Should Empaths Develop Mediumistic Abilities? And a Word of WARNING!


woman girl eyes blur

Because Empaths are an intuitive bunch, it can rouse the question whether they also have psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Being mediumistic is not an attribute that falls under the ‘traits of an Empath’, but that is not to say they cannot own the gift.

So, what is being a medium? Think James Van Praagh, Alison Dubois or John Edwards. Those who have the ability to connect with the otherside.

Some Empaths have mediumistic abilities and some mediums have Empathic abilities. But whether you were born with the gift or not, it is something that can be developed.

If it is a topic you are drawn to, and want to develop, you can work towards owning mediumistic abilities. Empaths are highly intuitive and are aligned to most things of a metaphysical nature. They often experience a strong pull towards mediumship in the ‘early days’ of awakening.

However, it is not a subject one should take lightly; and finding a good teacher is essential. The teacher has to know and understand all about the traits and sensitivities of an Empath. Continue reading

Incredible & Essential Benefits of Meditation for The Empath

chibi_buddha_144332For an Empath, learning to control the mind is prerequisite to a happy, healthy life. It is after all thoughts that create our outlook on reality.

As thoughts and feelings are interconnected, the way we think about anything is how we feel about it. Thoughts trigger emotions both positive and negative.

Negative thoughts are catalyst to building feelings of anger, fear or sadness, etc. Positive thoughts create feelings of warmth and happiness.

It is said the average person has 35 thoughts a minute. If only a quarter of them are dark, life will be unnecessarily challenging.

Dark thoughts can keep us up at night and wake us in the morning. They take over our mind when driving (how often have you got somewhere without remembering the journey?) and can too easily distract us from life.

Also, picking up the emotions of others has a massive impact on the way we think. Which could be a good or bad thing, depending on the emotional energy.

The good news is, we have a choice over the thoughts we indulge. The trick is learning how to break free from the more negative musings and this involves quietening the mind.

Being able to quieten the mind may take time and effort but, in doing so, it ignites an incredible inner calm! And one of the best ways to do this is through meditation.

By meditating, it does not mean we never have thoughts again. We simply gain greater control over those we choose to focus on. This ultimately prevents us getting lost in the type of thoughts that trigger painful emotions. Which is especially beneficial to the Empath.

There are many types of meditation to try, and they don’t all involve sitting on the floor in the lotus position. There is a type to suit each Empath: chanting, breath-work, visualisation, trance, etc.

You don’t have to stay in doors either. You can do a walking meditation where you externalise your awareness and focus on everything around you. e.g.: your feet on the grass as you walk, or at the trees and clouds in the sky above you.

When practised with awareness, yoga is a moving meditation that unites body, mind and spirit and is a good option for those who do not like to sit still.

Unlike in relaxation, we don’t want to fall asleep in meditation. This is the time to quieten a busy mind through intention; if we fall asleep, we lose that opportunity.

When first meditating, it is common for mind chatter to step up a gear. It feels like the world and his wife has taken up residence in the head… all with very loud voices. This is often the egoic mind at work wanting to stay in control of the thought process. This is entirely normal, albeit somewhat frustrating. And, just like turbulence on a plane, when we push through we eventually climb above it… then, all becomes calm, smooth and serene.

A regular meditation practise is essential to reap the full benefits because, as with anything in life, good things don’t happen overnight. The more we practice the calmer our thoughts and emotions become.

Not only is meditation a must for gaining control of the mind it is another great technique for balancing the chakras (Read here how unbalanced chakras destroys the Empath). It is also anti-ageing, de-stressing to the body and an incredible aid to sleep — especially when done in darkness.

Meditating in the dark helps keep the pineal gland (third eye) healthy, which in turn keeps the production of melatonin balanced.

What Does Melatonin Do?

Melatonin is known as the anti-ageing hormone and is produced by the pineal gland (area of third eye) in the darkness. It is a naturally occurring hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps prevent, and treat, many illnesses including cancer.

Studies have shown that meditation, done in complete darkness, before bedtime, increases production of melatonin and produces enough to last the night. This can be further aided by focusing on the third-eye (centre of forehead), which in turn stimulates the pineal gland.

