It is widely known that everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. We can thank Nicholas Tesla for that observation. He was amongst the first to introduce the concept that different vibrations of energy impact the way other forms of energy vibrate.

Nikola Tesla said,If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Any Empath will attest to the above statement. Feeling vibrations of energy, belonging to others, comes naturally to them. As does their instinctual draw towards crystals and their healing power.

Crystals and the Empath

I have written several books aimed at empowering the Empaths of the world. In them, I have only briefly covered the subject of crystals and how beneficial they are, but there is so much more to be revealed. That is why I wrote a book on the subject.

Every Empath is on their own journey of evolution. All of whom have different interests and different needs. For one, a book about crystals will hold no interest, for another it is just what they need at their stage of development.

The book isn’t just about the benefits of crystals; it also details an Empath’s journey, why they endure certain life experiences, and how crystals can help.

There are many layers to an Empath, and indeed a Sensitive person. Their life is a journey of continual growth and change. It can also be an isolated path to walk. Few could ever understand the way an Empath experiences the emotions of other people or how this impacts their health and wellbeing. Feeling and taking on the energy and emotions of others can really take its toll on an Empath’s physical and mental health. Because of this, they have to work harder than most to find overall balance and peace of mind. And this is where crystals really come into play in making life easier.


Crystals can help protect you from the energy and negativity of others, they can assist in keeping you grounded, they can reveal and heal your shadow side, they help with social anxiety, and much, much more. They simply make life better.

It is not until you start working with them, in your daily lives, that you come to fully understand the true power of crystals. They not only help in protecting an Empath from the emotional energy of others, which means they don’t get as drained when out in public, they can also protect them from sensory overload, and from electro-magnetic frequencies (which has now become a major problem for Empaths and Sensitive people of the world, as you will find out later).

Using crystals can alter your energy to such a degree that it allows for healing within the physical body. All of which goes a long way to helping the Empath find balance. Certain crystals can also help put you back in touch with your true self, and work as energetic medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

Although there are hundreds of different types of stones, all with countless properties, my aim with my book is to guide you towards the most effective crystals for you as an Empath.

So, let’s take a look at what this book is about with an excerpt from the first part:

The Journey Begins

Before we dive in, I must point out that although incredible, crystals won’t always be the elixir you are looking for. There is no denying that crystals have extraordinary power, but if there is an underlying condition being caused or impacted by, for example, your diet, nutrient deficiencies, by adrenaline dominance, or by hormone imbalances (such as menopause) you will probably need to take additional steps to heal. I say probably because, for some people, using specific crystals was all they needed to find balance of their body and mind. But we are all different. Some of us have to dig a little deeper to get answers and healing. Most holistic treatments that treat energy imbalances, take time to work their magic. Healings don’t often happen overnight. I go into greater detail about this subject in the chapter, When Crystals Don’t Work.

We all want to live happy, healthy lives which, in this world, is becoming increasingly difficult to do, especially for the Sensitive people. I hope that by the time you have finished this book you will be excited to include crystals into your daily life to help bring back balance.

You are about to embark on an incredible journey. It is a journey into learning everything you need to know about crystal healing for an Empath…


If you have come across this book, chances are you have a natural draw towards crystals and a curiosity to know why. This is not by chance. Your inner-knowing has guided you towards their transformational energy.

Crystals should play a part in every Empath’s life. They are little pieces of magic that emit powerful healing frequencies. After learning of their potential, you will be ready to use them every day, not just for rebalancing and happiness, but to be better in all you do.

The healing influence of crystals has long been understood in many cultures. Crystals have been regarded as vessels of power as well as objects of beauty. In Ancient Chinese cultures, Jade was prized for its medicinal properties, Ancient Greeks rubbed crushed Hematite on to the bodies of warriors before battle, in the belief it made them invisible, and even the Christian Church cherished the power of precious gems.

For a Millenia crystals have been used for their incredible power and their ability to absorb and transfer energy, and to balance the chakras for all over healing. The reason they are still used today, to heal and realign the mind, body and spirit, is because they work.

Having a thing for the crystal kingdom is quite normal for anyone who has an intuitive awareness. An Empath may build a collection of crystals and tumble stones without necessarily knowing of their benefits. They simply have an in-built attraction towards them. Interestingly, it is generally observed that when drawn to a particular stone, it is for a reason. You may not know of its attributes but your higher-self does.

Everyone, and not just Empaths, will benefit from having a range of crystals, especially during these challenging and changing times. A basic selection serves in so many ways. In this book, I discuss the various ways they can help in the home, when out and about, during travel, for protection from energy vampires, as a simple way to reset, and many other ways.  Crystals can be worn as jewelry, carried in pockets and bags, tucked in the socks, used in home furnishings and much more.

How Do Crystals Work?

Carrying the healing frequency of the earth, crystals are formed by magma or gasses in the earth’s volcanic lava streams, and the salt beds of natural lakes. They are defined as solid objects with atoms repeated in an organized pattern, known as a crystal lattice. Atoms group together to form the various qualities of crystals. Because each crystal has a unique molecular structure, that vibrates at a specific frequency, the many different stones are able to offer their own unique healing qualities.

Empaths, Energy and Crystals

Just like crystals, as Empaths, we have a unique frequency at which we vibrate. Our personal vibrations are impacted by our individual history, the way we think, the way we feel, our living environment, our diet and many other factors. Our biography impacts our biology and the speed at which we vibrate. The poorer our physical and emotional health, the slower our vibration. The opposite is also true. When happy and healthy, we vibrate at a higher frequency and life is better for it. As Empaths, we are also impacted by the energy of those we come into contact with. This too affects our health, happiness and what we attract. This is why crystals are so wonderful. They not only help raise our vibration, but also offer protection against anyone, or anything, that could lower it.

We are not only made up of a physical body, we also have an energy body or aura. The aura is our first line of defense and acts like a shield against the energy of others. I suppose it could be compared to an energetic immune system that fights off foreign energy not belonging to us. And, just like an immune system, it does not always work the way it should. If the aura is weak, damaged or leaky, too much external energy can be taken in. The impact of which is normally experienced in unpleasant ways. Some clues that an Empath has a weakened aura are: quickly becoming fearful, overwhelmed or fatigued when around people. This is because a rapid influx of external energy seeps in through the aura and impacts the physical body in unusual ways. Because crystals raise our vibration, they strengthen the aura (discussed in more detail later on), which then creates a stronger barrier towards external energy.

Grounding and crystal shielding are formidable tools for an Empath’s protection. We are each responsible for the energy that we attract, repel and send out. If, for example, we take on negativity from another person, or if we experience an energy clash that affects how we feel physically and emotionally, we need to take steps to rebalance. We cannot control another person’s emotional energy, but we can control how it is received within our body and mind, and this can be done by using crystals.

I once read that crystals can be used like an umbrella in the rain. Which I thought was a great turn of phrase. The umbrella helps keep us dry and protected when there is a light shower, but if there’s a heavy downpour it doesn’t always shelter us from all the splashes and gusting droplets of rain that swirl around us, battering us from all directions. We may also need to use waterproof trousers and a mac for extra protection. This is the same with crystals. Sometimes, we need more than one crystal. On occasions, when in heavily peopled places, we may require a crystal for grounding, one for protection and one for energizing. Or we could use a crystal in conjunction with another healing or protection method such as aromatherapy oils. Throughout this book we will be looking at all the different ways with which crystals can be combined for ultimate Empath protection.


Ok, there you go. Hopefully you will have got a feel of whether the book is for you…



I do hope everything is wonderful in your world.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

All rights reserved. This portion of the book may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in articles or book reviews.



Seems a bold heading, doesn’t it?

Why on earth would this be a crucial time for Empaths?

Well, it is a crucial time for us to stay in charge of our traits, our health and how we feel, for the reason we tend to project the energy of what we feel into the world.

