Moving Into A New World or Something Else?

There is no denying that something strange is happening. Can you feel it too?

When sifting through some of my old posts, as I do from time to time, I came across one that caught my attention. 

The post is from 2015, so some of you may remember it, and it struck me as being quite apt for what we are seeing happening today.

So, I decided I would share it again.

Here it is:

Have you found that you seem to be getting triggered in negative ways recently?

You’re not alone.

Many Empaths are experiencing this.

You will especially notice these triggers if in the past years, you have significantly raised your vibration and have done lots of work on yourself in mind, body and spirit.

You may find that for most of the time you feel happy, then you come into contact with a certain person and it puts you into a negative place, or you may see a news segment that winds you up. Your thoughts change from being happy to low vibrational.

Thinking negatively is not a fault, humans are hardwired into having more negative thoughts than positive. It’s called negativity bias and stems back to our survival instincts from caveman days. We can brood for hours on dark menacing thoughts whilst positive ones may go unnoticed.

It only takes 17 seconds for a negative thought to take hold, which could then escalate into hours or days worth of dark thinking, which affects both our emotions and our physical health.

So, the question is, why are we getting triggered so much lately and why are we noticing all this negativity?

I don’t tend to write about the ‘dark energies’ of our planet, as it is not something I wish to focus on. But we all know there are both dark and light forces at work here. I choose to believe the dark is on its way out, but it does not seem to want to leave without a fight!

It certainly appears, those of us who have worked hard to change ourselves and raise our vibration are getting distracted and pushed out of alignment. There are many ways this is happening, either through: trauma triggers, psychic attack, career problems, political issues, global affairs, etc. It really depends where your interests and thus focus lies.

If you are disconnected from online media and other media outlets, that promote highly charged negative news, another way to get you is through people. You may find people popping up in your life who act as trauma triggers or you may notice more cruel behaviour in the world around you.

Gloom Feeds Gloom

We all know that our thoughts create our reality. Through the law of attraction, we draw back to us what we focus on. When we are triggered, it can swiftly take us out of a lovely happy place and into a dark or painful place. If we stay focused on negativity too long we then attract back more.

If you find this happening to you, distract yourself the moment you realize you are pondering anything negative, or when you feel your emotions being activated. This post may help.

Remember, we only have a 17 second window to stop ourselves from being drawn into negative situations. The more creative your mind, the quicker you will find yourself being ignited by negativity.

Earlier in the week, when I was pondering the reasons behind the dark energy triggers, and why we are being purposely drawn into emotional conflict, my mind went back to something I read many years ago by Dolores Cannon, about the separating world.

Through her work as a past-life hypnotherapist, Dolores discovered that our world would split in two, becoming high and low vibrational worlds. I don’t know if this is metaphorical or physical, but if you look around, it certainly appears to be happening.

It’s as though the human race has been split. People that see the world one way and people who see it another way. And there does not seem to be any way to debate or discuss certain situations. Some people’s minds seem so closed, that it is almost as though they are living in another reality.

There is so much anger and conflict, that for the Empaths of the world it can be unbearable to live in, if we focus on it. That’s why it is so important to stay disconnected from anything or anyone who drags us into emotional conflict.

Dolores did say the eventual outcome would be wonderful. So, fingers crossed on that one. The video below explains about Dolores’ work and her findings. It is easy to understand and follow.

Sadly, Dolores Cannon passed away in 2014, but if you are interested in her work, she has left an amazing legacy and a wealth of information in books and online videos.

If you have found yourself feeling more drawn into weird conflicts recently, I hope this post lets you know you are not alone.

So, there you go. Although it is an old post it still seems relevant. Maybe what we are seeing all around us is the world splitting, and people moving into different realities.

Until next time.



©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered