Empaths and the Rebound Effect of Stress

Most Empaths do not handle stress well. Fact!


For one thing, being overly sensitive in this insensitive world plays a big part. Our Empathic antenna is always on high alert as we navigate our way through life, picking up all sorts of pained emotions and stresses as well as dealing with our own stress.

As Empaths, our emotional senses are generally heightened, which can mean we just don’t handle any other excess stress. And it certainly doesn’t help that so much in this world seems to be designed to cause worry in one way or another. For example: the cost of living, excess traffic, career misery, and, for us Empaths, over feeling everything.

But one major issue, for an Empath, is the energy we project when feeling stressed. It can have a rebound effect, which, in the long run, can cause many more issues. We will look at how this works shortly. But first, why does an Empath so quickly get hooked by anything that triggers stress? Continue reading

Empaths: Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

One thing we all know, as Empaths, is that we feel other people’s emotions.

Which isn’t always a bad thing, when they aren’t affecting us in a negative way.

However, the problem arises when we start absorbing the emotions, belonging to others, and taking them on as our own.


Regularly absorbing other peoples’ emotions can affect our health and happiness in so many different ways. Often leading to issues such as emotional toxicity.

When we absorb other people’s emotions it can affect not only the way we feel, but also the way we think. It impacts our adrenals, which are the stress glands. This then has a knock-on effect on the other endocrine glands, which are the glands that produce our hormones. This in turn can lead to hormone imbalances.

Everything in the body is connected, and so are our endocrine glands. When one hormone goes out of balance, it can affect another gland and the hormones it produces. So, what starts off as absorbing another’s emotions, and thus taking on their stress, can eventually lead to thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, and so much more.

I often describe the aftereffect of Empaths absorbing negative emotions as like having an allergy or food intolerance. Just like an allergen might give you a physical reaction, when you come into contact with it, you can get a physical reaction from the emotions you absorb. Continue reading