What It Means to Surrender in Perspective of the Empath Awakening

Surrender can have different meanings to different people.

To some, surrender is seen as a passage into freedom, a way to stop the struggle and let go. To others, it is a weakness, a way of giving up.

Because surrender has been painted as a failing in society, it has never really been encouraged. It is thought by surrender we lose power. When in fact, it takes us into power.

Those who avoid surrender tend to be fighting with themselves or with others. If only in their ‘fight to be right.’

When there’s a fight, someone always gets hurt. And when there are casualties, no one is a winner.

To me, surrendering means to allow for change. Surrender fear, beliefs and old ways of being. This also means the beliefs we hold about the way we look, think and feel.

Surrender to Life

This isn’t about being a doormat for others to trample over. Nor is it about not standing for what is right. To surrender is to simply let go of the old ways of being or that which no longer serves, and the fear that kept us enslaved.

Humans are led by emotion and fear. For a long time, society has manipulated our emotions by giving us reasons to fight or reasons to be angry and afraid. Manufactured forms of distraction that kept us in servitude of a control system.

These distractions, and ways to keep people divided and in fear, are now getting louder because we are moving in to a new era where people are waking up.

The Precipice

As a species, we don’t like giving things up: habits, ways of being and beliefs. Even when these habits are known to be bad or wrong. We often have to go through a crisis before we will change or surrender. This is what we are now experiencing.

We have reached the precipice. Change is the only way off the mountain.

We are in times of great change. There are many layers to unpeel. One of such is surrendering the old thoughts and beliefs that kept us controlled.

When we do not have freedom of thought, we can’t tune into our higher mind. We then become little more than computers running software programmes. Freethinking should be a basic human right, yet it has been systematically removed by society.

I was talking to a friend the other week. We were discussing the current world crisis. My ideas in no way matched hers (as is often the case with my friends). After listening to my opinions and outlook, my friend told me she didn’t know how to think independently or question things. She needed to be fed information. In other words, she needed to be told what to think and believe.

This is the case with many people. Because ideas, opinions and thoughts are obtained from one place and not from observing various sources of data, the ability to question anything or formulate an original idea is stifled.

The fact my friend could see her opinions were influenced by mainstream, and weren’t really her own, shows she is in the process of ‘waking up.’

All our lives we have been fed information. How to dress. How to think. What to hate or love. Society has not encouraged us to think independently, only how to think as a majority.

There is a famous quote, by Henrick Ibsen: ‘The majority is always wrong, and the minority is rarely right.’

It reminds me of how little we really know. This world has been built on lies and illusions. Layer upon layer.

Until we can allow for independence of thought, by tuning into our higher-selves, we will continue to labour under false illusions.

When we regurgitate what we have seen on the news and in the papers, we might think ‘we are in the know.’ But it is little more than intentional programming. Hidden under the veil of an ‘educated opinion.’

Freethinking is Freedom

We have got more chance of getting to the truth by surrendering to the voice of our higher-self than we have from listening to mainstream narratives.

Inside we hold the answers to the universe, but we have not been shown how to gain access. We are taught to trust only the narrative of authority, and not the truth within.

The simple way to break free is to surrender the need to be part of the collective mind.

Have trust in the one. Trust in ourselves.

What it means to surrender is to let go of everything we thought we knew, let go of programmes and thoughts that have been implanted. Believe in our own power to create the world we want to live in.

Instead of fight for what we think is right. Surrender to what we feel is right. Lead with love and surrender the fear.


As a side note: if you are feeling particularly strong negative emotion around your solar plexus, know that it is very likely a pooling of the mass hysteria being stoked up, mixed in with your own apprehensions. A quick way to block it is to simply place your hand over the space you feel the emotions. This post also has ways to deal with the overwhelm of fear that many Empaths are currently experiencing.

Stay tuned for my next post which is about how judgement has controlled us.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine





I am about to share some things that weaken an Empath, either by inducing high levels of emotional or physical stress, or by weakening the body.

Now, before you think this post is going to be all doom and gloom it’s not. It’s for a purpose. It’s a way of highlighting how tough times develop us in unusual ways.

We all experience difficulties in life, it’s part of the journey, but it helps to have an understanding of why they happen and where they can take us. So here we go.

The top ten things that weaken an Empath…

1. Negative People:

Science has acknowledged that just by spending too much time around constantly disapproving or miserable people it can impact health and happiness. Meaning: we become sick just by hanging out with negative people.

Backed by studies that show how prolonged people stress alters gene expression within the immune system, more and more doctors are recommending their patients to avoid spending time with negative people to safeguard their health.

For an Empath, who both lifts and experiences the dark emotions or intentions off others, they are worst affected than most by negative people. They soon come to understand that it is best to avoid them.

2. Narcissists:

We live in a society that promotes narcissism. You only have to look online or on social media outlets to see evidence of this. But the type of narcissist that weaken an Empath the most are the type who like to control and manipulate.

An Empath carries the type of ‘light’ that might be considered as a weakness or something that can be controlled. This light often makes them a target of manipulative people and puts them in the firing line of narcissists.

That said, even when an Empath avoids contact with them, they can still get caught up in ‘the narcissist’s web.’ (Read more here and here). Which can cause various emotional and physical problems for an Empath.

3. Unbalanced Chakras:

If an Empath’s chakras are unbalanced it means they will not handle being around people for any length of time. It also means they are open to developing a number of health complaints.

The chakras are weakened by personal trauma, anxiety, stress, EMFs, modern lifestyles and unsuitable diets. If any of the chakras are forced open, by any of the above, it can result in physical ailments and a diminished or permeable aura.

A vulnerable aura is bad news for anyone, but is especially debilitating to an Empath. The condition not only drains physical energy but also allows the energy of others to have a worst impact. Read more here.

4. Too Much WIFI:

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), created from wireless technologies, disrupt energy frequencies within the body and energy field. They affect the chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of ‘EMF overload’ are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Sadly, escapism of EMF and WIFI is virtually impossible. Yet there are some simple things we can do to help protect ourselves. Read more on this

5. Low Vibrational Food:

Foods that have been refined, genetically altered, contain artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc., not only weaken the body but also the mind. They trigger amygdala activation (responsible for activating heightened emotions), ignite autoimmune conditions, depression and more.

The Eating Plan For Empaths

Consuming animal produce, where the animals greatly suffered, might also trigger depression within an Empath.

Low vibrational food, such as the above, has a negative impact on all humans, but for an Empath, who often has a ‘hot amygdala’ the impact tends to be experienced far worse. Read more here.

6. Psychic Attack:

When an Empath is under psychic attack, they will know it by the repetitive thoughts going back to a certain person, accompanied by deeply uncomfortable emotions. However, it is when they themselves get caught up in ‘the attack’ that things become problematic.

Once tied up in the thought-process, triggered by psychic attack, it becomes difficult to break free. Dark thoughts lead to dark emotions and stress, which negatively impact health and wellbeing.

Luckily there are ways around this. This post explains more about the subject.

7. Not Living in Truth:

Again, this is something that weakens everyone, but not living in truth is particularly bad for an Empath’s wellbeing.

An Empath first becomes aware of how inauthenticity weakens them after spending time around those who seem to ‘lie for a living.’

The truth is, everyone lies to some extent; if only to themselves. It is how we navigate life and ultimately it is how we uncover our own truth. But, if an Empath avoids living their truth, they will get constant reminders to put them back on track, one of which is ‘freezing’ around inauthenticity. Read more here.

