Take Control of Your Empath Power and Reshape Your Future

Have you ever heard of the saying: ‘What consumes your mind controls your life?’

Basically, it means our thoughts create our reality.

But it’s not only our thoughts that create our world, so do our beliefs.

Where Do Beliefs Originate?

Have you ever questioned your beliefs, or did you ever wonder where they originated? Did they develop because of life experiences, or were they an introduced concept from some external force? Are these beliefs built from wisdom or have they been formed by something you read, watched or were told?

Do we allow ourselves to believe something because it feels true or because the majority believe it?

We’ve all been schooled and got an education, we all read papers, books and magazines, we watch the TV and online media. How much of this do you think has influenced our opinions, beliefs and truth?

The Empath Way

Empaths are lucky in that we tend to sense things others don’t. We might form opinions and beliefs based on how something feels to us rather than ‘the given narrative.’ We feel our way through situations, truths and untruths.

Does that mean we are always right? Absolutely not.

We are human. We can be fooled and misled, the same as anyone else. Our minds can be manipulated and controlled.

I have been guilty as anyone else about taking on information that wasn’t true. Sometimes because it was what I wanted to hear and it fitted my narrative, sometimes because I got told something in childhood that I never questioned, and sometimes because something was told to me in such a convincing way that it fooled me.

That said, it hasn’t always been a bad thing to have been taken in by false narratives. I have probably learned more from untruths than I have from the truth.  They were my obstacles. Lessons to learn from.

Uncharted Territory Bringing in the New

The point I’m making is that many of you will be noticing that nothing is making sense in this world. You are now questioning many things that you thought to be true.

We are all being pushed, pulled and shaken. We are having doubts come up about so many things in life that we may never have before had to question. Many of our past beliefs are crumbling before our eyes.

The old system is in the process of collapse. Which might seem scary, but it was a very corrupt system that did not serve the majority. More of this corruption is being revealed, every day, for us all to see. There is no hiding.

This collapse might almost feel as though a blanket of darkness has fallen across the world, like a wave of uncertainty. It might even feel as though it is pushing you further away from the light.

Yet, in truth, when we are pushed down into the darkness, we fight harder to seek out the light.

Think of the seed buried deep in the soil. It takes work for it to stay rooted and rise up through the dirt and darkness in its bid to seek out the light. It also takes time. When the seedling first emerges, out of the soil, it may appear weak and fragile, but before long it is a beautiful vibrant flower that brings joy to others!

We could think of these times as pushing through the soil. We don’t know what will greet us when we come through the darkness. For a while we may feel vulnerable and our beliefs will be tested to the max.

But it really helps to believe the darkness is taking us to a place of light.

This is part of taking back your power and reshaping your future.

Where to Start Reshaping Your Future

Although we have been living through uncertain times, you may have recently been feeling quivers of new beginnings. Like you are ready to go in a new direction or try something new.

That’s because now is the time to ‘start planting seeds’, and get ready to make changes.

Now, as you read, you may be thinking that you wouldn’t know where to start making changes. You feel ready for a new direction, but with the whole world in chaos or being held back from life, it seems like the worst time ever.

That doesn’t mean you can’t start drawing up new plans.

Tuning into your intuition is one of the best ways to find clues about new life directions.

Your intuition, is your best friend and guide. It holds so many answers. (read more about Empath Intuition here)

The best time to hear intuition is in the silence.

You won’t hear its voice if the mind is consumed by the noise of thoughts or fear.

So, if you have got out of your meditation practice, now is the time to get ‘back in the saddle.’

When you are sitting quietly, pay attention to what comes your way, in terms of information or flashes of insight. Write them down. These will be messages from your higher self. The more you take notice, the more that will be revealed.

Although on the outside, you may not know who or what to believe, know that your higher self knows what is best for you. If you allow its quiet voice to guide you, it will take you in the right direction.

If you want to learn more about meditation for Empaths, and tuning into your higher self, see these articles… here, here and here

Until next time.

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©Diane Kathrine









Photo by Matheus Bertelli

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