The Empath Awakening

Kindle Version Empath AwakeningWell, here I am with the news of another book release: The Empath Awakening.

The book, which could be classed as a prequel to 7 Secrets of the Sensitive, is about what to expect during the transition time of an ‘Empath Awakening’.

I cover subjects such as: friendships and family, toxic relationships, how the mind, body and spirit are impacted by Empath imbalances and how to overcome them, traits that become out of balance, how a permeable aura allows other people’s emotional energy to take you down, and much more.

If you want to have a quick look at the book, to get an idea of what its about, click here or on the above image, to read the blurb and some sample pages.

Here is a short extract explaining how the Empath’s weakened aura (energy-field) can impair their quality of life:

The Empath Aura

Your aura emanates around you like a luminous egg-shaped sheath. It extends around and away from the body for anything up to five feet (in a healthy person). The vibration of this energetic frame is fine and subtle.

Those who are unhealthy, in their body and mind, have an unhealthy, receded aura which is also permeable (energy leaks out and in).

Our aura both surrounds and penetrates our body and resonates with both our physical and mental bodies. Years’ worth of data is stored within our energy-field; this information is normally an accumulation of happy and sad experiences, ideas and opinions, unreleased painful emotions, negative thought-forms, past life memories and toxins, etc. Because Empaths pick up energy from others, we can also carry inside our aura their negative thought-forms and energy.

A weakened body and mind weakens our aura. Low-level thoughts and emotions, unbalanced chakras, food intolerances, poor diet, drugs and alcohol all impair the body, and anything that debilitates the body damages our aura.

When the aura is damaged, it becomes leaky. This is bad news on many levels: it allows our energy out (causing fatigue and other imbalances), and admits other people’s energy in, which then merges with our own.

Empaths are known to have a permeable aura, and this is why people’s energy can be so debilitating. But they are not the only ones. Anyone who is unhealthy or with emotional issues possess a weakened energy-field, which means their energy and emotions are also able to leak out.

If an Empath comes into close proximity with those who have a leaky aura, they will soak up anything leaked like a super-absorbent sponge. It may appear that strangers’ energy purposely infringes our own, but it is often an energetic merger.

If you are unhealthy, eat an unsuitable diet, take drugs or stimulants, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, experience stress and have dark thoughts you will likely have a permeable aura. This means you pick the emotions and energy off others which then becomes etched within your energy-field. You are also affected by negative residual energy and other low frequency vibrations. The only way to heal the aura is by making some changes.

Experiencing overwhelm, after picking up a stranger’s emotional energy, often means the memory of it gets imprinted. Any future interactions, with unfamiliar energy, may cause something like an “energetic allergic reaction”. These reactions are draining and can leave us feeling well below par for hours or even days. If these responses become a common occurrence, following time spent in public places, it prevents us from fully participating in our own life. This is seen by avoidance of peopled areas and anything that involves social interaction.

By finding total balance of mind, body and spirit, it works something like an “energetic anti-histamine” for the Empath. A healthy body and mind results in a powerful aura and creates the Empath’s invisible armour.

A formidable aura empowers the Empath. It persuades other people’s energy to bounce off and is key to living a happier life.

We cannot expect our mind and spirit to be strong when we are putting something into the body that weakens it. Nor can we expect our body to be strong if we experience “Sensitivity stress”.

Sensitivity Stress

Empaths are Sensitive. Anyone who is Sensitive will experience overwhelming emotions, vivid thoughts, and they get hurt more easily than most. This can lead to Sensitivity stress which compromises the immune system… and eventually results in a damaged aura.

Sensitivity stress is endured by those who experience other people’s emotional pain and energy as an adverse reaction (feeling drained, experiencing negative emotion or becoming unwell), they also overreact to any emotional situation and are prone to having anxiety or panic attacks.

This type of stress is not caused by having deadlines to work to and a mammoth to-do-list (although they certainly won’t help), it is caused by having a Sensitive nature, being overly stimulated from external energy and/or having buried emotional pain. Just like normal stress, it damages the immune system and puts strain on the mind and body. This in turn leads to illness, rampant negative thoughts, and a weakened aura…

So there you go a sneaky peak at what The Empath Awakening is about.

The book will be available for free download until the 21st August. Then it will return to full Kindle price of $7.99 ($14.99 for paperback copy).

You can read the book on any device from your phone, laptop or iPad although you may have to download the free Amazon Kindle App.

Click here for free Kindle download of The Empath Awakening or here for paperback version (not included on offer). Please note these links are for Amazon Kindle US. If you are from another part of the world you will have to download it from the online Amazon store in your area. Just type in The Empath Awakening by Diane Kathrine in the Kindle search bar.