As I know you’re only too aware, Empaths are known to lap up the emotional energy of those in close proximity, but we also project energy out.

Its not just Empaths, everyone has the ability to project out their emotional energy on to others, but in my humble opinion, Empaths tend to be extra good at it. If you get my drift?

I’m sure you will have noticed that when you are in a weird place, feeling agitated, upset or down, the rest of the world seems to adapt to your mood, whether you show your feelings or not.

To give you an analogy,

Have you ever watched Men in Black 2? When Kay reveals that Laura is The Light of Zartha, and he explains why she knows things before they happen, or that when she’s sad it starts to rain? She has the power to change the vibrations around her. And in a roundabout way, this is what many Empaths do. Maybe not in making it rain, but when our moods shift it can change the energy around us, and the way the world presents to us.

As you know, this world is in a seriously weird place. There is a lot of turmoil energy around.

It’s almost as if the world seems to be deconstructing.

Nothing is stable.

There is so much chaos and confusion that it can be hard to properly function.

People seem to be either burying their heads, to what’s going on, or losing their minds.

And that’s why it is so important for us to keep ours.


I have said it in other posts, we are being purposely distracted. Distracted from our own power.

Sensitive people, like Empaths, experience this more than most.

Those of us who have been working diligently on self-development, through balancing our mind, body or spirit, will have seen many positive changes in recent times. Our vibration is continually rising; our intuition has increased, as has our ability to manifest, and our moments of blissful clarity are getting bigger and better.

We are more heart centred than ever before. Yet, despite this, we can still easily be pulled down into a low vibrating space without us even realising what’s happening.

Over the recent years, I have noticed this occurring on numerous occasions. I didn’t recognize it at first, and would find myself getting caught up in the drama. But now, I try to stay aware of it as it happens and I know it is not a coincidence. It seems the better the space I am in, the more something tries to pull me out of it. And sometimes it works.

Yes, it could be some type of test, but the fact that every form of media is spewing some seriously dark stuff out from all directions, makes it hard to avoid.

These major distractions really can take us off our game.


The thing is, when you’ve cleaned up your thoughts, your energy field and your diet, and you avoid unnecessary negativity, your mind, body and spirit naturally vibrate at a higher frequency. However, you don’t necessarily notice this higher vibration until you are pulled out of it, and when it happens, it feels worse than ever!

If you are one of life’s game changers (Anyone who works on changing themselves for the better, is a game changer.) you will probably be noticing this happening, and if you haven’t, look out for it.

When we are in our heart centre, we project a high vibrating energy out in to the world.

When our vibration lowers, and we get pulled from the heart, we no longer radiate that powerful vibration.

We are all human, and we all need reminders, from time to time, not to engage the madness. No matter how hard it tries to lure us in, and to recognize what is happening.


When we are in a high vibrating space, we project that energy out, and it is this energy that will help heal the world by aiding others in raising their own vibration.

No one benefits from the energy of anger or dark emotions.

Those who want to keep the world as a lower vibrating space, do not want us to radiate out powerful vibrations of love or of positivity, so they cleverly orchestrate distractions for us, that lower our vibration.

Being aware of when any type of trauma trigger is being activated is essential, because they are the fastest way to throw us out of our groove and take us down.

How we behave, act and feel is so important now. Not just to us, but to everyone.

As I said, what we feel, we project out into the world and when taken off centre, our mood shifts to a lower vibration and our awareness is compromised.

My last two posts have been focused on ways to stay in a more emotionally stable place, one by using daylight to balance circadian rhythms, and thus increase our frequency, and two, by using ways to increase the love hormone, oxytocin. But there are also hundreds of other free posts on this blog, all aimed at empowering you lovely Empaths out there.

The more we work to raise our frequency, the better place the world will be for ourselves and for others.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

I do hope this helps on your journey.

Don’t forget if you want to pre-order Crystals for Empaths, it’s half price on Kindle until 16th Oct 23. Click here for more info on the book.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine





21 Ways for Empaths to Find Safety and Prevent Anxiety

Going through life over-feeling emotions and the emotional energy of others can create the perception of being unsafe, especially when out in public or around certain people. Feeling unsafe can put the body into fight-or-flight mode, which is a response of the sympathetic nervous system.

When the body is in fight-or-flight it is in a constant state of stress, which is heavily damaging to the body and mind, and can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.

Having knowledge of what we can do if we start to suffer with anxiety or panic attacks, even when they have been triggered by other people’s energy, can ensure we don’t needlessly suffer.

The following are some simple steps that can help keep you to ‘feel safe’, which in turn will help with or prevent anxiety and panic attacks…

1. Keep away from people who make you feel unsafe:

If you don’t feel safe, or have trust issues with certain friends or family members, or if you don’t feel they have your best interest at heart, it can cause emotional trauma. It is wise to avoid those who create safety issues for you.

2. Check your diet:

Are you eating chemical-laden foods, or foods that are known to trigger autoimmune conditions? Anxiety can sometimes be a warning from your body, telling you to pay attention. If you suspect your diet is activating anxiety or panic attacks, keeping a food diary can help you pinpoint the triggers. Read more on this post.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

3. Supplement wisely:

Even with the healthiest of diets it is difficult to know we are getting, or absorbing, a full range of nutrients. We often eat anti-nutrient foods without realising (foods that block or hinder nutrient absorption), which means the good stuff we do take in doesn’t get chance to do its job. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be a big trigger for anxiety. A basic supplementation regime can help in regards to anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more info.

4. Take Valerian Root:

Valerian root is a natural herb used for treating anxiety and insomnia. Similar to melatonin, valerian root puts you in relaxed sleepy state. Valerian contains a neurotransmitter called GABA, that is known to have a powerfully calming effect on the mind.

5. Do therapeutic exercise:

Yoga and walking are probably two of the most therapeutic forms of exercise. There is a type of yoga to suit everyone, but it has to be practised regularly to see results. Walking is easy and super beneficial for the body and mind. Also, high intensity exercise, which helps release human growth hormone, can be beneficial for stopping anxiety.

6. Use crystals:

There are many different types of crystals that can help with anxiety. Rose Quartz in particular is a lovely stone to help with panic attacks. It is a love stone that helps calm the emotions. When choosing crystals for anxiety it is best to see them in person (instead of ordering online). If gazing on a certain stone makes you feel calm inside it is generally a good choice.

7. Salt therapy:

Taking salt baths, especially Epsom Salts, can be incredibly calming and soothing for the body and mind. Even better, if you live near an ocean taking a daily dip can work wonders for soothing anxiety. This post gives more details.

8. Check your water levels:

If you are dehydrated, even just a little, it can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more information.

9. Reduce wireless air time:

More research is coming to light showing how WIFI is a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks, especially when spending a lot of time wirelessly downloading on the internet (YouTube, etc.). Give yourself a few days away from WIFI and see what effect it has. Switch your phone to aeroplane mode when not in use and limit your time on the internet. This post explains more.

10. Keep your bedroom as a calm zone:

Quality sleep is important for preventing anxiety and panic attacks. Don’t keep electrical gadgets, especially WIFI gadgets, in the bedroom. Keep your bedroom well aired and clean. Use black out curtains to ensure a solid night’s sleep.

11. Use essential oils:

Essential oils are perfect for instilling calm. Lavender being one of the best allrounders, but other good ones are Basil, Chamomile or Geranium. You can normally feel the calming effects of these essential oils within ten minutes of application. Simply massage a few drops, mixed with a teaspoon of oil, into the soles of your feet. Or use them in your bath, add them to your body oils or put a few drops on your pillow before sleep time. Check this post out for more essential oils and their benefits.

12. Avoid caffeine:

Caffeine is one of the worst things for triggering panic attacks and anxiety. It is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and colas. Avoidance will go a long way to keeping anxiety and panic attacks at bay.

