One of the problems with being an Empath, is some of our traits can cause an issue for our health and wellbeing.

For example, if we have spent a day in a certain place, where perhaps there are a lot of people around, and we feel tired, down or anxious, we may automatically assume that we have been peopled.

But not every ailment of the mind and body has been caused by our Empath traits.

There’s a chance it could be caused by something entirely different. Something you may not have given much thought to. Continue reading

16 Effortless Ways for Empaths to Block the Emotions of Others

As I was nosing through some of my older posts, I realised I have written many ways for Empaths to block the emotional energy of others, but I have not got one post that is specifically dedicated to just that.

So, today, I present you with some of the top ways to block the emotions you may pick up from others. The techniques also work in balancing your own emotions. A win-win situation for Empath wellbeing.

Hot Amygdala

As you may already know, Empaths tend to have an overactive Amygdala, which, when one is experiencing uncomfortable emotions, activates the stress hormones. Read more on the subject here.

The problem is, when an Empath is around people, whether in the home or out and about, they can pick up their stressed emotions and take them on as their own. This in turn activates the Amygdala. Continue reading

Facing the Empath’s Shadow Side

A couple of posts ago, I discussed how an Empath is often painted as the villain. Today, I want to discuss a similar subject but from another perspective: The Empath’s shadow side.

The shadow side may sound like something devious that drives a person to do dark and dastardly deeds; but it is mostly the source of great emotional pain, especially within an Empath.

What is an Empath’s Shadow Side?

Basically, a shadow side within an Empath is the same as within anyone else: it is the unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities, buried deep within, that can affect our behaviour and outlook on life. The side we don’t always know how to deal with.

I also mentioned in my last post how many Empaths are continually working on themselves to become healthier, happier and all-round better people. The shadow side, however, is often the last thing we want to address.

It is in the things that hurt us or that which we hide from where we will find our shadow.

Most of us have a side that we keep hidden from the rest of the world and even from ourselves. Hiding from our shadow side could be likened to wearing a mask, to conceal something that we consider either too ugly to be seen or too painful to be confronted.

The Japanese believe that everyone has three faces: The face we show the world, the face we show our family and close friends, and the face we show no one. It is our hidden face which is our truest reflection and hides our deepest discomforts. Wearing a mask, to conceal one’s shadow side, is the way many live and is often considered the norm.

Revealing the Cause

A good way to reveal the shadow is looking at what hurts you most. Is it rejection or not being accepted? Could it be people taking advantage of your kind nature? or perhaps not being able to connect with others? Whatever it is, you will generally find the origins of this hurt in your childhood.

Sensitive people are impacted their whole life by the inconsiderate or cruel behaviour of certain individuals from their childhood: The school bully, an angry teenage sibling, an unaware teacher, etc. If something cruel and uncalled for was said or done to you as a child, a seed was planted, creating the roots of the shadow to build.

Hiding from one’s truth may seem like a contradiction on the part of an Empath. Especially considering that most Empaths tend to detest inauthenticity. Wouldn’t hiding a part of ourselves be classed as living in an inauthentic way…? Yes and no.

There is a good reason an Empath may hide the truth of themselves from certain people, and it’s not always to get them to like us.

When we awaken as an Empath, a new way of life is gradually revealed. Not only do we come to embrace and appreciate our unusual traits – traits that set us apart from others – but we start experiencing more synchronicities, we develop greater intuition and discover a new outlook. Everything we have experienced when around people, emotionally and physically, finally makes sense. We understand our need for time alone, why we feel crazy energy when in busy places, and why we experience overpowering emotions when with certain persons. We also come to understand the deeper layers of human nature.

Once awake, we see that most people only see things from their own perspective. The majority don’t have the ability to see the world in 3D, like many Empaths do, and therefore cannot get on board with our way of thinking or relate to the experiences we endure. Because of this awareness, we become vigilant of protecting our space and are hesitant of opening up… We also don’t like burdening others with our troubles.

One thing the ‘Empath Awakening’ doesn’t do is take away our woes. In some cases, we become more sensitive and feel emotions more intensely. We thus hide from our shadow side to protect ourselves from experiencing more pain.

The truth is, avoidance just prolongs the discomfort.

Humans are hardwired into avoiding pain. It is a form of self-protection. ‘Escapism of feeling’ is often done through suppressants such as food, alcohol or drugs, etc.