Starting a Practice

To begin a meditation practise, it is best to plan a set time every day. Perhaps start with ten minutes and build to twenty or thirty.

Having no distractions is important. If you think someone will walk in and disturb you, that’s all you’ll think about when you’re supposed to be meditating.

If there is a lot of external noise, pop some earphones in and play some gentle music, or listen to a guided meditation… As long as you practice regularly you will continue to see the many benefits unfold.

Here are links to some meditations and breathing techniques.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time..

©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

Also posted on Awakening People

Navigating Psychic Attack: A Guide for The Empath

There are many forms of psychic attack. For the purpose of this post, I’m referring to the type which is sent from one person to another, through dark thought forms.

Most Empaths have experienced psychic attack at some point in their life. Many without realizing what they are actually experiencing.

It’s often difficult to discern between the emotions our thoughts create, by pondering a stressful subject, to those we experience through psychic attack, and this is why many Empaths are unaware they are on the receiving end of it. 

Most people don’t experience the dark thoughts of others, but Empaths do. When another is having undesirable thoughts about them, Many Empaths pick them up. 

We are in the midst of some challenging times, which are bringing up buried insecurities and hidden issues to the surface within us all. But, instead of facing these issues and taking responsibility, many are projecting their pain onto others in the way of blame.  This can be the reason behind psychic attack, as dark thoughts are projected out.

Those who stay in a negative mind-set tend to vibrate at a low-frequency. Their energy becomes toxic to the Empath. Because many Empaths find it difficult being around this type of energy, they may need to disconnect or stop spending time with them. This often causes resentments to form in the other. A psychic attack may then ensue.

Generally, a psychic attack comes from family members (not necessarily blood-related), friends who are close or once used to be, work colleagues, or those who the Empath has disconnected from. 

How can you tell when being attacked?

When under psychic attack, the tell-tale signs are repetitive negative thought patterns surrounding one person.

For example: a certain friend (the one thinking and thus sending bad thoughts) repeatedly pops into the mind, along with negatively charged feelings, throughout the course of the day or days. You may wake up thinking angry thoughts towards this person, when you have had no recent contact with them. But you wrongly assume it is your own issues creating the angry thoughts.

When under attack, the one thinking/sending the dark thoughts won’t know you are on the receiving end of them. You probably won’t be the only person the thoughts are directed at, but you may likely be the only one feeling them.

What should you do when you sense a psychic attack?

If you suspect you are under attack, stop indulging the dark thoughts or emotions you are experiencing, immediately. Which has to be said, is not easy to do. By engaging angry thoughts that don’t belong to you, you become part of the problem.

An Empath has the power to project angry thoughts back to the source without realising. But, in doing so, they unintentionally open a two-way psychic battleground. This is when angry thoughts start flying back and forth. It can go on for days. And in these cases, the Empath always comes off worse.

You may have noticed your moods are projected onto others. If feeling happy you lift others up. If sad, you see it wash over those in your presence. Even your tiredness, and stumbling over words, is projected to another. 

More than any other, Empaths have to be cautious of what they project into the world in the way of gloomy, angry or irrational thoughts. What goes out has the tendency to come back amplified. (The positive flipside to this is the return of projecting positive thoughts out into the world).

How do we stop engaging dark thoughts?

The easiest way to stop negative thoughts, that don’t belong to you, is distract yourself the moment you notice them; especially if they repeatedly go back to the same person.

You may have already discovered your own way to do this, but making noise in your head can really help, like singing, humming or chanting, etc. Just like plugging in your ears and singing loudly blocks out external sounds, I’ve found this helps with outside thoughts too. You could also try strenuous exercise or get creative as a way of distraction.

How can we protect ourselves from psychic attack?

Being out of balance, physically or mentally, automatically weakens your energy-field (aura). Your energy-field is your invisible shield which protects you from outside influences, such as negative thoughts and emotions. If you have an overly porous or leaky aura (as many Empaths do) you will allow too much energy in from others , including their thoughts. (click here to find out if your aura is leaky)

Suppressed emotions, poor diet, lack of exercise, a busy head, illness and emotional pain all contribute to weakening of the aura (energetic body). If you suspect you have been on the receiving end of psychic attack it might be a good time to tune into your IGS and see what changes could be made. 

