One Thing That Will Set you Free as an Empath!

Finding the truth of who you really are as an Empath is one of the hardest things you will face whilst on this path of awakening.

If you are struggling with the current shift happening in the world, or with being an Empath, I guarantee, one of the reasons is you are not facing your personal truth.

The person you see in the mirror is an accumulation of many fear-based emotions, untruths, rejections and painful events, built up from your personal history.

Ever heard the saying, ‘We’re not really upset about what we think we’re upset about?’ It means we’re not facing the true cause of our pain.


Finding your truth is not an overnight process. It can take years. At least it took me years and I’m still uncovering new stuff all the time.

It was part of my journey to go the long way round, perhaps, so I could share the information here.

So how did I make the discovery? That the truth really will set you free…? Through journaling.


When I was at my lowest ebb (part of my resistance to the a changing world and my Empath ways) I did not want to talk to anyone about what I was feeling inside. I believed it would make me appear weak and vulnerable. I felt frustrated that I was not in control of my emotions (When I discovered I was an Empath they made more sense) and, as I was not ready to talk to anyone about it, I had to find a way to offload. I did this by journaling.

I came across journaling, quite by chance during a quest to improve my writing skills. In her book, Writing down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg explained: to hone one’s writing ability one should write every day. The idea was just to put pen to paper and see what came out. This is exactly what I did… Continue reading