This never works.

Suppressants just numb or mask the pain for a while. They act like a distraction; taking our attention away from that which needs addressing.


Some believe that by confronting their shadow-side it will cause too much heartache; hoping that avoidance will offer the ‘easier ride’. Which is understandable.

Sadly, when we choose the ‘easy route’ in life, it rarely turns out to be the comfortable journey we wanted, especially when we are avoiding doing something we know we should do.

One of the simplest ways to face the shadow side is by admitting to our insecurities, or that which hurts us.

Admitting that we have been hurt by our past and that we are ready to let it go brings the pain out of the shadows. When facing our ‘inner-demons’, we work to take away their power.

That said, it is not always possible to remove all the buried pain of the shadow side. Some pain is hardwired and is part of us for a reason. It shapes us in many ways; allowing us to empathize at a deeper level.

When we accept that ‘emotional pain’ has a purpose on this journey and is not just some unfair burden that we were unfortunate enough to be saddled with, it can lessen the impact.

Calming the Shadow

Another aspect of working towards balance is to avoid anything which unnecessarily activates ingrained mood-memories created by the shadow.

Mood-memories are the go-to moods, initially activated by the pain body, that we hang out in when feeling low or when in a dark mental space. I find two of the biggest triggers being diet and people (and hormone fluctuations).


By eating foods that influence the hormones in a negative way, it not only lowers our vibration and slows us down, it also impacts moods. This has bearings on wellbeing and initiates dark emotions to be roused or remembered. Wheat and sugar being two of the biggies (read more here). Meat also plays its part with many Empaths (this post explains more).

Uncovering food triggers is an essential part of preventing activation of mood memory.


The type of people who become pain prompters for an Empath are those who hide their truth and pretend to be something they’re not. Basically, anyone who lives a big lie. Not just by lying to themselves, in hiding from their pain, but lying in their words, actions and energy. Those who hurt others with their disregard and those who hide their shadow behind their ego can act like triggers (read more here).

Just by spending too much time in the presence of anyone who carries the above traits could activate mood-memories.

Face the Pain

Facing hidden emotional pain frees us from living in its shadow.

Self-confrontation may seem like a scary option, but it is one of the best ways to release the emotional shackles of the shadow. If we have hidden insecurities, we continue to suffer, and we continue to draw to us those who play on these weaknesses (law of attraction).

The shadow side offers incredible lessons and serves us in many ways; but until we face it or at least admit to it, our actions and emotions are determined by its sway rather than by our conscious choice.

I will be discussing this subject from another perspective in my next post, so be sure to look out for it.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


Whose Emotion Are You In? A Guide For Empaths

Is this your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else?

Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for many Empaths.

Not recognizing other people’s energy, within oneself, is a common theme within the Empath world. Just knowing you take on the emotions from others, does not mean you can automatically discern them from your own or are able to prevent them from affecting you. Continue reading

Why Are Empaths So Easily Hurt By Criticism?


There is no escaping this simple fact of life, the majority of Empaths are easily hurt by the criticisms and judgements of others. In some cases, so much so, that it may prevent them from taking any creative risks in life.

The fear of criticism holds too many good Empath’s back.

But as the old saying goes:

The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing.

And I doubt there are many Empaths who want to go through life doing nothing. Continue reading

How do You Know if You are an Empath or Simply Sensitive?

Do you ever wonder whether you are an Empath or not?

Over the years, I have often been asked the question: ‘How do I know for sure if I’m an Empath?’

My answer always tends to be the same: Generally, if you’re an Empath when you discover the term and the traits it encompasses, you just know whether it applies to you or not. It is like a light bulb moment. You finally have an explanation for all that you feel and have experienced throughout your life… But, there are always exceptions. Continue reading

Summer Solstice, The Strawberry Moon and Empath Power

This Monday 20th June 2016 befalls a rather special occurrence… The summer solstice.

summer solstice

The summer solstice has long-since been noted as a magical day with a time-honored history of celebrations. This year’s solstice comes with an extra bonus of being a full moon. The last time this occurred was 70 years ago.

There are not many who have ever experienced a celestial event of this magnitude. Having a full Strawberry Moon on the same day as a summer solstice is a truly rare event.