13. Avoid stimulants:

Alcohol and recreational drugs can be another big trigger of anxiety. Many people assume alcohol is a relaxant, but it is when the effects wear off that the problems start.

14. Avoid chemicals:

If you are Sensitive, it often means you will be sensitive to chemicals in products and scents, which can trigger many unusual physical reactions and stress within the body. Keep your products as natural as possible, including laundry detergent, household cleaning products and personal hygiene products.

15. Listen to soothing sounds:

There are some incredibly soothing sounds that can help reduce anxiety. Ocean sounds, angelic harmonies, thunderstorms, gentle chimes, etc. are incredibly calming to the body and mind. Try to avoid live music downloads (such as on YouTube) as the WIFI can trigger more anxiety. Perhaps buy a CD and listen through headphones.

16. Don’t eat late at night:

Eating late at night can be the trigger for sleep anxiety and panic attacks. Try to have your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to ensure it is digested. If you do need to eat close to bedtime, try to make sure it is low sugar/carb food.

17. Get out in Nature:

This is a perfect remedy for anxiety and panic disorder. Even listening to the birds singing is beneficial. Read more here on the benefits of nature for an Empath.

18. Massage and reflexology:

Massaging body treatments work wonders for helping with anxiety, especially reflexology, which works on the reflex points on your feet. Schedule in time for yourself and book in a weekly treatment to help soothe your body and mind.

19. Use meditation and breathing exercises:

Breathing and meditation practices help cultivate more positive thoughts, help balance the stress hormones and instil calm. However, some people find meditation too stressful to perform when experiencing panic attacks or anxiety. The stillness can become unnerving. In these cases, moving meditations, such as yoga with the breath, or deep breathing is massively beneficial.

The Whisky Breath is a quick breathing exercise which can offer instant relief. Simply inhale for a count of four and then exhale for a count of eight. Continue for as long as you need. This exercise switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to prevent or stop panic attacks.  The three-minute meditation performed daily, after doing the Whisky Breath breathing, will help keep the mind positive and anxiety at bay.

There’s more information on breathing exercises and yoga here and here.

20. Talk to a specialist:

If you know you have supressed past trauma such as a bereavement, emotional or physical abuse, or unresolved issues, it might help to talk to a trained therapist. Supressed trauma is often reignited in times of stress, which often triggers panic attacks.

21. Have your hormones checked:

This is a big one, especially for women. If you are going through any kind of hormonal transition, such as perimenopause or menopause, it can be a big trigger for anxiety, fearful emotions and panic attacks. Perimenopause often starts from the late thirties onwards and can create many unusual and uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms. (I will be writing more about this in the future).

So, there you go. Hopefully, you will have found something on the list that will help if you have been feeling unsafe, suffering with fear, anxiety or panic attacks.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

7 Ways to Treat Empath Burnout

For those of us who are Empaths, it is getting increasingly difficult to hide from everyone else’s low emotions and loss of optimism. Which isn’t helped by all the weird energy influxes we are being bombarded with.

The past few years have impacted people’s health in so many ways. Both mentally and physically. You may yourself have noticed the light seems to have dimmed, not only in people’s eyes but also in their energy.

This seems to have also impacted many Empaths and led to a strange type of burnout, where lethargy is majorly prominent.

What we all need, during these difficult times, is to be doing things that will lift us up, and raise our vibration. Ways to keep us strong and empowered.

During trying times, what is easy and instinctual is not always right or what our body needs. It really helps to shake up the system and throw in some challenges. Mix things up. To lift us higher we must ignite our inner fire.

Although the following are written with the Empath in mind, the techniques can work for anyone. Sensitive or not. So, without further ado, here are my 7 recommendations to deal with burnout.

1. Get Reenergised:

Spending a lot of time in our homes makes us sedentary and lazy. We get into mundane routines, which can make us feel blah. Since the lockdowns, many have struggled to get back into their ‘old ways’. One of the best ways to get out of a lethargic rut is to reenergise ourselves and activate our human growth hormone (HGH).

HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps our mind in a more positive space. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the easiest ways to help the body release HGH.

I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels. Just be sure to start slow, at your own level, and build up.

2. Try Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting has many proven health benefits. It has been used for centuries as a way to heal the body and mind, and as a way to raise spiritual consciousness and kundalini.

When fasting, the energy normally used to digest food can be used to heal your body and raise your vibration. It is also a great way to reset your body and lose weight if that’s what you need.

Intermittent fasting is a more approachable way of doing fasting. Of which you could try the 5:2 method (fast for two days of the week, eat normally for the rest of the time), the one meal a day method, or the 16:8 method (have an 8-hour eating window then fast for 16 hours of the day). There are several other types you could try.

Fasting is not only a great way to do a health reset, but it also helps raise your food awareness. It makes you more intuitive about your food choices as well as how much your body needs. When you only have one or two meals a day, you really appreciate them. It also gives you something to look forward to. Which is something we all need nowadays.

There is a wealth of information on fasting, by doctors and health specialists, on the internet and YouTube. I fully recommend doing your research before trying.

If you want to learn how diet umpacts your Empath traits, check this out

3. Get Outdoors and Have a Change of Scenery:

Being outdoors is so important for our mental health. It helps increase Vitamin D levels, it helps our moods and sleeping patterns, and is even known to improve our gut microbiome. (Read more here.)

If you are regularly getting outdoors, but still feel a bit low, why not try changing your scenery. Lookup different walks or take a drive to a new park, beach or woodland.

Having a change of scenery reinstates a sense of freedom within; freedoms that for a long time were taken away, and is a great way to lift your spirits.

4. Up Your Vitamin and Minerals:

Another symptom of  burnout is vitamin depletion.

A stressed body uses more vitamins and minerals than an unstressed one. The B vitamins in particular get depleted. Also, poor diets, and heavy alcohol consumption, are major contributors to vitamin imbalances. Another problem that came about from the lockdowns.

Nutrient imbalances have a knock-on effect in the way we feel both physically and emotionally. If you suspect stress, or your diet, has impacted your wellbeing, read this post on how certain nutrient supplementation can help.

5. Start a New Project:

If you feel flat and mentally unchallenged, now is the perfect time to try a new project. Something that keeps your mind positively active. For example, learning a language, or trying new hobbies.

You will be amazed at how keeping your mind engaged with something new, that you enjoy, lifts your spirits. It also keeps your mind distracted from the emotions of those around you.

I do understand that when feeling low, having the inclination to do anything can be a big challenge, but giving yourself that extra push is so worth the effort.

6. Spend Time Away from the Internet & Electrical Gadgets:

This is super-important. Having breaks from the internet, laptops and phones will in itself make you feel better.

Too much electrical energy or EMF is not good for the brain. (I have written about it here.) Nor is taking on too much information from too many sources. Which is another outcome of internet scrolling. It just leaves our minds in a jumble.

If you spend too much time on the internet, for work purposes, it is a good idea to regularly ground yourself throughout the day. Which takes us to our last way to deal with lockdown burnout.

7. Get Grounded and Raise Your Energy:

Getting grounded and raising your energy are super tools to use right now. Raising your energy is effectively raising your vibration. Being out in Nature is, of course, one of the easiest and most effective forms of grounding.

Grounding practices are something we all learn as a ‘newly awakened’ Empath. But they are exercises we tend to let slip, especially when life gets in the way.

Interestingly, the grounding practices we have learnt over the years are what will really serve us now. I have written a lot about different approaches of grounding for the Empath. This post will serve as a reminder.

So, there you go. I do hope this post helps. We are in trying times where we are constantly having to work to stay ‘on top’. Feel free to share any tips or techniques that may have helped you get ahead when in burnout in the comments below.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine.

Please help support me and my work



Have you been having some weird experiences lately? Strange things happening like timeline shifts or weird changes in your life?