If you download the book and find the information to be helpful, I would really appreciate it if you could write a Kindle review for me. Or if you would like to offer any constructive criticism please feel free to inbox me on my FB page Empaths Empowered.

If you think this offer will be useful to anyone else, please feel free to share on Facebook or other places.

Hope all is keeping really well in your little corners of the world.

Until next time…




What to Expect from Your Empath Transformation

Hope you’re all keeping really happy and healthy in your little “Empath” corners of the world.

Just a quickie today. For all of you who are curious about 7 Secrets

For any of you who may have read my blog for a few years, you may have noticed I am writing much more often than I ever have in the past. The reason for this is because my life has seen many incredible changes and  they are changes that have happened by the changes I have made to my life. It’s time now to pass the information on:

Within ‘7 Secrets of the Sensitive – Harness the Empath’s Hidden Power’ I help you understand why you experience what you do. I show what simple steps you can take to revolutionize your life, take back your power and live the life for which you were destined. As an Empath you deserve to live an incredible happy life!

Just in case you don’t know what the book is about, here is a little of what you can expect to discover:

  • Why parts of the Empath brain overreact to emotions and learn how to stop this from happening.
  • Projection and how Empaths send out what they think and feel to others.
  • How the disruption of our chakras affect the body and mind.
  • How and why certain foods destroy the Empath’s emotional wellbeing.
  • The reason why Empaths feel everything so powerfully.
  • What the dominant and sometimes overpowering Empath gut sensations mean.
  • The overwhelming emotional overload Empaths experience and how to instantly overcome it.
  • How Empath fatigue affects life and who or what causes it.
  • Why Empaths attract certain types (including narcissists) and repel others.
  • The reason Empaths form instant dislikes for certain people.
  • Inauthentic behaviour and how it weakens an Empath.
  • Trauma triggers and their causes.
  • How to recognize psychic attack and how to protect from it.
  • Thoughtbombing, what it is and how to stop it.
  • How to tell the difference between your own emotions and those which don’t belong to you.

 You can buy 7 Secrets of the Sensitive here on Amazon  or here for Barnes and Noble

If you do happen do purchase a copy I would just like to say a huge thank you and I look forward to it helping transform your Empath life!

Until next time…



Do You Own These Incredible Traits? 19 Surprising Secrets Of An Empath

There are many layers and mysteries to an Empath. So much so, much of life is spent uncovering and discovering what being an Empath is all about.

The sooner we discover who we are, and come to understand our incredible traits, the better we can navigate the journey.

Sadly, there are too many who go through life not knowing who they are. Nor realizing some of their quirky ways are actually part and parcel of being Sensitive. And this is why I continue to spread the word about the many ways of an Empath

Here is a list of some of the less discussed behaviours that sets the Empath apart (as well as a few of the better known ones – thrown in for good measure).

1. Possesses Emotional Intelligence

Empaths encompass incredible emotional intelligence, which they use to make careful decisions they hope will bring balance into their life and the lives of others. But as emotional intelligence is a rare gift, in a world ran by logic and rules, it can leave the Empath hurt and vulnerable by those who do not function or think in the same way.

2. Excellent Judge of Character

Sensing all they do about people and life makes the Empath an excellent judge of character. Their first impressions are always correct.

3. Senses Deep Emotional Energy

An Empath senses emotions intensely, both their own and others. But this ability can weaken them, especially when it is emotional pain they feel. This is the opposite of who they know they are. Deep within they recognize they are here to do something special, but are often held back from finding their purpose by the confusion of what they experience emotionally.

4. Endures Empath Overwhelm

It is easy for an Empath to become overwhelmed without necessarily understanding the reason for it. They often look for ways to shelter from this overwhelm in vices such as alcohol or drugs. It may take time for the Empath to discover these substances have the opposite effect and make their pain more intense.

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As an Empath How do You Know Whose Emotions You are Feeling?


Is it your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else?

Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for an Empath.

Every Empath quickly discovers of their ability to sense the emotional energy in others, but some struggle to distinguish these emotions from their own.

I often get asked questions like: ‘How do I define what I feel in another person?’ or ‘How can I block the emotions coming from others?’

Not understanding what other people’s emotions represent is more common than you might think within the Empath world.

When I was younger (teens and twenties), I did not know I could sense another’s emotions. I thought my own insecurities made me feel uneasy when around certain people. If anyone carried hidden pain, negative energy or anger issues, I felt them as a deep sense of discomfort. Which I wrongly interpreted as being part of my own social hang-ups.

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7 Ways to Develop Empath Intuition

Having strong intuition you can trust is a huge help when navigating the turbulent journey of Empath life!

Luckily, those who are Sensitive are born with a strong sense of intuition. It is an intuition they can continue to build over the course of their lives.

Being able to follow your intuition, and trust its promptings, not only guides you towards the life you may dream to live, but also helps when discerning the emotional energy belonging to others.