The full moon in June is known as the Full Strawberry Moon because it is the time of year to harvest ripening fruit, which also coincides with the strawberry season.

full moon

If you are sensitive to the energy of full moons and/or solstices, this one will surely pack a magical punch. It is a great time to set your intentions for the year ahead and wonderful period to spend in contemplation and meditation (and to spend as much time as you can in nature) to experience the full magnificence of this occasion.

Empath Power

Empath Power, the book, has now been released. I timed the release to coincide with this magical solstice weekend. It is available in both paperback and eBook versions. Here is a snippet of what it entails:

Empat PowerThere are some major changes happening on the planet affecting Empaths on many levels. These changes bring pain, emotional disruptions, repetitive, negative thought patterns and physical distress. 

With any energy shift Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, get clobbered from all directions. Not only do they endure the discomfort of a shifting period in their own way, but they also pick up on how the populace are experiencing these ups and downs. If you often feel overwhelmed and overloaded by all you have to process during these turbulent times Empath Power is for you. 

As an Empath you are one of life’s game changers! It is imperative you stay grounded, protected and healthy during these testing periods and this book is your guide to show you how! 

You can go to the Kindle store here to read the first section for free and see if this book is what you might need at this present time.

Have a superb Strawberry Solstice weekend!

Until next time…


What to Expect from Your Empath Transformation

Hope you’re all keeping really happy and healthy in your little “Empath” corners of the world.

Just a quickie today. For all of you who are curious about 7 Secrets

For any of you who may have read my blog for a few years, you may have noticed I am writing much more often than I ever have in the past. The reason for this is because my life has seen many incredible changes and  they are changes that have happened by the changes I have made to my life. It’s time now to pass the information on:

Within ‘7 Secrets of the Sensitive – Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power’ I help you understand why you experience what you do. I show what simple steps you can take to revolutionize your life, take back your power and live the life for which you were destined. As an Empath you deserve to live an incredible happy life!

Just in case you don’t know what the book is about, here is a little of what you can expect to discover:

  • Why parts of the Empath brain overreact to emotions and learn how to stop this from happening.
  • Projection and how Empaths send out what they think and feel to others.
  • How the disruption of our chakras affect the body and mind.
  • How and why certain foods destroy the Empath’s emotional wellbeing.
  • The reason why Empaths feel everything so powerfully.
  • What the dominant and sometimes overpowering Empath gut sensations mean.
  • The overwhelming emotional overload Empaths experience and how to instantly overcome it.
  • How Empath fatigue affects life and who or what causes it.
  • Why Empaths attract certain types (including narcissists) and repel others.
  • The reason Empaths form instant dislikes for certain people.
  • Inauthentic behaviour and how it weakens an Empath.
  • Trauma triggers and their causes.
  • How to recognize psychic attack and how to protect from it.
  • Thoughtbombing, what it is and how to stop it.
  • How to tell the difference between your own emotions and those which don’t belong to you.

 You can buy 7 Secrets of the Sensitive here on Amazon  or here for Barnes and Noble

If you do happen do purchase a copy I would just like to say a huge thank you and I look forward to it helping transform your Empath life!

Until next time…



Do You Own These Incredible Traits? 19 Surprising Secrets Of An Empath

There are many layers and mysteries to an Empath. So much so, much of life is spent uncovering and discovering what being an Empath is all about.

The sooner we discover who we are, and come to understand our incredible traits, the better we can navigate the journey.

Sadly, there are too many who go through life not knowing who they are. Nor realizing some of their quirky ways are actually part and parcel of being Sensitive. And this is why I continue to spread the word about the many ways of an Empath

Here is a list of some of the less discussed behaviours that sets the Empath apart (as well as a few of the better known ones – thrown in for good measure).

1. Possesses Emotional Intelligence

Empaths encompass incredible emotional intelligence, which they use to make careful decisions they hope will bring balance into their life and the lives of others. But as emotional intelligence is a rare gift, in a world ran by logic and rules, it can leave the Empath hurt and vulnerable by those who do not function or think in the same way.

2. Excellent Judge of Character

Sensing all they do about people and life makes the Empath an excellent judge of character. Their first impressions are always correct.

3. Senses Deep Emotional Energy

An Empath senses emotions intensely, both their own and others. But this ability can weaken them, especially when it is emotional pain they feel. This is the opposite of who they know they are. Deep within they recognize they are here to do something special, but are often held back from finding their purpose by the confusion of what they experience emotionally.