8. Conflict:

Empaths are generally the type of people who dislike confrontation, because it might lead to conflict, which can cause insult and injury to all parties involved.

Through life experiences most Empaths come to understand that minds are not changed through confrontation and thus conflict, but by living by example.

If an Empath gets caught up in conflict it can trouble their mind long after it has passed. This serves in keeping the stress hormones active in the body which can lead to health problems.

9. Observing Cruelty, Acts of Violence & Mainstream Media:

Witnessing acts of cruelty or violence, whether fact or fiction, are difficult for an Empath to observe. They cause stress and deep emotional disturbances within their body, impacting the immune system and emotional wellbeing.

The mainstream media, for example, glorifies suffering as a way to entertain. Yet, at the same time seduces people into experiencing fear (an emotion that becomes addictive the more it is experienced).

Avoiding the media outlets that manipulate fear, as a point of seductive entertainment, is best avoided by all Empaths. Read more here.

10. Rejection:

Rejection, for an Empath, is not something they easily brush aside. It wounds them deeply. Rejection is an unfathomable cause of insecurity that impacts them for many years into their future.

An inherent trait of an Empath is to be protective and faithful to all who they allow into their life. To be pushed away by those they trusted or considered as friends, generates a deep mistrust of people and a weakening of body and mind. Read more here.

Now for the Good News

Undergoing experiences that might have made life challenging, dark and difficult (any or all of the above) offers incredible experiences for an Empath. From the depths of this darkness emerges a budding flower.

Like the beautiful lotus flower grows out of the mud, so do Empaths find their way into the light by experiencing the darkness.

Most of you have endured living in the shadows and have experienced great stresses in life. But we all come to understand why… Enduring painful experiences, that weaken us, thrusts us towards a greater understanding of life, evolvement and spiritual awareness.

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We have to go through the dark to experience the light. If we had not gone through all that we had, we would not develop the inner strength and understanding that takes us to another level.

Experiencing pain and working through it, allows us to see from a higher perspective. The dark really does serve the light.

So yes, although the above may weaken an Empath, they can ultimately take them to places of great evolvement and understanding…

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine

Top 10 Ways for Empaths to Overcome Viral Emotions

Our surroundings may be quieter than usual, but at times the ‘noise’ of viral emotions can be almost deafening.

In a world overcome with worry and fear, we all benefit from diving into the soothing ‘waters of silence.’ Not only as a retreat from the noise of fear but to reset within ourselves.

Staying in the space of silence, if only for short periods of time, is known to improve memory, stimulate brain growth, relieve stress, combats insomnia, and provides relaxation and respite for the body.

Silence is the perfect remedy to counteract the viral emotions that have infiltrated every area of life. It is both healing and rejuvenating. Not only does silence help reset and still a wired mind, it is also good for balancing our sensory gating process.

Sensory Gating

Wikepdia defines sensory gating as a neurological process of filtering out redundant or unnecessary stimuli in the brain from all possible environmental stimuli.

Sensory gating prevents an overload of irrelevant information in the higher cortical centres of the brain.

Many Empaths experience ‘problems’ with their sensory gating. Sounds can be louder and more irritating, and the many different ‘layers of noise’ in the environment can lead to stress and physical ailments

I liken the Empath’s ability of feeling others’ emotions to a form of sensory gating. Too much sensory information, in the form of emotional energy, works like an influx of noise, proving to be both stress-inducing and exhausting for many. The act of spending time in silence helps to counteract this.

Ten simple ways to access the power of silence:

Here are ten simple ways to benefit from a ‘silence session.’

1. Meditation

Let’s start with the obvious one and the healing technique I always come back to, meditation.

Meditation comes with so many benefits (including many science-backed benefits) from relieving stress to healing physical ailments. It is known to improve all areas of life and helps us become better at everything we do. It also gives us a greater understanding of who we are and where we fit into life.

During these trying times, meditation is something we all benefit from practising, not only for stilling and empowering our mind, but to tune us into our heart centre and higher consciousness.

2. Listen to soft music with ear phones

So, listening to soft music might sound like a contradiction. After all, isn’t music classed as noise? But this is a good method for when your environment is noisy. It cuts off the sound of the outside world and allows for a respite of the mind. The right kind of music can also be healing as well as soothing to the senses. I came across these incredible healing music videos on YouTube here and here.

3. Go into the woods

The sounds of Nature offer the healing benefits of silence. Being around densely populated areas of trees is the perfect way to bask in Nature’s healing stillness. Even better, if you can get close to natural running water it is also purifying (read more here).

If Earthing is practised at the same time, as being out in Nature, it will have double the benefits.

4. Get up early

The quietest time of the day is in the early morning, before the world has woken up. Instead of engaging the brain first thing, by flicking on the TV, radio or checking messages, why not start the day in silence?

Just by sitting in the stillness of a sleeping world it can zone us into the healing vibrations of silence.

5. Take an aromatherapy bath

You may wonder what taking a bath has to do with finding silence, but this is more for silencing the stress sensors. Water is healing in itself, but when an aromatherapy oil is incorporated into the mix, such as Lavender or Chamomile (added to a carrier oil first), it helps turn off the senses engaged by viral emotions.

Essential oils send healing instructions to the limbic system (the system that controls emotions) to relax. They are particularly good to use if you have been experiencing anxiety triggered by external stress. (This post has 11 essential oils beneficial for an Empath).

Light some candles, put a do not disturb sign on the door and immerse yourself for at least twenty minutes (if you live in a noisy house pop your earphones in).

6. Go outdoors after dark

For the most of us, the only time we spend in darkness is when we go to sleep in the evening. But being outdoors at night, in a safe area such as the garden, is particularly good for tuning into silence.

There’s something incredibly stilling and peaceful about the darkened night sky, especially when blanketed with a sweeping of shimmering stars.

If you don’t have a garden, sitting with your eyes open in a darkened room also reaps many benefits.

7. Be at one with your breath

When you fully tune into the breath, by focusing on your inhale and exhale, it helps drown out the noise of the outside world. If you cover your ears at the same time it has an extra benefit.

Try it now and see for yourself. Put your hands over your ears, close your eyes and take 8 to 10 deep breaths. When you remove your hands, you will experience a quieter world than before.

Any type of yogic breathing exercise is also perfect for stilling the mind.

8. Chanting

Again, another one that seems to contradict the idea of finding silence. But, repeating a song-like mantra, such as OM, is not only healing to the body, mind and spirit it helps us find a stillness within.

Chanting is known to purify the environment by creating positive vibrations and filtering out fear energy.

A French physician and auditory neurophysiologist, Dr. Tomatis, believes the ears affect the entire nervous system. He noted how sounds like music or noise, determine physical energy levels and our sense of well-being. He experimented with different music frequencies, noting their effects on humans. By studying Benedictine monks, he observed the healing benefits of chanting. When the monks daily chanting ritual was taken away, for a short period of time, most fell ill. When the singing was reintroduced, they made a full recovery.

9. Get creative 

Draw, paint, sing or arrange flowers. Whatever gets your ‘creative juices’ flowing will work.

When the creative mind is kept occupied, by engaging in something that holds the imagination, it tends to switch off from the outside world. Viral emotions and loud sounds get locked out by the ‘lack of sensory engagement.’ This in itself has the benefit of silencing the mind.

