Clear Negative Energy and Restore Empath Health with Organic Salt

It is said that the ‘father of medicine,’ Hippocrates, was among the first to discover the magical healing qualities of sea salt, after noticing how quickly seawater healed wounded fishermen’s hands.

Salt has been given much bad press over the years and probably for good reason. The refined table salt that most of the Western world has consumed, and which is in all processed foods, is nothing short of toxic to the body. It causes many health problems. But it’s a different story with organic rock or sea salt.

Not only is organic rock or sea salt a great medicinal healer, it is also deeply purifying energetically. It has the power to draw out and dissolve negative energies from the emotional and physical body. This is especially helpful if your day involves interacting with others, where too often, as an Empath, you absorb stressed or anxious energy.

Unrefined salt, from the sea or rock, is an amazing grounding and energy clearing tool that can be safely and effectively used daily, inside and outside the body.

And not just for clearing negative energy: Continue reading