As you probably know, things are massively changing in the world. And, as Empaths, we are picking up on all the fear and uncertainty that is all around us, which is affecting many of us in some very random ways.

It is in these times that we have to remain vigilant of keeping ourselves in a good place, both mentally and physically.

But it doesn’t help that it is so much harder to find articles on the internet these days in regards to natural health and wellbeing. It seems like the majority of ‘alternative’ self-help articles are hidden from view or it takes a lot of scrolling through search engines to find what we need.

For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the most popular posts, from my blog, that have been shared on social media and the like over the last 12 months.

You may have already read some of the following articles, depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, some of them go back to 2011, but it’s always nice to have a refresher.

We are often presented with information, that we need to hear/see, when the time is right. It could be stuff we already know, but have squirreled away to the back of our mind for a ‘rainy day’. But when it’s re-presented, it usually means it is something we need.

So, let’s get to it.

Simply click on the title to read the post:

The Top 10 Post for Empaths

1. The Mirror Effect of an Empath & Why Some People Instantly Dislike You

This post explains how an Empath can reflect back to people their true personality traits, the traits that they have hidden from the world.

2. How Do You Know If You’re Really an Empath?

Over the years, I have often been asked, by readers, how to determine whether they are an Empath. This article is the simple answer.

3. Why Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People

This is one of the most popular posts on my blog. It has been shared and copied millions of times. The article explains the ‘inauthenticity reaction’ in an Empath. People who carry an ingenuine vibe or hide their true personality traits can make an Empath feel very uncomfortable. So much so, it makes them ‘close down’. This post explains why.

4. Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy… Notes for an Empath

We all contain masculine and feminine energy. When they are out of balance it can create many problems within the body and mind. This post explains the whys and hows of it all and how you can work to rebalance the two.

5. Navigating Psychic Attack: A Guide for The Empath

Yes, there is something called psychic attack, and it is not as rare as you might think. It impacts the Empath’s mind in many weird ways. Once you know how it affects you, as an Empath, you can learn how to block or control it.

6. Ten Things That Weaken an Empath

This is as the heading says. The post explains how certain things or people can impact an Empath and take them ‘off their game’.

7. Five Reasons Why an Empath Doesn’t Like You

As harsh as this headline might sound, there are some significant reasons why an Empath might not like someone. Just because an Empath knows they don’t like being around a certain person, doesn’t automatically mean they know why.

8. Why the Unusual Empath Reaction to Lies?

This is a follow up post to why Empaths freeze around inauthenticity. It explains the reasons behind an Empath’s strange reaction to the energy of a lie.

9. Is the Empath Really an Introvert Narcissist?

There is a fine line between the traits of an Empath and the traits of a narcissist. This post explains the link, and the reasons and why some Empaths so often get painted as the villain when they are really the victim.

10. Thirty Traits of an Empath

This is one of the first posts I wrote for an Empath over ten years ago. It is basically the traits that set an Empath apart. It also helps explain some of those random traits you may have, that other people in your life don’t have.


Hope you find some useful information amongst the above posts.

Until next time.

Diane. x   

©Diane Kathrine

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