By strengthening your body and mind  (see here for more) it in turn strengthens your aura and thus helps ward off psychic attack or negative energy.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

1 Leaky Aura Syndrome

Is your real problem a leaky aura…?

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

If you have found my work to be helpful please consider donating here

Discover Your Inner Empath Guidance

Modern life often brings daily challenges for an Empath. If it’s not dealing with their own ‘issues’, it’s picking up on the pained emotions of the people around them or the stressed collective energy of the masses. 

Sometimes it can look like there is no way to get away from the many challenges that life throws an Empath. Especially when it feels like when one hurdle is jumped, another one appears.

But one thing all Empaths generally have is a strong Inner Guidance (IG). It is a guidance they can depend on, if they tune into it, to guide them through the challenges of ‘Sensitive life.’ 

So, what is an Empath’s Inner Guidance (IG) and how do they tune into it?

Basically, your IG is heard through the quiet voice that whispers to you when you’re troubled. It is felt through strong gut-sensations  and your intuitive ideas.

When in tune with your Inner Guidance, Empath life becomes smoother sailing. But the downside to this guidance is, it is easily manipulated by external energy, from the emotions of others, or by internal chemical imbalances that are caused by stress, chakra or endocrine imbalances.

In particular, anything that lowers your vibration can impact your ability to tune into your Inner Empath Guidance. 

I mentioned in my last post that sensitivities are on the rise for many people (and not just the Empaths) in the form of allergies, intolerances, negative emotional responses and depression. These are clear signs that something is amiss within the body, mind and spirit.

Finding Balance Within

The problem is, many people, Empaths included, tend to focus on either the development of the spiritual or  the physical self, but not both at the same time. They may pray, meditate or chant for hours each day and spend every waking moment, wondering how they could serve others, but they do no exercise, they may smoke twenty cigarettes a day and eat nothing but processed food. Or they may go to the other extreme of exercising two to three hours a day and are fastidious about what they eat, but have no ethical or spiritual practice.

However, if you are to find complete balance and harmony, and tune into your Inner Guidance, you need to work towards having the mind, body and spirit in unison.

The body is the physical, which is also home to our spirit, or soul, our true eternal-self. The soul carries all our life experiences and knowledge and it is the only thing we get to take with us when we leave this body. Our mind is what makes us, well, us.

Generally, when we have found balance in the body and mind, through avoiding anything that lowers our vibration, and strive to live an honest life, we feel happy. When we ignore the voice of our higher-self and our strong gut sensations, in regards to health and wellbeing, however, our life becomes more turbulent and uncomfortable.

If you regularly read my posts, you may have noticed I am a massive advocate for taking self-responsibility. It is my belief that if we want to see change, within our life, we have to make the necessary changes.

We hold all the answers. We just need to tune into the voice of our higher self.


Tune Into Your Inner Guidance

Although we may each have teachers, who plant seeds of knowledge and offer us clues about which direction we should be going in life, it is up to each of us to do it for ourselves. We have to decide what is or isn’t right for us.

It is easy to become dependant on another’s teachings or words of wisdom. But everyone is an individual and each life journey should be a reflection of this. 

The real answers lie within. You hold the key to your own happiness and freedom. You only find your keys by following your own Inner Guidance.

The first step to hearing your guiding voice is through having a quiet mind, and learning to recognise and trust its voice.

There are well over ten years worth of posts, here on this blog, written for the Empath. So feel free to browse to find ways to better work with your Inner Guidance to become the Empowered Empath you deserve to be! These posts, here and here, are a good place to start.

Alternatively, if you want to find ways to help you tune into your Inner Guidance and live a more fulfilled life, you may want to go the fast-tracked route and read my book 7 Secrets of the Sensitive. It is filled with information to help the Empath find balance and live an empowered life.

Hope this helps on Your Empath journey.

Life Changing Books for the Empath!

Until next time…


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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The Ways of an Introvert Empath

If you are an Empath, chances are you will carry many introvert tendencies, even if you consider yourself to be extrovert.

