Surviving Christmas: A Guide for Empaths


It is getting ever closer to that dreaded time of year… Christmas!

For some, Christmas is a much loved time. I wish I could make the same claim. For many reasons, the festive season is one my least favourite times of year.

When I was a younger (child to mid-twenties), I loved everything about Christmas. But as the years passed the month of December became harder for me to cope with.

Without fail, every year, at the end of November or beginning of December I would start to feel low and my energy dropped. I would feel as though I was coming down with a bug and would get tense or harassed. Then on or around December 28th I would strangely go back to feeling better.

In my mind I would always find a reason: being extra busy at work, having a busy social life, eating unhealthily, drinking too much alcohol, not having enough sunlight, not doing enough exercise, etc…

Over the years I tried many different approaches to make December more bearable: I made changes to my diet, exercised, stopped going out, stopped drinking alcohol, went on a sunshine breaks… But, no matter what I tried I still felt awful come December.

And then it suddenly dawned on me… what I was feeling wasn’t ‘my stuff’ at all, but everyone else’s.

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