Did you even think it was possible to become addicted to negativity?

I mean, it sounds utterly bonkers, doesn’t it?

When we think of addictions, we often just think about the ones related to drugs or alcohol, perhaps even to gambling. But to negativity?

So, how does it work? Continue reading


One of the problems with being an Empath, is some of our traits can cause an issue for our health and wellbeing.

For example, if we have spent a day in a certain place, where perhaps there are a lot of people around, and we feel tired, down or anxious, we may automatically assume that we have been peopled.

But not every ailment of the mind and body has been caused by our Empath traits.

There’s a chance it could be caused by something entirely different. Something you may not have given much thought to. Continue reading


Before I get into today’s post, I just want to let you all know that I have set up a YouTube channel.

I realise a lot of people like to listen to posts, instead of reading them. Hence the channel. The video uploads are short and are different from the ones here are my blog.

So, if you would like to see what it’s all about, and perhaps subscribe, click here.

Now, on to today’s post:

Everyone experiences stress. Empaths in particular. But did you know that not only can this cause problems with your health, it can also be the reason behind weight gain, an inability to lose weight? Continue reading


Although it often doesn’t feel like it, we are currently living in some incredible times.

Times where we can move into our own authority and start living the empowered existence that we were meant to live.

However, as nice as it is to think we can sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, in these times of change, we still have to put in some work, if we want to see positive changes that last.

And yes, we always have obstacles to overcome in the process.

One of those being facing the insecurities that have been triggered by our Empath traits. Continue reading

The 4 Types of People an Empath Should Avoid

If you are an Empath, you will already know that people can impact you in weird and wonderful ways.

Some people can lift you up, some people will drag you down, and some people do none of the above.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t take long to make the determination of how you will be impacted by the people who come into your life. And what I mean by this is, after only a short period of time, spent in a certain person’s presence, you will get to feel their energy and the effect it has on your body and mind.

An Empath quickly comes to understand that if someone’s energy continuously invokes a negative physical or emotional reaction, when in their presence, that it might be best to avoid them.

That said, it’s not always people’s energy which is the problem, instead it is the traits they carry.

So, bearing that in mind, there are some types of people that an Empath is best avoiding. Continue reading


The question that is on so many minds right now is what is happening in the world?

I truly don’t think anyone has the answer.

But one thing is for sure, something big is unfolding.

Our reality is no longer what it was, and there is no going back to the old way of life. Continue reading


If you read my last article, you may have noticed I mentioned that many Empaths tend to be prone to suffering adrenal fatigue, caused by amygdala activation.

The term adrenal fatigue has been used to explain: a group of symptoms that are said to occur in people who are under long-term mental, emotional, or physical stress.

In case you’re wondering, the adrenals are small organs located above the kidneys that produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

The theory is when someone suffers long-term stresses, the body prioritises the production of stress hormones, which then stops or hinders the production of other important hormones (such as progesterone) that are produced by the adrenals.

This then has a knock-on effect throughout the body and the hormones produced.

So, what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Let’s take a look: Continue reading

Too Many Empaths Are Unable To Handle Empath Life

Although emotions are part of human life and something everyone has to live with, Empaths are known to have heightened emotions.

This basically means they get upset easier than others, they feel fear and nervousness more readily, and when they get down it can take them longer to get back up.

And this is one reason why so many Empaths struggle with Empath life.

But did you know there was a very big reason for the way an Empath over-feels everything? Continue reading

10 Incredible Yoga Poses for the Empath and Why You Need to Practice Them

Many Empaths come to find huge benefits in practising yoga on their journey through life. It is something that reaps huge benefits when practised regularly in mind, body and spirit.

Any of you who have been reading my blog for a while, or who have read my books, may know I’m a bit of a yoga nerd. I believe in it so much that back in 2011 I jetted off to India to do my yoga teacher training. And I am so glad that I did.

The thing is with yoga, it’s a lifelong practice that is continuously revealing. And what I mean by this is, by consistent practice not only does it work to heal ailments of the body and mind, it really does work to expand consciousness.

Photo by Prasanth Inturi on Pexels.com

One of the many things yoga has taught me over the years is we all have to practice it in our own way. What works for one won’t work for another.

Not only do we have to adapt poses for body shapes and limb lengths, we have to find a way of practising that suits our personality and energy levels. This is the case for all levels of yoga from beginner to advanced.

That said, for the Empaths of the world, we all tend to hold certain stress emotions in similar places, especially around the solar plexus, the lower back and within the hips and thighs. This often leads to problems in those areas, such as stomach issues, back pain and excessive thigh-burn when exercising. Continue reading


We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, an Empath can sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

But did you know, if you are an Empath, there is a very big reason for this happening…?

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not.

What is often baffling to the Empath though, is why some people act in a cold manner towards them, when they know they are a likeable and trustworthy person. Continue reading


Have you ever wondered whether empathy is built-In? Does it come part and parcel of being an Empath? Or is it something that comes with the journey of life?

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day. He was explaining to me how he was teaching his daughter the impact of her actions, and how teasing or making fun of other children was not a kind thing to do. Which then led to the discussion as to whether telling your child is enough? Or do they have to experience unkindness from others for them to understand the impact of cruelty.

