The Essential Protective Stone for an Empath

haematite stonesMany Empaths find themselves drawn to crystals and tumble stones at some point on their journey.

They have this draw for many reasons: Maybe it’s for the crystal’s beauty, texture or colour.

But more often than not, the Empath’s intuition guides them towards certain crystals for the powerful healing vibrations they emit.

There are hundreds of types of crystals, all with countless healing properties. But the stone that, in my opinion, every Empath should keep with them, as part of their grounding and energy protecting arsenal, is Haematite.

Haematite is a very powerful stone that has many incredible qualities. It is known as the grounding stone of grounding stones and has powerful protective and mirroring properties.

Haematite has the ability to both balance your energy and raise your vibration: lifting you up energetically whilst keeping you grounded. And the one thing all Empaths need is to stay grounded!

The Mirror Effect

Not only does haematite show what we need to work on within ourselves; but, when worn as an amulet, it helps build a shield of protection that bounces off psychic attack and the negative energy from others. For this reason, it is excellent to wear when out in peopled places.

Haematite also protects from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).

Clearing Repetitive Thoughts

Anyone of a Sensitive nature tends to spend too much time in their heads.

Continuously dipping into repetitive thought patterns and overthinking is addictive. And staying stuck on the same thought, for hours on end, is a typical trait of an Empath.

In its grounding action, Haematite pulls you down from your head and out of repetitive thought patterns. It also helps put your focus back where it is needed.

If you are a night-time thinker and find your thoughts kick-in the second you get in bed, place a haematite stone under your pillow (you can also place one on your third eye but I doubt it would stay there long) and keep your focus on it till you drift off into a blissful slumber.

Also, Haematite has a masculine/yang energy, so if you are feeling overly shy, timid or emotional it is a good one to use to counteract any overly feminine energy.

Healing Properties

From its name, you may have guessed that Haematite is related to the blood and circulatory system. It is 70% iron oxide which is why it works well with blood. Because it helps circulation and draws toxins from the body, it helps build a healthy immune system.

Haematite is known as a universal helper and assists greatly in times of stress or trauma.

During crystal healing treatments, Haematite is often used in conjunction with the base chakra. When the base chakra is rebalanced it often alleviates problems in that area, such as lower back, hip or pelvic problems.

Haematite is also good to use with any spiritual work/practice, not only because of its grounding action but  for the protection it offers.

Choosing Your Stoneshaematite

When buying crystals or stones, for personal use, it is a good idea to check you resonate with them first.

To do this you can quickly scan the crystals/stones with your hand or eye (I find being drawn by eye is enough for me) and check what you see/feel. Are you drawn to it/them or does the stone make you feel repelled?

We are normally drawn to the crystals we need most. However, that said, we can be drawn to things we want but don’t need. And, for this reason, scanning crystals with your hand is beneficial.

The way something feels often tells the Empath more than the way it looks. If it feels right it most often is.

Always check your stones are real: There are stones advertised as being Haematite when in fact they are a mix of many other ground mineral stones. To make sure that your stone is genuine, check its trail. Because of its high iron content, Haematite will leave a red mark, when drawn on the back of a porcelain tile.

Out and About

My crystal-healing teacher recommended we keep small Haematite tumble stones in our socks to help keep us protected and grounded, when out and about, which is, as you would imagine, uncomfortable.

I found the best way to keep the stones close to the body, if not in the pocket, is to use tape to stick the stone to your ankle or other place. Better still, invest in a Haematite anklet, bracelet or  pendant to wear when out in public or if using electrical equipment such as phones or computers.


All stones and crystals need to be regularly cleansed, to remove excess or negative energy. Cleansing can be done with varying methods such as: sunlight, salt, water, smudging, other crystals, intention, or all of the above.

So, to conclude, if you have been picking up too much energy from others, when out and about, why not invest in a handful of Haematite tumble stones? You can pick them up relatively cheaply and they will serve you for many years into the future. 

Hope this helps you on your Empath journey. 

For more grounding and protection posts click here or for a more comprehensive guide for the Empath click here


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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Crystal Healing by Roger C. Croxon


3 thoughts on “The Essential Protective Stone for an Empath

  1. Pingback: Grounding Techniques For Empaths | Reiki With Friends

  2. Pingback: Grounding Techniques for Empaths | Talesfromthelou

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