10. Turn off the WIFI

We are so connected to the internet in our daily lives, that just by having a WIFI break it helps tune us into the power of silence. It is not until we take a break from the noise of electrical frequencies that we see how they affected our body and mind. This also helps in the respect that when we are constantly bombarded with online information it leads to sensory overload.


I hope you find this list beneficial and inspires you to tune into the vibration of silence. Even if it’s just for ten minutes a day.

Until next time.

Please help support me and my work



©Diane Kathrine


How an Empath Benefits from Being a Victim

Did you just read that title correctly? Can there ever really be any benefits gained from being a victim?

And the answer is yes.

If we allow bad experiences to shape us in the right way, then yes, there are many benefits to be had from being a victim.


Screenshot (277)Everyone has had an occasion when they were treated badly in life. No one escapes. Even those who are known abusers, might have started off life as the abused. And yes, some seem to have suffered far worse than others.

Some might be a victim of their own success, where the wealth and power that comes with their achievements ultimately destroys them, and then some can be a victim of their own beliefs…

Someone can become a victim when they put too much faith in another (like a guru or leader), and allow them to shape or control their life.

But we can grow from these experiences.


In my last post, I discussed how childhood experiences shaped my beliefs; how they made me attract certain life experiences and people. Everything happens for a reason. We just don’t tend to see it at the time. And this can also be the case when we have been victimised.

Being Empaths, and therefore sensitive, often means we were victims of heightened emotional senses and overwhelm. Most of us have been victims of others’ ignorance, but we have also been victims of our own expectations.


The benefits of being a victim are numerous. It most certainly teaches us a valuable lesson on how it feels to be mistreated, or we might even get a taste of ‘our own medicine.’

It is easy to look at others and point the finger. Noting all their shortcomings. But we don’t always see the error of our own ways. We might get so caught up in our own world that we don’t acknowledge the impact of our actions on others.

Now, when I say being a victim, I am referring to being a victim of other people’s bad behaviour or having bad life experiences. Those times when we were treated unfairly or betrayed. I am not talking about being an occupational victim.


Everyone has come across occupational victims. Those who seem to enjoy playing the role of the ‘injured party.’ Occupational victims seem to relish in telling stories of how they have been mistreated. It’s as though they focus on finding reasons to be unhappy. They like having people feel sorry for them and don’t stop complaining about their lot in life.

I often think that being an occupational victim is akin to creating some kind of self-actualizing soap opera, where one makes unhappiness a point of entertainment or life purpose. But, as I often say, we are each here on our own journeys of evolvement. And if someone finds purpose in remaining in victimhood, then that is their call.


Because being a victim allows us to experience what it feels like to be hurt, it can help us become more empathetic, more resilient and more empowered… That is if we allow ourselves to learn and grow from the experience.

Sometimes being a victim is exactly what we need for growth.

Difficult life experiences shape us. They take us on this strange path of evolvement. The real benefits kick-in, however, when we decide we no longer need to have those experiences in order to grow.

With this new age, it would seem that the times of feeling/being victimised is coming to an end for many (those of us who are ready to move on).

We are in times of great evolvement. A time to move away from the abusers and those who took advantage. That also includes those in authority and those who have abused their positions of influence.

People are finally waking up to the realization of their own power. We are now at the ‘helms of our own ships.’ We may have given our power away, but we are now discovering how to take it back.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


The Past That Shapes Our Future Empath Traits

What I both love and hate about this life in equal measure is that we never stop having experiences for growth. We may think we’ve got the whole thing nailed down, got our body and mind balanced and our outlook in line, then poof, something comes along that either throws everything into chaos, changes our beliefs or takes us on to a new path of evolvement.

Just like the times we are currently in.

Like everyone else, I am constantly opening new doors, making discoveries about myself and the world, facing different challenges and looking for answers. This year, it would seem, I have been tying loose ends up from my past.

You too may have noticed that in recent weeks or months, you have been having flashbacks to people from your past and experiences you may have had with them. Both good and bad. This could be in memories, dreams or meditations. It certainly appears as though we have been given the opportunity to understand and release our past pains.

My Experience

In the past couple of years, I have been working more closely with my crystals during morning meditations. Any of you who work with them will know that not only are certain stones incredible for protection and grounding, they also have a unique way of activating the higher mind and revealing things that have been previously veiled.

As Empaths, we may have strong intuition and good instincts with others, but when it comes to ourselves, we often have barriers up. We have to work harder to find our truths. Especially if in our past we experienced trauma, heightened sensitivities or childhood difficulties.

Anyway, last month I had been pondering my past and why I had experienced difficulties or let-downs with certain people. I asked the question during my meditation one morning and I received my answers in a somewhat indirect way.

Later that same evening, when out with some friends, one of them had had a few too many drinks and a subject from the past came up which had been upsetting for me at the time. Basically, a close friend had let me down in a big way. I had forgotten about the incident, but when it was bought up, I realized there were buried emotions still linked to it. Now, although I understand the reasoning for my friend’s actions, and I know it upset him at the time, I had not released the imprint of disappointment.


The next day I got to thinking about why this had been suddenly brought up and a rush of information flooded my mind. Like a eureka moment. I remembered the question I had asked the previous day. I was receiving my answer as an experience of memories.

Past Shaping the Future

Since being a child, I had always felt set apart from others, especially my family. We were a family of six. Three older sisters, a father with anger issues and a sometimes-distant mother. As a child, I didn’t really feel a strong connection to my family and apart from my mum, I never felt particularly ‘safe’ with them. They were wrapped up in their world and it seemed as though I was on the outside. Because of this, I often felt let down by their actions, and had the idea that they were never really there for me.

This idea had become an embedded belief which was carried with me, and through my vibration and the law of attraction it shaped my life. I inadvertently chose my friends on this rooted childhood belief. This meant having friends who would offer me the life experiences of feeling let down or of them not being there for me.

The let downs I am referring to may seem insignificant to some, but in my twenties and thirties they were a big deal. In hindsight, it was almost as though I was looking for reasons to feel unsafe and confirm my belief that others would not be there for me.

Because I have always known what it felt like to be let down, I would go out of my way not to do it to others.

In the past, I assumed everyone had the same inner-feelings and Sensitivities as me. It was only when I discovered more about myself, and the world around me, that I came to understand this wasn’t the case. My friends didn’t have the same sensitivities, empathy or life experience, so they couldn’t draw on them in their actions and behaviours.

My friends are all different. We don’t share the same beliefs or have matching opinions and we haven’t had the same struggles; but on our own paths we have evolved together. They are good people who, in their own ways, are also trying to fathom this ‘life’ out.

Over the years, I’ve seen my friends have their own share of difficulties and let-downs, which I know has also shaped them. Life really isn’t easy for anyone. Even if from the outside it seems someone has a gilded existence, behind closed doors it quite often isn’t the case.

Life’s Expectations

It is often our own beliefs and expectations that cause us the hurt and pain. And when we can see this for ourself we know we have gained a valuable lesson.

Everything really is linked. We have attracted people into our life based on the vibration of our beliefs, even when we don’t realise that we hold certain ingrained ideas.

In recent times, if you too have been having memories or flashbacks of people from your past who caused you pain or difficulties, I would suggest it is because you do not need to learn from those happenings any more. It is time to let the pain of the memories go.


Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time…




Prevent Panic Attacks and Anxiety: A Guide for Empaths & HSPs

If you have ever experienced a panic attack you will know only too well that they are not something you would wish on anyone. They create the kind of dread and sense of impending doom that are beyond comprehension.

Because Empaths and HSPs feel everything so intensely, it is often the case that they are more prone to experiencing anxiety and panic attacks.

Not Feeling Safe

Going through life over-feeling emotions and the emotional energy of others can create the perception of being unsafe, especially when out in public or around certain people. Feeling unsafe can put the body into fight-or-flight mode which is a response of the sympathetic nervous system. When the body is in fight-or-flight it is in a constant state of stress.

We often experience a sense of not feeling safe when we have experienced past traumas, especially bereavement or physical or emotional abuse, and not dealt with them.

Another issue many Empaths and HSPs face, which can affect our perception of safety, is feeling misunderstood. When we feel misunderstood it often creates an inability to truly connect with others. Which often leads to a sense of isolation, and is a catalyst for repetitive dark thoughts.

Research has shown that negative thought patterns can be inflammatory. They create problems within the body and mind and keep us in trauma mode.

We all have good and bad within us, light and dark. When we are suffering or in pain, as in with anxiety or panic attacks, it is often because we have inadvertently been feeding the darkness. We allow our pain to dictate our lives. That said, we don’t necessarily have to have been suffering to experience panic attacks. Sometimes external factors, certain foods or hormonal changes can be the trigger.

Being aware of triggers, as well as having knowledge of what we can do if we start to suffer with anxiety or panic attacks, can ensure we don’t needlessly suffer. The following are some simple steps to help prevent anxiety…

1. Use meditation and breathing exercises:

Breathing and meditation practices help cultivate more positive thoughts, help balance the stress hormones and instil calm. However, some people find meditation too stressful to perform when experiencing panic attacks or anxiety. The stillness can become unnerving. In these cases, moving meditations, such as yoga with the breath, or deep breathing is massively beneficial.

The Whisky Breath is a quick breathing exercise which can offer instant relief. Simply inhale for a count of four and then exhale for a count of eight. Continue for as long as you need. This exercise switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to prevent or stop panic attacks.  The three-minute meditation performed daily, after doing the Whisky Breath breathing, will help keep the mind positive and anxiety at bay.

There’s more information on breathing exercises and yoga here and here.

2. Keep away from people who make you feel unsafe:

If you don’t feel safe, or have trust issues with certain friends or family members, or if you don’t feel they have your best interest at heart it can cause emotional trauma. It is wise to avoid those who create safety issues for the health of your body and mind, which in turn can prevent anxiety.

3. Check your diet:

Are you eating chemical-laden foods, or foods that are known to trigger autoimmune conditions? Anxiety can sometimes be a warning from your body, telling you to pay attention. If you suspect your diet is activating anxiety or panic attacks, keeping a food diary can help you pinpoint the triggers. Read more on this post.

4. Supplement wisely:

Even with the healthiest of diets it is difficult to know we are getting, or absorbing, a full range of nutrients. We often eat anti-nutrient foods without realising (foods that block or hinder nutrient absorption), which means the good stuff we do take in doesn’t get chance to do its job. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be a big trigger for anxiety. A basic supplementation regime can help in regards to anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more info.

5. Take Valerian Root:

Valerian root is a natural herb used for treating anxiety and insomnia. Similar to melatonin, valerian root puts you in relaxed sleepy state. Valerian contains a neurotransmitter called GABA, that is known to have a powerfully calming effect on the mind.

6. Do therapeutic exercise:

Yoga and walking are probably two of the most therapeutic forms of exercise. There is a type of yoga to suit everyone, but it has to be practised regularly to see results. Walking is easy and super beneficial for the body and mind. Also, high intensity exercise, which helps release human growth hormone, can be beneficial for stopping panic attacks.

7. Use crystals:

There are many different types of crystals that can help with anxiety. Rose Quartz in particular is a lovely stone to help with panic attacks. It is a love stone that really helps calm the emotions. When choosing crystals for anxiety it is best to see them in person (instead of ordering online). If gazing on a certain stone makes you feel calm inside it is generally a good choice.

8. Salt therapy:

Taking salt baths can be incredibly calming and soothing for the body and mind. Even better, if you live near an ocean taking a daily dip can work wonders for soothing anxiety. This post gives more details.

9. Check your water levels:

If you are dehydrated, even just a little, it can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. This post gives more information.

10. Reduce wireless air time:

More research is coming to light showing how WIFI is a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks, especially when spending a lot of time wirelessly downloading on the internet (Youtube, etc.). Give yourself a few days away from WIFI and see what effect it has. Switch your phone to aeroplane mode when not in use and limit your time on the internet. This post explains more.

11. Keep your bedroom as a calm zone:

Quality sleep is important for preventing anxiety and panic attacks. Don’t keep electrical gadgets, especially WIFI gadgets, in the bedroom. Keep your bedroom well aired and clean. Use black out curtains to ensure a solid night’s sleep.

12. Use essential oils:

Essential oils are perfect for instilling calm. Lavender being one of the best allrounders, but other good ones are Basil, Chamomile or Geranium. You can normally feel the calming effects of these essential oils within ten minutes of application. Simply massage a few drops, mixed with a teaspoon of oil, into the soles of your feet. Or use them in your bath, add them to your body oils or put a few drops on your pillow before sleep time. Check this post out for more essential oils and their benefits.

13. Avoid caffeine:

Caffeine is one of the worst things for triggering panic attacks and anxiety. It is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and colas. Avoidance will go a long way to keeping anxiety and panic attacks at bay.

14. Avoid stimulants:

Alcohol and recreational drugs can be another big trigger of anxiety. Many people assume alcohol is a relaxant, but it is when the effects wear off that the problems start.

15. Avoid chemicals:

If you are Sensitive, it often means you will be sensitive to chemicals in products and scents, which can trigger many unusual physical reactions and stress within the body. Keep your products as natural as possible, including laundry detergent, household cleaning products and personal hygiene products.

16. Listen to soothing sounds:

There are some incredibly soothing sounds that can help reduce anxiety and prevent panic attacks. Ocean sounds, angelic harmonies, thunderstorms, gentle chimes, etc. are incredibly calming to the body and mind. Try to avoid live music downloads (such as on Youtube) as the WIFI can trigger more anxiety. Perhaps buy a CD and listen through headphones.

17. Don’t eat late at night:

Eating late at night can be the trigger for sleep anxiety and panic attacks. Try to have your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to ensure it is digested.

18. Get out in Nature:

This is a perfect remedy for anxiety and panic disorder. Even listening to the birds singing is beneficial. Read more here on the benefits of nature for an Empath.

19. Massage and reflexology:

Massaging body treatments work wonders for helping with anxiety, especially reflexology, which works on the reflex points on your feet. Schedule in time for yourself and book in a weekly treatment to help soothe your body and mind.

20. Talk to a specialist:

If you know you have supressed past trauma such as a bereavement, emotional or physical abuse, or unresolved issues, it might help to talk to a trained therapist. Supressed trauma is often reignited in times of stress, which often triggers panic attacks.

21. Have your hormones checked:

This is a big one, especially for women. If you are going through any kind of hormonal transition, such as perimenopause or menopause, it can be a big trigger for panic attacks. Perimenopause often starts from the late thirties onwards and can create many unusual and uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms.