In my last post, I mentioned how what is true one day is not necessarily true the next. It’s as though reality is constantly shifting, altering things day by day. I’m not talking about major transformations, although for some they certainly are, just the things you might brush off as a fluke, or thinking your memory is playing tricks on you.

The changes could be slight spelling alterations of names or places. You may notice things in the world around you, such as landscapes, looking oddly different, but you can’t quite put your finger on what has changed. You may become aware of plants or wildlife that you have never known before. Or you may find friends or family members with new personality traits. The odd thing is you may be the only one noticing these changes.


To give you a couple of examples, here’s some changes that happened for me, and my husband, within the past week or so:

My husband’s nan has recently gone into care. Because of this, he has been helping his mum fill in some official forms. It was when doing the paperwork that he discovered his nan’s surname is not spelt how we thought it was (his mum’s maiden name). It is only a small change, by one letter, but it is a change that had us scratching our heads.

Now, some would argue that this was just a mistake on our behalf, that we just had the spelling of her name wrong. Which is indeed a fair argument, except for the fact my husband’s nan is not the type of person who would not have mentioned her name was spelt wrong on the birthday or Xmas cards we sent to her over the years. If we had been spelling her name wrong, she would have most definitely told us.

Another example is a change that happened near to where I live. In a local woodland, where I used to play as a child and, as an adult, have regularly taken walks, I recently discovered there was a very old stone bridge, crossing the stream that ran through the wood. What is strange about that you may wonder? Well, this is a bridge that in all my life, I have never seen or heard of. It isn’t a small bridge either. The stream, that the bridge crossed, was where I played in and around when I was little. If there had been a bridge there, I would have most certainly known about it.

I could go on and on with examples of changes that I have seen around me but others haven’t. They have happened for several years, but seem to be getting more and more frequent. My only explanation is they could be due to timeline shifts, moving from one reality to the next. I realise I have no proof for this, other than my own observations, but I know many other Sensitives are also experiencing this phenomena. Are you one of them?

Time Jumps

Another thing I have noticed happening recently is large jumps in time.

Many people experience time jumps without really realising. For example, you may look at the clock and see the time. When you look back at the clock, what feels like only a minute or two later, you find an hour or more has gone by. For some, it can be many hours.

Time jumps are another thing we tend to brush off, thinking we were distracted by work or something, but could they be being caused by something else…?

Schumann Resonance

For one thing, the Schuman Resonance measurement has lately been going off the charts; which in itself is very telling.

There is a much more technical explanation for the Schumann Resonance, but basically it is the measurement of the electromagnetic frequency of the earth.

When talking about energy shifts Empaths, and those who are sensitive to energy, are often brushed off as being ‘woo-woo’, by those with their feet planted firmly in the material world. However, in recent times, the massive energetic waves coming in are getting to the stage of being undeniable in the way they are impacting humans. The Schumann Resonance could offer an explanation for this.

Apparently, for the past 40 years the Schumann Resonance has been gradually increasing, but over the past months, there have been several crazy spikes.

Several factors are known to trigger a fluctuation of the Schumann Resonance, such as changes in our weather or solar activity, but an explanation for what is causing the huge spikes in recent times is not readily available.

It is known that the Schumann frequency vibrates in harmony with the alpha waves of our brain. Therefore, any changes in the way we feel, when there is a frequency spike, are not imagined. It has been scientifically noted to cause discomfort in humans, such as mood shifts, fatigue and even dizziness. I also expect that it will cause many other changes not observed or noted by science.

The Schumann Resonance is also known to alter the way time moves. This I find very interesting, considering the time jumps many of us have been experiencing.

Some believe that when the Schumann Resonance shifts it impacts human evolvement and leads to our entry into the Fifth Dimension, 5D.

So, if you are too experiencing any strange phenomena, rest assured you are not the only one.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work



2021: Ending or New Beginning?

I just wanted to leave a quick message with you all as we begin the year 2021. I had intended to post this on New Year’s Eve, but, as is so often the case these days, my focus was taken elsewhere.

What a year 2020 was. It was so bonkers and surreal that I sometimes questioned whether I had actually died at the beginning of 2020, and this experience was some kind of strange purgatory or limbo. 😊

We expected these types of transitions back in 2012, as predicted by the Mayans. But, as I explained in this post, many moons ago months were added to the calendar year (10 months became 12), meaning 2020 could have actually been 2012.

Yet, wherever we are in the Mayan calendar, I’m sure you are more than aware, as a species, we are clearly being taken in a new direction. None of us knows where this direction will take us. Even the most awake and aware, those who could read the pulse of world transitions, are struggling to foresee the collective’s destination.

Although it seems as though nothing is set in stone, the dividing world is more apparent than ever. 2020 was certainly a year of ‘catch up’ for some, a way for them to ‘wake up’ and see the truth of the world we have been living in, it also appears to have been a ‘close down’ year for others. And when I say ‘close down,’ I mean that some people have put more barriers up and refuse to question what is currently happening. However, this, I feel, is all for a reason.

If you have done any research on Dolores Cannon, she predicted that the world would divide or split, which also tied in with the 2012 prophesies. Now, whether this is happening or not, one thing that has become blatantly obvious this past year is we are not all walking the same path.

To say the last year was testing would be an understatement. But as you will also know, testing times are precursor to big changes and transitions.

So, my wish for all my fellow Empaths is that these transitioning times take you to all the right places. I hope that 2021 brings you a kind of love and light like you have never experienced before.

Sending you all much love.


©Diane Kathrine



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The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

In all areas of life, everyone has their own opinion and idea of what is right and what is wrong with the world. Some follow one way of thinking whilst others follow another. But never before has the world been so distracted and divided.

In the past, division between the populace may have been seen, for example, as one football team against another, one town against another, one religion against another, or one country against another.

Now, however, everywhere you look there are reasons for people to be divided, angry and in opposition of others.

Why is This?

When I woke this morning, the words running through my head were: ‘Why would ‘they’ go to so much trouble to keep everyone distracted and divided. Why would they need to keep people in such fear and anger? This is happening for a big reason.’

I’ve mentioned in several past posts that the media and governments have been working hard to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, as well as keeping us divided by setting people against each other.

Not only that, we have been plagued with doubts and distrust about where we are going as a civilisation. It would appear as though we are on a fast-tracked path to a world of totalitarianism.

People like David Icke have been saying for thirty years or more that what we are seeing now has been planned forever. ‘They’ want us to live in a dictatorship, under complete control. A society where everyone is traceable, all following the same agenda. But why now? Why in this time have these agendas been rolled out? Why not forty years ago?

The truth is, we have pretty much been living in a dictatorship all our lives. We just didn’t know it because we had the illusion of freedom and choice.

We have been enslaved by a monetary system, by an education system, by a medical system and more. From womb to tomb we are governed. Subliminally told how to think and behave, how to dress, and where we fit in with society.

Because we have had the illusion of freedom and freewill, we accepted our lot. We did not rebel against the system because we have been led to believe this is what we want. We obligingly went along with the rules laid out by the ‘invisible rulers.’

No questions asked.

Anyone who did ‘wake up’ to the truth of the world and spoke out against the system were alienated, called conspiracy theorists or labelled as bonkers. Towing the line was the safest option.

Even now, there are many following rules they do not agree with, not from the fear of breaking rules but for the fear of being ostracized or verbally attacked by others.

This brings us back to the question, why is this happening?

The answer I always come back to is, there is something powerful on the horizon that ‘they’ want to keep us away from. I have already discussed this in several past posts (here, here and here)

My Theory

I realise that no one can say with absolute certainty what is happening or where we are heading as a species. At least I can’t.

But regardless of what the future may hold, my theory is this, if ‘the powers that be’ are working so hard to keep us distracted and divided, the best thing we can do is be the opposite.


Instead of allowing our minds to be engaged with the divisive propaganda, that is purposely being fuelled, allow ourselves to stay in the present moment with an open heart and a positive outlook.

