Clear Negative Energy and Restore Empath Health with Organic Salt

It is said that the ‘father of medicine,’ Hippocrates, was among the first to discover the magical healing qualities of sea salt, after noticing how quickly seawater healed wounded fishermen’s hands.

Salt has been given much bad press over the years and probably for good reason. The refined table salt that most of the Western world has consumed, and which is in all processed foods, is nothing short of toxic to the body. It causes many health problems. But it’s a different story with organic rock or sea salt.

Not only is organic rock or sea salt a great medicinal healer, it is also deeply purifying energetically. It has the power to draw out and dissolve negative energies from the emotional and physical body. This is especially helpful if your day involves interacting with others, where too often, as an Empath, you absorb stressed or anxious energy.

Unrefined salt, from the sea or rock, is an amazing grounding and energy clearing tool that can be safely and effectively used daily, inside and outside the body.

And not just for clearing negative energy:


Sea SaltSodium (salt) is essential for health. It regulates the body’s water balance and is essential for proper electrolyte balance. But not just any salt, it has to be the stuff nature created in its natural form…

Organic, unrefined salt is crystalline in structure and is easily absorbed into the bloodstream because our blood also has a crystalline structure.

Unrefined salt is packed with essential minerals vital for good health. These essential minerals are easily assimilated and work in harmony with the body.

My personal favourite is pink Himalayan  rock salt, the purest rock salt in the world.

Pink Himalayan rock salt comes from ancient sea salt deposits in the Himalayan mountains and has the full spectrum of 84 trace minerals and elements (regular table salt has only 4). You can safely add this to your food, or allow a small particle of it to dissolve on the tongue, before slowly drinking a pint of clean fresh water.

Clearing Negative Energy

The best way to clear the body of negative energy is to have a daily salt cleanse. The ocean is the absolute best way for this. But, if you don’t live near the ocean, a salt bath works incredibly well.

Immersing the body for at least 20 minutes in salt water will get rid of any negative debris caught in your energy field.

For best results add 2 cups of sea salt to a warm bath (along with your favourite essential oil or a crystal for an extra balancing boost).

If you don’t have time for a soak then another great option is a salt-scrub before showering. (You can easily make this from equal parts fine milled sea salt and vegetable oil).  Not only will the salt clear unwanted energies, it will also leave your skin silky smooth and glowing.

Clear a Room of Negative Energy

Simply sprinkle fine salt crystals over the carpet and leave overnight. In the morning vacuum up the salt crystals and with it you will lift any residual negative energy.

You can also leave bowls of heavily salted water in the four corners of the room to soak up any dark energies that may be lingering.

See here for more Empath life-changing information.

Until next time…

Stay happy and healthy


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©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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7 thoughts on “Clear Negative Energy and Restore Empath Health with Organic Salt

  1. Hello Diane, as usual, a great article relevant to my everyday life.:) I wanted to bring to your attention to something I have discovered regarding trauma and its life long effects on the body. I feel this may be material for a future article from you, or not.:) Either way, I know many will benefit from this information. As an aware empath, I have been “overruled” by my body’s memory in certain situations. Much like another’s feelings getting in the way of what I am actually doing, only there is no acknowledging it and letting it shrink away, no, the body’s memory can seem like it must be someone else’s emotions, but, very strong and usually dependent on current circumstances, whatever they may be in the present. Here’s a link to the article:

  2. Quick question… read your book — great read. What is your thought on the ever-popular Himalayan salt lamps that are everywhere right now? To use or not to use? If so, what size and how to find a good one? Thanks!

    • Hi Elena,

      I have not personally used the salt lamps (although I have often thought of getting one for the bedroom), so cannot vouch for their benefits first-hand, but have friends who use them and found them beneficial for lifting moods, clearing the air and emitting negative ions (help neutralize positive ions from computers and other electrical gadgets which can aggravate stress and cause sleep disturbances).

      I am a big fan of Himalayan salt for it’s incredible health benefits (especially for an Empath) and can only believe the lamps would also be beneficial.

      I could not recommend the best place to purchase them, it is probably best doing some research, but make sure they state they are 100% Himalayan rock salt lamps. I have noticed in the shops there are many knock-off versions of the Himalayan salt condiment, which is just normal rock salt which has been dyed.

      Hope this helps. 🙂

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