It got me thinking… If I hadn’t been on the receiving end of cruel words, as a child, would I have the same empathy and understanding as I do now? In that I always try to consider the effect of my words, and will avoid saying something that may hurt or offend another. Or, did my empathy come part and parcel of being an Empath?

Let’s face it, there aren’t many children who sail through life without getting bullied or teased for one thing or another.

I’m sure you all have memories of being picked on by someone, whether that be an older sibling, parent, teacher or other. I don’t think anyone really escapes. And whether sensitive or not, the effects of being on the receiving end of cruel words in childhood can be carried for a lifetime. Continue reading


It has to be said, there’s no getting away from it, life as an Empath can be difficult.

You may even question whether there are any benefits.

I suppose there’s not many who would deny that being an Empath has its challenges, and these are challenges that most other humans don’t have to deal with.

However, I have found that most of the challenges that arise for an Empath are born from being sensitive to the modern world, and the many toxins that are in it, from experiencing the energy of a stressed and fearful population, and being out-of-balance.


Over the years, I have had so many comments from Empaths not understanding what they are here to do, and not finding any benefits of being an Empath. And today I hope to change that.

I have written a lot about the downsides of Empath life and ways to find balance, in my articles and books. And in this post, I want to focus on some of the incredible and positive aspects of Empath life.

To some, this post may seem egotistical, even arrogant. But one thing is for sure, it is needed.

During difficult times, many Empaths need reassurance of who they are and the purpose they serve, because it often appears as though all they do is ‘feel’. Continue reading


It was back in 2011 when I started this blog, with the intention of sharing my research and findings, as well as sharing my own experiences, with the Empaths of the world.

Now, over ten years later, I have published 7 books and well over a hundred articles.

Although life is constantly changing, which means we have to adapt to those changes, much of the information I have posted over the years, in regards to Empath wellbeing, still remains relevant today.

For this reason, from time to time, I like to share some of the information that I have shared before.

I think it’s nice to have refreshers on some of the traits that define an Empath’s life. Because, let’s face it, they do come with their own set of challenges. It also helps those of my readers who haven’t seen the information before.

The following is an updated version of an article I originally posted in 2011 (I really cannot believe how fast time flies.) on Empath attributes and how they can impact life. Again, it’s information that still remains relevant and beneficial.

Another reason I thought it important to repost the article is because more and more people are waking up to the fact that some of the traits, which make them so uncomfortable in life and set them apart from others, are actually happening because they are an Empath.

I’ve updated the post, adding information that was not contained in the original, and put links on to other articles that give a greater explanation of those certain traits, in the hopes that it will make life easier for anyone in current need of the information.

Happy reading:


This is the most prominent trait of an Empath. Feeling and experiencing the emotions of the people around them, whether that be friends, family or strangers.

As an Empath How do You Know Whose Emotions You are Feeling? | 


Areas where there are a lot of people around can be overbearing for the Empath. The energy of lots of individuals, in a relatively small space, can have an almost a claustrophobic effect on their body and mind. Continue reading

Empaths: Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

One thing we all know, as Empaths, is that we feel other people’s emotions.

Which isn’t always a bad thing, when they aren’t affecting us in a negative way.

However, the problem arises when we start absorbing the emotions, belonging to others, and taking them on as our own.


Regularly absorbing other peoples’ emotions can affect our health and happiness in so many different ways. Often leading to issues such as emotional toxicity.

When we absorb other people’s emotions it can affect not only the way we feel, but also the way we think. It impacts our adrenals, which are the stress glands. This then has a knock-on effect on the other endocrine glands, which are the glands that produce our hormones. This in turn can lead to hormone imbalances.

Everything in the body is connected, and so are our endocrine glands. When one hormone goes out of balance, it can affect another gland and the hormones it produces. So, what starts off as absorbing another’s emotions, and thus taking on their stress, can eventually lead to thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, and so much more.

I often describe the aftereffect of Empaths absorbing negative emotions as like having an allergy or food intolerance. Just like an allergen might give you a physical reaction, when you come into contact with it, you can get a physical reaction from the emotions you absorb. Continue reading

The Incredible Way Nature Can Heal An Empath Of Emotional Toxicity

You may have heard the term emotional toxicity, but didn’t really know what it entailed or whether it applied to you or not.

So, in today’s post, I will walk you through some of the symptoms and then discuss how spending time in Nature offers natural incredible healing.

When we become emotionally toxic, it is most often caused by either having experienced a stressful event, from having a diet and lifestyle that does not agree with us, or even from contaminants in our environments or WIFI.

On top of that, as Empaths, we can also experience emotional toxicity by experiencing or absorbing too many negative emotions.

When we become overwhelmed with emotions, whether they be ours or those we lift from others, the ability to properly filter our feelings becomes compromised. Our insecurities resurface and we often become vulnerable and emotionally intoxicated.

Here are some other ways we can be affected by emotional toxicity:

Signs of Being Emotionally Toxic

1.  We don’t feel ourself

This is the biggest sign we are emotionally toxic; not feeling like our usual self. Its almost as if our energy is stagnant and sludgy, and we lack the energy to find ways to snap ourselves out of it.

2. We lack motivation

If we become lethargic in both our body and mind, and don’t feel like trying anything new, this could be another sign of emotional toxicity. Especially if you once considered yourself as a bit of a go-getter. When our vitality diminishes, it becomes an effort to make decisions or to stay on top of everyday tasks.  Continue reading