Refrain from disagreeing with others and just allow yourselves to ‘Be.’

I know many ‘awakened ones’ feel like it is their job to’ wake people up’, to get them to see the truth of what is happening in the world. But the truth is out there, hidden in plain sight, for everyone to see when they are ready to see it.

From my own experience, I have found if someone fully buys into the narrative of the mainstream media they won’t listen to any other voice. Even when offered valid proof, if it goes against the mainstream media narrative, the other usually enters a state of cognitive dissonance.

We cannot change another’s mind on a subject when they are not ready to hear.

And why should we?

We are all here to hold our own opinion. We are meant to make our own discoveries when the time is right for us.

Just Be

By making a conscious effort to stay in a positive mindset and avoiding conversations that trigger animosity or conflict, we keep our vibrational energy high.

We are also doing the exact opposite of what the dark rulers want us to do.

Take your mind off the future, and what it will look like, just believe in your heart that everything is going to be amazing.

So, to finish, if you have been feeling like the world is being taken into a dark place and it looks like there is no way out, ask yourself why would ‘the powers that be’ go to so much trouble to keep us distracted and divided, when they already had full control over us anyway?

What can be the purpose of it?

Perhaps sit with the question in meditation and see where it takes you.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine



How are you feeling right now?

Have you got any strange physical symptoms that are causing you discomfort?

Have you been experiencing niggling pains in the body that now seem to be amplified?

Have you been more frustrated than usual about the fact people don’t want to hear your truth?

Have you been more triggered by being around strangers?

Have you found your diet has been affecting you in weird ways?

Are you experiencing strange sleeping patterns?

Do you go from feeling euphoric one day to feeling flat and fatigued the next?

Are you in a state of anxiety?

If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you are not alone.

Physical and emotional issues have been coming up for everyone.

The Empaths and Sensitive people often find themselves on ‘overdload’ as they experience the constant churning of the emotions of the masses.

Why is There so Much Pain and Frustration?

I have discussed this subject in previous posts, but I believe we are currently experiencing such pain and frustration for several reasons.

In one case it is for us to accept and let go. Ready for the new.

By undergoing certain triggers our insecurities and buried hurts are being highlighted. In this, we are being shown what needs to be healed and released.

In another, we are being given reasons for ‘our pain’ during the transition of our world. And what I mean by this is, the world is shifting. Ending. Moving. Changing dimensional frequency. All of which is affecting our body and mind in the weirdest of ways.

We have never experienced before what we are collectively experiencing. This shift affects the way we sit in our bodies and it can keep our emotions on a perpetual rollercoaster. One day we may be drifting low and the next we are riding high.

As humans, we need to have/find reasons for feeling so incredibly weird! We have to have a purpose for our pain.

The Positive

The good news is there has been a silver lining to the madness all along. Not only have we been given a place to project our emotional discomforts, caused by a ‘shifting and changing world’, but the emotions and physical discomforts have themselves been revealing. They are revealing in that they show us who we are and what our experiences have been about.

If you are not sure what I mean, just ask yourself what has been the reoccurring theme throughout your life?

For many of us Empaths, we have been living a life as ‘the square peg trying to squeeze into a round hole’. We have been on a continuous journey, trying to understand all that we feel, as well as attempting to figure out the peculiarities of the human race 😊.

But now, it’s as though that chapter is coming to an end as we come to a place where we understand and accept things that we previously could not accept.

You may also have undergone a great revealing in regards to your wellbeing. Discovering, for example, that your emotional or physical health has been greatly impaired by unbalanced hormones, by vitamin deficiencies, or by EMF overload, and you now know the steps to take to find balance.

So, although these past years have been very trying, they have also been revelaing.

The Purpose

Everything that is currently happening has a purpose, even if we cannot yet see it. We just need to trust the process.

As I’ve mentioned before, I find that by raising my awareness into my heart, whilst in a space of gratitude, it really helps bring me back to not only a place of peace but also to my sense of trust.

We are all experiencing ups and downs, no matter how evolved or how aware we are, and we will eventually come through the other side. Keep the faith. ♥

With love,


©Diane Kathrine

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What is Happening to Us as Empaths?

Following on from my last post, discussing the strange flux of energy that is pushing in and out and the experiences that may come with it; today I want to discuss a reason why this could be happening…

What is Happening?

One day last week, I sat in the sunshine in my garden and meditated on my chakras. At the time I felt happy inside, but as I focused on my energy centres, I realised that between my solar plexus (seat of emotions) and my heart centre the feelings were totally opposite. In my solar plexus I felt a strange sense of dread and heaviness, yet when I focused attention on my heart centre it felt calm, uplifted, and full of love. I then realised that when my moods change, I am moving from one chakra to the next. (If you sit quietly, after reading this, and focus on the sensations between your 3rd and 4th chakras, you will understand what I am referring to.)

Moving from 3C to 4C

You have probably already read or heard that in these current times we are shifting as a species (some say moving from 3D to 5D), but before that happens, we will move from 3C to 4C. Or, in other words, we are relocating out of our 3rd chakra (3C) the solar plexus into our 4th chakra (4C) the heart chakra. Going from a place of pained emotions, shame, and self-doubt to a place of love, peace, bliss, harmony, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion, unity, forgiveness, and kindness. (Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it now, does it? More like the complete opposite.)

For the past hundreds of years, most of humanity has been occupying the space of the lower 3 chakras. But in more recent times we have become stuck in a mostly unbalanced solar plexus chakra, which has kept us in fearful survival mode.

The 3rd chakra (solar plexus) is where we feel the pains of others, where the stresses of life are held, and it is an area where much of our focus has been. But it is time to move out, up into our heart.

(If you want to learn more about how the chakras work, also known as energy centres, here is a post explaining more.)

Our heart is a place of love, appreciation and understanding. When we stay in the heart space the world feels good. The problem is we are constantly being dragged into the 3rd chakra, our seat of emotions.

Just look at the world we are living in today. What is it designed to do? Keep us in fear, angry, distracted, divided and away from our heart centre. Which ultimately keeps us away from our power.

There is a reason nothing about anything is making sense in the world. It is not meant to. Everything negative we are witnessing is being purposely stirred up to trap us within our seat of emotions. But at another level it is supposed to snap people out of their mental slumber and into their personal power.

Distract and Divide

As I’ve mentioned before, things will get worse before they get better. Here in the UK, we’re constantly having reasons to be kept fearful thrown our way from the media. Basically to keep people angry or fearful (stuck in 3C, the seat of emotions).

At a higher level, I do believe this is all happening for a purpose. Shifting realities is going to be painful. Not everyone is ready for it and probably not everyone will make the cut. But one thing I know is, as humans, we need to be given a reason for the discomforts of these transitioning times, for the physical and emotional pain we are experiencing. Even those of us who consider ourselves ‘awakened’ need somewhere to place the blame. We have been given a storyline that provides an explanation for our physical and mental ascension symptoms. Otherwise we go cuckoo.

End Times?

Remember the Mayan predicted 2012 as the year the world would end? Turns out 2020 is really 2012 that the Mayans were talking about. Here’s a quote lifted from the Express:

In a now-deleted Twitter post, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012.

“The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days.

“For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

As I’ve discussed before, those who studied Mayan prophesies believe their calendar was used to predict times of difficulties, in agriculture for example, and the calendar’s end date was not a prediction of the end of the world but the end of an age, a transition.

Transitioning Times

If there’s one thing that seems certain, the old world we knew no longer exists. We are in transitioning times, which are proving to be deeply uncomfortable.

Working to stay within our heart centre helps keep the ‘pain’ to a minimum. Unfortunately, it takes work to keep our awareness within the heart centre. We must consciously keep raising our focus and our energy.

Just know if you are going up and down with your moods, if you are experiencing unusual fatigue one day and feeling wired the next, waking at unusual times in the night or having heat flashes it is all part of these transitioning times. Just go with the flow and try not to fight it or allow it to drag you down.