4. Endures Empath Overwhelm

It is easy for an Empath to become overwhelmed without necessarily understanding the reason for it. They often look for ways to shelter from this overwhelm in vices such as alcohol or drugs. It may take time for the Empath to discover these substances have the opposite effect and make their pain more intense.

Continue reading

Discover Your Purpose & Find Your Empath Wings

The following is an edited extract taken from the book ‘7 Secrets of the Sensitive‘. I have lifted paragraphs from chapter 5 for you, to see if it resonates. You can also click on the above link to read the start of the book. Enjoy…

‘One thing I know is the Empaths are here for an important reason. I can feel it. As I’m sure you can too. You may not know what this purpose is yet, but you are certainly on your way to finding out. Continue reading

5 Easy Ways to Stop Empath Overwhelm


Every Empath experiences overwhelm at some point, it is one of the most challenging aspects of being Sensitive.

The overwhelm endured, from taking on too much emotional energy from others can,  at times, be unbearable. It is often caused by being “peopled”. But being around crowded places or overly negative people is not the only way an Empath becomes overwhelmed.

When someone has caused them hurt, by their words or actions, or if they have had negative thoughts directed towards them, it often throws the Empath off-balance, sending them nose-diving into overload. And that is not to mention what they suffer from being in the firing line of another’s low-mood.

The more out of alignment the Empath (feeling run down, emotionally low, having unbalanced chakras and hormones, etc.) the worst they are affected by overwhelm and the longer it tends to last.


Empath overwhelm affects everyone differently, some much worse than others, at different stages of life. It can lead to lethargy, apathy and mood swings, it can  trigger thoughts that keep you awake at night, and dark emotions that flatten you.

The best way to combat the impact of overwhelm is to take action as soon as you become aware of it.

The following techniques work quickly to stop Empath overwhelm in its tracks:

1. Eat a small amount of chocolate:

I say small amount because large amounts have the opposite effect (I discovered this the delicious way, by devouring too much).

Chocolate can transform and uplift your mood in an instant. Containing compounds which promote happiness, chocolate is the go-to food when you have been emotionally or energetically triggered.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced by eating chocolate, known as the happy hormone. This hormone not only activates your bliss centers but it also helps prevent you from dipping into dark thoughts.

In my opinion, milk chocolate tends to work better than dark (as dark chocolate has a higher amount of caffeine). But the type you choose is something you can experiment with yourself.

Most chocolate contains refined sugar which is a big cause of depression, and inflammation, not just in Empaths but all humans. So keep chocolate just for the times when you’ve been hit by emotional overload.

Eat between 2 to 4 small squares of chocolate, washed down with a pint of cool water. The water speeds up the healing and re-balancing process. 

2. Temple hold:

Place two to three fingers on either side of the temples (between the eyebrows and hairline) and hold for as long as needed.

This simple technique helps break the repetitive thoughts that are triggered from emotional pain and overwhelm.

I’m not sure why this method works but it does. (I suspect it is because it activates acupressure points and soothes the parts of the brain responsible for emotions.) It makes one feel safe and helps contain any excess ‘head energy’.

Great to do at bedtime, when emotional overwhelm turns into rampant thoughts that keep you awake. Taking some calming, conscious breaths at the same time further helps.

3. Short burst of high intensity exercise: 

A mini power-walk or run, dynamic yoga moves, dance routines or skipping, etc.  helps burn off raging or uncomfortable emotions. I’m talking very doable bursts of exercise that last between 1 to 5 minutes.

Performing short bursts of high intensity exercise releases endorphins into the body, which block the pain transmission signals and produce euphoric feelings that calm the entire system.

A great exercise I use, when I have been emotionally fired-up, is the plank.

Most will have heard of the plank; it is a challenging yoga move that activates all the muscles in the body. Maintaining it for just 30 seconds is often all it takes to blast out any overwhelm or negative energy.

There is a variation of the plank to do whatever your fitness level, from beginners and beyond. You will find plenty of excellent instructional videos on YouTube to get you started.

Whatever exercise you choose, as your mini blast, make sure to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable and your muscles burn. (The saying ‘fight fire with fire’ springs to mind here).

4. Singing:

This may not be something you want to do when feeling low, but it is excellent for lifting the moods.

Sound affects you on many levels and singing raises your vibration and can stop emotional overwhelm in its tracks.