Many Empaths wrongly interpret the emotional energy belonging to another; often claiming it as their own. By developing a strong sense of intuition it helps to prevent this from happening. Here we will take a look at the best ways to do it:

1. Practice meditation daily.  If only for a short time. Five minutes a day is better than no minutes. Stilling the mind, through meditation, is one of the best ways to develop intuition.

It is not an overnight process. Some have to work harder than others. It is in meditation you receive the answers to the questions, you may have asked. These answers come through messages and visions.

2. Know your visions are real. The visions you see in meditation often have significant meaning… you just need to decipher them.  Many of your messages come through symbolism or code and are unique to each one of us. For example: one person may see a red rose in their mind’s eye and interpret it as a message of love; another may see the same vision, but interpret the thorns and color red as a sign of danger.

Your visions and messages are exclusive to you and that is why it is important to recognize their meanings. Continue reading

Understanding an Empath’s Powerful Intuition

 Most Empaths have a strong sense of intuition. It is part of who they are and serves them in many ways.

The Empath’s intuitive antenna is always ‘on,’ sensing what is right or wrong in their world. But understanding how to read these intuitive signals is important if they want to live a more peaceful and happy life… And, to discover how to do this, the Empath should become better acquainted with their gut sensations.

The “feelings” within the gut, or  solar plexus region, are coming from what is known as the second brain. The sensations come from the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons lining the gut, and are responsible for the “butterflies” felt in the stomach area.

Science now recognizes what ancient yogis discovered hundreds of years ago: that emotions are influenced by the gut nerves.

Everyone feels excitement fear and nervousness in the gut area, but an Empath feels it so much more.

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Is the Empath Really an Introvert Narcissist?

Contrary to the title of this post, I am not suggesting that Empaths are in fact covert introvert narcissists. The title was just to grab your attention.

The reason being, last week an article came to my attention that made me stop in my tracks and was the cause for a lengthy conversation with myself about the traits of an introvert narcissist, and how they could be confused with the traits of an Empath.

As you read on you will understand why I felt the need to write this post.

There is much written about Empaths and narcissists and the toxic relationships that can result from these encounters. But I have had many comments on my site (which I don’t publish if they are overly negative or attacking) comparing Empaths to narcissists and this is why I would like to discuss the subject.

Narcissism is defined as a psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation and incredibly high self-esteem with a distinct lack of empathy.

The origin of narcissism stems from the myth of Narcissus, the youth from ancient Greece who fell in love with his own reflection in the water, only to drown in the process.

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Discover If You Are An Empath or HSP

Not sure if you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Would you like to find out?

Let’s have a look at their definitions:

The definition of an Empath is a person who is capable of feeling the emotions of those around them despite the fact they are not going through the same situation.

The definition of a HSP is a person who processes sensory data much more deeply than others. They are oversensitive to aspects of their environment. For instance, HSPs may dislike harsh bright lighting, they get irritated by loud background noise or find they cannot wear certain materials.

Although the definitions above are brief, they could be misleading, in the suggestion that a HSP has only heightened senses and an Empath feels only the emotions of others; when in fact, there is so very much more to their traits.

For example, the Empath and HSP may both:

  • Sense other people’s moods
  • Project their emotions, feelings and thoughts onto others
  • Experience profound synchronicities
  • Have heightened senses
  • Feel emotions and pain very deeply
  • Get hurt easily
  • Become quickly over-stimulated
  • Become easily drained when in social situations
  • Have an awareness of subtleties around them that others don’t.

The definitions between the two are so similar that some may question as to which camp they belong.

So, to give you a better idea, we will look at some questions that will help you determine if you are an Empath or HSP.

We will first look at the Highly Sensitive Person. Saying yes to most of the following questions is a strong indication that you are a HSP:

  1. Are you aware of subtleties in your environment?
  2. Do other people’s moods affect you?
  3. Are you sensitive to pain?
  4. Do you need to withdraw, if you are having a busy day?
  5. Are you sensitive to the effects of caffeine?
  6. Are you easily overwhelmed by strong smells, bright lights or loud noises?
  7. Do you have a rich and complex inner life?
  8. Are you conscientious?
  9. Do you startle easily?
  10. Are you aware how to make others feel more comfortable?
  11. Do you get frustrated if you are made to do too many things at once?
  12. Do you avoid watching violence on TV or in films?
  13. Do you become uncomfortable when a lot is going on around you?
  14. Do you avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations?

See more known traits of a HSP here. Continue reading

Surviving Christmas: A Guide for Empaths


It is getting ever closer to that dreaded time of year… Christmas!

For some, Christmas is a much loved time. I wish I could make the same claim. For many reasons, the festive season is one my least favourite times of year.