Avoid Unnecessary Pain

If you find anything that either winds you up or drags you down, keeps you in fear or activates a stress response, it is best to AVOID.

Avoid anything that unnecessarily draws you into the lower chakras or anything that takes over your mind in a negative way. This mostly includes social media outlets, mainstream media, and people.

My guilty pleasure is YouTube. I have spent way too much time on there. One problem with it is I don’t have a choice of what I see on my feed. Yes, I can subscribe to certain channels, but there will be a lot of negative videos mixed in with the positive. YouTube is designed to keep our brain engaged, not only so we go back for more, but so we click on videos we would not normally watch. I have been making a conscious effort to disengage. Yes, it takes work. It is not easy but I am so much more productive when my mind is not engaged by it.

The Role of the Empath and Lightworker

Those of you who have been Sensitive to energy for most of your life will be understanding your role here more than ever.

I mentioned in a past post about how I believe the Sun is playing a major part in our evolution (anything the mainstream media vilifies is normally something they want us to avoid). If you get chance to meditate in the Sun (safely without burning yourself) it really helps open your awareness. Even 5 minutes is good. Holding your favourite crystals at the same time adds an extra protective and awareness-opening boost.

We are all in this together. It may seem like the world is heading towards eternal darkness but, I believe, we are simply in the pains of transitioning times. Stay in your heart space. We can do this!

Until next time,


©Diane Kathrine



7 Ways You May Experience Energy Shifts

Many of you will be going up and down like a yo-yo. From feeling fantastic one day to feeling fatigued and low the next. You may be confused as to whether you are experiencing the emotional energy of others or whether this is something to do with ‘the shift.’

Some of the following has been lifted from an old post, but as the content could not be more appropriate for now, I thought it a good time to share it.

I intend to follow this up with a post about why the following could be happening, but for now, I hope this helps explain why you are experiencing some of the weirdness.

Rewiring and rebooting are words commonly used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 7 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Crashing Fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Tiredness is commonly experienced by an Empath, especially after being in peopled places, but the fatigue many are now experiencing comes out of nowhere, sending you off to bed for the day.

2. Feeling Wired

The fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night. 

3. Brain Fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

4. Intense Emotional Upheavals:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

5. Having Zero Tolerance:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

6. A Change in Diet and Lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

7. Ready to Take the Leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You may find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years, or you may be ready to go in a direction never before considered.

See original post here.


These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here. As I said, I hope to be back with another post soon explaining some recent insights I’ve had as to what is happening.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine 

Take Control of Your Empath Power and Reshape Your Future

Have you ever heard of the saying: ‘What consumes your mind controls your life?’

Basically, it means our thoughts create our reality.

But it’s not only our thoughts that create our world, so do our beliefs.

Where Do Beliefs Originate?

Have you ever questioned your beliefs, or did you ever wonder where they originated? Did they develop because of life experiences, or were they an introduced concept from some external force? Are these beliefs built from wisdom or have they been formed by something you read, watched or were told?

Do we allow ourselves to believe something because it feels true or because the majority believe it?

We’ve all been schooled and got an education, we all read papers, books and magazines, we watch the TV and online media. How much of this do you think has influenced our opinions, beliefs and truth?

The Empath Way

Empaths are lucky in that we tend to sense things others don’t. We might form opinions and beliefs based on how something feels to us rather than ‘the given narrative.’ We feel our way through situations, truths and untruths.

Does that mean we are always right? Absolutely not.

We are human. We can be fooled and misled, the same as anyone else. Our minds can be manipulated and controlled.

I have been guilty as anyone else about taking on information that wasn’t true. Sometimes because it was what I wanted to hear and it fitted my narrative, sometimes because I got told something in childhood that I never questioned, and sometimes because something was told to me in such a convincing way that it fooled me.

That said, it hasn’t always been a bad thing to have been taken in by false narratives. I have probably learned more from untruths than I have from the truth.  They were my obstacles. Lessons to learn from.

Uncharted Territory Bringing in the New

The point I’m making is that many of you will be noticing that nothing is making sense in this world. You are now questioning many things that you thought to be true.

We are all being pushed, pulled and shaken. We are having doubts come up about so many things in life that we may never have before had to question. Many of our past beliefs are crumbling before our eyes.

The old system is in the process of collapse. Which might seem scary, but it was a very corrupt system that did not serve the majority. More of this corruption is being revealed, every day, for us all to see. There is no hiding.

This collapse might almost feel as though a blanket of darkness has fallen across the world, like a wave of uncertainty. It might even feel as though it is pushing you further away from the light.

Yet, in truth, when we are pushed down into the darkness, we fight harder to seek out the light.

Think of the seed buried deep in the soil. It takes work for it to stay rooted and rise up through the dirt and darkness in its bid to seek out the light. It also takes time. When the seedling first emerges, out of the soil, it may appear weak and fragile, but before long it is a beautiful vibrant flower that brings joy to others!

We could think of these times as pushing through the soil. We don’t know what will greet us when we come through the darkness. For a while we may feel vulnerable and our beliefs will be tested to the max.

But it really helps to believe the darkness is taking us to a place of light.

This is part of taking back your power and reshaping your future.

Where to Start Reshaping Your Future

Although we have been living through uncertain times, you may have recently been feeling quivers of new beginnings. Like you are ready to go in a new direction or try something new.

That’s because now is the time to ‘start planting seeds’, and get ready to make changes.

Now, as you read, you may be thinking that you wouldn’t know where to start making changes. You feel ready for a new direction, but with the whole world in chaos or being held back from life, it seems like the worst time ever.

That doesn’t mean you can’t start drawing up new plans.

Tuning into your intuition is one of the best ways to find clues about new life directions.

Your intuition, is your best friend and guide. It holds so many answers. (read more about Empath Intuition here)

The best time to hear intuition is in the silence.

You won’t hear its voice if the mind is consumed by the noise of thoughts or fear.

So, if you have got out of your meditation practice, now is the time to get ‘back in the saddle.’

When you are sitting quietly, pay attention to what comes your way, in terms of information or flashes of insight. Write them down. These will be messages from your higher self. The more you take notice, the more that will be revealed.

Although on the outside, you may not know who or what to believe, know that your higher self knows what is best for you. If you allow its quiet voice to guide you, it will take you in the right direction.

If you want to learn more about meditation for Empaths, and tuning into your higher self, see these articles… here, here and here

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine









Photo by Matheus Bertelli

6 Simple Ways for Empaths to Increase Feel Good Hormones

It is my theory that an Empath’s reactions to other people’s emotions can work in a similar way to an allergy.

I’m not sure how much you know about allergies, so let me briefly explain:

If you suffer with non-life-threatening allergies and you come into contact with something you are allergic to on a daily basis, you normally suffer mild symptoms (I say mild, but that is not to say they are not uncomfortable). However, if you spend time away from these allergens, and then come back into contact with them, the allergic reaction will be much more severe.

So, this is how, I believe, for many Empaths, people’s emotional energy can act like allergies.

When around people every day we might have ‘milder people-energy reactions,’ but if we take time out from the world, or from certain people whose energy winds us up the wrong way, our stress levels might spike more than normal when back in touch (think lockdown months).

The good news is there is a certain hormone that acts like an ‘energetic antihistamine’ in the way it helps soothe the emotions.

It is a hormone that can be released by taking some simple measures, and it goes by the name of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone and neurotransmitter.

It has many incredible benefits. It is known as the love hormone, for the reason it plays a big role in the emotional bond between mother and child, but its benefits go way beyond that.

Oxytocin affects the function of the brain and nervous system and greatly impacts the emotions.

Low levels of oxytocin are connected with conditions such as: heightened emotions, depression, anxiety, social phobias, PTSD and more.

