Why Empaths Need Protection Now More Than Ever!

You may have noticed I have written a lot about protection, healing or grounding methods, for the Empath, in recent times, and there is a very good reason for this.

There are some major changes/shifts going on that are affecting everyone on many levels. These changes are bringing about emotional disruptions and negative thought patterns.

Generally, when there are major energy shifts, Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, gets energetically clobbered from all directions.

If you feel like you are going seriously cuckoo, with all the emotions you are processing, it is probably a good time to pull out your ‘protective-tools arsenal’ and start experimenting with different techniques. Especially, if you have a daily protection ritual that isn’t working so well.

I have found, over the years, some protection/grounding methods that worked wonders at one time may stop being as effective after a while (weeks, months or years). This can be for many reasons, but often it’s simply because we just get too used to a technique and need change to see change.

When I worked in hairdressing, we used to recommend clients to change their shampoo and conditioner every few months. Why? Because hair gets used to certain products, and what worked brilliantly at making hair look fabulous one month may not work so well 3 months later. Swapping and changing products prevents the hair from becoming idle.

The same can be said with energy protection techniques: the body, mind and spirit gets used to doing the same exercise if performed over and over. Just like at they gym, if you want to get stronger and fitter, you keep increasing/changing weights to build stronger muscles, or try different yoga poses to increase flexibility.

As you evolve you have to adapt. This often means swapping and changing your grounding methods.

If something no longer works, you are likely at the point where you need to change. Times are continuously changing and we all need to adapt.

Why are we feeling so much negative energy and emotion now?

People are having many unresolved issues come up that need to be cleared, and the Empaths can feel it.

Now is the time for everyone to face their demons and hidden issues!

However, many are choosing not to do this and are instead projecting blame for their emotions onto others in the form of anger or resentment. This is generally felt by the Sensitive folk as psychic attack.

These days, it is difficult to know what belongs to whom, because it can all be so interrelated: coming from family or friends of whom you have a lot of history and unresolved issues with.

If you are unsure where your painful emotions or dark thoughts originate, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are these emotions, feelings or thoughts unusual for you?
  • Do you get thoughts that make you want to explode inside?
  • Do these thoughts or emotions pop up at the strangest of times and quickly enrage you?
  • Do you know of another person who is resentful of you and having issues?
  • Have you had to cut anyone from your life in recent times?
  • Is anyone around you burying their head and not facing their troubles?

If you said yes to the above questions, the negative emotions and thoughts, you are experiencing are likely coming from someone else (Don’t forget they could be coming from more than one person which would intensify them considerably). If this is the case you really need to amp up your protection and grounding techniques.

If you answered mainly no here are some different questions:

  • Do these feelings, thoughts or emotions seem to be childlike?
  • Can you relate these emotions to a past issue?
  • Is this a recurring theme of insecurity that has kept popping up with different people over the years?
  • Are your thoughts about a certain problem on a perpetual loop?
  • Did you bury a lot of emotional pain as a child and always put on a brave face?

If you answered yes to these question some of the emotions you are experiencing are likely coming from within. (You will no doubt still be experiencing other people’s emotions too, so keep protecting yourself.) It is also probably a good time to check your back-story and find out to what these issues link.

Listen to your intuition. What is it telling you? (If there was ever a time to meditate and still the mind, now is it.)

Your current emotional pain, thoughts or feelings may have stemmed from a rejection or an injustice in childhood; this may have snowballed over the years and attached lots of other associated pains to it along the way.

Don’t focus on the memory, just recognize it as the root-cause and release it. Simply discovering the cause is often enough to clear the pain attached to it.

We are in a unique time where we have the opportunity to forgive, release and rise above the dramas of our past.

It’s also worth bearing in mind, when others cause us pain they often do so in ignorance. Their actions are triggered by their own pain and insecurities, and from not knowing any better. They too in time will learn.

Hope this helps you on your Empath journey.

If you want to learn more about how you can transform your Empath life click here

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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Here are some posts that you may find helpful now:

How to Heal an Empath’s Emotions


Protect Yourself from Others Energy

Garlic’s Protection

Re-Balance with Essential Oils

Dark Thoughts

Also posted on Awakening People

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12 thoughts on “Why Empaths Need Protection Now More Than Ever!

  1. Pingback: Les causes du bouleversement intérieur | Une introduction à la sensibilité sensorielle

  2. Hello thank you for your post.About 6 months ago I discovered it was call been a Empath.!!
    There are a few thing I do not understand. Why do we have to intentionally protect our self. Would it be a little more helpful if it was naturally inherent or part of the package ?
    thanks George

    • Hi George,

      Good question!

      It would be great if us Empaths didn’t need to protect ourselves from others energy, unfortunately there are things in life that can leave our energy field wide open and lead us to taking on other people’s ‘stuff’ without being aware.

      Certain foods, alcohol, stimulants, drugs (prescriptive or other) and EMF, to name but a handful, can act as endocrine disrupters and thus create imbalance in our chakras and energy field (aura). By taking preemptive steps to help strengthen or balance our energy field, it will act as a shield and other people’s energy will bounce off and not become part of our ‘stuff’. We just need to find what works best for us as we are all different and what works for one won’t always work for another.

      We do have the power within to build a shield around us, but we have to unpeel some layers before we can gain access to it. I will be writing about this in the near future.

      Hope this helps.
      Diane 😀

  3. What can an empath do to re-awaken and heal their empathic sensitivities? After years unknowingly in an abusive marriage with an SNPD, I am now separated but finding that I feel almost nothing. I feel deaf and blind, hugging people because that is what I would normally do, listening and asking questions as I used to do, but not “feeling” how they feel.

    • Hi Ann,

      I imagine you must have closed down your abilities as a form of protection. Your sensitivities will probably awaken when you have sufficiently healed.

      Keep practising your grounding and protection techniques, heart opening meditations may also help.

      Hope this helps.

  4. This came right on time. It’s like experiencing everything at once, only you don’t know where some of the emotions are coming from. Just starting to figure things out. Kinda overwhelming.

  5. I needed to read this today, thank you. I’ve been struggling lately with having a relationship with my mother who abandoned me at 5. A lot of hurt and resentment attached here. She has wanted to act like we’re best friends which isn’t possible but in all of this I know that I have to release it and forgive her. I came to this conclusion last week and feel very good in my decision. No need to carry around the anger and hurt any longer.

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