So, there you go. Hopefully, you will have found something on the list that will help if you suffer with anxiety or panic attacks. But even if you don’t suffer with anxiety now, it is always good to have this page bookmarked for future reference. Anxiety can be triggered at any point in life, sometimes with no known cause. Having a reminder of what steps to take to combat panic attacks can avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine




Could EMF and WIFI Be Disrupting Your Empath Life?

EMF and the Empath

I noted in my last quick post that I had been a couple of weeks without WIFI in December, and what a positive impact it had on me. It is quite incredible how dependent we have become on the internet for everything. So much so, it is difficult to imagine life without it. But have we really considered what effect all the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are having on our Empath sensitivities?

In this last post, I discussed how many Empath lives are disrupted by sensory overload. Another massive factor which also contributes to this overload are electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which include WIFI.

Electromagnetic Pollution

Over the years, the use of smart phones and laptops has skyrocketed. Even the ‘untechiest’ person will have a mobile phone. It certainly doesn’t help that the majority of our phones are also connected wirelessly to the internet which gives off considerable amounts of EMFs when data is streamed.

This increase in mobile phone use has also led to the need for more cell towers around our towns and cities, which means greater levels of EMF in our environment.

Wireless gadgets are not the only problem. There are many other devices within the home that allow these invisible frequencies to build up; such as televisions, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, etc.

EMF and the Empath

EMFs are so powerful they can be measured.

You and me, we both create electromagnetic fields. Virtually every single process which keeps us alive can be traced back to an electric field. A giant electric field holds all our atoms together. We wouldn’t be able to function without our electric fields. Every time we move a muscle, we create an electric field. We are electrical beings.

Think about walking into a room full of angry people where the atmosphere could be ‘cut with a knife.’ It wouldn’t be long before you were affected by the EMF of the room (whether you were an Empath or not), via the merging of electrical fields. No matter how happy you were prior to entering an angry room, the electrical energy of others can influence your own energy and thus your mood.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.Jack Frazer Master’s Physics Oxford University

The above quote explains why the energy of one person can impact the energy of another. Our electric fields like to ‘mingle.’ It also shows that frequencies emitted by WIFI can ‘mess around’ with our own.

One electric field affects the way another functions. So, if you experience strange symptoms, or if your Empath traits are making life difficult, it could be caused by EMF.

Maybe it is time to pay attention to how you feel after spending a lot of time on wireless networks.

As Empaths we easily recognise the impact of the energy of people but many of us are also affected by the electromagnetic frequencies emitted within our environment without realizing.

Hazards to Health

EMF disrupt energy frequencies within our body and within our energy field, they affect our chakras and endocrine glands, immune system and nervous system. In fact, the symptoms of enduring too much EMFs are similar to those an Empath might experience from being ungrounded.

Here’s a Sampling:

  • Dark moods, depression or emotional overwhelm
  • Difficulty concentrating and trouble giving attention to anything which requires focus
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and irritability
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness (even though exhausted)

How Do You Know If You’re Affected?

One of the best ways to find out if you are EMF sensitive is to have an electrical detox. Which I must admit can be a challenge because let’s face it, electrical gadgets are everywhere. Perhaps spend a few days away from all things electrical or just turn off the electricity in your home for a while and see how it affects you. Even just switching your phone setting to aeroplane mode, when not in use, will make a difference.

I personally found that when I was not using my phone and laptop for two weeks my brain became clearer, my thoughts more lucid and I felt more energised. Others report of feeling generally happier and healthier or having strange symptoms clear up.

The Solution

Sadly, continuous escapism of EMF and WIFI, in this modern world, is virtually impossible. Yet there is one simple thing we can do to help protect ourselves. Use crystals.

EMF Shielding

Certain crystals can act like bioelectrical shields against EMF. Not surprisingly, the crystals that work best for EMF protection are the stones we use for grounding.

Crystals to Use:

Ferromagnetic crystals (containing iron) are best for EMF protection. There are several of them, but my favourites are:

  • Hematite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Shungite

If you have been impacted by electromagnetic frequencies, you will likely notice the difference as soon as you use one of the above grounding stones.

Other stones that can also be used are Pyrite and Magnetite (although I have never tried them myself, others have reported them to work).

How To Use Crystals for EMF Protection:

When using grounding crystals, such as Black Tourmaline, for EMF protection the goal is to create a shielding barrier between you and your wireless devices. The best ways to do this are:

  • Put them in your trouser/shirt pocket or wear them as jewellery such as necklace or bracelet.
  • Place them in between you and your devices. Perhaps on your work desk.

After Use

It is not always possible to keep a crystal on hand. In some cases, we need to use them after EMF exposure. They can be used with good results in the following ways:

  • Use your grounding crystal in meditations: Hold your crystal, or crystals, in your hands and keep your mind focused on their energy during your meditation.
  • Place a grounding crystal on the third eye (centre of forehead) for five to ten minutes: This helps with clearing any brain fog caused by EMF.
  • Use grounding crystals around your bath tub: (Not in water, as some crystals may rust). This not only helps clear EMFs; it also makes bath time a much fizzier and cleansing affair.

When using crystals for EMF protection there are two IMPORTANT THINGS to remember:

  • Powerfully magnetic crystals should not be used near your laptop or external hard drives because they could fry them.
  • Being semiconductors of energy, Clear Quartz (or other silicate crystals) should not be used near electronic devices, as they can amplify the EMFs

Extra EMF Protection

Although certain crystals work wonders for EMF shielding, we can also take further steps to protect ourselves. The simplest ways are to turn off your wireless routers at bedtime, don’t keep your mobile or other electrical devices on your body, keep your phones and laptops out of your bedroom, and switch off electrical appliances at the mains when not in use.

Also, as was mentioned in my last post, get out in Nature as much as possible. Nature heals us on so many levels and is the perfect protection from EMF. Read more here on the benefits of being in Nature for an Empath.

Remaining vigilant of what might weaken us as Empaths helps ensure we live our happiest and healthiest life. Knowledge is power. Hopefully, this post has shed some light as to how you might have been affected by EMF. We live in an ever-changing fast-paced world that seems to bring in more challenges by the day. Levels of electromagnetic pollution are bound to get worse, so taking some simple steps now to prevent overload can go a long way.

If you are interested in learning more about how crystals can help you as an Empath, I will be releasing a book on the subject in early spring.

Hope that you have all recovered from the festive period and here’s to a fantastic 2020!

Until next time… 350 DPI resized black cover 5 july for KDP 2


©Diane Kathrine


(Part of the above information has been lifted from my upcoming book – Crystals for Empaths – The Ultimate Guide


The below recording may also be of interest

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Sheltering from Loud Energy and Sensory Overload

To some loud energy may seem like a weird concept. But not to an Empath. An Empath will immediately know what is meant by loud energy and why we often need to find ways to shelter from it.

As Empaths, we become adept at differentiating levels of energy. We even become proficient at knowing what someone will feel like just by observing them from a distance. I often think we measure a person’s energy in a similar way that we measure sound. And just like sound can be interpreted as being loud, so can someone’s energy. (I’m sure you have experienced wanting to ‘shush’ someone even though they have not said a word.)

It is often the case that the livelier a person the louder their energy. However, someone can still have loud energy without necessarily being a loud person. There are several factors that seem to raise a person’s ‘vibrational volume’ and they are:

  • Being in quiet emotional pain (suffering in silence).
  • Grasping for attention or being super self-absorbed.
  • Being famous (although this energy can be quite enigmatic).
  • Containing anger or resentments.