When I was a younger (child to mid-twenties), I loved everything about Christmas. But as the years passed the month of December became harder for me to cope with.

Without fail, every year, at the end of November or beginning of December I would start to feel low and my energy dropped. I would feel as though I was coming down with a bug and would get tense or harassed. Then on or around December 28th I would strangely go back to feeling better.

In my mind I would always find a reason: being extra busy at work, having a busy social life, eating unhealthily, drinking too much alcohol, not having enough sunlight, not doing enough exercise, etc…

Over the years I tried many different approaches to make December more bearable: I made changes to my diet, exercised, stopped going out, stopped drinking alcohol, went on a sunshine breaks… But, no matter what I tried I still felt awful come December.

And then it suddenly dawned on me… what I was feeling wasn’t ‘my stuff’ at all, but everyone else’s.

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The Essential Protective Stone for an Empath

haematite stonesMany Empaths find themselves drawn to crystals and tumble stones at some point on their journey.

They have this draw for many reasons: Maybe it’s for the crystal’s beauty, texture or colour.

But more often than not, the Empath’s intuition guides them towards certain crystals for the powerful healing vibrations they emit.

There are hundreds of types of crystals, all with countless healing properties. But the stone that, in my opinion, every Empath should keep with them, as part of their grounding and energy protecting arsenal, is Haematite.

Haematite is a very powerful stone that has many incredible qualities. It is known as the grounding stone of grounding stones and has powerful protective and mirroring properties.

Haematite has the ability to both balance your energy and raise your vibration: lifting you up energetically whilst keeping you grounded. And the one thing all Empaths need is to stay grounded! Continue reading

Why Empaths Need Protection Now More Than Ever!

You may have noticed I have written a lot about protection, healing or grounding methods, for the Empath, in recent times, and there is a very good reason for this.

There are some major changes/shifts going on that are affecting everyone on many levels. These changes are bringing about emotional disruptions and negative thought patterns.

Generally, when there are major energy shifts, Empaths, and anyone of a Sensitive nature, gets energetically clobbered from all directions.

If you feel like you are going seriously cuckoo, with all the emotions you are processing, it is probably a good time to pull out your ‘protective-tools arsenal’ and start experimenting with different techniques. Especially, if you have a daily protection ritual that isn’t working so well. Continue reading

What is an Empath’s Purpose in Life?



One of the most frequently asked questions by those on the path of awakening is: What is my purpose as an Empath?

I know only too well how frustrating it is to have this question burning unanswered within. It is also frustrating to have this incredible gift and not know what it is for or what to do with it.

Many Empaths feel they should be helping others. But because they get overwhelmed, by spending too much time around people, they don’t know how that would be possible.

It is an inbred trait for Empaths to want to be of service. And, it is often the case that the more an Empath has suffered the more they want to save others from enduring the same pain. They may look for certain vocations that will help make this possible. Continue reading

What’s the Deal with Antiques and Empaths?

On my post ‘At a Glance 30 Traits of an Empath’ there is one trait that has caused some controversy over the years and that is:

Trait 28   Will not choose to buy antiques, vintage or second-hand. 

Anything that’s been pre-owned carries the energy of the previous owner. An Empath may even prefer to have a brand new car or house (if they are in the financial situation to do so) with no residual energy.

Many people wrongly assume the reason number 28 is on the list is because antiques hold negative energy. Anything pre-owned can carry negative or positive energy but this is not the reason it is on the list. Continue reading

Why Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People


Have you ever spent time with someone who on the surface seems as nice as pie, but when with them you feel awful and struggle to form a sentence?

This discomfort is caused by your Empathic antenna sensing all is not what it seems. You are detecting that what this person is showing is a fake persona created to hide something from others.

When an Empath comes across fake people it is common for them to shut down as a form of protection.  This can be seen as stumbling over words or one’s memory and thought process being affected. Anyone who is not emanating truthful vibes will put an Empath on high alert.
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Could This be a Cure for Introversion & Social Overwhelm for Empaths?

I think you will probably all agree that, for the Empath, when it comes to wellbeing, there certainly seems to be never ending hurdles to overcome.

Like many of you lovely Empaths out there, I consider myself to be somewhat introverted. And living in this extrovert world can often make me feel like I’m a large square peg being pushed into a small round hole.

And as is typical of an introvert, the thought of going out in busy peopled places or having to attend bustling social events sometimes ignites a bout of ‘social dread’ for me.

So, when I recently came across a condition that causes unnecessary social anxiety and excessive introversion, it immediately caught my attention.

The condition is called Pyroluria. and is caused by a lack of vitamin B6 and the mineral zinc.

Vitamin B6 and zinc are stripped from the body when under a lot of stress. As most Empaths suffer with high levels of emotional stress, they have to consider their nutrient levels may be low.

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