The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

In all areas of life, everyone has their own opinion and idea of what is right and what is wrong with the world. Some follow one way of thinking whilst others follow another. But never before has the world been so distracted and divided.

In the past, division between the populace may have been seen, for example, as one football team against another, one town against another, one religion against another, or one country against another.

Now, however, everywhere you look there are reasons for people to be divided, angry and in opposition of others.

Why is This?

When I woke this morning, the words running through my head were: ‘Why would ‘they’ go to so much trouble to keep everyone distracted and divided. Why would they need to keep people in such fear and anger? This is happening for a big reason.’

I’ve mentioned in several past posts that the media and governments have been working hard to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, as well as keeping us divided by setting people against each other.

Not only that, we have been plagued with doubts and distrust about where we are going as a civilisation. It would appear as though we are on a fast-tracked path to a world of totalitarianism.

People like David Icke have been saying for thirty years or more that what we are seeing now has been planned forever. ‘They’ want us to live in a dictatorship, under complete control. A society where everyone is traceable, all following the same agenda. But why now? Why in this time have these agendas been rolled out? Why not forty years ago?

The truth is, we have pretty much been living in a dictatorship all our lives. We just didn’t know it because we had the illusion of freedom and choice.

We have been enslaved by a monetary system, by an education system, by a medical system and more. From womb to tomb we are governed. Subliminally told how to think and behave, how to dress, and where we fit in with society.

Because we have had the illusion of freedom and freewill, we accepted our lot. We did not rebel against the system because we have been led to believe this is what we want. We obligingly went along with the rules laid out by the ‘invisible rulers.’

No questions asked.

Anyone who did ‘wake up’ to the truth of the world and spoke out against the system were alienated, called conspiracy theorists or labelled as bonkers. Towing the line was the safest option.

Even now, there are many following rules they do not agree with, not from the fear of breaking rules but for the fear of being ostracized or verbally attacked by others.

This brings us back to the question, why is this happening?

The answer I always come back to is, there is something powerful on the horizon that ‘they’ want to keep us away from. I have already discussed this in several past posts (here, here and here)

My Theory

I realise that no one can say with absolute certainty what is happening or where we are heading as a species. At least I can’t.

But regardless of what the future may hold, my theory is this, if ‘the powers that be’ are working so hard to keep us distracted and divided, the best thing we can do is be the opposite.


Instead of allowing our minds to be engaged with the divisive propaganda, that is purposely being fuelled, allow ourselves to stay in the present moment with an open heart and a positive outlook.

Refrain from disagreeing with others and just allow yourselves to ‘Be.’

I know many ‘awakened ones’ feel like it is their job to’ wake people up’, to get them to see the truth of what is happening in the world. But the truth is out there, hidden in plain sight, for everyone to see when they are ready to see it.

From my own experience, I have found if someone fully buys into the narrative of the mainstream media they won’t listen to any other voice. Even when offered valid proof, if it goes against the mainstream media narrative, the other usually enters a state of cognitive dissonance.

We cannot change another’s mind on a subject when they are not ready to hear.

And why should we?

We are all here to hold our own opinion. We are meant to make our own discoveries when the time is right for us.

Just Be

By making a conscious effort to stay in a positive mindset and avoiding conversations that trigger animosity or conflict, we keep our vibrational energy high.

We are also doing the exact opposite of what the dark rulers want us to do.

Take your mind off the future, and what it will look like, just believe in your heart that everything is going to be amazing.

So, to finish, if you have been feeling like the world is being taken into a dark place and it looks like there is no way out, ask yourself why would ‘the powers that be’ go to so much trouble to keep us distracted and divided, when they already had full control over us anyway?

What can be the purpose of it?

Perhaps sit with the question in meditation and see where it takes you.

Hope all is keeping well in your world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


8 thoughts on “The Purpose of Being Distracted and Divided

  1. Propaganda was one of the most important tools the Nazis used to shape the beliefs and attitudes of the German public. Through posters, film, radio, museum exhibits, and other media, they bombarded the German public with messages designed to build support for and gain acceptance of their vision for the future of Germany. The gallery of images below exhibits several examples of Nazi propaganda, and the introduction that follows explores the history of propaganda and how the Nazis sought to use it to further their goals.

    “Peace can only come as a natural consequence
    of universal enlightenment” – Nikola Tesla-

  2. “Just Be” that is exactly what I feel the most these days. I don’t manage of fully disengage from mainstream or getting suck in discussions like covid or politics or rights beeing taking away slowly from us – but the main feeling I have is “just let me be”….
    Thank you for encouraging that!

  3. In Australia, NewsCorp’s bad journalism, bias, spread of mis-information and ingrained habit of feeding fear is being disrupted. SkyNews is being removed from public spaces. Some of their “high profile” mouth pieces have been been forced from their key soapboxes eg Alan Jones. Advertisers are withdrawing from using Newscorp now they are aware of the level of (excuse me) “sh$tf*uckery” from Newscorp. They seem like little achievements, but the grass roots organisations doing this are chipping away at the foundations of domination built by Murdoch.

    • That’s really good to hear. I have heard that this month is going to be pivotal for big changes and shake ups within governments and media, especially 14th to 20th. Fingers crossed on that one.
      Thanks for sharing, Wotzina 🙂

      • There has been a petition submitted to our federal parliament, one of the largest e-petitions, for a royal commission into Murdoch media. The initiator is Kevin Rudd, a previous prime minister, and is closely supported by another previous prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull (they are in opposing political parties). These men acknowledge they played Murdoch’s game, and both were manipulated by him (that’s another story). The attack dogs have been let loose on Rudd and Turnbull. Disturbingly Newscorp have got Fairfax Media (other large media player) singing the Murdoch song. The current Pm, Scott Morrison, has refused the royal commission, but looks possible our federal Senate is initiating an inquiry which will have less restrictions that a royal commission.
        We don’t need a change in Prime Minister, again. ScoMo is competently incompetent and a skilled narcissist, but Murdoch’s preferred PM is nicknamed Lord Voldemort because he is proven to be heartless and evil.

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