Having loud energy is certainly no crime and we cannot build resentments towards someone just because of their ‘energetic decibels.’ But, just like persistent loud noises can impact our health and wellbeing, so can loud energy.

Sensory Overload

You may yourself have noticed that on some occasions you are not affected by the noisy energy of a person, but at other times it winds you up to the point of distraction. This often happens when there’s been a sensory overload. If all your senses have been on overload you won’t handle a person’s loud energy as well as you should.

We talk about being sensitive to other people’s energy, but that’s not all we can be sensitive to. Many Empaths have heightened senses. We hear sounds louder, see colours brighter and taste foods more intensely. We also suffer more with food sensitivities which also contributes to heightened senses.

It is often when all our senses are on overload that we cannot handle the loud energy of people. And is another reason why Empaths don’t do well spending a lot of time in places that are loud or filled with lots of people.

Sensory overload can trigger: fatigue, mood swings, people irritation, and more.

If we become irritated when around another person, we often blame it on their energy, but it might just be that it was ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back.’ In other words, all our other senses have become so heightened that we cannot take any more ‘input.’

The thing is when we are overloaded it causes unnecessary stress to the body and mind. We then get caught up in a vicious cycle of energy overload and our senses never get a rest.

Now, as nice as it would be to ask someone to contain their energy, this obviously isn’t an option. We need ways to filter and cleanse our senses so that we don’t get taken down by sensory overload.

I often talk about the importance of grounding for an Empath, which is not just great for ‘energy protection’ it also works as an easy way to rebalance or calm our senses.


Getting outdoors into the natural world is one of the top ways of grounding. Nature is so soothing to the body, mind and soul. Sadly, the green spaces in and around our cities are getting less and less. Houses, apartment blocks and business units are being built on every available piece of land. This has more impact on our general wellbeing than we probably realize. (Read more about Nature’s healing power here.)

My husband and I do a lot of travelling around the UK. Mostly down south on the M6. But we also go up to Scotland. When we drive towards London, we don’t pass much greenery and we often arrive at our destination lethargic and agitated. However, when driving up to Scotland the opposite is true. We often feel uplifted. If you have done any driving through the UK (or any other place where you go from city to greenery) you might have also experienced this yourself. The further North you travel, on the M6 in the UK, the greener it becomes. The landscape is beautiful and calming to gaze upon. It is soothing to the senses. And that is without even getting out of the car.

Although I know the volume of traffic plays a part in draining our energy when travelling (south-bound on the M6 is particularly busy), we have also sat in traffic heading towards Scotland and it by no means has the same effect.

So, yes, to protect from sensory overload, get out in Nature as much as possible. Keep plants and flowers in the house and garden. Even potted herbs dotted around the kitchen will help bring Nature indoors.

If you don’t get chance to get outdoors much, never fear, there are other fab ways to help soothe the senses and they are:

Meditative Breathing

Before and after going to busy places use meditative breathing exercises for a couple of minutes or longer. A good one to use is the 4/7/8 breathing technique. Inhale for 4 beats, hold for 7 beats, exhale for 8 beats. This practice is soothing to all senses and helps protect from loud energy.

Buzzing bee breath is another great technique to use. Simply close your eyes, plug in your ears with your fingers, inhale and, keeping the mouth closed, exhale whilst making the sound of a buzzing bee. (See more here.)


Carrying or wearing grounding crystals, such as Hematite or Black Tourmaline, are perfect for protection. These stones not only help protect you from loud energy, they are also soothing to the emotions and help keep you grounded. (More on crystals coming soon.)


A great way to soothe your senses and bring all-round calm is by using aromatherapy oils. Before going to peopled places, put some lavender on a hanky and breathe it in when ‘overloaded.’ Or use essential oils in the bath after an energy overload. (Here’s a post to get you started.)

It is also a good idea to avoid overly potent chemical smells (car fumes, air fresheners, cleaning products, soaps, perfumes and deodorants, etc.), which can also overload the senses.


The right type of music, or sounds, can work wonders for soothing your senses and protecting from loud energy. Take your ear phones and Ipod (do people still use these?) or other device and listen to soothing or uplifting music when in places where there is a lot of sensory stimuli.

Eye Cupping

Too much visual stimuli can be overloading. A simple way to soothe your sight sense is eye cupping. Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place your palms over your eyes. Open your eyes into the dark warmth of your palms for as longs as needed (only perform when safe to do so).

So, there you go. Hopefully you will have some new inspiration of what to try to prevent sensory overload and to protect from loud energy. (If you’re looking for more this post might help.)

In my next post I will be addressing a massive factor that is responsible for causing Empath overwhelm and sensory overload. Be sure to look out for it.

Hope you’re all keeping well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


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What is Really Making You Angry as an Empath?

Have you found yourself suffering more with angry emotional reactions lately than what is usual? Have you ever wondered why?

Following on from my last post about the shadow side, today I want to discuss another way in which the shadow may be experienced: through anger.

The reason this is an important issue to address is because anger is especially damaging to the body. Anger stresses the adrenals, causes stomach problems, and weakens the heart area. in fact, just one minute of anger can suppress the immune system for five hours.

In current times it seems anger is being purposely stimulated amongst the masses, which is not good for the Empaths.

All around the world we see people getting angry or hateful over ‘local or global affairs.’ There is so much fury being projected on to issues presented online that it makes you question: are people really so angry with these issues or is it something else? Something deeper that has been suppressed that is trying to draw their attention?

An Empath will always be affected by the anger in others; but they also have their own to deal with. However, because they know the damage anger can do, when projected on to others, it is often suppressed. Which rarely leads to anything good.

You’re Never Angry About What You Think You’re Angry About!

The above statement is so true. We are rarely infuriated by what we think. We are simply projecting our pain when triggered.

When we project our pain on to external factors, instead of looking inwards to find and fix what needs fixing, we don’t uncover the real roots of our anger.

How Do We Uncover What is Really Making Us Angry?

An unhealed Empath, who has spent years stuffing down emotions, can find offence in pretty much everything. In these times, however, everything is rising to the surface. As noted many times in other posts, imbalances in hormones, due to the diet and environmental factors, plays a huge part in emotional reactions (read more here), but they mostly have to do with our past.

Going Backwards to go Forwards

In life we often have to go backwards to go forwards. What I mean by this is we have to visit the origins of the wounds from our past before we can move away from them.

If, for example, anger is triggered in the present by someone expressing their beliefs, the question has to be asked: Why are their opinions striking a chord?

Could it be related to a buried memory from childhood? Maybe a memory of being told you were wrong? Or perhaps being told you were not good enough? Perhaps regularly? Or it could be that you just want to express yourself without someone jumping in to say that your opinions are unfounded, or liken your ideas to a conspiracy theory (yes, that has happened to me before).

Anger projected into the present is likely to have originated from a past issue, often made much worse by hormone imbalances (read more here ), but it will usually be disguised as anger towards something else.

The ego is often blamed for certain ‘toxic feelings.’ And yes, the ego likes to dominate, it likes to be right and is also easily bruised. But an inflated ego is not always the precursor to anger within an Empath, it is more likely to be the wounds of the shadow.

The shadow holds the unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities that affect our behaviour and outlook on life. It also likes to trigger anger. That said, sometimes experiencing dark emotions is not always a bad thing.