The fact is introversion is something that tends to go hand-in-hand with life as a Sensitive. Even if one started life exhibiting more extrovert ways, the way the world makes an Empath ‘feel’ can trigger or build introvert tendencies such as: a regular need for solitude, not enjoying spending time around people, experiencing social anxiety when around crowds, etc.

Being an introvert in this extrovert-driven world can bring many challenges and hurdles to overcome. So much so, it can leave many Empaths completely out of place and lost. It’s as though they’ve been dumped into a reality that is not a fit, and one has to live a lie just to show up in society.

However, when you come to accept and understand ‘your ways’ and the unique ways of being an introvert Empath, life not only makes more sense but you recognise it’s ok to be who you are. You no longer feel you have to change your behaviour in order to ‘fit in’.

Below is an interesting post, written by Gregg Prescott, of, that throws more light on some of the interesting ways of an introvert:  (Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. The following content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form.)

Why do introverts tend to be highly spiritual?

Society dictates that we follow specific images projected by the main stream media, so why do introverts tend to rebel from these stereotypes?

Introverts tend to look within for answers versus having the need for societal approval. Often, extroverts will view the introvert as being antisocial, stuck up or as loners, but even with these labels, the introvert will stand his or her ground with complete disregard for how others perceive him or her.

If you are an introvert, then you will find complete comfort in solitude. You often find yourself immersed in deep thought and contemplation. Your need for approval by others is significantly less than the extrovert as you realize that all answers come from within.

While you may partake on social occasions, you often enjoy simply watching the environment around you versus being the center of attention, which many introverts try to avoid. On a metaphysical level, the introvert realizes how we are all connected and does not need the external approval and attention that is often sought after by the extrovert.

Approximately 75% of the world are extroverts, which makes the introvert the minority, yet the introvert will not succumb to societal pressure in order to conform.

While some introverts may be shy, there is a big difference between shyness and being introverted. Shyness is a facet of social anxiety and the fear of rejection while being introverted is the ability to be at social function without the need for complete social interaction. For example, if the introvert was at a party, he or she can easily have conversations with many people, but often chooses not to.

The introvert can have extroverted tendencies while still remaining to be an introvert. Many introverts will pick and choose the time and place to be extroverted, such as waiting in line at the grocery store. In this situation, the conversation is limited and there is no long term commitment to continue the conversation, allowing the introvert to have social interaction without being forced into it. Within minutes, the introvert will once again find the tranquility of being the observer.

Within the solitude, the introvert finds much time to reflect on life. He or she will have a small group of close friends and will feel comfortable being themselves around these people.

The extrovert will feel uncomfortable when there is a small break in the conversation while the introvert understands that sometimes words do not need to be spoken to appreciate the company of the person they’re with. A hug and a smile speak louder than words for the introvert.

The introvert is amused by the extrovert and will observe their mannerisms. An introvert will tend to be on the outside of a group, looking within.

Introverts prefer to watch, listen and observe and don’t talk very much but when they’re with people they feel close to, they will openly talk  about things that they’re passionate about.

Many people within the spiritual and metaphysical genres are introverts and often look within for answers. They are more apt to understand the principle of oneness and how we are all connected on a deeper level than the extrovert, who looks for physical approval.

Introverts tend to use the right side of their brain and often are often musically or artistically inclined. They may also be poets or philosophers and can easily see outside the box.

The introvert will question the origins of what society has told us to be the truth and unlike a scientist, he or she does not need empirical data to maintain his or her own beliefs. The metaphysical fields often attract the introvert because of this.

Inner reflection is commonly used by the introvert as he or she will look within for answers versus what he or she may have been taught. The introvert will use discernment as he or she weighs what has been learned externally versus what he or she feels resonates as the truth within.

Introverts are often Empaths as well. Their sensitivity to how other people feel tends to be heightened as opposed to the extrovert who is more consumed with how others are perceiving himself or herself.

Extroverts may also be highly spiritual and will display their spirituality more openly than the introvert. They are easily able to talk to anyone about spiritual and metaphysical topics while the introvert will pick and choose who he or she will talk to about these issues.

The bottom line: despite being only 25% of the population, the introvert will rarely change their attitude or personality to appease others, with the exception of their employment. Many introverts have learned how to be “temporary extroverts” but in the end, their comfort zone brings them back to be an introvert. While society will continue to make the introvert feel like an outcast, the introvert will not be persuaded by peer pressure or conformity in order to appease others because he or she already knows that the truth is within. 