Studies suggest that by increasing oxytocin it reduces stress and anxiety and instils a sense of calm serenity.

Exactly what we need, as Empaths.

Although there are several ways in which oxytocin production can be induced, here are some incredible science-backed ways that are super beneficial for an Empath:

1, Aromatherapy Oils

There are three such aromatherapy oils that have been proven to increase oxytocin in the brain: Clary Sage, Geranium and Chamomile.

I use all three and can vouch for their effectiveness, especially for lifting the mood and clearing anxiety and fearful emotions. In fact, they are on my list of essential oils for an Empath.

Read more here about the above oils, as well as other incredible aromatherapy oils for an Empath, and how to use them.

(When purchasing essential oils always make sure they say 100% pure essential oils.)

2, Take a Bath

Researchers have found that hot environments, warm temperatures and increased sweating activates specific oxytocin-producing parts of the brain. Taking a hot bath is a perfect way to increase body temperature.

A long soak in a hot bath is one of my favourite ways to effortlessly rebalance. Especially when adding my favourite crystals, essential oils and salt into the mix.

Here is one of my favourite bath time recipes that includes Clary Sage:

Clary Sage Bath Recipe

The above combination works in so many ways. It helps soothe the emotions. Clary Sage mixed with Lavender works in being both sedative and euphoric. It’s a combination that is soothing to the soul, the senses and the skin.  The Hematite works in being grounding. The Amethyst pulsates a powerfully cleansing energy through the bath water which not only clears the aura but also frees the mind of unnecessary thoughts and mind clutter. (When using crystals in water be sure they are water safe. The majority of quartz stones are usually fine.) And the salt is excellent to clear negative energy and restore health for an Empath.

3, Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Drinking herbal teas, such as chamomile, are an easy way to enjoy the herb’s many healing benefits. Chamomile is a medicinal herb that has been traditionally used for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties; it has also been proven to help you produce more oxytocin.

I regularly drink chamomile tea, more so recently, with fresh ginger added. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that has many healing benefits and is particularly good for digestive issues. Simply pop a chamomile tea bag into a mug, add an inch of fresh ginger, and fill with boiling water. Infuse for a minimum of 5 minutes. Enjoy.

5, Boost Your Nutrients

We all require vitamins and minerals in our diet to stay happy and healthy. However, there are three nutrients known to increase oxytocin production in the brain. They are magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin C.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system and neurotransmitter activity. Researchers have found that the oxytocin receptor requires magnesium to function properly, and magnesium increases the action of oxytocin at the receptor.

So, basically, if we don’t have enough magnesium, the oxytocin cannot do its work.

Some foods containing magnesium are: dark chocolate, bananas, almonds and avocado.

Vitamin C is another incredible essential nutrient. Researchers have found that vitamin C not only optimizes and increases levels of oxytocin, it also stimulates the secretion of oxytocin. This powerful vitamin, found in many foods especially citrus fruits, also plays many important roles within the body, such as keeping the immune system strong. Vitamin C is also known to decrease stress and improve the mood.

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, because the sun is the best source. Research shows that oxytocin is directly activated and controlled by vitamin D. This makes it understandable why so many people suffer with seasonal affected disorder (SAD) during the winter months. Spending twenty minutes a day in the sunshine is a great way to increase the vitamin, but supplements also work.

Getting more of the above nutrients, through diet or supplements, can help boost oxytocin levels.  Read more here how Empaths benefit from supplements and why they are at risk from vitamin and mineral deficiency.

5, Sleep in the Dark

I have written about the importance of Empaths sleeping in the dark, both in books and in articles. Spending time in darkness is important for the production of oxytocin by boosting melatonin.

Melatonin is known as the anti-ageing hormone, produced by the pineal gland (area of third eye) in the darkness. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps prevent, and treat, many illnesses including cancer. Melatonin significantly increases secretion of oxytocin.

Simply keeping the bedroom pitch black, by using black out blinds or curtains, can help boost oxytocin levels.

This post gives an easy way to produce more melatonin and thus oxytocin.

6, Finding Balance

As well as increasing oxytocin, there are several other simple ways to activate the ‘energetic antihistamine effect’ for an Empath. All forms of Grounding will work for protection, but especially Forest Bathing and Earthing. Click on the links to find out more.

You may also find this post of interest: 4 Reasons Empaths Get Sick When Around Certain People

Until next time…




©Diane Kathrine



Please help support me and my work










Photo by Andre Furtado



I hope you are all keeping well in whatever corner of the world you live.

As I write, the winds are blowing noisily outside and have been for the past day or so. I cannot help but be reminded of the saying ‘The winds of change have begun to blow.’

Here in the UK, we are in our umpteenth week of lockdown. I don’t know how you are all experiencing these crazy days of change, but for me, the further into this time of lockdown we travel, the more I feel the world has changed.

I have got this strange sense inside that I don’t think I’ve ever felt before. Kind of like a weird void. Is it a collective thing?

Now, I realise that as Empaths, we cannot help but pick up on how the collective feels. And yes, the emotional energy levels of late have been amped up beyond anything we’ve endured. But what I’m experiencing doesn’t really feel like the usual collective fear thing. It’s more like a ‘transitional vibe.’ I cannot even begin to explain what it is. It’s as though things are coming to a head.

Some years ago, I shared this post about moving into a new world. In it, I discuss the claims of the late Dolores Cannon about our world splitting into two. The video is below. I recommend watching it. But first go to 1 hour and 34 minutes on the clip where, within a 3-minute window, Dolores discusses what we are currently seeing happening now. Bear in mind she died in 2014.

I know, as humans, we are all supposed to be different. We all have different ideals and beliefs. But the way the world is currently living is like existing in two realities at the same time. Those who see the world one way and those who see it another.

It seems obvious that our governing bodies, those who have lied to us and kept us consuming fear, do not want our world to go into a higher vibration. They want to keep us down and distracted. In fear. And they are going to greater and greater lengths to keep us there.

As I have discussed before, fear energy is all-consuming. It is meant to keep us trapped within irrational thought. At one level this has been done in an attempt to keep our vibration low and our mind’s controlled, but at another, for those who are ready, it helps raise us up.

I believe, at the highest level, we are experiencing this lockdown as a way to help us adapt into the ‘new age or new world.’ We have been given time away from busy schedules or social lives to help us go within and see what changes need to be made.

The shift was always going to be uncomfortable. All the past years of difficulties were also part of our preparation for moving from one ‘world’ to another. This may be our opportunity to begin again, but it also comes with it’s own challenges…

The Precipice

Many of you will be experiencing a ‘precipice of pain,’ where things get worse before they get better. This will come in many guises: confusion, worry, fear, anger, you may even feel like you are going a bit mad, and the levels of anxiety are ‘off the charts.’

Anxiety changes the thought process. It can make you feel incredibly confused, alone and isolated.

When I was twenty, I went to work in Greece. During my first week there, I experienced the worst type of anxiety. I went from thinking I was going to die one minute to feeling like I was going mad the next. I was a stranger to myself. The anxiety created waves of dread and fear that impacted my rational mind in the weirdest ways. However, once I got used to my new life and living experience, the anxiety completely disappeared. I then went on to have the best summer of my life.

The point I am making, by sharing this past story, is that the precipice of change can be the loneliest and scariest place to be. But know, if you are experiencing any type of anxiety or fear it will pass.

We are at the darkest hour before the dawn. Suffering can only be expected. But do not suffer alone.

Suffering in silence will help no one. If you are currently struggling, if you feel alone or that your mental health is impaired there are some things you could be doing.

Talk to Someone

If you feel scared, anxious or isolated, talk to someone, a friend, family member or professional. Our world has never experienced ‘this’ before. Although you are certainly not alone in what you are undergoing, as an Empath you may be experiencing emotions more heightened than most. So, don’t suffer in silence.