Can Positive Situations Come from Anger?

There are times when anger and rage can propel us to make changes in life, pushing us onwards and upwards. It can also help us address that which needs addressing. However, when it is anger outbursts or silent anger, that quietly lingers in the shadows without serving any purpose except stress, then it is a problem!

Do we really want to punish our self for someone else’s opinion or mistake? Because that’s what we do when we host or suppress the emotion of anger.

People will always disagree. It doesn’t mean one is right and the other is wrong. There is just a difference of opinion. We do not need to convince anyone of anything. If someone is not ready to hear our opinion it is not our job to force it upon them. In fact, some people will never hear what we have to say, no matter how much truth is in our words, and that’s ok.

So, how do we tackle the anger or uncomfortable feelings that arise?

Firstly, do not suppress anger. But also, don’t take it out on others.

Many years ago, I read Louise Hay’s recommendation of using a pillow to release anger. Simply take a nice fluffy pillow and, when no one is around, beat it up. It does help.

Secondly, get familiar with the triggers:

To find out where your anger stems from, question yourself. Who are you really angry with? When you ask this question, a picture of someone will quickly come to mind often alongside an uncomfortable memory or feeling.

Do you really want that person or persons to continue to hurt you today? If the answer is no, it’s time to stop or release the anger reaction. Breathe through it or just pause and allow it to pass.

As I said, anger is hugely detrimental to health, as is any of the other stressed/pained emotions.

I realize that switching off emotions is a lot harder than just turning off a light switch. There are several other factors we have to consider. For example, have we become addicted to the hormones these emotions produce (read this post to uncover if you have a negativity addiction)? or are we unable to let go of the pain because it has become part of our identity? But understanding the cause helps in reducing the reactions.

The long-term goal is to stop feeding the shadow when it ignites an anger response. But recognizing that it is the shadow at work is halfway to making this realization.


When healed, we come to understand that what others say, think or do is more a reflection of them and not us. But until we get to this place, using grounding techniques, such as those I discuss here, will help reduce anger or prevent other emotional reactions, and a nice fluffy pillow (for pounding out the emotions) is always there for those darker days.

These journeys, we are each experiencing, have been designed especially for us. The beliefs we have and the problems we face are ours to overcome. The same can be said for everyone out there. By allowing others to have their own opinion, by walking away from fights that will never be resolved, or from the people who take pleasure in putting others down, it is not only liberating but also healing. And addressing the truth behind anger goes a long way towards its release.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

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Facing the Empath’s Shadow Side

A couple of posts ago, I discussed how an Empath is often painted as the villain. Today, I want to discuss a similar subject but from another perspective: The Empath’s shadow side.

The shadow side may sound like something devious that drives a person to do dark and dastardly deeds; but it is mostly the source of great emotional pain, especially within an Empath.

What is an Empath’s Shadow Side?

Basically, a shadow side within an Empath is the same as within anyone else: it is the unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities, buried deep within, that can affect our behaviour and outlook on life. The side we don’t always know how to deal with.

I also mentioned in my last post how many Empaths are continually working on themselves to become healthier, happier and all-round better people. The shadow side, however, is often the last thing we want to address.

It is in the things that hurt us or that which we hide from where we will find our shadow.

Most of us have a side that we keep hidden from the rest of the world and even from ourselves. Hiding from our shadow side could be likened to wearing a mask, to conceal something that we consider either too ugly to be seen or too painful to be confronted.

The Japanese believe that everyone has three faces: The face we show the world, the face we show our family and close friends, and the face we show no one. It is our hidden face which is our truest reflection and hides our deepest discomforts. Wearing a mask, to conceal one’s shadow side, is the way many live and is often considered the norm.

Revealing the Cause

A good way to reveal the shadow is looking at what hurts you most. Is it rejection or not being accepted? Could it be people taking advantage of your kind nature? or perhaps not being able to connect with others? Whatever it is, you will generally find the origins of this hurt in your childhood.

Sensitive people are impacted their whole life by the inconsiderate or cruel behaviour of certain individuals from their childhood: The school bully, an angry teenage sibling, an unaware teacher, etc. If something cruel and uncalled for was said or done to you as a child, a seed was planted, creating the roots of the shadow to build.

Hiding from one’s truth may seem like a contradiction on the part of an Empath. Especially considering that most Empaths tend to detest inauthenticity. Wouldn’t hiding a part of ourselves be classed as living in an inauthentic way…? Yes and no.

There is a good reason an Empath may hide the truth of themselves from certain people, and it’s not always to get them to like us.

When we awaken as an Empath, a new way of life is gradually revealed. Not only do we come to embrace and appreciate our unusual traits – traits that set us apart from others – but we start experiencing more synchronicities, we develop greater intuition and discover a new outlook. Everything we have experienced when around people, emotionally and physically, finally makes sense. We understand our need for time alone, why we feel crazy energy when in busy places, and why we experience overpowering emotions when with certain persons. We also come to understand the deeper layers of human nature.

Once awake, we see that most people only see things from their own perspective. The majority don’t have the ability to see the world in 3D, like many Empaths do, and therefore cannot get on board with our way of thinking or relate to the experiences we endure. Because of this awareness, we become vigilant of protecting our space and are hesitant of opening up… We also don’t like burdening others with our troubles.

One thing the ‘Empath Awakening’ doesn’t do is take away our woes. In some cases, we become more sensitive and feel emotions more intensely. We thus hide from our shadow side to protect ourselves from experiencing more pain.

The truth is, avoidance just prolongs the discomfort.

Humans are hardwired into avoiding pain. It is a form of self-protection. ‘Escapism of feeling’ is often done through suppressants such as food, alcohol or drugs, etc.

This never works.

Suppressants just numb or mask the pain for a while. They act like a distraction; taking our attention away from that which needs addressing.


Some believe that by confronting their shadow-side it will cause too much heartache; hoping that avoidance will offer the ‘easier ride’. Which is understandable.

Sadly, when we choose the ‘easy route’ in life, it rarely turns out to be the comfortable journey we wanted, especially when we are avoiding doing something we know we should do.

One of the simplest ways to face the shadow side is by admitting to our insecurities, or that which hurts us.

Admitting that we have been hurt by our past and that we are ready to let it go brings the pain out of the shadows. When facing our ‘inner-demons’, we work to take away their power.

That said, it is not always possible to remove all the buried pain of the shadow side. Some pain is hardwired and is part of us for a reason. It shapes us in many ways; allowing us to empathize at a deeper level.

When we accept that ‘emotional pain’ has a purpose on this journey and is not just some unfair burden that we were unfortunate enough to be saddled with, it can lessen the impact.

Calming the Shadow

Another aspect of working towards balance is to avoid anything which unnecessarily activates ingrained mood-memories created by the shadow.

Mood-memories are the go-to moods, initially activated by the pain body, that we hang out in when feeling low or when in a dark mental space. I find two of the biggest triggers being diet and people (and hormone fluctuations).


By eating foods that influence the hormones in a negative way, it not only lowers our vibration and slows us down, it also impacts moods. This has bearings on wellbeing and initiates dark emotions to be roused or remembered. Wheat and sugar being two of the biggies (read more here). Meat also plays its part with many Empaths (this post explains more).

Uncovering food triggers is an essential part of preventing activation of mood memory.