Find Out if You are an Introvert Empath

If you are looking for simple ways to transform your life as an Empath or just ways to stay in control of how you feel, click here or on the image opposite.



What is Your Empath Dosha Type?


Empaths tend to be hardwired for learning and are often on the lookout for new ways to help them find balance. By discovering your unique dosha type it could be that last piece of the puzzle you were looking for.

I have long been an advocate of the healing powers of yoga on the body and mind. So much so, I trained as a yoga teacher.

A part of my yoga teacher-training was devoted to the study of Ayurveda: an ancient healing practice and sister science to yoga, in which we discovered how our body constitutions, known as the doshas, affect our lives.

The meaning of Ayurveda roughly translates to ‘the science of life’. Its aim is to bring balance and health to both body and mind. This is achieved through various Ayurvedic methods. But one essential element is discovering what our dosha type is.

Each individual dosha type determines how and what we should eat, what type of exercise is more beneficial, it even determines our temperments and the emotions we are more prone to experience. Each of which can affect how we show up in the world as Empaths!

It is said we are all born with one basic constitution (dosha) which are known as either: Kapha, Pitta, or Vata.

80% of us are born with one primary dosha and the other 20% will have a dual-dosha or even tri-doshic type.

Dependant on your type will depend on what you experience in life and even what diet you should consume:

For example, a Kapha type who: 

  • Tends to be on the heavier side
  • Dislikes the cold
  • Puts weight on easily
  • Is sluggish
  • Can have oily skin
  • Suffers with excess mucus
  • Tends to be laid back 

A diet consisting of lower-fat, low-sugar, no-wheat products and plenty of spicy food is recommended.

Then for a Vata type who:

  • Tends to have dry skin,
  • Fluctuating energy levels,
  • Suffers an ever whirring, restless mind,
  • Is of slim build
  • Quick to anger 

A diet consisting of sweet, warm, moist and oily foods is recommended (not processed food though).

Pitta types tend to be:

  • Medium size and weight
  • Can eat a lot without weight-gain
  • Often suffers with thinning or fine hair
  • Are good decision makers
  • Can be short-tempered
  • Witty and often outspoken
  • Have high energy levels

Foods good to balance pitta are coconut oil, olive oil, rice, barley, oats, sweet fruits, asparagus, cucumber, courgette, cooling herbs and spices, and organic chicken

What Works for One Type Doesn’t Work for Another

It goes against the grain of what  the Western world promotes, in that the same healthy diet is beneficial to all.

A food which is incredibly healthy  for one dosha type, may not be so good for another.

I have included a link further down for you to discover your own unique dosha type.

The three dosha's and the 5 great elements the...

So how does this information help an Empath?

Finding your dosha certainly won’t take away your Empath woes. But when we discover what is best for our individual doshas it is another step towards overall balance.

Empaths take on so much and can spend much of the time feeling exhausted just from dealing with external energy. But if we know that we have balanced our body, mind and spirit through eating, drinking and exercising according to our type it will make life easier and happier.

Also by finding your dosha type it will help you understand to which emotions you are more prone. Which will ultimately help you navigate your way through life! 

These days we can not afford to get ourselves any more out of balance than we already are. If we are not physically in shape and are not doing what is best for our type then it leaves us vulnerable.


If you would like to uncover many more amazing ways to find balance as an Empath  Click here

If you are keen to discover your unique dosha type you can visit:

Chopra Dosha Quiz A questionnaire which will determine which type you are.

When answering the questions it is best to cast your mind back to late childhood and early adulthood, because this is when you were most likely your true dosha type: before you got imbalanced from a stressful lifestyle, wrong diet and exercise et-cetera.

There is a wealth of information on both websites about your dosha type and what foods to eat, or to avoid, to balance it/them. You can also discover how much exercise is beneficial to your type and whether eating your food hot or cold should be a consideration.

If you get chance, visit an Ayurvedic practitioner who will give you a reliable diagnosis of your dosha type.

Hope all is keeping amazing in your world! books for empath

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

The Eating Plan For Empaths