Anyone can sing, hum or chant, even whistling works. Just make sure the song you choose is uplifting and not one that stokes up painful emotional memories.  Try it and see.

5. Avoid caffeine:

Being a stimulant, caffeine will heighten any emotional overwhelm you are experiencing. You don’t always realize how caffeine worsens your emotions because the effects kick in 30 to 40 minutes after consumption.  It can make you anxious and jittery, and negative emotions are amplified. Not having caffeine will not always prevent emotional overload, but it significantly reduces the symptoms and the way it affects you.

So there you go, quick, simple techniques, taken from the book 7 Secrets of the Sensitive, that work to reduce the Empath’s overwhelm! For more similar techniques see 10 Ways to Protect Yourself.

Click here for more life-changing books for the Empath.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine



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7 Secrets of the Sensitive

For any of you who may have read my blog for a few years, you may have noticed I am writing much more often than I ever have in the past. The reason for this is because my life has seen many incredible changes and  they are changes that have happened by the changes I have made to my life. It’s time now to pass the information on:

Within ‘7 Secrets of the Sensitive – Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power’ I help you understand why you experience what you do. I show what simple steps you can take to revolutionize your life, take back your power and live the life for which you were destined. As an Empath you deserve an incredible happy life!

If you do happen do purchase a copy I would just like to say a huge thank you and I look forward to it helping transform your Empath life! Click here for more.

7 secrets e-book version

For too long the Empaths have been taken down by an emotionally charged world. Now is the time for that to change!

7 Secrets of the Sensitive reveal the hidden power of an Empath and provide the keys to unlock their true potential.

By the time you have finished reading this book you will gain control of all you feel; you will know how to find happiness, health and emotional stability and you will discover your true life purpose.

Finally you can enjoy the fantastical life you were born to live!


Fabulous news! The print version for 7 Secrets of the Sensitive: Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power is now available to order. You can order it here on Amazon or here for Barnes and Noble. You can also order the eBook (saving $12.01 on print price)

Just in case you don’t know what the book is about, here is a little of what you can expect to discover:

  • Why parts of the Empath brain overreact to emotions and learn how to stop this from happening.
  • Projection and how Empaths send out what they think and feel to others.
  • How the disruption of our chakras affect the body and mind.
  • How and why certain foods destroy the Empath’s emotional wellbeing.
  • The reason why Empaths feel everything so powerfully.
  • What the dominant and sometimes overpowering Empath gut sensations mean.
  • The overwhelming emotional overload Empaths experience and how to instantly overcome it.
  • How Empath fatigue affects life and who or what causes it.
  • Why Empaths attract certain types (including narcissists) and repel others.
  • The reason Empaths form instant dislikes for certain people.
  • Inauthentic behavior and how it weakens an Empath.
  • Trauma triggers and their causes.
  • How to recognize psychic attack and how to protect from it.
  • Thoughtbombing, what it is and how to stop it.
  • How to tell the difference between your own emotions and those which don’t belong to you.

If you want to revolutionize your Empath life this book is for you!

Here is the cover and blurb (click on image to go to bookstore)

Now Available: The Empath Awakening

Kindle Version Empath AwakeningDiscovering you are an Empath is a day of great revelation. Finally, you have an answer for all that you feel and experience! This knowing is just the start of an incredible journey…

Understanding the gift, and all it entails, is the first step to unleashing its gentle power and truly defining yourself as an Empath!

For the newly awakened, life can be wrought with challenges and emotional pain; but it doesn’t have to be. The Empath Awakening shows you where your imbalances may hide and how to treat them. It teaches you how to heal and seal a permeable aura and unplug from unnecessary emotions. The book also imparts valuable knowledge essential for a happy, healthy Empath life!

Click Here

Empath Power

Empat PowerThere are some major changes happening on the planet affecting Empaths on many levels. These changes bring pain, emotional disruptions, repetitive, negative thought patterns and physical distress.

With any energy shift, Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, get clobbered from all directions. Not only do they endure the discomfort of a shifting period in their own way, but they also pick up on how the populace are experiencing these ups and downs. If you often feel overwhelmed and overloaded by all you have to process during these turbulent times, Empath Power is for you.

As an Empath you are one of life’s game changers! It is imperative you stay grounded, protected and healthy during these testing periods and this book is your guide to show you how!

Click Here for more details

Diane x