The type of people who become pain prompters for an Empath are those who hide their truth and pretend to be something they’re not. Basically, anyone who lives a big lie. Not just by lying to themselves, in hiding from their pain, but lying in their words, actions and energy. Those who hurt others with their disregard and those who hide their shadow behind their ego can act like triggers (read more here).

Just by spending too much time in the presence of anyone who carries the above traits could activate mood-memories.

Face the Pain

Facing hidden emotional pain frees us from living in its shadow.

Self-confrontation may seem like a scary option, but it is one of the best ways to release the emotional shackles of the shadow. If we have hidden insecurities, we continue to suffer, and we continue to draw to us those who play on these weaknesses (law of attraction).

The shadow side offers incredible lessons and serves us in many ways; but until we face it or at least admit to it, our actions and emotions are determined by its sway rather than by our conscious choice.

I will be discussing this subject from another perspective in my next post, so be sure to look out for it.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine

Please help support me and my work


Are Empaths Destined to Suffer Loneliness?

Are Empaths prone to loneliness?

I recently read a blog post, by Mark Sisson, regarding loneliness and how it has become near epidemic levels.

The article discussed how loneliness is perceived as a weakness and is something we don’t openly talk about in society, which is certainly true.

Loneliness can also occur when people feel like they don’t fit into life, as so many Empaths do. Feeling ‘different’ often leads to a sense of isolation.

To admit to being lonely is often seen as too shameful. It’s as though anyone admitting to loneliness is admitting to failure in life.

People may also not want to admit to being lonely because of the worry of what others think. The fear that being lonely might show one to be unpopular, with a lack of friends, might hold some back from discussing it. Which is ridiculous when you think about it. Someone can have many friends and family members, yet still feel lonely.

They say that loneliness is worse for the health than smoking; which makes sense. Anything that detrimentally weakens the emotional health is damaging to the physical.

The fact that loneliness has become an epidemic, and is now so famous, should not come as a surprise. People are so self-absorbed these days. Because everyone is kept super-busy with work commitments, family life, social media or just trying to figure out existence, they don’t always have time for others.
Continue reading

Should an Empath be Competitive?

Is competition good for an Empath? Or does it create an ugly streak?

I’ve always been fascinated by the many different ways of human nature. Things that set us apart or unite us. One such way being competition.

When it comes to the idea of competing, I am somewhat of a contradiction. On the one hand I think it’s healthy, and on the other it can be ugly.

If there’s one thing I dislike in a person, it’s an ugly competitive streak. When someone is willing to trample all over another, just to win, this is ‘ugly competition’. It could also be seen when someone is jealous of another’s achievements, and they undermine these achievements, just to continue to feel superior.

That said, if we don’t have a level of competition, we don’t tend to push ourselves forward to become better.

Unlike me, my husband is very competitive. If the game doesn’t have a competition, there’s no element of risk and he doesn’t want to play. I used to love playing badminton. Not competitively. Just hitting the shuttlecock back and forth, over the net, without it falling to the ground. My husband also liked to play, but for him the joy was in the competition. So, playing together never really worked. He wanted to score points for fun and I wanted to have fun without the scoring.

That’s not to say he, or the many other men and women like him, have an ugly competitive streak. He’s not a sore loser and he wouldn’t manipulate another to win. If anything, he would encourage others. 

I don’t think I have ever enjoyed competition. It almost seems like winning makes another into a loser.  

When competing at school, in sports for example, I felt myself weaken physically. I now realize this was just another part of being an Empath. For one thing, if I won, it meant the other lost. Which felt wrong. And for another, during competitive sports, I was likely picking up on the others’ intention (wanting to beat me), and I morphed to fit their intentional energy. (If you have experienced this you will know exactly what I mean. Read more here).

When we are unaware, as Empaths, we can pick up on the intentions, opinions and judgements of others which can impact our behaviour. 

I go to gym classes most days (Zumba, aerobics, etc.). When there, I never like being too close to the competitive people. They give off such strong vibes.  I can feel them wanting to be better than others in the room. I don’t need to know them or have talked to them to feel this.

I’m not saying this makes them bad people. I just don’t like feeling this energy when I work out.

It took me some years to understand that I could feel competitve energy when in gym classes.

It is often in yoga classes where I sense ‘the competitive energy’ at its worst. It’s a big reason I don’t like practising yoga around others.

Again, I understand that although I’m not partial to being in competition, it can drive people on to being the best version of themselves. But it can also do the opposite.

There is a great saying that, ‘It’s not about the winning it’s about the taking part.’ Yet some would argue that if there’s no chance of winning, what is the point of taking part? That is a mentality I don’t agree with (I told you I was a contradiction). It’s the ego talking.

If you enjoy the competition, do it for yourself. But don’t not compete just because you might not win.

I believe the best competition is with ourself. We should always be working to become better than we were last week or last year, in all areas of life. And self-competition is something I do enjoy.

So, yes, I see competition as both healthy and unhealthy, good and bad. It just depends on the way we use it.

It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the subject.

How does competition affect you as an Empath? Does it help you thrive? Or does it make your energy recede? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Hope all is keeping well with you.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine

This is Incredible!

Just a quick one today.

As it’s new year and we all have intentions of becoming healthier and happier, I’ve decided to do a fantastic offer on Kindle Countdown for all you lovely Empaths. For 2 days you can get the Empath Eating plan for $1.26. Yes, that’s right, only $1.26. The price will gradually increase until it goes back to full list price on 16th January 2019.

You can click here to have a quick read through of the first part of the book, to see if the information is for you. Remember it’s only for 2 days that the price will be so low. Continue reading

Why Are Empaths So Easily Hurt By Criticism?


There is no escaping this simple fact of life, the majority of Empaths are easily hurt by the criticisms and judgements of others. In some cases, so much so, that it may prevent them from taking any creative risks in life.

The fear of criticism holds too many good Empath’s back.

But as the old saying goes:

The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing.

And I doubt there are many Empaths who want to go through life doing nothing. Continue reading

Ever Wondered Why You Continue to Suffer as an Empath?


Have you tried all types of grounding or protective techniques, as an Empath, and find nothing works? Or have you found you are more negatively affected when spending time around certain people than you ever have been?

Have you considered the possibility that you may be suffering with leaky aura syndrome?

Most Empaths come to realize they have a leaky aura when they experience near-constant exhaustion, after spending little time around people. The grounding and protection techniques, they try, don’t make any difference to how they feel or experience the emotional energy of others. They may have even become so sensitive that they struggle to enjoy life.

Anyone whose auric field is congested, particularly with negative energy, may eventually develop auric permeability. But it is not just negative energy that causes the problem. In fact, when a person’s aura is permeable the problem often originated within the body. The biggest contributors are excessive stress, emotional pain, poor lifestyle choices, bad people, toxic environments and food.

After a lifetime of being Sensitive, and the challenges that go with it, the Empath’s body becomes less resilient (especially evident after the age of thirty). A weakened body weakens the energy field and is a major contributor to leaky aura.

The auric field is affected by your thoughts, feelings, actions and words. And because of the law of attraction, depending on the way you think and feel will determine what you draw into your life.

If as an Empath, you have leaky aura syndrome, and are unaware of it, you have little control over what you attract. You will struggle to protect yourself from the low-level vibrations in your environment; they seep into your energy field even when you work to stop them. You then vibrate at this same frequency, drawing in more of the same.

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