If you don’t have anyone to talk to, try a therapist. They may not be in their offices, but many therapists are still working with online or over the phone appointments. Getting worries off your chest is incredibly freeing.

Another option is to simply speak what you are feeling out loud. The load will be lifted and I’m sure someone within the invisible realms will be listening. Doing this also helps take any fear energy out of your head.

Get Out of Your Head

In a recent post, I discussed how beneficial finding silence in a world of noise can be. However, for some, finding silence is not the answer. We are all different and, as I’ve said many times before, what works one day might not work the next. If you find yourself stuck inside your head and meditation doesn’t help, you could try the following:

  • Tapping: The Tapping technique is known to help with addictions, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety and for calming persistent thoughts. It is claimed that by tapping the acupressure points, with your fingertips, it activates your body’s innate healing power and helps calm an erratic mind. See this post for details.
  • Mind Tax: Do something that taxes your mind: crossword puzzles, Sudoku, learn poetry or a language, even for just ten minutes a day. Anything that keeps your mind positively stimulated and distracted will help in preventing your thoughts from going over to the dark side.
  • Activate human growth hormone (HGH): HGH is a hormone that naturally elevates our moods, raises physical energy and keeps the mind in a more positive space. High intensity interval exercise is one of the easiest ways to help the body release HGH. I have attached a link here to a 20-minute HIIT video on YouTube that can be done by most fitness levels. Just be sure to start slow, at your own level, and build up.

Where Are We Being Taken?

Now, I have to be honest and say I do not know what ‘a new world’ will look like for everyone. I don’t think anyone truly does. Perhaps it will be different for each of us. But I choose to believe that we are experiencing the birthing pains of going from the dark into the light. It is something we have to adapt to. Change is never easy.

The winds of change may thrash us around, but, they also blast the old away. And, like everything else that has blown our way, they will pass. Hopefully, when we re-emerge from our ‘shelters’, we get to decide the path we walk and the life we want to live.

Until next time…

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine



Summer Solstice, The Strawberry Moon and Empath Power

This Monday 20th June 2016 befalls a rather special occurrence… The summer solstice.

summer solstice

The summer solstice has long-since been noted as a magical day with a time-honored history of celebrations. This year’s solstice comes with an extra bonus of being a full moon. The last time this occurred was 70 years ago.

There are not many who have ever experienced a celestial event of this magnitude. Having a full Strawberry Moon on the same day as a summer solstice is a truly rare event.

The full moon in June is known as the Full Strawberry Moon because it is the time of year to harvest ripening fruit, which also coincides with the strawberry season.

full moon

If you are sensitive to the energy of full moons and/or solstices, this one will surely pack a magical punch. It is a great time to set your intentions for the year ahead and wonderful period to spend in contemplation and meditation (and to spend as much time as you can in nature) to experience the full magnificence of this occasion.

Empath Power

Empath Power, the book, has now been released. I timed the release to coincide with this magical solstice weekend. It is available in both paperback and eBook versions. Here is a snippet of what it entails:

Empat PowerThere are some major changes happening on the planet affecting Empaths on many levels. These changes bring pain, emotional disruptions, repetitive, negative thought patterns and physical distress. 

With any energy shift Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, get clobbered from all directions. Not only do they endure the discomfort of a shifting period in their own way, but they also pick up on how the populace are experiencing these ups and downs. If you often feel overwhelmed and overloaded by all you have to process during these turbulent times Empath Power is for you. 

As an Empath you are one of life’s game changers! It is imperative you stay grounded, protected and healthy during these testing periods and this book is your guide to show you how! 

You can go to the Kindle store here to read the first section for free and see if this book is what you might need at this present time.

Have a superb Strawberry Solstice weekend!

Until next time…


6 Ways to Differentiate Between Planetary Shifts and Emotional Energy

We live in an ever-changing world.

Energetic changes are happening every day.

Most Empaths come to learn how to navigate the moods and emotions of others, but when there is an energy shift it can throw them right off.

The problem is an Empath may not know how to differentiate between experiencing a ‘shift in the planetary energy’ between experiencing other peoples’ emotional energy.

Rewiring and rebooting are words used within ascension circles as an expression of how we are affected by energy shifts. During these times, I feel those two words could not be more appropriate.

Intense energy shifts can lift us up or bring us crashing down. They often trigger anger, frustration, depression or incredible joy.

Here are 6 ways in which energy shifts may impact you physically and emotionally:

1. Feeling wired followed by crashing fatigue:

Up and down we go. From wanting to sleep for the world one day to feeling electrically wired the next.

Fatigue is commonly experienced by an Empath, but the fizzy-type of energy experienced from energy shifts cannot be mistaken, it pretty much leaves you feeling like you have been charged up with electricity. And although you may feel mentally or physically tired, this buzzing energy can keep you awake at night.

2. Brain fog:

Poor memory recall and a fuzzy head seems to be the norm in recent years; but when there’s a shift do not be surprised if you feel more scatty than normal.

3. Intense emotional ups and downs, very bi-polar in nature, or being hyper-sensitive:

It may seem like I’m stating the obvious here, because for Empaths it is normal to feel strong emotions, yet these emotions/sensations are not like the normal ones we experience. They come out of nowhere and range from anger to blissful happiness.

You may find yourself waking up in a bad mood, with no reason, or little things that would not normally bother you suddenly have you riled. Then you may find yourself feeling happier than you ever have.

We are also getting the backlash of others’ strong emotions. Many people are now being activated or affected, as I have said many times before, it can be very easy to lay claim to another’s emotions and build them into our own life-story.

4. Having zero tolerance for selfish or self-pitying behaviour and drawing a line under past dramas:

You may have previously been able to put up with another’s self-centred ways, but now find yourself quickly backing away from dramas.

You could have come to a point where you will no longer put up with bad behaviour, nor allow others to pull you down. You have decided enough is enough!

This is not by chance. It’s as though we are disconnecting from all the irresolvable dramas and family or friendship feuds that we had in our past, not wanting them to have any part in our future. And there are very good reasons for this:

You have very likely been on this path for many years; and during this time you have dealt with your emotional wounds, whilst others around you looked on or had no idea what you were enduring. In recent times, those others are now going through these changes. It is their turn to process and deal with their emotional wounds.

So, if you find yourself walking away or distancing yourself from family or lifelong friends’ dramas, selfish behaviour or other, it is your internal knowing, stopping you from getting involved.

If you find past issues stirred up, that you had long since forgotten or already dealt with, it is very likely because they have been triggered within a friend or family member, as part of the energetic shifts, and you are picking up on them. This may have further pushed you away.

For Empaths, walking away from those in emotional turmoil is not something that comes naturally. It may seem somewhat cruel or aggressive. But you are not being cruel by not engaging in ‘their stuff’, it is simply not yours to deal with. They have to do it for themselves.

This is very much a DIY process!

5. A change in diet and lifestyle:

Another sign of energy shifts is wanting to change one’s lifestyle. An example of this would be giving up foods, drinks or habits that do not promote all-round health, happiness and wellbeing.

Most Empaths make gradual changes to their lifestyle over the ‘awakening years’, but when there’s been a shift, all the pieces start clicking together. You find a diet or exercise plan that works to heal your body, mind and spirit, and you want to stick with it.

6. Ready to take the leap:

You may also suddenly feel very ready to make big changes: in your career, social life or habitat. You find yourself doing things you have wanted to do, but put off for years.

It’s as though the past self-doubts that previously held us back, no longer have the same hold. But, we also know we’ve got to meet our new life half-way and that means stepping out into the world to bring it forth.

These are just some of the ways you may have experienced the shifts and I’m sure there will be many others too, not listed here.

But one thing is for sure: if we are to truly evolve in life we cannot have the old dramas (people, jobs, lifestyles) dragging us back down.

Energy shifts help us evolve, and although they may be uncomfortable, they help take us to all the right places.

Hope all is well in your world…


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©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered