder why others are having them, or you may question why people can’t jump off the hamster wheels they are so fervently spinning on.

It might seem as though you are watching helplessly, from the side-lines, as others refuse to face the truths of themselves, or of this world, and everywhere people seem angry or preoccupied with ridiculous issues.

People are experiencing their ‘buried issues’, which come up during energy shifts, but are refusing to face them. Because of this, they may project what they are feeling on to political issues or lash out at family members or friends.

This destructive energy then builds and becomes more overwhelming for those of us who are Sensitive. Continue reading