Could EMF and WIFI Be Disrupting Your Empath Life?

EMF and the Empath

I noted in my last quick post that I had been a couple of weeks without WIFI in December, and what a positive impact it had on me. It is quite incredible how dependent we have become on the internet for everything. So much so, it is difficult to imagine life without it. But have we really considered what effect all the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are having on our Empath sensitivities?

In this last post, I discussed how many Empath lives are disrupted by sensory overload. Another massive factor which also contributes to this overload are electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which include WIFI.

Electromagnetic Pollution

Over the years, the use of smart phones and laptops has skyrocketed. Even the ‘untechiest’ person will have a mobile phone. It certainly doesn’t help that the majority of our phones are also connected wirelessly to the internet which gives off considerable amounts of EMFs when data is streamed.

This increase in mobile phone use has also led to the need for more cell towers around our towns and cities, which means greater levels of EMF in our environment.

Wireless gadgets are not the only problem. There are many other devices within the home that allow these invisible frequencies to build up; such as televisions, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, etc.

EMF and the Empath

EMFs are so powerful they can be measured.

You and me, we both create electromagnetic fields. Virtually every single process which keeps us alive can be traced back to an electric field. A giant electric field holds all our atoms together. We wouldn’t be able to function without our electric fields. Every time we move a muscle, we create an electric field. We are electrical beings.

Think about walking into a room full of angry people where the atmosphere could be ‘cut with a knife.’ It wouldn’t be long before you were affected by the EMF of the room (whether you were an Empath or not), via the merging of electrical fields. No matter how happy you were prior to entering an angry room, the electrical energy of others can influence your own energy and thus your mood.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.Jack Frazer Master’s Physics Oxford University

The above quote explains why the energy of one person can impact the energy of another. Our electric fields like to ‘mingle.’ It also shows that frequencies emitted by WIFI can ‘mess around’ with our own.

One electric field affects the way another functions. So, if you experience strange symptoms, or if your Empath traits are making life difficult, it could be caused by EMF.

Maybe it is time to pay attention to how you feel after spending a lot of time on wireless networks.

As Empaths we easily recognise the impact of the energy of people but many of us are also affected by the electromagnetic frequencies emitted within our environment without realizing.

Hazards to Health

EMF disrupt energy frequencies within our body and within our energy field, they affect our chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of enduring too much EMFs are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Here’s a Sampling:

  • Dark moods, depression or emotional overwhelm
  • Difficulty concentrating and trouble giving attention to anything which requires focus
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and irritability
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness (even though exhausted)

How Do You Know If You’re Affected?

One of the best ways to find out if you are EMF sensitive is to have an electrical detox. Which I must admit can be a challenge because let’s face it, electrical gadgets are everywhere. Perhaps spend a few days away from all things electrical or just turn off the electricity in your home for a while and see how it affects you. Even just switching your phone setting to aeroplane mode, when not in use, will make a difference.

I personally found that when I was not using my phone and laptop for two weeks my brain became clearer, my thoughts more lucid and I felt more energised. Others report of feeling generally happier and healthier or having strange symptoms clear up.

The Solution

Sadly, continuous escapism of EMF and WIFI, in this modern world, is virtually impossible. Yet there is one simple thing we can do to help protect ourselves. Use crystals.

EMF Shielding

Certain crystals can act like bioelectrical shields against EMF. Not surprisingly, the crystals that work best for EMF protection are the stones we use for grounding.

Crystals to Use:

Ferromagnetic crystals (containing iron) are best for EMF protection. There are several of them, but my favourites are:

  • Hematite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Shungite

If you have been impacted by electromagnetic frequencies, you will likely notice the difference as soon as you use one of the above grounding stones.

Other stones that can also be used are Pyrite and Magnetite (although I have never tried them myself, others have reported them to work).

How To Use Crystals for EMF Protection:

When using grounding crystals, such as Black Tourmaline, for EMF protection the goal is to create a shielding barrier between you and your wireless devices. The best ways to do this are:

  • Put them in your trouser/shirt pocket or wear them as jewellery such as necklace or bracelet.
  • Place them in between you and your devices. Perhaps on your work desk.

After Use

It is not always possible to keep a crystal on hand. In some cases, we need to use them after EMF exposure. They can be used with good results in the following ways:

  • Use your grounding crystal in meditations: Hold your crystal, or crystals, in your hands and keep your mind focused on their energy during your meditation.
  • Place a grounding crystal on the third eye (centre of forehead) for five to ten minutes: This helps with clearing any brain fog caused by EMF.
  • Use grounding crystals around your bath tub: (Not in water, as some crystals may rust). This not only helps clear EMFs; it also makes bath time a much fizzier and cleansing affair.

When using crystals for EMF protection there are two IMPORTANT THINGS to remember:

  • Powerfully magnetic crystals should not be used near your laptop or external hard drives because they could fry them.
  • Being semiconductors of energy, Clear Quartz (or other silicate crystals) should not be used near electronic devices, as they can amplify the EMFs

Extra EMF Protection

Although certain crystals work wonders for EMF shielding, we can also take further steps to protect ourselves. The simplest ways are to turn off your wireless routers at bedtime, don’t keep your mobile or other electrical devices on your body, keep your phones and laptops out of your bedroom, and switch off electrical appliances at the mains when not in use.

Also, as was mentioned in my last post, get out in Nature as much as possible. Nature heals us on so many levels and is the perfect protection from EMF. Read more here on the benefits of being in Nature for an Empath.

Remaining vigilant of what might weaken us as Empaths helps ensure we live our happiest and healthiest life. Knowledge is power. Hopefully, this post has shed some light as to how you might have been affected by EMF. We live in an ever-changing fast-paced world that seems to bring in more challenges by the day. Levels of electromagnetic pollution are bound to get worse, so taking some simple steps now to prevent overload can go a long way.

If you are interested in learning more about how crystals can help you as an Empath, I will be releasing a book on the subject in early spring.

Hope that you have all recovered from the festive period and here’s to a fantastic 2020!

Until next time… 350 DPI resized black cover 5 july for KDP 2


©Diane Kathrine


(Part of the above information has been lifted from my upcoming book – Crystals for Empaths – The Ultimate Guide

The below recording may also be of interest

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6 thoughts on “Could EMF and WIFI Be Disrupting Your Empath Life?

  1. If you said this on Youtube you would be taken down. Lately YT have been taking down anyone that talks negatively about 5G

  2. Hi.i use elite shungite as pendant , and i also have an “app” , that has an image of elite silver shungite. I don t k ow if u heard of this site ‘subtle energy’. What do u think? It is used by backround pucture, for laptop, pc, and smartphones

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